Paul Ryan most open border house member

Ryan wants the federal govt to be exactly the same as californias far left illegal loving govt.
if you want to be taken serious you''ll drop the dumb "pig" when referring to people. it doesn't make you look real bright.

I dont wallow in establishment feces, which makes me brighter than anyone who does.
Listen up, I don't know anyone here that is Republican that does. but the pig thing is just stupid. just trying to help
I like Ryan
He won't be the new speaker

But I did t know he was so "open border"
I tend to go the opposite direction that Breitbart tries to point me
I like Ryan
He won't be the new speaker

But I did t know he was so "open border"
I tend to go the opposite direction that Breitbart tries to point me

I like him fine. I haven't made up my mind on him yet. I'm not sure he'd be good for Speaker. someone has to be able to stand up these thugs in the Democrat party
I like Ryan
He won't be the new speaker

But I did t know he was so "open border"
I tend to go the opposite direction that Breitbart tries to point me

I like him fine. I haven't made up my mind on him yet. I'm not sure he'd be good for Speaker. someone has to be able to stand up these thugs in the Democrat party
He is a numbers guy. Good person to mind the purse strings.
Everybody is saying he has the numbers to win it (but does he want it?).
He was dragged into VP candidacy, saying he felt he does more for the country chairing the Ways & Means

Guess we just gotta stay tuned
Yes, another "BONER" but younger, so he can stay around and capitulate longer to the Neocommie/DemocRATS!

I don't know if you Reich wingers realize this. But back in the 1950's the average U.S. family was 4 kids. Over the past 3 decades families have reduced the children they have to 2 or less.

We have 10K baby boomers entering social security/medicare on a daily basis & this will continue for the next 13 years giving us another 84 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities.

We do not have the population to support this. This is why immigration reform is so IMPORTANT.

Paul Ryan is brilliant with budgets and numbers--and he would make a great speaker of the house.


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