Paul Krugman...On Climate Change: What A Joke

Deniers deny and fear mongers monger.

He plays on the same old fears that have little basis in Climate Science when it comes to the effects of global warming on hurricanes.

" In the Atlantic, it is premature to conclude that human activities–and particularly greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming–have already had a detectable impact on hurricane activity. Reduced aerosol forcing since the 1970s probably contributed to the increased Atlantic hurricane activity since then, but the amount of contribution, relative to natural variability, remains uncertain. There is some evidence for a slowing of tropical cyclone propagation speeds globally over the past half century, but these observed changes have not yet been confidently linked to anthropogenic climate change. Human activities may have already caused other changes in tropical cyclone activity that are not yet detectable due to the small magnitude of these changes compared to estimated natural variability, or due to observational limitations.

Global Warming and Hurricanes – Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

Stop hyperventilating and lets come up with an economically viable plan to sequester the extra carbon from the atmosphere.

I don't want to hear more bullshit about whether humans are causing climate change. I am not convinced and the proponents are like a cultish religious group, all-in with faith in their prophet, Al Gore. It's pointless to argue with them about the alleged science.

I just need to hear solutions. That will tell me the truth.
Spokes Persons

"Bobbies on bicycles, two by two"
Wow. Complete hysterical denier meltdown over Krugman. He triggered the denier cultists big time.

Deniers, when normal people see that all the data and the whole world disagrees with them, they strongly consider how they themselves might be mistaken. Loopy narcissistic cult morons, on the other hand, they instantly assume reality is plotting against them. That's you all.

And yes, I agree this is political. Denier loons are always members of the right-wing-snowflake-extremist cult. If right wing politics vanished, denialism would instantly vanish. Denialism isn't the actual cult. Right-wing-snowflake-extremism is the cult. Denialism is just one of many reality-defying mantras that the cult acolytes are ordered to chant.

In stark contrast, real climate science crosses all political boundaries all over the world. That's because it's real science. If left-wing politics vanished, it wouldn't change the science a bit.
Wow. Complete hysterical denier meltdown over Krugman. He triggered the denier cultists big time.

Deniers, when normal people see that all the data and the whole world disagrees with them, they strongly consider how they themselves might be mistaken. Loopy narcissistic cult morons, on the other hand, they instantly assume reality is plotting against them. That's you all.

And yes, I agree this is political. Denier loons are always members of the right-wing-snowflake-extremist cult. If right wing politics vanished, denialism would instantly vanish. Denialism isn't the actual cult. Right-wing-snowflake-extremism is the cult. Denialism is just one of many reality-defying mantras that the cult acolytes are ordered to chant.

In stark contrast, real climate science crosses all political boundaries all over the world. That's because it's real science. If left-wing politics vanished, it wouldn't change the science a bit.

But nobody is caring about the science as evidenced by it crossing ZERO political boundaries in the world.

Please provide a single link showing us all where the science has transcended any boundary at all. Just one s0n....prove to us you are not a special sort of special!:bye1:

Lawrence Solomon: Paris is dead. The global warming deniers have won
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In your opinion the left must consist of the whole world apart from US dumb fuck rightards.

The left IS dumbfuck trash. Almost as dumbfuck as the kiwi assholes of similar bent!!

Kiss your ass goodbye; you really ARE stuffed!!!

Cocksuck, it is not the left that is denying basic science. It is assholes like you, know nothing ignoramuses that work very hard to remain ignorant. Krugman is one of the smartest men in our nation.
Absolutely nobody cares what Krugman says.... morons like him have been talkin like this for two decades yet the left has not moved the ball a single yard:113:. It's actually quite stunning even to me.... all this stuff about the decided science hasn't mattered for dick.
Only in dumbfuck rightard America. It's accepted as settled everywhere else.
Please provide a single link showing us all where the science has transcended any boundary at all.
Ffs, you loon, the IPCC. The Intergovernment Panel on Climate Change. It's transcended national boundaries with just about every world government accepting the evidence of AGW. US dumb fuck rightards are in a sandbox by themselves.
Absolutely nobody cares what Krugman says.... morons like him have been talkin like this for two decades yet the left has not moved the ball a single yard:113:. It's actually quite stunning even to me.... all this stuff about the decided science hasn't mattered for dick.
Only in dumbfuck rightard America. It's accepted as settled everywhere else.

But so what s0n.....its a banner! The "settled science" is having no impact in the real world. It's nothing more than a billboard for losers. Has had zero impact on public policy virtually everywhere in the world. It's actually laughable..... the left talks about the settled science all the time, but consider...

  • Paris Treaty....dead
  • Cap and Trade....dead
  • CPP.....dead
  • US legislation on climate change since
  • Solar power in US.....generating a whopping 1.5% of our electrcity after 20 years
  • Wind + Solar 7%
  • China building 2-3 coal plants/month
  • EPA.....gutted
  • EIA projection of renewable energy to the grid in 2040....12%
More than happy to provide links on all above by request:113::113:

But you hero's keep taking bows in front of your banners!

The science isnt mattering for dick!:2up::cul2::cul2::cul2:
What could be more normal than a dumb fuck rightard denier asking for a link showing AGW science has transcended boundaries then ignoring it when given, while pretending his rightard US bubble is the world?
And Strong was the director of the UNEP which created the IPCC.
Rightard reading comprehension disease strikes again.

It was established by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1988
I agree, the political policy organization known as the IPCC was created by Maurice Strong. It was his brainchild.

Why are you having so much trouble comprehending the information I have provided? Are you always such a slow learner? Or are you just drunk or something?
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What could be more normal than a dumb fuck rightard denier asking for a link showing AGW science has transcended boundaries then ignoring it when given, while pretending his rightard US bubble is the world?

No links s0n.....ghey.

If the science is so decisive, why is every western government ignoring it when energy policies are decided upon? It's because they dont give a shit about the science. Doy.....that means the science is nothing more than an intellectual banner for factoid suckers. Nice I suppose if you are into that kind of shit....but ghey. Nobody is caring.

Dumbfuck right and deniers are cleaning clocks in the real world....its called winning!:bye1::bye1::coffee:
If the science is so decisive, why is every western government ignoring it when energy policies are decided upon?
They're not. Once again you confuse the US rightard bubble with the rest of the world.

By 2050, China will be increasing its coal production by 50% from today's levels.


s0n....just to know....if you want to dabble in here, your shit is going to get train wrecked every time.

You need to get up to speed.....this thread has a billion links and well over 200,000 views....

More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!
So explain to me how this happened before we had cars, coal burning plants, all the high level CO2 emissions that is suppose to be the cause of climate change?
From the article. Didn't you read it? Researchers are not sure what caused CO2 levels more than four times that of present, but consider it evidence that too much CO2 can cause global warming.

Researchers are not sure what caused the sudden boost of carbon dioxide that set the greenhouse effect on broil. Possible culprits could be huge releases of methane from the ocean, gigantic continent-sized burning of trees, or lots of volcanic eruptions.

What's troubling is that this suggests that the current projections that say the Earth will grow warmer by several degrees over the next century may be on the low end, said the study's lead author, Appy Sluijs of the Institute of Environmental Biology at Utrecht University in the Netherlands.

Also, the findings are proof that too much carbon dioxide — more than four times current levels — can cause global warming, said another co-author, Henk Brinkhuis of Utrecht University.
Study: North Pole Once Was Tropical

But really, what I like best about your post is that you'll happily accept scientists' findings on conditions 55 million years ago while rejecting their findings on the present day. Must be a rightard.

Idiot never heard of Continental Drift?? What are you? A flat earther??


Would it matter if it did all melt one year? Here’s the point everybody seems to be missing: the Arctic Ocean’s ice has indeed disappeared during summer in the past, routinely.
The evidence comes from various sources, such as beach ridges in northern Greenland, never unfrozen today, which show evidence of wave action in the past. One Danish team concluded in 2012 that 8,500 years ago the ice extent was “less than half of the record low 2007 level”.
A Swedish team, in a paper published in 2014, went further: between 10,000 years ago and 6,000 years ago, the Arctic experienced a “regime dominated by seasonal ice, ie, ice-free summers”.

This was a period known as the “early Holocene insolation maximum” (EHIM). Because the Earth’s axis was tilted away from the vertical more than today (known as obliquity), and because we were then closer to the Sun in July than in January (known as precession), the amount of the Sun’s energy hitting the far north in summer was much greater than today. This “great summer” effect was the chief reason the Earth had emerged from an ice age, because hot northern summers had melted the great ice caps of North America and Eurasia, exposing darker land and sea to absorb more sunlight and warm the whole planet.

The effect was huge: about an extra 50 watts per square metre 80 degrees north in June. By contrast, the total effect of man-made global warming will reach 3.5 watts per square metre (but globally) only by the end of this century.
Barring one especially cold snap 8,200 years ago, the coldest spell of the past ten millennia was the very recent “little ice age” of AD1300-1850, when glaciers advanced, tree lines descended and the Greenland Norse died out.

It seems that the quantity of Arctic sea ice varies more than we used to think. We don’t really know how much ice there was in the 1920s and 1930s — satellites only started measuring it in 1979, a relatively cold time in the Arctic — but there is anecdotal evidence of considerable ice retreat in those decades, when temperatures were high in the Arctic.
An ice-free Arctic Ocean has happened before
And CO2 levels followed that warming by around 200 years.. Yet the alarmists are worried about it today when this cyclical event has happened for eons..
Wow. Complete hysterical denier meltdown over Krugman. He triggered the denier cultists big time.

Deniers, when normal people see that all the data and the whole world disagrees with them, they strongly consider how they themselves might be mistaken. Loopy narcissistic cult morons, on the other hand, they instantly assume reality is plotting against them. That's you all.

And yes, I agree this is political. Denier loons are always members of the right-wing-snowflake-extremist cult. If right wing politics vanished, denialism would instantly vanish. Denialism isn't the actual cult. Right-wing-snowflake-extremism is the cult. Denialism is just one of many reality-defying mantras that the cult acolytes are ordered to chant.

In stark contrast, real climate science crosses all political boundaries all over the world. That's because it's real science. If left-wing politics vanished, it wouldn't change the science a bit.

I printed your post on soft paper and wiped my ass with it.

When you have something to contribute about morons talking about things they know nothing about....make sure to include yourself on the list.
Wow. Complete hysterical denier meltdown over Krugman. He triggered the denier cultists big time.

Deniers, when normal people see that all the data and the whole world disagrees with them, they strongly consider how they themselves might be mistaken. Loopy narcissistic cult morons, on the other hand, they instantly assume reality is plotting against them. That's you all.

And yes, I agree this is political. Denier loons are always members of the right-wing-snowflake-extremist cult. If right wing politics vanished, denialism would instantly vanish. Denialism isn't the actual cult. Right-wing-snowflake-extremism is the cult. Denialism is just one of many reality-defying mantras that the cult acolytes are ordered to chant.

In stark contrast, real climate science crosses all political boundaries all over the world. That's because it's real science. If left-wing politics vanished, it wouldn't change the science a bit.

I printed your post on soft paper and wiped my ass with it.

When you have something to contribute about morons talking about things they know nothing about....make sure to include yourself on the list.

Level of naïve is stunning with that filters.

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