Parkland Liars: 'We're Not Trying To Take Everybody's Guns Away' ... Except That We Are

Universal background checks and ban the future sale of assault style weapons and all conversion kits to automatic. End of story, taking them away is impossible.
And exactly WHAT is an ASSAULT STYLE WEAPON, you ignorant FUCK?

An AR-15?

Do you fucking know that a SHOT GUN chambered for 3" MAGS is FAR DEADLIER than an AR-15? NO... of COURSE you don't know that because you don't know JACK SHIT about GUNS. You only know what your MORON leftist DEMOCRAT DUMBASSES spew.

Good GOD you people are fuckin' DUMB... I NEVER hear you ASS CLOWNS speak of SHOT GUNS, but HOW ABOUT THIS...

You go ahead and be SKEERED of that BIG BLACK MEANY LOOKING AR.. while I have FIVE TIMES the FIRE POWER in a SHOT GUN. But... but... but... shot guns are for HUNTING... RIGHT? ... :lol: You know NOTHING... but DON'T think we don't know what you REALLY want to do, and that is to take ALL GUNS AWAY FROM EVERYONE... won't happen, skippy... WON'T HAPPEN.

You can have your pump action rifle. Five cartridge magazines. Ha
It's funny to watch the gun nuts piss themselves over teenagers standing up to them.
It has become impossible to talk to these gun owners; they have sailed to Lala Land. No matter what reason people try to speak, they immediately bray "LIAR." In other words,:lalala:

Things are getting serious. This ain't no way to win, I keep telling them.
It must suck to be wrong as often as you are. I wouldn't personally know.

According to Pew Research, women are only slightly less likely than men to own guns. Young people are almost as likely to own guns as those aged 30-49, with the largest two segments being 50-65 and 65 and over. In other words, the highest rate of gun owners would be senior citizens and near-senior citizens, and young people and women are not "avoiding guns" to any greater extent than middle-aged males.

You are correct about Democrats avoiding guns, but you neglect to recognize that independents, not just Republicans, are far more likely than Democrats to own guns.

It is fairly obvious that your scary apocryphal - and bigoted - scenario of all gun owners being crazed militia members hiding out in the woods with the Unabomber is actually just a lot of people who feel safer in their own homes if they have a gun.

You don't have to agree if you don't want, but you're welcome to stop needlessly and falsely vilifying those you disagree with any time now.

What were you saying about how it sucks to be wrong? :)

I'm an Independent Progressive and gun owner who believes that the second amendment is not without limits.

70%+ of NRA members want universal BG checks and better mental health screenings.

1) Citing your personal opinion of yourself in no way relates to whether or not I'm right about anything, inasmuch as I wasn't commenting on what you do or do not think of yourself.

2) Citing an unsubstantiated statistic about a completely unrelated subject ALSO does not indicate anything about my rightness or wrongness on the subject I actually commented on.

I will, however, amend my comments to reflect your new information: It isn't that it must suck to be wrong as often as you are. It's that it must suck just to be you, period.
Universal background checks and ban the future sale of assault style weapons and all conversion kits to automatic. End of story, taking them away is impossible.
And exactly WHAT is an ASSAULT STYLE WEAPON, you ignorant FUCK?

An AR-15?

Do you fucking know that a SHOT GUN chambered for 3" MAGS is FAR DEADLIER than an AR-15? NO... of COURSE you don't know that because you don't know JACK SHIT about GUNS. You only know what your MORON leftist DEMOCRAT DUMBASSES spew.

Good GOD you people are fuckin' DUMB... I NEVER hear you ASS CLOWNS speak of SHOT GUNS, but HOW ABOUT THIS...

You go ahead and be SKEERED of that BIG BLACK MEANY LOOKING AR.. while I have FIVE TIMES the FIRE POWER in a SHOT GUN. But... but... but... shot guns are for HUNTING... RIGHT? ... :lol: You know NOTHING... but DON'T think we don't know what you REALLY want to do, and that is to take ALL GUNS AWAY FROM EVERYONE... won't happen, skippy... WON'T HAPPEN.

You can have your pump action rifle. Five cartridge magazines. Ha
It's funny to watch the gun nuts piss themselves over teenagers standing up to them.
It has become impossible to talk to these gun owners; they have sailed to Lala Land. No matter what reason people try to speak, they immediately bray "LIAR." In other words,:lalala:

Things are getting serious. This ain't no way to win, I keep telling them.

I appreciate your "generous" offer to let us have pump action rifles, but I'm a bit confused about where it was that we ASKED your permission, or were in any way REQUIRED to ask your permission. Maybe wait until you're in charge of something and people care about your opinion first.

You know why we immediately call you a liar as soon as you start to speak? Because you've proven that every time you speak, you lie.
Universal background checks and ban the future sale of assault style weapons and all conversion kits to automatic. End of story, taking them away is impossible.
And exactly WHAT is an ASSAULT STYLE WEAPON, you ignorant FUCK?

An AR-15?

Do you fucking know that a SHOT GUN chambered for 3" MAGS is FAR DEADLIER than an AR-15? NO... of COURSE you don't know that because you don't know JACK SHIT about GUNS. You only know what your MORON leftist DEMOCRAT DUMBASSES spew.

Good GOD you people are fuckin' DUMB... I NEVER hear you ASS CLOWNS speak of SHOT GUNS, but HOW ABOUT THIS...

You go ahead and be SKEERED of that BIG BLACK MEANY LOOKING AR.. while I have FIVE TIMES the FIRE POWER in a SHOT GUN. But... but... but... shot guns are for HUNTING... RIGHT? ... :lol: You know NOTHING... but DON'T think we don't know what you REALLY want to do, and that is to take ALL GUNS AWAY FROM EVERYONE... won't happen, skippy... WON'T HAPPEN.

Crazy people just love AR-15 s and others with that styling. You need a diagram, super dupe. Nobody wants 2 take away all guns, you ridiculously brainwashed twit.

Yeah, we know you will leave us with pop guns that are virtually useless for defending ourselves.

You're such a patriot!

Don't be ridiculous.

They have no intention of leaving you with pop guns, or even slingshots, if they can help it.

Many places won't even let you have a knife over two and a half inches. I'm lucky. I live in Alabama. I'm wearing a Bowie Knife right now. As long as it's not concealed, nobody cares.
Universal background checks and ban the future sale of assault style weapons and all conversion kits to automatic. End of story, taking them away is impossible.
And exactly WHAT is an ASSAULT STYLE WEAPON, you ignorant FUCK?

An AR-15?

Do you fucking know that a SHOT GUN chambered for 3" MAGS is FAR DEADLIER than an AR-15? NO... of COURSE you don't know that because you don't know JACK SHIT about GUNS. You only know what your MORON leftist DEMOCRAT DUMBASSES spew.

Good GOD you people are fuckin' DUMB... I NEVER hear you ASS CLOWNS speak of SHOT GUNS, but HOW ABOUT THIS...

You go ahead and be SKEERED of that BIG BLACK MEANY LOOKING AR.. while I have FIVE TIMES the FIRE POWER in a SHOT GUN. But... but... but... shot guns are for HUNTING... RIGHT? ... :lol: You know NOTHING... but DON'T think we don't know what you REALLY want to do, and that is to take ALL GUNS AWAY FROM EVERYONE... won't happen, skippy... WON'T HAPPEN.

You can have your pump action rifle. Five cartridge magazines. Ha
It's funny to watch the gun nuts piss themselves over teenagers standing up to them.
It has become impossible to talk to these gun owners; they have sailed to Lala Land. No matter what reason people try to speak, they immediately bray "LIAR." In other words,:lalala:

Things are getting serious. This ain't no way to win, I keep telling them.

You realize that criminals don't really care what you think, right?
Universal background checks and ban the future sale of assault style weapons and all conversion kits to automatic. End of story, taking them away is impossible.
And exactly WHAT is an ASSAULT STYLE WEAPON, you ignorant FUCK?

An AR-15?

Do you fucking know that a SHOT GUN chambered for 3" MAGS is FAR DEADLIER than an AR-15? NO... of COURSE you don't know that because you don't know JACK SHIT about GUNS. You only know what your MORON leftist DEMOCRAT DUMBASSES spew.

Good GOD you people are fuckin' DUMB... I NEVER hear you ASS CLOWNS speak of SHOT GUNS, but HOW ABOUT THIS...

You go ahead and be SKEERED of that BIG BLACK MEANY LOOKING AR.. while I have FIVE TIMES the FIRE POWER in a SHOT GUN. But... but... but... shot guns are for HUNTING... RIGHT? ... :lol: You know NOTHING... but DON'T think we don't know what you REALLY want to do, and that is to take ALL GUNS AWAY FROM EVERYONE... won't happen, skippy... WON'T HAPPEN.

You can have your pump action rifle.

Good! Then I can have a firearm that doesn't even freeking exist? Just where do I buy one of those?
I don’t want my children going to school and be the victim of gun shots...... or rape, many-on-one beating, stabbed, cut, poisoned, bombed, intentionally run over by a car. All of these are acts of violence and terror. Perhaps there is too much freedom in schools and that needs to change.
Take a break, moron... you're dribbling spittle out your dumbass talking cake hole.
I'm just strolling 100yds from a 3 inch twelve gauge. Oh the deadliness.
My 12 gauge with buckshot fired at the river I used to live on would have a deadly pattern at over 100 yards, with only 2 3/4 inch shells. Please do continue.
This ain't no way to win, I keep telling them.

A little heads up for you since you want to talk stupid. Gun owners have already won. WE HAVE THE GUNS. People are dug in, armed, stocked, prepared. During the 8 years of Obama, people saw the writing on the wall and got armed to the teeth. If you want America's guns, it is now up to you to try to take them. They tried a gun grab in New York State just a few years ago with draconian fines for non-compliance and 99% of the people told the government: FUCK YOU. COME AND TAKE THEM, including the police. Now they are trying to make bans by EXCLUDING the cops to keep them happy. Ain't gonna happen. You want the guns, you are going to see a blood bath that'll make the Civil War look like New Year's Eve. 50 million gun owners. 270,000,000 guns. Most cops and military are not going to turn against the people because they are people and gun owners too. That just leaves the gun-grabbers, you know, the people who don't have any guns.

Want to fight crime? Go after the criminals. Want to disarm the law-abiding, peaceful citizenry? YOU are now the criminal.
Universal background checks and ban the future sale of assault style weapons and all conversion kits to automatic. End of story, taking them away is impossible.
And exactly WHAT is an ASSAULT STYLE WEAPON, you ignorant FUCK?

An AR-15?

Do you fucking know that a SHOT GUN chambered for 3" MAGS is FAR DEADLIER than an AR-15? NO... of COURSE you don't know that because you don't know JACK SHIT about GUNS. You only know what your MORON leftist DEMOCRAT DUMBASSES spew.

Good GOD you people are fuckin' DUMB... I NEVER hear you ASS CLOWNS speak of SHOT GUNS, but HOW ABOUT THIS...

You go ahead and be SKEERED of that BIG BLACK MEANY LOOKING AR.. while I have FIVE TIMES the FIRE POWER in a SHOT GUN. But... but... but... shot guns are for HUNTING... RIGHT? ... :lol: You know NOTHING... but DON'T think we don't know what you REALLY want to do, and that is to take ALL GUNS AWAY FROM EVERYONE... won't happen, skippy... WON'T HAPPEN.

You can have your pump action rifle. Five cartridge magazines. Ha
It's funny to watch the gun nuts piss themselves over teenagers standing up to them.
It has become impossible to talk to these gun owners; they have sailed to Lala Land. No matter what reason people try to speak, they immediately bray "LIAR." In other words,:lalala:

Things are getting serious. This ain't no way to win, I keep telling them.

You realize that criminals don't really care what you think, right?

In all fairness, neither does anyone else.
Take a break, moron... you're dribbling spittle out your dumbass talking cake hole.
I'm just strolling 100yds from a 3 inch twelve gauge. Oh the deadliness.
My 12 gauge with buckshot fired at the river I used to live on would have a deadly pattern at over 100 yards, with only 2 3/4 inch shells. Please do continue.

Maybe he'd like to test his theory?
I don’t want my children going to school and be the victim of gun shots...... or rape, many-on-one beating, stabbed, cut, poisoned, bombed, intentionally run over by a car. All of these are acts of violence and terror. Perhaps there is too much freedom in schools and that needs to change.

Nice emotional appeal, but it doesn't answer the question of "How is penalizing law-abiding citizens going to change it?"
Universal background checks and ban the future sale of assault style weapons and all conversion kits to automatic. End of story, taking them away is impossible.
And exactly WHAT is an ASSAULT STYLE WEAPON, you ignorant FUCK?

An AR-15?

Do you fucking know that a SHOT GUN chambered for 3" MAGS is FAR DEADLIER than an AR-15? NO... of COURSE you don't know that because you don't know JACK SHIT about GUNS. You only know what your MORON leftist DEMOCRAT DUMBASSES spew.

Good GOD you people are fuckin' DUMB... I NEVER hear you ASS CLOWNS speak of SHOT GUNS, but HOW ABOUT THIS...

You go ahead and be SKEERED of that BIG BLACK MEANY LOOKING AR.. while I have FIVE TIMES the FIRE POWER in a SHOT GUN. But... but... but... shot guns are for HUNTING... RIGHT? ... :lol: You know NOTHING... but DON'T think we don't know what you REALLY want to do, and that is to take ALL GUNS AWAY FROM EVERYONE... won't happen, skippy... WON'T HAPPEN.

You can have your pump action rifle. Five cartridge magazines. Ha
It's funny to watch the gun nuts piss themselves over teenagers standing up to them.
It has become impossible to talk to these gun owners; they have sailed to Lala Land. No matter what reason people try to speak, they immediately bray "LIAR." In other words,:lalala:

Things are getting serious. This ain't no way to win, I keep telling them.

You realize that criminals don't really care what you think, right?

In all fairness, neither does anyone else.

I was trying to be nice. As alaways
Universal background checks and ban the future sale of assault style weapons and all conversion kits to automatic. End of story, taking them away is impossible.
And exactly WHAT is an ASSAULT STYLE WEAPON, you ignorant FUCK?

An AR-15?

Do you fucking know that a SHOT GUN chambered for 3" MAGS is FAR DEADLIER than an AR-15? NO... of COURSE you don't know that because you don't know JACK SHIT about GUNS. You only know what your MORON leftist DEMOCRAT DUMBASSES spew.

Good GOD you people are fuckin' DUMB... I NEVER hear you ASS CLOWNS speak of SHOT GUNS, but HOW ABOUT THIS...

You go ahead and be SKEERED of that BIG BLACK MEANY LOOKING AR.. while I have FIVE TIMES the FIRE POWER in a SHOT GUN. But... but... but... shot guns are for HUNTING... RIGHT? ... :lol: You know NOTHING... but DON'T think we don't know what you REALLY want to do, and that is to take ALL GUNS AWAY FROM EVERYONE... won't happen, skippy... WON'T HAPPEN.

You can have your pump action rifle. Five cartridge magazines. Ha
It's funny to watch the gun nuts piss themselves over teenagers standing up to them.
It has become impossible to talk to these gun owners; they have sailed to Lala Land. No matter what reason people try to speak, they immediately bray "LIAR." In other words,:lalala:

Things are getting serious. This ain't no way to win, I keep telling them.

You realize that criminals don't really care what you think, right?

In all fairness, neither does anyone else.

I was trying to be nice. As alaways

I gave it up as a lost cause years ago. Now my motto is, "The truth doesn't have to be nice. It just has to be true."
I don’t want my children going to school and be the victim of gun shots...... or rape, many-on-one beating, stabbed, cut, poisoned, bombed, intentionally run over by a car. All of these are acts of violence and terror. Perhaps there is too much freedom in schools and that needs to change.

Nice emotional appeal, but it doesn't answer the question of "How is penalizing law-abiding citizens going to change it?"

If the freedom that he wants to restrict is in regards to bullying, I'm all for it. Kick the rich kids out that pick on the poorer kids, or limit their access to their targets, I'm all in.
I don’t want my children going to school and be the victim of gun shots...... or rape, many-on-one beating, stabbed, cut, poisoned, bombed, intentionally run over by a car. All of these are acts of violence and terror. Perhaps there is too much freedom in schools and that needs to change.

Nice emotional appeal, but it doesn't answer the question of "How is penalizing law-abiding citizens going to change it?"

If the freedom that he wants to restrict is in regards to bullying, I'm all for it. Kick the rich kids out that pick on the poorer kids, or limit their access to their targets, I'm all in.

Hey, if he wants to restrict the freedom to walk into the school, totally unchallenged, while carrying a gun, I'm actually okay with that. However, I don't think simply making a rule about it is an effective restriction, and restrictions that basically punish people who have never even considered shooting up a school are right out.
I don’t want my children going to school and be the victim of gun shots...... or rape, many-on-one beating, stabbed, cut, poisoned, bombed, intentionally run over by a car. All of these are acts of violence and terror. Perhaps there is too much freedom in schools and that needs to change.

Nice emotional appeal, but it doesn't answer the question of "How is penalizing law-abiding citizens going to change it?"

If the freedom that he wants to restrict is in regards to bullying, I'm all for it. Kick the rich kids out that pick on the poorer kids, or limit their access to their targets, I'm all in.

Hey, if he wants to restrict the freedom to walk into the school, totally unchallenged, while carrying a gun, I'm actually okay with that. However, I don't think simply making a rule about it is an effective restriction, and restrictions that basically punish people who have never even considered shooting up a school are right out.

These killings at these schools are not caused by people walking around with guns. Hell, we used to bring guns to school, store them in out lockers so we could hunt or go to the range after the end of the day. There was never an incident until the last 20 years. Hell, we would have the teachers look them over and comment on how nice they were.

The last twenty years has seen an increase in bullying, hell, they admitted it at these rallies how Cruz had been bullied since Middle School. Add to that the link to most of these bullied kids also being put on antidepressants or dangerous ADHD meds, and NO ONE SHOULD BE SHOCKED THAT WE CREATED A MONSTER.

You don't cure the basic problems, banning every gun in the world and you won't stop the problem. Murderers Murder, and they are far more creative about it, then we are in stopping it.
And exactly WHAT is an ASSAULT STYLE WEAPON, you ignorant FUCK?

An AR-15?

Do you fucking know that a SHOT GUN chambered for 3" MAGS is FAR DEADLIER than an AR-15? NO... of COURSE you don't know that because you don't know JACK SHIT about GUNS. You only know what your MORON leftist DEMOCRAT DUMBASSES spew.

Good GOD you people are fuckin' DUMB... I NEVER hear you ASS CLOWNS speak of SHOT GUNS, but HOW ABOUT THIS...

You go ahead and be SKEERED of that BIG BLACK MEANY LOOKING AR.. while I have FIVE TIMES the FIRE POWER in a SHOT GUN. But... but... but... shot guns are for HUNTING... RIGHT? ... :lol: You know NOTHING... but DON'T think we don't know what you REALLY want to do, and that is to take ALL GUNS AWAY FROM EVERYONE... won't happen, skippy... WON'T HAPPEN.

You can have your pump action rifle. Five cartridge magazines. Ha
It's funny to watch the gun nuts piss themselves over teenagers standing up to them.
It has become impossible to talk to these gun owners; they have sailed to Lala Land. No matter what reason people try to speak, they immediately bray "LIAR." In other words,:lalala:

Things are getting serious. This ain't no way to win, I keep telling them.

You realize that criminals don't really care what you think, right?

In all fairness, neither does anyone else.

I was trying to be nice. As alaways

I gave it up as a lost cause years ago. Now my motto is, "The truth doesn't have to be nice. It just has to be true."

There's a reason they sometimes call it the ugly truth. The truth is dangerous. It is unsettling. It is even downright scary sometimes. But the truth will set you free.
When you have an Ex Scotus who is saying the 2nd amendment should be abolished things are a lot worse than folks realize. These people are going to come after all Conservatives if they get power again.

You think weaponizing the DOJ, FBI, IRS and CIA was bad this last time around?

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