Parliamentary procedure


Jan 19, 2006
Does anyone know of any codified rules for debating on the internet? Would it be possible to apply some form of parliamentary procedure to an internet forum so resolutions can be formally introduced, debated, amended, referred to committee et cetera?

There is an organization called Unity08 that hopes to conduct an online national convention to draft a campaign platform and nominate a fusion ticket (1 Democrat and 1 Republican in either order) for president and vice-president and then get the ticket on the ballot in every state for the 2008 election. I’ve often thought of setting up a website to hold something like a national convention (for entertainment as much as political reasons), but I don’t see how it wouldn’t end up being just as chaotic as every other message board I have been on.
Best part of the internet is that there are no hard and fast rules. It's what you wish. Then in the case of message boards the rest of the internet will judge your work and it will survive or it wont.

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