Pastor Barbara Boxer on MSNBC:"not caring for illegals is a sin against God"! Hillary & Pelosi agree

'only people who break the law are human beings.' Americans are not. liberal logic!

On MSNBC, Boxer Cites God, Sin, and Children Against Immigration Policy
Of course killing all those late term baby’s is the Christan thing to do.
Three of the little talked about commandments.

11- thou shalt kill in utero as thou may have a poor child.

12- thou shalt let criminal invaders raid your country.

13- thou shalt pay high taxes for even though the lord gets by on 10% voluntary donations thy government can not.
Cripes even Kasich is doing it....

“We’ve got to start putting ourselves in the shoes of other people. We’ve got to start thinking about the consequences that others suffer. And if we have been spared those by the grace of God, let us be appreciative, let us count our blessings, and let us reach out to those who have less. And let’s stop putting up walls around ourselves and not understanding the plight, the trouble, and the problems of others. It is not right. And the Lord doesn’t want it, and our people at their hearts want to reach out to others.”

John Kasich: Messenger of God -
Cripes even Kasich is doing it....

“We’ve got to start putting ourselves in the shoes of other people. We’ve got to start thinking about the consequences that others suffer. And if we have been spared those by the grace of God, let us be appreciative, let us count our blessings, and let us reach out to those who have less. And let’s stop putting up walls around ourselves and not understanding the plight, the trouble, and the problems of others. It is not right. And the Lord doesn’t want it, and our people at their hearts want to reach out to others.”

John Kasich: Messenger of God -
Kasich is an idiot.
You can always count on Barbara to provide something stupid for the crowd.

I thought she was running away with the circus.
'only people who break the law are human beings.' Americans are not. liberal logic!

On MSNBC, Boxer Cites God, Sin, and Children Against Immigration Policy

The republicans have been babbling bullshit about God and "sin" for a nauseatingly long amount of time, so why can't Democrats speak of God and "sin"? It has been the republicans who have been responsible for pigpence, betsy-bitch at the education department, that huber trash over at HHS, jeffress, and more of such garbage, so why criticize Boxer, Pelosi, and Clinton if they want to talk religion?
That’s nice. I told her God to go fuck himself morecthan 17 years ago

Serious question with no emotion, blame, accusation or whatnot attached.

Do you believe yourself to be a sociopath.

And do you believe you were made that way or that way by nature.

There are interesting treatments for child sociopaths now. Non-medicinal.
'only people who break the law are human beings.' Americans are not. liberal logic!

On MSNBC, Boxer Cites God, Sin, and Children Against Immigration Policy

The republicans have been babbling bullshit about God and "sin" for a nauseatingly long amount of time, so why can't Democrats speak of God and "sin"? It has been the republicans who have been responsible for pigpence, betsy-bitch at the education department, that huber trash over at HHS, jeffress, and more of such garbage, so why criticize Boxer, Pelosi, and Clinton if they want to talk religion?
Like I’ve said all along all progressives are fucked in the head
'only people who break the law are human beings.' Americans are not. liberal logic!

On MSNBC, Boxer Cites God, Sin, and Children Against Immigration Policy
People, who can't take care of themselves,
who have children, they know they can't support,
are the ones who didn't care to begin with!

Instead of trekking through 3 countries,
dragging the kids, you shouldn't of had,
you should be working and your kids in school.

These people should spend the time and energy they do,
trying to get in this country, on improving their own country!

There are plenty of people in the U.S., that are poor,
there are plenty of kids in foster homes,
there are plenty of people homeless,
there are plenty of people struggling,
there are plenty of people living payday to payday,
there are plenty of gangs and violent areas here....

I was born and raised in this country
I'm 51 and have been working since I was 14
How is it fair that I don't have health insurance,
but, someone from another country,
who can't speak English, is illegally here,

can go to a doctor for free, get prescriptions for free,
get dental care, braces, eye glasses for free,
free food, get internet for $10 a month...

And, I don't get shit but, a 12% increase,
on health insurance for 2019, I couldn't afford last year.

You do not take care of others at the expense of your own

It is not the job of the government to be charitable,
It is the job of individuals

All these bleeding hearts look to our country
because they don't want the responsibility,
Well, feel free to take the responsibility then, yourself

I think the government should impose,
a separate tax to fund & illegal
Not a flat tax either, according to your earnings....
See how fast those bleeding hearts dry up
Hillary and Pelosi have HUNDREDS of MILLIONS,....
Obviously, they don't care too much for those less fortunate

It will be easier for a camel,
to walk through the eye of a needle,
Then for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven

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