Paul Ryan, and his obsession with SS, Medicare, and the ACA


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
He came from a well to do family, but he talks about how he worked at McDonalds flipping burgers,
in reality when his Dad died when he was 16 he got survivor benefits from SS. Here is a bit of his history he does not talk about. He is what is wrong the Republicans now, most of them anyway, they are money hungry parasites. How could anyone vote this man in office. For sure if he keeps this up, he will be voted out.

Rep. Paul Ryan, the GOP’s most outspoken advocate for cutting and privatizing Social Security, has already benefited from Social Security himself, in the form of survivor benefits he received after his father’s untimely death.

From the age of 16, when his 55-year-old father died of a heart attack, until he was 18, Ryan received Social Security payments, which, according to a lengthy profile in WI Magazine, he put away for college. The eventual budget czar attended Miami University in Ohio to earn a B.A. in economics and political science, and landed a congressional internship as a junior.

Ryan’s congressional ascent, all the way to the top spot on the Budget Committee, began with his Social Security-funded college education.

In addition, Ryan's grandmother, a beneficiary of Social Security and Medicare, moved back into the Ryan family home when she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's.
Government Programs and Taxpayers Financed Paul Ryan: He Didn't Make It on His Own
He came from a well to do family, but he talks about how he worked at McDonalds flipping burgers,
in reality when his Dad died when he was 16 he got survivor benefits from SS. Here is a bit of his history he does not talk about. He is what is wrong the Republicans now, most of them anyway, they are money hungry parasites. How could anyone vote this man in office. For sure if he keeps this up, he will be voted out.

Rep. Paul Ryan, the GOP’s most outspoken advocate for cutting and privatizing Social Security, has already benefited from Social Security himself, in the form of survivor benefits he received after his father’s untimely death.

From the age of 16, when his 55-year-old father died of a heart attack, until he was 18, Ryan received Social Security payments, which, according to a lengthy profile in WI Magazine, he put away for college. The eventual budget czar attended Miami University in Ohio to earn a B.A. in economics and political science, and landed a congressional internship as a junior.

Ryan’s congressional ascent, all the way to the top spot on the Budget Committee, began with his Social Security-funded college education.

In addition, Ryan's grandmother, a beneficiary of Social Security and Medicare, moved back into the Ryan family home when she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's.
Government Programs and Taxpayers Financed Paul Ryan: He Didn't Make It on His Own
All the GOP'ers need to be booted back to the democrat party where they came from....
I am sure when one has money they just hate to pay the FICA tax. Most of them in congress have money and insurance, or by the time they get out they do.
I am sure when one has money they just hate to pay the FICA tax. Most of them in congress have money and insurance, or by the time they get out they do.

how do you know what people who "have money" hate? I can understand that a 16 year old kid who lost his father would "flip burgers" in MacDonalds and how such a family would be a lot less "well-to do" then it was before the father died. Three out of four of my brothers flipped burgers-----and we are JOOOOOS the really RICH
He came from a well to do family, but he talks about how he worked at McDonalds flipping burgers,
in reality when his Dad died when he was 16 he got survivor benefits from SS. Here is a bit of his history he does not talk about. He is what is wrong the Republicans now, most of them anyway, they are money hungry parasites. How could anyone vote this man in office. For sure if he keeps this up, he will be voted out.

Rep. Paul Ryan, the GOP’s most outspoken advocate for cutting and privatizing Social Security, has already benefited from Social Security himself, in the form of survivor benefits he received after his father’s untimely death.

From the age of 16, when his 55-year-old father died of a heart attack, until he was 18, Ryan received Social Security payments, which, according to a lengthy profile in WI Magazine, he put away for college. The eventual budget czar attended Miami University in Ohio to earn a B.A. in economics and political science, and landed a congressional internship as a junior.

Ryan’s congressional ascent, all the way to the top spot on the Budget Committee, began with his Social Security-funded college education.

In addition, Ryan's grandmother, a beneficiary of Social Security and Medicare, moved back into the Ryan family home when she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's.
Government Programs and Taxpayers Financed Paul Ryan: He Didn't Make It on His Own
I am sure when one has money they just hate to pay the FICA tax. Most of them in congress have money and insurance, or by the time they get out they do.

how do you know what people who "have money" hate? I can understand that a 16 year old kid who lost his father would "flip burgers" in MacDonalds and how such a family would be a lot less "well-to do" then it was before the father died. Three out of four of my brothers flipped burgers-----and we are JOOOOOS the really RICH

Oh he is a hypocrite, they received survivor benefits and his family had money.
Paul Ryan is a brainless ideologue. Years ago I tried to read Ayn Rand, so many like her so called philosophy. I couldn't do it, my being is not into greed and selfishness. Growing up white trash makes one see life multicolored. Those who can read and appreciate her baloney amaze me, even the writing is second rate. Paul loves her so much he wanted his staff to read her. Says lots about his character.

"While Whittaker Chambers’ famous 1957 condemnation of Rand may sound over-torqued half a century later: “From almost any page of Atlas Shrugged, a voice can be heard, from painful necessity, commanding: “To a gas chamber — go!” It remains true that Ayn Rand seems to revel in the death and destruction that follows by disregarding her philosophy: most famously in the ghoulish scene in Atlas Shrugged where Rand details the suffocation of the passengers on a train as it enters a tunnel. Rand explains how everyone on the train deserved to die because they held incorrect ideas: "It is said that catastrophes are a matter of pure chance, and there were those who would have said that the passengers of the Comet were not guilty or responsible for the thing that happened to them.""

"Rand’s popularity tells us two things about the state of modern conservatism...First, it suggests that Rand’s atheism and permissive social views are no longer deal-breakers among conservative thought leaders....Beck and Limbaugh can use the parts of Rand they want to use and not engage the rest.”

"[Ayn Rand] has a great attraction for simple people who are puzzled by organized society, who object to paying taxes, who dislike the 'welfare' state, who feel guilt at the thought of the suffering of others but who would like to harden their hearts [...] Ayn Rand’s 'philosophy' is nearly perfect in its immorality, which makes the size of her audience all the more ominous and symptomatic." Gore Vidal

"In their talk of makers and takers, Romney and Ryan were mouthing the shibboleths of an extreme, even anarchic vision of society. In this vision, the rich are justified in disdaining the poor; in revering themselves as the true producers; in retreating to their gated compounds and neighborhoods to insulate themselves from contact with the unwashed; and in hoarding their immense wealth for themselves and their children, dispossessing the masses. It was a nineteenth century vision nurtured through the twentieth century by a few socially delusional billionaires, convinced, like Romney himself, that "I have inherited nothing. Everything I earned I earned the old fashioned way." It was, in a word, the vision of Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand's fantasy world in which the great industrial titans retreat to their fortified valley while the world of the moochers comes crashing down around them. "I grew up reading Ayn Rand;' Ryan said in a 2005 speech, openly touting a romance with Rand that began predictably in adolescence. "It taught me quite a bit about who I am and what my value systems are, and what my beliefs are:' Ryan enthused. He even credited Rand with inspiring his political career: "The reason I got involved in public service, by and large, if I had to credit one thinker, one person, it would be Ayn Rand. And the fight we are in here, make no mistake about it, is a fight of individualism versus collectivism.?' " p166, 167 'Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class' by Ian Haney López
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I am sure when one has money they just hate to pay the FICA tax. Most of them in congress have money and insurance, or by the time they get out they do.

how do you know what people who "have money" hate? I can understand that a 16 year old kid who lost his father would "flip burgers" in MacDonalds and how such a family would be a lot less "well-to do" then it was before the father died. Three out of four of my brothers flipped burgers-----and we are JOOOOOS the really RICH

Oh he is a hypocrite, they received survivor benefits and his family had money.

SS survivor benefits renders a family RICH?
How much were they getting?
I am sure when one has money they just hate to pay the FICA tax. Most of them in congress have money and insurance, or by the time they get out they do.

how do you know what people who "have money" hate? I can understand that a 16 year old kid who lost his father would "flip burgers" in MacDonalds and how such a family would be a lot less "well-to do" then it was before the father died. Three out of four of my brothers flipped burgers-----and we are JOOOOOS the really RICH

Oh he is a hypocrite, they received survivor benefits and his family had money.

SS survivor benefits renders a family RICH?
How much were they getting?
Is that what Penelopse said, "rich"?
I am sure when one has money they just hate to pay the FICA tax. Most of them in congress have money and insurance, or by the time they get out they do.

how do you know what people who "have money" hate? I can understand that a 16 year old kid who lost his father would "flip burgers" in MacDonalds and how such a family would be a lot less "well-to do" then it was before the father died. Three out of four of my brothers flipped burgers-----and we are JOOOOOS the really RICH

Oh he is a hypocrite, they received survivor benefits and his family had money.

SS survivor benefits renders a family RICH?
How much were they getting?
Is that what Penelopse said, "rich"?

she uses synonyms-----like "well to do.."
"have money" "jooo"
I am sure when one has money they just hate to pay the FICA tax. Most of them in congress have money and insurance, or by the time they get out they do.

how do you know what people who "have money" hate? I can understand that a 16 year old kid who lost his father would "flip burgers" in MacDonalds and how such a family would be a lot less "well-to do" then it was before the father died. Three out of four of my brothers flipped burgers-----and we are JOOOOOS the really RICH

Oh he is a hypocrite, they received survivor benefits and his family had money.

SS survivor benefits renders a family RICH?
How much were they getting?

They had money, read his wiki article at least or research him, his father didn't leave them penniless, but rather well off for that date in time.
I am sure when one has money they just hate to pay the FICA tax. Most of them in congress have money and insurance, or by the time they get out they do.

how do you know what people who "have money" hate? I can understand that a 16 year old kid who lost his father would "flip burgers" in MacDonalds and how such a family would be a lot less "well-to do" then it was before the father died. Three out of four of my brothers flipped burgers-----and we are JOOOOOS the really RICH

Oh he is a hypocrite, they received survivor benefits and his family had money.

SS survivor benefits renders a family RICH?
How much were they getting?

They had money, read his wiki article at least or research him, his father didn't leave them penniless, but rather well off for that date in time.

I read it-----55 year old lawyer-----bread winner of family with four children---dies.
Mother unemployed. It does not say how much money he left
I am sure when one has money they just hate to pay the FICA tax. Most of them in congress have money and insurance, or by the time they get out they do.

how do you know what people who "have money" hate? I can understand that a 16 year old kid who lost his father would "flip burgers" in MacDonalds and how such a family would be a lot less "well-to do" then it was before the father died. Three out of four of my brothers flipped burgers-----and we are JOOOOOS the really RICH

Oh he is a hypocrite, they received survivor benefits and his family had money.

SS survivor benefits renders a family RICH?
How much were they getting?
I am sure when one has money they just hate to pay the FICA tax. Most of them in congress have money and insurance, or by the time they get out they do.

how do you know what people who "have money" hate? I can understand that a 16 year old kid who lost his father would "flip burgers" in MacDonalds and how such a family would be a lot less "well-to do" then it was before the father died. Three out of four of my brothers flipped burgers-----and we are JOOOOOS the really RICH

Oh he is a hypocrite, they received survivor benefits and his family had money.

SS survivor benefits renders a family RICH?
How much were they getting?

They had money, read his wiki article at least or research him, his father didn't leave them penniless, but rather well off for that date in time.

I read it-----55 year old lawyer-----bread winner of family with four children---dies.
Mother unemployed. It does not say how much money he left

Read my link in the OP.
I am sure when one has money they just hate to pay the FICA tax. Most of them in congress have money and insurance, or by the time they get out they do.

how do you know what people who "have money" hate? I can understand that a 16 year old kid who lost his father would "flip burgers" in MacDonalds and how such a family would be a lot less "well-to do" then it was before the father died. Three out of four of my brothers flipped burgers-----and we are JOOOOOS the really RICH

Oh he is a hypocrite, they received survivor benefits and his family had money.

SS survivor benefits renders a family RICH?
How much were they getting?
how do you know what people who "have money" hate? I can understand that a 16 year old kid who lost his father would "flip burgers" in MacDonalds and how such a family would be a lot less "well-to do" then it was before the father died. Three out of four of my brothers flipped burgers-----and we are JOOOOOS the really RICH

Oh he is a hypocrite, they received survivor benefits and his family had money.

SS survivor benefits renders a family RICH?
How much were they getting?

They had money, read his wiki article at least or research him, his father didn't leave them penniless, but rather well off for that date in time.

I read it-----55 year old lawyer-----bread winner of family with four children---dies.
Mother unemployed. It does not say how much money he left

Read my link in the OP.

I read it-------still don't know how much money they had. Seems like a lower middle class thing to me unless lawyer dad left a million or they were joooooos
Ryan is a leftover ideologue out of the old Reagan school of economic dreamers who thought they were going to totally upend the social safety net and programs like SS and Medicare.

People like David Stockman, who eventually outgrew that starry eyed idealism. Time for Ryan to grow up.
The fact is Ryan wants to end SS, Medicare and Medicaid.
Sure work til you're 70, no problem if you have a nice cushy job in Congress. Go ahead try to get treatment for your ailment with your voucher, sorry if it only pays half. So what if poor people flood the emergency rooms again...
Ryan is a leftover ideologue out of the old Reagan school of economic dreamers who thought they were going to totally upend the social safety net and programs like SS and Medicare.

People like David Stockman, who eventually outgrew that starry eyed idealism. Time for Ryan to grow up.

oh.... I did not know-----just as dim as sanders
I am sure when one has money they just hate to pay the FICA tax. Most of them in congress have money and insurance, or by the time they get out they do.

how do you know what people who "have money" hate? I can understand that a 16 year old kid who lost his father would "flip burgers" in MacDonalds and how such a family would be a lot less "well-to do" then it was before the father died. Three out of four of my brothers flipped burgers-----and we are JOOOOOS the really RICH

Oh he is a hypocrite, they received survivor benefits and his family had money.

SS survivor benefits renders a family RICH?
How much were they getting?
Paul Ryan is a brainless ideologue. Years ago I tried to read Ayn Rand, so many like her so called philosophy. I couldn't do it, my being is not into greed and selfishness. Growing up white trash makes one see life multicolored. Those who can read and appreciate her baloney amaze me, even the writing is second rate. Paul loves her so much he wanted his staff to read her. Says lots about his character.

"While Whittaker Chambers’ famous 1957 condemnation of Rand may sound over-torqued half a century later: “From almost any page of Atlas Shrugged, a voice can be heard, from painful necessity, commanding: “To a gas chamber — go!” It remains true that Ayn Rand seems to revel in the death and destruction that follows by disregarding her philosophy: most famously in the ghoulish scene in Atlas Shrugged where Rand details the suffocation of the passengers on a train as it enters a tunnel. Rand explains how everyone on the train deserved to die because they held incorrect ideas: "It is said that catastrophes are a matter of pure chance, and there were those who would have said that the passengers of the Comet were not guilty or responsible for the thing that happened to them.""

"Rand’s popularity tells us two things about the state of modern conservatism...First, it suggests that Rand’s atheism and permissive social views are no longer deal-breakers among conservative thought leaders....Beck and Limbaugh can use the parts of Rand they want to use and not engage the rest.”

"[Ayn Rand] has a great attraction for simple people who are puzzled by organized society, who object to paying taxes, who dislike the 'welfare' state, who feel guilt at the thought of the suffering of others but who would like to harden their hearts [...] Ayn Rand’s 'philosophy' is nearly perfect in its immorality, which makes the size of her audience all the more ominous and symptomatic." Gore Vidal

"In their talk of makers and takers, Romney and Ryan were mouthing the shibboleths of an extreme, even anarchic vision of society. In this vision, the rich are justified in disdaining the poor; in revering themselves as the true producers; in retreating to their gated compounds and neighborhoods to insulate themselves from contact with the unwashed; and in hoarding their immense wealth for themselves and their children, dispossessing the masses. It was a nineteenth century vision nurtured through the twentieth century by a few socially delusional billionaires, convinced, like Romney himself, that "I have inherited nothing. Everything I earned I earned the old fashioned way." It was, in a word, the vision of Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand's fantasy world in which the great industrial titans retreat to their fortified valley while the world of the moochers comes crashing down around them. "I grew up reading Ayn Rand;' Ryan said in a 2005 speech, openly touting a romance with Rand that began predictably in adolescence. "It taught me quite a bit about who I am and what my value systems are, and what my beliefs are:' Ryan enthused. He even credited Rand with inspiring his political career: "The reason I got involved in public service, by and large, if I had to credit one thinker, one person, it would be Ayn Rand. And the fight we are in here, make no mistake about it, is a fight of individualism versus collectivism.?' " p166, 167 'Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class' by Ian Haney López

I have never read her books. Obviously he (Ryan) is one who thinks he did it "all by himself" and of course its not true. I am astounded that those so called Christians take to Rand's individualism (selfishness ) as an excuse to bring down the debt by cutting entitlements while lowering their taxes. That explains him and many others like him. I often find it rather amusing how people with money are usually so tight they squeak, like Trump stiffing small companies because he could.

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