Partisan politics cracks me up


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
I chase around financial markets for a living, and one thing I've learned is how often conventional wisdom is just flat-out wrong, and can really make an otherwise perfectly intelligent person look pretty silly.

With the press and the Democrats screaming & hyperventilating over every last thing that involves Trump, wouldn't it be funny if they overdo it and actually normalize him? At this point, anything less than a Saddam-level tyrant is going to make Trump look like Mr. freaking Rogers on Quaaludes.

I bet they'd look pretty silly.

Yes, I agree that this could get a little rough. But seriously, folks, maybe you could start acting like you're hoping for some good stuff to happen. The more hysterical you get, the more normal you'll make him look.

Yeah, that's about the size of it. By the way I have covered puts and calls on issues selling for less than 50% of book value. My counter parties are so stupid that instead of selling their profitable options they actually exercise them. I kind of wonder about their mental health.
Yeah, that's about the size of it. By the way I have covered puts and calls on issues selling for less than 50% of book value. My counter parties are so stupid that instead of selling their profitable options they actually exercise them. I kind of wonder about their mental health.
Holy crap, I've never done options. Too complicated.
Holy crap, I've never done options. Too complicated.
Options are just another form of arbitrage if you do them right and hedge both ways at the same time but pay yourself a commission built into the options that you buy or sell.

It is when you do options wrongly and just buy or sell one end of them that you get into trouble.

That's why "derivatives" were so dangerous and lethal to such foolish firms like Lehman Brothers and others. The derivatives were the purchase of an option that only had value if it appreciated. And nobody was "offering" counter-derivatives. Thus it became just one big Ponzi scheme (Ponzi is now a famous man).

Buying an option like a derivative was pure foolishness, yet since it represented paper profits and funny money for so long, BOD's and CEO's got addicted to them like crack cocaine.
Great thread, Mac. It's clear to me now that every person who expresses concern regarding the prospect of a Trump presidency is behaving in an unreasonable manner which only serves to help Trump. LOL! Why, you can't find a single liberal or member of the press who has clearly stated that they hope Trump succeeds in making the lives of struggling Americans better. Nobody on the left is hoping for any good stuff.

I think it's great that you think the man isn't normal. Why would you say something as divisive as that?
Great thread, Mac. It's clear to me now that every person who expresses concern regarding the prospect of a Trump presidency is behaving in an unreasonable manner which only serves to help Trump. LOL! Why, you can't find a single liberal or member of the press who has clearly stated that they hope Trump succeeds in making the lives of struggling Americans better. Nobody on the left is hoping for any good stuff.

I think it's great that you think the man isn't normal. Why would you say something as divisive as that?
Great thread, Mac. It's clear to me now that every person who expresses concern regarding the prospect of a Trump presidency is behaving in an unreasonable manner which only serves to help Trump. LOL! Why, you can't find a single liberal or member of the press who has clearly stated that they hope Trump succeeds in making the lives of struggling Americans better. Nobody on the left is hoping for any good stuff.

I think it's great that you think the man isn't normal. Why would you say something as divisive as that?

That's nice. If you close your eyes and hope really hard, you may start to believe that I posted that picture. Dream it....Mac. Anything can become true if you dream it.
Yeah, that's about the size of it. By the way I have covered puts and calls on issues selling for less than 50% of book value. My counter parties are so stupid that instead of selling their profitable options they actually exercise them. I kind of wonder about their mental health.
Holy crap, I've never done options. Too complicated.

What the fuck are you guys talking about?
Yeah, that's about the size of it. By the way I have covered puts and calls on issues selling for less than 50% of book value. My counter parties are so stupid that instead of selling their profitable options they actually exercise them. I kind of wonder about their mental health.
Holy crap, I've never done options. Too complicated.

What the fuck are you guys talking about?
Holy crap, I've never done options. Too complicated.
Options are just another form of arbitrage if you do them right and hedge both ways at the same time but pay yourself a commission built into the options that you buy or sell.

It is when you do options wrongly and just buy or sell one end of them that you get into trouble.

That's why "derivatives" were so dangerous and lethal to such foolish firms like Lehman Brothers and others. The derivatives were the purchase of an option that only had value if it appreciated. And nobody was "offering" counter-derivatives. Thus it became just one big Ponzi scheme (Ponzi is now a famous man).

Buying an option like a derivative was pure foolishness, yet since it represented paper profits and funny money for so long, BOD's and CEO's got addicted to them like crack cocaine.
Yeah, I've never been a fan of derivatives, even before the Meltdown. But yeah, look at what they caused.
Yes, I agree that this could get a little rough. But seriously, folks, maybe you could start acting like you're hoping for some good stuff to happen. The more hysterical you get, the more normal you'll make him look.

Hope isn't a plan. I honestly "hope' that isn't what you tell your clients. "Well, I hope this is going to work out."

Besides the 300+ Hate crimes reported in the last week because his Alt-Right disciples have come out from under their rocks, we already have Trump talking about repealing Glass-Steagle (sp) and Dodd-Frank. The lady who currently runs the SEC is stepping down two years early, and God knows what Trump is going to replace her with.

Meanwhile, Paul "von Papen" Ryan is planning to privatize Medicare. I'm sure that will turn out well.
I chase around financial markets for a living, and one thing I've learned is how often conventional wisdom is just flat-out wrong, and can really make an otherwise perfectly intelligent person look pretty silly.

With the press and the Democrats screaming & hyperventilating over every last thing that involves Trump, wouldn't it be funny if they overdo it and actually normalize him? At this point, anything less than a Saddam-level tyrant is going to make Trump look like Mr. freaking Rogers on Quaaludes.

I bet they'd look pretty silly.

Yes, I agree that this could get a little rough. But seriously, folks, maybe you could start acting like you're hoping for some good stuff to happen. The more hysterical you get, the more normal you'll make him look.

Politics is always partisan. It is merely a matter of how extreme does it get.
Yes, I agree that this could get a little rough. But seriously, folks, maybe you could start acting like you're hoping for some good stuff to happen. The more hysterical you get, the more normal you'll make him look.

Hope isn't a plan. I honestly "hope' that isn't what you tell your clients. "Well, I hope this is going to work out."

Besides the 300+ Hate crimes reported in the last week because his Alt-Right disciples have come out from under their rocks, we already have Trump talking about repealing Glass-Steagle (sp) and Dodd-Frank. The lady who currently runs the SEC is stepping down two years early, and God knows what Trump is going to replace her with.

Meanwhile, Paul "von Papen" Ryan is planning to privatize Medicare. I'm sure that will turn out well.

Full Repeal of Dodd-Frank Isn’t Main Focus of Trump Transition

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