Passover-the lamb is a bad thing & admission of luciferian idol worship

sacrifice of lamb is not wasted but shared for food

The blood cannot be consumed by jews
And it was a great way to deter door to door salesmen. Obviously Avon was rampant then in Egypt, if you look at all that makeup and eyeliner they wore. :)
And it was a great way to deter door to door salesmen. Obviously Avon was rampant then in Egypt, if you look at all that makeup and eyeliner they wore. :)

Like football and other sports players to protect their eyes?
See Zaang always brings up the Holocaust to Jews to harass abuse and in this case stalk and flame posts.
Represents the RCC well.

I know that you are not a Jew. You don't have to say to me always again with every statement "I am not a Jew". And I never made any secret out of the fact that I am a Catholic nor is it a secret that a big part of the people of my family were Jews. Lots of them were murdered from Nazis.

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Silly man you are pretending to be God again by thinking you know what people do and lying about it just proves all my points about what created you this way.
I never had to wear a Tefflin, in fact I already described it's focus. I uploaded a pic of my special and dear to me black gift box
that both the Tefflin and Kaaba is figured from.
(done to bring me back to my inheritance and end the arguments about me)
In case you don't know about the black box building in Mecca I will educate you.
The four corners of the Kaaba its east-west facades roughly align with the sunrise of summer solstice (rising Evening Star)and the sunset of winter solstice (fallen morning star).
Kaaba was the first House of Worship, and they say that it was built or re-built by
Ibrahim (Abraham) and Ishmael on God's instructions.
"Verily, the first House (of worship) appointed for mankind was that at Bakkah (Makkah), full of blessing, and a guidance for mankind."
— Quran, Chapter 3 (Aale-Imran) verse 96
Similar in fashion to the later Jewish house of prayer called the "Mikdash" in the name of the head of the hosts Michael which we seek to haShev (return) that Temple(MIKdash) in that name.
Remember Ibrahim (Abraham) received his teachings from the righteous head priest
Melchi-Tsadek (king of righteousness=Michael)

Similarly Muslims say Michael left Abraham this rock in Mecca as a sign and symbol for them to focus attention which will reveal itself in it's due time. Maybe the Tefillin is also the same focus on Abraham's house of prayer in the name of Shalem(Evening Star=Michael).
Dan 12:1-4 has the word computer in the Bible code whereby we go to and fro gaining Knowledge through our computer boxes.
Like Gateway's which are black boxed computers.
Meteorites are made up of minerals that contain silicates—material made of "silicon" and oxygen.
They store the Night rock perhaps moon rock (Devoted to Shalem) in a box shaped container and circle it "Sheva" times.
2 methods in which they convey the last name of the messenger that they already call the top messenger by first name and from where you will find the message and what method and time period to look for it.
The focus on the house of prayer and it's head prayer leader is the same in both Shalemite religions.
Focus-the silicon gift box from Michael 7.
:) You yourself are using that Tefflin now Hobe- Busted once again by your own backhand.

Similarly Muslims? The Kaaba in Mecca? Computers, black boxes, meteorites, night rock, moon rock, silicon?


You don't know what you are talking about even if its been a while since you last strapped a box on your head.

The command is about the meditation of scripture as the foremost focus of the mind and that which binds the hand, influences action, as a sign of devotion.

It is not and never was about wearing a box on your head with a verse of scripture inside or tying a leather strap around your hand.

Would you like me to explain to you how that practice is irrational or how such a tradition renders the purpose, wisdom, and intent of the law null and void??

would you like to know the signs that distinguish between those who fulfill the law and those who instead have received the mark of the beast on their forehead and right hand?
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Passover is the craziest holiday ever. The celebration of a senseless bloodbath. Spreading sheep's blood on doors like a cultist. First born children being murdered like some kind of black magic ritual.

Crazy stuff.
What can I say, don't mess with God's people. The Egyptians found that out.
Passover is the craziest holiday ever. The celebration of a senseless bloodbath. Spreading sheep's blood on doors like a cultist. First born children being murdered like some kind of black magic ritual.

Crazy stuff.
What can I say, don't mess with God's people. The Egyptians found that out.
They are liars--Jeremiah 50:36.
Are mad (lost their reason)
upon their idols--Jeremiah 50:38.
Believes they are gods--Isaiah 47:8, 10
Breaks bones of God's people--Jeremiah 50:17
Builds great image of man
for all to worship--Daniel 3:1-7.
Make Metal idols Leviticus 19:4,
1 Kings 14:9, Isaiah 48:5
Makes a graven image that they be their own witness to: Isiah44;9
Carpenter creates a wood idol: Isaiah44;13
And the residue thereof he maketh a god-Even his graven image that ;He falleth down unto it and worshippeth it. and prayeth unto it and saith Deliver me; for this art my GOD- Isiah44;17
Casts out God's people--Jeremiah 51:34
Causes God's people to be slain--Jeremiah 51:49
Completely removes all precious vessels --2 Kings 25:13-17
Connected with hell--Isaiah 14:9
Pierced dragon-Isaiah
Pierced morning star Isaiah 14:12-19
Crushes God's people-Jeremiah 51:34 Cuts down people as trees-Isaiah 14:8
Defiles sacred vessels and precious things of God's design--Daniel 5:2-4.Destroys all the earth--Jeremiah 51:25. Destroys God's heritage--Jeremiah 50:11.Devours God's people--Jeremiah 51:34.
Does evil among God's people--Jeremiah 51:24.Does not consider her possible destruction (does not lay these things to heart)--Isaiah 47:7. Does not glorify God--Daniel 5:23. Does not remember warnings given about her destruction--Isaiah 47:7.
Dwells upon many waters--Jeremiah 51:13.Employs reapers to harvest fields (sown with seeds of falsehood)--Jeremiah 50:16.Employs sowers (to spread seeds of falsehood)--Jeremiah 50:16.Fears not the Lord--2 Kings 17:25.
Full of falsehoods--Jeremiah 51:17.Full of pomp--Isaiah 14:11.Full of unclean birds--Jeremiah 50:39.Full of wild beasts--Jeremiah 50:39.Full of vanity--Jeremiah 51:18.Gentiles have not yet seen the face of G0d- Isaiah 66:19
Her men are brutish in their own knowledge--Jeremiah 51:17. Her mighty men are drunk and asleep--Jeremiah 51:57. Her princes are drunk and asleep--Jeremiah 51:57.Her rulers are drunk and asleep--Jeremiah 51:57.Her waves (ministers--those raised up above the level of the sea or people) do roar--Jeremiah 51:55.Her wise men are drunk and asleep--Jeremiah 51:57.Highest leader becomes angry when his will is disregarded for God's will--Daniel 3:19..Highest leader makes hasty decisions--Daniel 2:15..Holds God's people captive--Jeremiah 50:33.
Her cry (glory) is found in ships(Romes army was called ships)-Isaiah 43:14.
Oppresses--Isaiah 14:4; Jeremiah 50:16, 33.Persecutes by fire all who do not bow and worship image of man--Daniel 3:6.Places relatives in high positions of leadership (nepotism)--2 Kings 24:17.Practices abundant enchantments--Isaiah 47:8, 12.Practices divination--Ezekiel 21:21.Practices sorcery--Isaiah 47:9, 12.
Practice divination, soothsayer, augur sorcerer, 11 charmer, medium, wizard, necromancer- Deut 18:10
Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree" also read Deuteronomy 21:22
they that be cursed of Him shall be cut off-(Psalm 37:22)
Gave praise and glory to another G0d and created an idol for this other -"Isaiah 42:8 we can't pray to any image of anything physical- Exodus 20:3-7 and Deuteronomy 5:8-10
God is not a man nor form-(Isaiah 2:22, 14:13, I Samuel 15:29, Numbers 23:19, and Hosea 11:9, Deuteronomy 4:11-12 and the 13 major principles of the Jewish faith based on the Rambam's teaching of "ain lo demus haguf ve'ayno guf" -- that Hashem has no physical form.)
They profane the name of G0d- Deut. 12:3
Given to pleasure--Isaiah 47:8.
lo ish el vichazev u-vein-adam v'yitnecham
Meaning: God is not a man, nor will he lie, nor is he mortal, nor will he relent.(Jesus was a mere man who lied and who relented).- Numbers 23:19A day in store for all the proud and lofty, for all that is exalted (and they will be humbled)," (Isaiah 2:12).
They will be shameless and arrogant, (Midrash Rabbah on Song of Songs 2:29 )
truthfulness will all but disappear. (Mishnah Sota 9:15)
Nations assemble,and peoples plot vain things;kings of the earth take their stand,and regents intrigue togetheragainst the LORD and against His anointed- Psalms 2
your own sword hath devoured your prophets, like a destroying lion.” Jeremiah 2:30
Ruining spiritual & intellectual nourishment by mucking it up to cover up from others consumption- Ezekiel 34:18
GOD ABHORS (hates for the simple) DECEITFUL men-(Psalm 5:6)
boast, of mischief done against the godly? All the day 2 you are plotting destruction. Your tongue is like a sharp razor, you worker of treachery. 3 You love evil more than good, and lying more than speaking the truth. -Psalm 52:1 -3
These false prophets who do not speak for G-d. -Ezekiel CH 13, Deut 18:20-22, Isa. 30:10, Jer. 5:30-31, 14:14, 23:16, 26, 31-32
vanity unto thee, whiles “they divine a lie unto thee”, to bring thee upon the necks of [them that are] slain, of the wicked, whose day is come, when their iniquity [shall have] an end.-Ezekiel 21:29
Silly man you are pretending to be God again by thinking you know what people do and lying about it just proves all my points about what created you this way.
I never had to wear a Tefflin, in fact I already described it's focus. I uploaded a pic of my special and dear to me black gift box
that both the Tefflin and Kaaba is figured from.
(done to bring me back to my inheritance and end the arguments about me)
In case you don't know about the black box building in Mecca I will educate you.
The four corners of the Kaaba its east-west facades roughly align with the sunrise of summer solstice (rising Evening Star)and the sunset of winter solstice (fallen morning star).
Kaaba was the first House of Worship, and they say that it was built or re-built by
Ibrahim (Abraham) and Ishmael on God's instructions.
"Verily, the first House (of worship) appointed for mankind was that at Bakkah (Makkah), full of blessing, and a guidance for mankind."
— Quran, Chapter 3 (Aale-Imran) verse 96
Similar in fashion to the later Jewish house of prayer called the "Mikdash" in the name of the head of the hosts Michael which we seek to haShev (return) that Temple(MIKdash) in that name.
Remember Ibrahim (Abraham) received his teachings from the righteous head priest
Melchi-Tsadek (king of righteousness=Michael)

Similarly Muslims say Michael left Abraham this rock in Mecca as a sign and symbol for them to focus attention which will reveal itself in it's due time. Maybe the Tefillin is also the same focus on Abraham's house of prayer in the name of Shalem(Evening Star=Michael).
Dan 12:1-4 has the word computer in the Bible code whereby we go to and fro gaining Knowledge through our computer boxes.
Like Gateway's which are black boxed computers.
Meteorites are made up of minerals that contain silicates—material made of "silicon" and oxygen.
They store the Night rock perhaps moon rock (Devoted to Shalem) in a box shaped container and circle it "Sheva" times.
2 methods in which they convey the last name of the messenger that they already call the top messenger by first name and from where you will find the message and what method and time period to look for it.
The focus on the house of prayer and it's head prayer leader is the same in both Shalemite religions.
Focus-the silicon gift box from Michael 7.
:) You yourself are using that Tefflin now Hobe- Busted once again by your own backhand.

Similarly Muslims? The Kaaba in Mecca? Computers, black boxes, meteorites, night rock, moon rock, silicon?


You don't know what you are talking about even if its been a while since you last strapped a box on your head.

The command is about the meditation of scripture as the foremost focus of the mind and that which binds the hand, influences action, as a sign of devotion.

It is not and never was about wearing a box on your head with a verse of scripture inside or tying a leather strap around your hand.

Would you like me to explain to you how that practice is irrational or how such a tradition renders the purpose, wisdom, and intent of the law null and void??

would you like to know the signs that distinguish between those who fulfill the law and those who instead have received the mark of the beast on their forehead and right hand?

Virgin birth? Flying nun out of the clouds?
Defeated death with all these cross gravestones? Cured ills with all these Christian Hospitals? Resurrected only to die again and never return?
Woman at the well performing a mithraic sex ritual?
Widows mite coin from 100bc Jannaeus era? Lysanias whp died in 35bc in Pilates AD era? Galilean christ named Judas?
Mary the Harlot Immaculate?
Jesus admitting he's baal's son- lucifer
-Rev 22:16
John admits being Zoroaster influenced?
Jesus admits not being son of man ?
-Rev 1:14
Seems to me you need to use your literal tefflin to seek out knowledge and truth instead of flinging your scarab dung at people.

Your words used against you:
"You don't know what you are talking about even if its been a while since you last marked the beast on your forehead."


  • tmp_32760-53528c95a4cba1022157762.jpeg
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Virgin birth? Flying nun out of the clouds?
Defeated death with all these cross gravestones? Cured ills with all these Christian Hospitals? Resurrected only to die again and never return?
Woman at the well performing a mithraic sex ritual?

Give it up already. It really doesn't matter in the least whether the Jesus of the gospels was a drunken mamzer who ran around with sinners and prostitutes and had casual sex in public during a bring your own plate barbecue on Saturday. He was raised from the dead by God and freed from the captivity and corruption of the very same false religious beliefs and degrading religious practices that entomb your defiled mind.

The facts regarding the subject and purpose and how to understand and comply with divine law remain.

The command is to meditate on verses of scripture as the foremost focus of the mind to bind the hand, influence action, as a sign of devotion.

It is not and never was about wearing a box on your head with a verse of scripture inside or tying a leather strap around your hand.

This practice is irrational and such a tradition renders the purpose, wisdom, and intent of the law null and void.

.......Exactly as this same Jesus that you revile revealed.
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Silly man you are pretending to be God again by thinking you know what people do and lying about it just proves all my points about what created you this way.
I never had to wear a Tefflin, in fact I already described it's focus. I uploaded a pic of my special and dear to me black gift box
that both the Tefflin and Kaaba is figured from.
(done to bring me back to my inheritance and end the arguments about me)
In case you don't know about the black box building in Mecca I will educate you.
The four corners of the Kaaba its east-west facades roughly align with the sunrise of summer solstice (rising Evening Star)and the sunset of winter solstice (fallen morning star).
Kaaba was the first House of Worship, and they say that it was built or re-built by
Ibrahim (Abraham) and Ishmael on God's instructions.
"Verily, the first House (of worship) appointed for mankind was that at Bakkah (Makkah), full of blessing, and a guidance for mankind."
— Quran, Chapter 3 (Aale-Imran) verse 96
Similar in fashion to the later Jewish house of prayer called the "Mikdash" in the name of the head of the hosts Michael which we seek to haShev (return) that Temple(MIKdash) in that name.
Remember Ibrahim (Abraham) received his teachings from the righteous head priest
Melchi-Tsadek (king of righteousness=Michael)

Similarly Muslims say Michael left Abraham this rock in Mecca as a sign and symbol for them to focus attention which will reveal itself in it's due time. Maybe the Tefillin is also the same focus on Abraham's house of prayer in the name of Shalem(Evening Star=Michael).
Dan 12:1-4 has the word computer in the Bible code whereby we go to and fro gaining Knowledge through our computer boxes.
Like Gateway's which are black boxed computers.
Meteorites are made up of minerals that contain silicates—material made of "silicon" and oxygen.
They store the Night rock perhaps moon rock (Devoted to Shalem) in a box shaped container and circle it "Sheva" times.
2 methods in which they convey the last name of the messenger that they already call the top messenger by first name and from where you will find the message and what method and time period to look for it.
The focus on the house of prayer and it's head prayer leader is the same in both Shalemite religions.
Focus-the silicon gift box from Michael 7.
:) You yourself are using that Tefflin now Hobe- Busted once again by your own backhand.

Similarly Muslims? The Kaaba in Mecca? Computers, black boxes, meteorites, night rock, moon rock, silicon?


You don't know what you are talking about even if its been a while since you last strapped a box on your head.

The command is about the meditation of scripture as the foremost focus of the mind and that which binds the hand, influences action, as a sign of devotion.

It is not and never was about wearing a box on your head with a verse of scripture inside or tying a leather strap around your hand.

Would you like me to explain to you how that practice is irrational or how such a tradition renders the purpose, wisdom, and intent of the law null and void??

would you like to know the signs that distinguish between those who fulfill the law and those who instead have received the mark of the beast on their forehead and right hand?

Tefillin and Acupuncture – Good for Your Health! | My ...
Silly man you are pretending to be God again by thinking you know what people do and lying about it just proves all my points about what created you this way.
I never had to wear a Tefflin, in fact I already described it's focus. I uploaded a pic of my special and dear to me black gift box
that both the Tefflin and Kaaba is figured from.
(done to bring me back to my inheritance and end the arguments about me)
In case you don't know about the black box building in Mecca I will educate you.
The four corners of the Kaaba its east-west facades roughly align with the sunrise of summer solstice (rising Evening Star)and the sunset of winter solstice (fallen morning star).
Kaaba was the first House of Worship, and they say that it was built or re-built by
Ibrahim (Abraham) and Ishmael on God's instructions.
"Verily, the first House (of worship) appointed for mankind was that at Bakkah (Makkah), full of blessing, and a guidance for mankind."
— Quran, Chapter 3 (Aale-Imran) verse 96
Similar in fashion to the later Jewish house of prayer called the "Mikdash" in the name of the head of the hosts Michael which we seek to haShev (return) that Temple(MIKdash) in that name.
Remember Ibrahim (Abraham) received his teachings from the righteous head priest
Melchi-Tsadek (king of righteousness=Michael)

Similarly Muslims say Michael left Abraham this rock in Mecca as a sign and symbol for them to focus attention which will reveal itself in it's due time. Maybe the Tefillin is also the same focus on Abraham's house of prayer in the name of Shalem(Evening Star=Michael).
Dan 12:1-4 has the word computer in the Bible code whereby we go to and fro gaining Knowledge through our computer boxes.
Like Gateway's which are black boxed computers.
Meteorites are made up of minerals that contain silicates—material made of "silicon" and oxygen.
They store the Night rock perhaps moon rock (Devoted to Shalem) in a box shaped container and circle it "Sheva" times.
2 methods in which they convey the last name of the messenger that they already call the top messenger by first name and from where you will find the message and what method and time period to look for it.
The focus on the house of prayer and it's head prayer leader is the same in both Shalemite religions.
Focus-the silicon gift box from Michael 7.
:) You yourself are using that Tefflin now Hobe- Busted once again by your own backhand.

Similarly Muslims? The Kaaba in Mecca? Computers, black boxes, meteorites, night rock, moon rock, silicon?


You don't know what you are talking about even if its been a while since you last strapped a box on your head.

The command is about the meditation of scripture as the foremost focus of the mind and that which binds the hand, influences action, as a sign of devotion.

It is not and never was about wearing a box on your head with a verse of scripture inside or tying a leather strap around your hand.

Would you like me to explain to you how that practice is irrational or how such a tradition renders the purpose, wisdom, and intent of the law null and void??

would you like to know the signs that distinguish between those who fulfill the law and those who instead have received the mark of the beast on their forehead and right hand?

Tefillin and Acupuncture – Good for Your Health! | My ...

Tefillin has nothing whatever to do with acupuncture.

"You shall bind them as a sign upon your hand, and they should be for an ornament between your eyes."
(Deuteronomy 6:8)

What is it that shall be like an ornament between the eyes and bind the hand as a sign?

"these words, which I command you this day." Deuteronomy 6:6
And so you do all day sitting there with the
silicon filled cube between your eyes and bound to your hands.
The fact you sit there doing this all day playing bash the weasle on someone you claim is handicapped just shows you what kind of evil you are and hell you placed yourself in.
Silly man you are pretending to be God again by thinking you know what people do and lying about it just proves all my points about what created you this way.
I never had to wear a Tefflin, in fact I already described it's focus. I uploaded a pic of my special and dear to me black gift box
that both the Tefflin and Kaaba is figured from.
(done to bring me back to my inheritance and end the arguments about me)
In case you don't know about the black box building in Mecca I will educate you.
The four corners of the Kaaba its east-west facades roughly align with the sunrise of summer solstice (rising Evening Star)and the sunset of winter solstice (fallen morning star).
Kaaba was the first House of Worship, and they say that it was built or re-built by
Ibrahim (Abraham) and Ishmael on God's instructions.
"Verily, the first House (of worship) appointed for mankind was that at Bakkah (Makkah), full of blessing, and a guidance for mankind."
— Quran, Chapter 3 (Aale-Imran) verse 96
Similar in fashion to the later Jewish house of prayer called the "Mikdash" in the name of the head of the hosts Michael which we seek to haShev (return) that Temple(MIKdash) in that name.
Remember Ibrahim (Abraham) received his teachings from the righteous head priest
Melchi-Tsadek (king of righteousness=Michael)

Similarly Muslims say Michael left Abraham this rock in Mecca as a sign and symbol for them to focus attention which will reveal itself in it's due time. Maybe the Tefillin is also the same focus on Abraham's house of prayer in the name of Shalem(Evening Star=Michael).
Dan 12:1-4 has the word computer in the Bible code whereby we go to and fro gaining Knowledge through our computer boxes.
Like Gateway's which are black boxed computers.
Meteorites are made up of minerals that contain silicates—material made of "silicon" and oxygen.
They store the Night rock perhaps moon rock (Devoted to Shalem) in a box shaped container and circle it "Sheva" times.
2 methods in which they convey the last name of the messenger that they already call the top messenger by first name and from where you will find the message and what method and time period to look for it.
The focus on the house of prayer and it's head prayer leader is the same in both Shalemite religions.
Focus-the silicon gift box from Michael 7.
:) You yourself are using that Tefflin now Hobe- Busted once again by your own backhand.

Similarly Muslims? The Kaaba in Mecca? Computers, black boxes, meteorites, night rock, moon rock, silicon?


You don't know what you are talking about even if its been a while since you last strapped a box on your head.

The command is about the meditation of scripture as the foremost focus of the mind and that which binds the hand, influences action, as a sign of devotion.

It is not and never was about wearing a box on your head with a verse of scripture inside or tying a leather strap around your hand.

Would you like me to explain to you how that practice is irrational or how such a tradition renders the purpose, wisdom, and intent of the law null and void??

would you like to know the signs that distinguish between those who fulfill the law and those who instead have received the mark of the beast on their forehead and right hand?

Tefillin and Acupuncture – Good for Your Health! | My ...

Tefillin has nothing whatever to do with acupuncture.

"You shall bind them as a sign upon your hand, and they should be for an ornament between your eyes."
(Deuteronomy 6:8)

What is it that shall be like an ornament between the eyes and bind the hand as a sign?

"these words, which I command you this day." Deuteronomy 6:6

yes and no. The points the tefillin presses are those that bring mental and physical well being.
I don't think the intentions of acupressure for medical healing, but the point would bring a sense of having reached some higher feeling like meditation. The prayer would bring the person a sense reaching the next step on the road to nirvana, or the feeling of the presence or nearness of god.

Even two very different cultures happen to find the same point is more than coincidence. They each benefit even if the reason might not have been known or intended by the jews.

Chinese use pressure or pins, the jews use leather straps, but the points are the same.
Interesting take on the straps, thank you.
HE straps on his computer when on the go, even tablets have hand straps..
He's gotten tangled in the mouse chord and his xbox controler in his hands, and has straped in his Wii so he doesn't break his TV. How silly must he look with his mini tennis racket straped to his wrist flinging it back and forth at mere air, while remembering my words not to swing and hit himself. ;-)
Silly man you are pretending to be God again by thinking you know what people do and lying about it just proves all my points about what created you this way.
I never had to wear a Tefflin, in fact I already described it's focus. I uploaded a pic of my special and dear to me black gift box
that both the Tefflin and Kaaba is figured from.
(done to bring me back to my inheritance and end the arguments about me)
In case you don't know about the black box building in Mecca I will educate you.
The four corners of the Kaaba its east-west facades roughly align with the sunrise of summer solstice (rising Evening Star)and the sunset of winter solstice (fallen morning star).
Kaaba was the first House of Worship, and they say that it was built or re-built by
Ibrahim (Abraham) and Ishmael on God's instructions.
"Verily, the first House (of worship) appointed for mankind was that at Bakkah (Makkah), full of blessing, and a guidance for mankind."
— Quran, Chapter 3 (Aale-Imran) verse 96
Similar in fashion to the later Jewish house of prayer called the "Mikdash" in the name of the head of the hosts Michael which we seek to haShev (return) that Temple(MIKdash) in that name.
Remember Ibrahim (Abraham) received his teachings from the righteous head priest
Melchi-Tsadek (king of righteousness=Michael)

Similarly Muslims say Michael left Abraham this rock in Mecca as a sign and symbol for them to focus attention which will reveal itself in it's due time. Maybe the Tefillin is also the same focus on Abraham's house of prayer in the name of Shalem(Evening Star=Michael).
Dan 12:1-4 has the word computer in the Bible code whereby we go to and fro gaining Knowledge through our computer boxes.
Like Gateway's which are black boxed computers.
Meteorites are made up of minerals that contain silicates—material made of "silicon" and oxygen.
They store the Night rock perhaps moon rock (Devoted to Shalem) in a box shaped container and circle it "Sheva" times.
2 methods in which they convey the last name of the messenger that they already call the top messenger by first name and from where you will find the message and what method and time period to look for it.
The focus on the house of prayer and it's head prayer leader is the same in both Shalemite religions.
Focus-the silicon gift box from Michael 7.
:) You yourself are using that Tefflin now Hobe- Busted once again by your own backhand.

Similarly Muslims? The Kaaba in Mecca? Computers, black boxes, meteorites, night rock, moon rock, silicon?


You don't know what you are talking about even if its been a while since you last strapped a box on your head.

The command is about the meditation of scripture as the foremost focus of the mind and that which binds the hand, influences action, as a sign of devotion.

It is not and never was about wearing a box on your head with a verse of scripture inside or tying a leather strap around your hand.

Would you like me to explain to you how that practice is irrational or how such a tradition renders the purpose, wisdom, and intent of the law null and void??

would you like to know the signs that distinguish between those who fulfill the law and those who instead have received the mark of the beast on their forehead and right hand?

Tefillin and Acupuncture – Good for Your Health! | My ...

Tefillin has nothing whatever to do with acupuncture.

"You shall bind them as a sign upon your hand, and they should be for an ornament between your eyes."
(Deuteronomy 6:8)

What is it that shall be like an ornament between the eyes and bind the hand as a sign?

"these words, which I command you this day." Deuteronomy 6:6

yes and no. The points the tefillin presses are those that bring mental and physical well being.
I don't think the intentions of acupressure for medical healing, but the point would bring a sense of having reached some higher feeling like meditation. The prayer would bring the person a sense reaching the next step on the road to nirvana, or the feeling of the presence or nearness of god.

Even two very different cultures happen to find the same point is more than coincidence. They each benefit even if the reason might not have been known or intended by the jews.

Chinese use pressure or pins, the jews use leather straps, but the points are the same.

I think you are over reaching here saying that its more than a coincidence because wrapping a leather strap around your hand up through your entire forearm does not in any way fulfill the instruction for the words that God commanded to bind the hand as a sign.

The obvious meaning is for the commands of God to control action, the hand being a symbol of action. "By the hand of God", " If your right hand offends thee, cut it off," etc..

Wrapping a leather strap around a place that corresponds with a few acupuncture points may be coincidental but it is in no way the intended action implied by the command for the words of God to bind the hand as a sign. Therefore it is not possible for such a practice to lead to any sort of nirvana.

Isn't it rather foolish to write words down and then put them in a box strapped to your head when the instruction is to think about the words as the primary focus of your mind?

Isn't it foolish to wrap a leather strap around your forearm when the instruction is for words, not a leather strap, to bind your hand?

Are people who kneel before statues in prayer, only as a reminder of course, getting any closer to nirvana because doing so promotes a sense of well being or are they just deluding themselves and have confused falling under the condemnation of God and departing into fantasy land with an exalted religious experience?

Isn't it true that the more people seem to proceed towards God and paradise in their imagination by doing something other than what the law instructs the more they recede from God and paradise in actuality?
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