Party Realignment


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
Virginia, Colorado, Georgia, Arizona. The times they are a'changin.'

However, rather than riding the wave, it is imperative that the Democratic Party address the legitimate grievances of less-educated, aging White males, a previously loyal base whose support the Party squandered.

The economic and education partisan divides widened. Mr. Biden gained in well-educated suburbs and exurbs, often in places that have tended to vote Republican in recent decades, like the Atlanta, Dallas and Phoenix areas.

Colorado has one of the nation’s highest rates of people with a four-year college degree, and this year it solidified its status as a blue state. Colorado’s shift against Mr. Trump was 8.6 points, second only to Vermont’s nine points.

A part of conservative-leaning Kentucky posted one of the bigger anti-Trump shifts. The Lexington-Fayette, Ky., metropolitan area, which flipped from red to blue and is home to the University of Kentucky, has the highest percentage of college graduates in the region, and is in the top fifth of metros for college attainment.

And what about the big swing in the Huntsville area in deep-red Alabama? Fast-growing places with brighter economic prospects — correlated with a higher number of people with college degrees and more jobs in professional, tech and creative fields — moved toward Mr. Biden. A highly educated work force in Huntsville, first put to use in industries like aerospace, has become attractive to other businesses in recent years.
Suburban areas in Nebraska swung significantly toward Mr. Biden. Nebraska’s Second Congressional District, which includes well-educated Omaha, contributed one electoral vote to Mr. Biden’s tally... The swing was 8.8 points, as the district flipped from red to blue.

The new President Americans elected with over 80 million votes supposedly has blue-collar creds. If so, he should be able to win back that demographic from a failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer with all those "New York values."

Picture, if you will...

A fat old White guy in a goofy red hat is at play, smugly ensconced in a flashy golf cart, tooling across the manicured greens of an exclusive playground for well-healed elites.
Suddenly, out of the rough, anther old codger appears, sporting a construction helmet and gunning his fork lift!
Terror ensues!
That water hazard does nothing for the city slicker's hairdo.
(Ducks quacking. Fade to black.)
I'm Schmidlap, and I endorse this message.
Given inexorable demographic trends, what do you imagine that the political map will look like in 2024?
This is the party the Republicans need to be worried about. By tossing them to the side Republicans are destined to become a permanent minority party.

After four year of the Biden/Harris shit show you can bet it won't be a Dem outlook.

If Trump runs in 2024 he'll win.
This is the party the Republicans need to be worried about. By tossing them to the side Republicans are destined to become a permanent minority party.


LMAO Not after four years of the Biden/Harris shit show. I'd bet if Trump runs in 2024 he will win. Won't be a good four years for Dems.
Here's the thing: Trump has brought about a shift in both parties and they are now realigned, for better or worse.

The Trump-led Republicans are the party of people who work REAL JOBS in the Private Sector. The Democrats have not only abandoned the "working man" (excepting only the union bosses), but they have adopted policy after policy that is a slap in the face to those of us who work for a living (or who have retired from same).

The suburban types who abandoned Trump and "embraced" Biden are the people whose jobs, by their nature, have insulated them from the pandemic, economic downturns, minimum wage issues, lousy city schools, and so on. They just don't give a shit about working class people who have to live with the Democrat bullshit of "diversity" programs, saving the planet, crushing regulations, and high taxes.

It is correlated to education, but education is not really the issue. Educated people who work for a living in the private sector - engineers, accountants, corporate first-level managers, and small entrepreneurs - are very strong in their support for Trump. It's the millions with bullshit college degrees that inflate Biden's numbers among "educated" people. It has nothing to do with education, but everything to do with the middle-class need to make a living in the Real World.

And Biden is the total opposite of Trumpism. While he brags about his working class roots, he has never actually had a job, and Americans who DO HAVE REAL JOBS see through it as plainly as they see his hair plugs and phony "sincerity."

He is the Archie Bunker of politics. The one who seems like what a totally disconnected Leftist imagines that a working-class person looks like.
After four year of the Biden/Harris shit show you can bet it won't be a Dem outlook. If Trump runs in 2024 he'll win.
How will he that from jail? He's more likely to flee to Moscow.

Don't make me laugh. He' hasn't done anything criminal and you know it. He sure won't be headed for Russia. Biden might head for China though.

After four years of the Biden/Harris shit show voters will be sick of the Dems. If Trump runs in 2024 he will win. Get over it. Reality sucks for you buddy. LOL
After four year of the Biden/Harris shit show you can bet it won't be a Dem outlook. If Trump runs in 2024 he'll win.
How will he that from jail? He's more likely to flee to Moscow.
Don't make me laugh. He' hasn't done anything criminal and you know it. He sure won't be headed for Russia. Biden might head for China though. After four years of the Biden/Harris shit show voters will be sick of the Dems. If Trump runs in 2024 he will win. Get over it. Reality sucks for you buddy. LOL
He's a criminal and you know it. It's disgusting how his minions will tear down the country to prop up their tin god. When someone says, "look over there, they're cheating", I am on alert, because that's cheaters always do, try to distract. Well, it didn't work. Trump won't be stealing this election.
After four year of the Biden/Harris shit show you can bet it won't be a Dem outlook. If Trump runs in 2024 he'll win.
How will he that from jail? He's more likely to flee to Moscow.
Don't make me laugh. He' hasn't done anything criminal and you know it. He sure won't be headed for Russia. Biden might head for China though. After four years of the Biden/Harris shit show voters will be sick of the Dems. If Trump runs in 2024 he will win. Get over it. Reality sucks for you buddy. LOL
He's a criminal and you know it. It's disgusting how his minions will tear down the country to prop up their tin god. When someone says, "look over there, they're cheating", I am on alert, because that's cheaters always do, try to distract. Well, it didn't work. Trump won't be stealing this election.

Oh and what crime is he guilty off outside of your lefty loon mind?? Post all the crimes he's committed. We'll wait. LOL
After four year of the Biden/Harris shit show you can bet it won't be a Dem outlook. If Trump runs in 2024 he'll win.
How will he that from jail? He's more likely to flee to Moscow.
Don't make me laugh. He' hasn't done anything criminal and you know it. He sure won't be headed for Russia. Biden might head for China though. After four years of the Biden/Harris shit show voters will be sick of the Dems. If Trump runs in 2024 he will win. Get over it. Reality sucks for you buddy. LOL
He's a criminal and you know it. It's disgusting how his minions will tear down the country to prop up their tin god. When someone says, "look over there, they're cheating", I am on alert, because that's cheaters always do, try to distract. Well, it didn't work. Trump won't be stealing this election.
The election has already been stolen Qdog. We're on the road to communism or civil war if the election isn't overturned.
I wouldn't put too much emphasis on these past election results ... many Republican-leaning moderates don't like The Donald's rhetoric ... he is abrasive at times ... and we can't blame anyone but The Donald for his tweets ...

A third of voters will always vote for The Donald, a third will never vote for him ... as long as The Donald and his supports keep denigrating the middle third, they'll never win ... if you think about it, shaming people in secret ballot elections isn't a very good idea ...
This is the party the Republicans need to be worried about. By tossing them to the side Republicans are destined to become a permanent minority party.

The Republican Party is currently in disarray, with a great deal of internal, trump-inflicted animus both raging and festering.
The RINOs of Trumpery are all wee-weed up with nowhere to go.

Screen Shot 2019-10-26 at 12.19.11 PM.png

Trump blows a hole in the GOP on his way out
Once the Democrats begin to run out of White people to blame for everything, their identity politics will start to work against them. They have about 20 years to destroy America before that happens.
Virginia, Colorado, Georgia, Arizona. The times they are a'changin.'

However, rather than riding the wave, it is imperative that the Democratic Party address the legitimate grievances of less-educated, aging White males, a previously loyal base whose support the Party squandered.

The economic and education partisan divides widened. Mr. Biden gained in well-educated suburbs and exurbs, often in places that have tended to vote Republican in recent decades, like the Atlanta, Dallas and Phoenix areas.

Colorado has one of the nation’s highest rates of people with a four-year college degree, and this year it solidified its status as a blue state. Colorado’s shift against Mr. Trump was 8.6 points, second only to Vermont’s nine points.

A part of conservative-leaning Kentucky posted one of the bigger anti-Trump shifts. The Lexington-Fayette, Ky., metropolitan area, which flipped from red to blue and is home to the University of Kentucky, has the highest percentage of college graduates in the region, and is in the top fifth of metros for college attainment.

And what about the big swing in the Huntsville area in deep-red Alabama? Fast-growing places with brighter economic prospects — correlated with a higher number of people with college degrees and more jobs in professional, tech and creative fields — moved toward Mr. Biden. A highly educated work force in Huntsville, first put to use in industries like aerospace, has become attractive to other businesses in recent years.
Suburban areas in Nebraska swung significantly toward Mr. Biden. Nebraska’s Second Congressional District, which includes well-educated Omaha, contributed one electoral vote to Mr. Biden’s tally... The swing was 8.8 points, as the district flipped from red to blue.

The new President Americans elected with over 80 million votes supposedly has blue-collar creds. If so, he should be able to win back that demographic from a failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer with all those "New York values."

Picture, if you will...

A fat old White guy in a goofy red hat is at play, smugly ensconced in a flashy golf cart, tooling across the manicured greens of an exclusive playground for well-healed elites.
Suddenly, out of the rough, anther old codger appears, sporting a construction helmet and gunning his fork lift!
Terror ensues!
That water hazard does nothing for the city slicker's hairdo.
(Ducks quacking. Fade to black.)
I'm Schmidlap, and I endorse this message.
Given inexorable demographic trends, what do you imagine that the political map will look like in 2024?

They will not bother to even try. THe goal will be, as it has been for a long time, to keep bringing in Third World voters and Third World politics.

THey won't risk their lock on those voting blocs by doing ANYTHING for "aging white males".

Hope you are not one of them/us. Cause if you are, you have no home in the democrat party.
Once the Democrats begin to run out of White people to blame for everything, their identity politics will start to work against them. They have about 20 years to destroy America before that happens.

Very insightful comment.

When the Caucasian population drops to 20% to 30% (as is now the case here in Los Angeles), it will become more and more difficult to make Caucasians (especially the dreaded "old white men") the scapegoat.

The poster says in 20 years. I think that it will take a little longer, closer toward the end of the century.

Then the political parties will have to realign: The Dems will essentially represent the interests of ethnicity X (which is currently a minority) and the Pubs will essentially represent ethnicity Y (which is currently a minority).

In the short term, however, the Pubs do, indeed, seem to be in deep doo doo. All those suburban college-"educated" voters who supposedly went for Mr. Biden will likely stick with the Dems in 2024. When they do wake up to their mistake, it will be too late. Can't say I will feel sorry for them. "They made their bed, so ..."
Once the Democrats begin to run out of White people to blame for everything, their identity politics will start to work against them. They have about 20 years to destroy America before that happens.

Very insightful comment.

When the Caucasian population drops to 20% to 30% (as is now the case here in Los Angeles), it will become more and more difficult to make Caucasians (especially the dreaded "old white men") the scapegoat.

The poster says in 20 years. I think that it will take a little longer, closer toward the end of the century.

Then the political parties will have to realign: The Dems will essentially represent the interests of ethnicity X (which is currently a minority) and the Pubs will essentially represent ethnicity Y (which is currently a minority).

In the short term, however, the Pubs do, indeed, seem to be in deep doo doo. All those suburban college-"educated" voters who supposedly went for Mr. Biden will likely stick with the Dems in 2024. When they do wake up to their mistake, it will be too late. Can't say I will feel sorry for them. "They made their bed, so ..."

Good post, but I forget the ability of the Left to believe obviously bullshit.

AFter all, the people that believe that a man can become a woman, just be saying he is one,

can believe that whites, even when they are an obviously marginalized minority of 20% are still responsible for all bad stuff and "systemic wacism" is still why black communities suck ass, and the answer is more anti-wacism programs.

Yes, at SOME point, some people will start to wake up, but it will be FAR TOO late to do any good.

Hell it has likely been too late for quite some time already.

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