Parents of Capt. Khan Warn GOP's Ryan, McConnell Over Trump

Nope. We are here. We do not have to make a choice over where we are here or not. Timmy McVeigh was born here. There was nothing to be done about that.

Well, sure, there's a lot of things that can be done like that.

First, we can stop molly-coddling all these Militia, Sovereign citizen and other assholes. When a bunch of guys take over a park building- you give them 24 hours to give up or we kill EVERY LAST FUCKING ONE OF THEM.

But shit, they are WHITE people. They have a god-given right to waive around guns.

In no way do we "gun nuts" claim we have to tolerate our criminal violence. I have often discussed ways that we could reduces that violence.

Um, yeah, guy, we can't even get the "No Fly" list extended to gun purchases. Apparently the guy who can't be trusted on a plane after he's gone through a thorough and invasive search is still totally free to buy a military grade rifle and shoot up a night club. You guys only get upset if he's a Muslim.

Want a be immigrants have no right to come here. We have the Right to invite or disinvite whomever we choose without explaining our reasons or lack there of to anyone.

Except your Boy Trumpenfuhrer wants to throw out people who were born here and are already citizens.

One of Bin Ladin's prime stated reasons for 9-11 was the presence of infidels on the Holy SOil of the Nation that contains the Holy Black Stone.

THose infidels were there to protect Bin Ladin's nation and family from invasion from their enemy Saddam.

That is not US being bad. That is them being bat shit crazy and bigoted.

I'm still not sure why we were on their land to start with? Oh, yeah... Jews and Oil. Our top national priorities.

Here's the thing. We could invest the money we spend playing Hall Monitor in the MIddle East, put it into a crash energy program of new nuclear reactors and alternative energy and conservation- and we'd be completely independent of their oil.

The War on Terror is the first war where the American consumer has funded BOTH sides.
I wouldn't hold my breath on this, however, I hope they do speak out

One of the standout speeches at the Democratic National Convention came not from the slew of politicians or celebrities but from the parents of a Muslim-American war hero who shared a stirring reprimand for GOP candidate Donald Trump. But that was only part of their message.

Khizr Khan appeared on MSNBC's "Last Call With Lawrence O'Donnell" on Friday with his wife Ghazala Khan and said there were two other individuals he wanted to address: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan.

Khan called both men "patriots" and "decent human beings" and appealed to them: "Isn't it time to repudiate Trump?"

Slain Soldier's Parents Say GOP Has 'Moral Imperative' to Disown Trump

They spoke on behave of a woman who let Americans die in Bhengazi........not smart people....
2A, There has been so much hoopla about Benghazi, that I'm a little lost anymore. With all the accusations flying around, like the one you make exactly did Hillary let Americans die in Benghazi? What happened after Obama and Panetta gave orders to local troops to saddle up and they were delayed on a plane? Did she put a hold on the order. Can she countermand an order from the President? There has been so much garbage and accusations of not caring thrown into the mix, I've forgotten where square one is anymore, but I suspect that is the only way to keep the issue alive.

The situation was deteriorating in Bhengazi....other countries were pulling out their people......the Secretary of State is responsible for embassy security.....repeated requests had been placed with her for more embassy, or an ambassador in a country in the state of ruin as libya required a full complement of Marines and even more......this embassy had a bare handful of security personel...and requests for more securtiy were denied.....they had embassy security experts tell them that if security was not increased people were going to die.....they did not increase security...

The night of the attack help was requested...and no help was ever sent......
The situation was deteriorating in Bhengazi....other countries were pulling out their people......the Secretary of State is responsible for embassy security.....repeated requests had been placed with her for more embassy, or an ambassador in a country in the state of ruin as libya required a full complement of Marines and even more......this embassy had a bare handful of security personel...and requests for more securtiy were denied.....they had embassy security experts tell them that if security was not increased people were going to die.....they did not increase security...

The night of the attack help was requested...and no help was ever sent......

You see, Dick Tiny, you keep calling this an "embassy", but it wasn't an embassy. Benghazi is not the capital of Libya, Tripoli is. What we had in Benghazi was a diplomatic mission, which is not the same thing as an embassy.

Now, why is this important? Because what you had was Ambassador Stevens choosing ot leave his nice, safe Embassy in Tripoli to go to this mission in Benghazi, despite the supposed instability, despite the fact that there riots in the rest of the region over the notorious video (which apparently nobody in Benghazi was actually upset about, no really) despite the fact it was the 11th Anniversary of 9/11.

In short, the guy on the ground felt it was safe to go, but Hillary should have known this was far too dangerous and put a stop to it.

This is your argument, right, Dick Tiny?
Benghazi was getting ready for some cultural event. Hilly ordered Stevens to go to assist with preparations. He wanted to delay his visit past September 11th but she insisted.
Nope. We are here. We do not have to make a choice over where we are here or not. Timmy McVeigh was born here. There was nothing to be done about that.

Well, sure, there's a lot of things that can be done like that.

First, we can stop molly-coddling all these Militia, Sovereign citizen and other assholes. When a bunch of guys take over a park building- you give them 24 hours to give up or we kill EVERY LAST FUCKING ONE OF THEM.

But shit, they are WHITE people. They have a god-given right to waive around guns.

In no way do we "gun nuts" claim we have to tolerate our criminal violence. I have often discussed ways that we could reduces that violence.

Um, yeah, guy, we can't even get the "No Fly" list extended to gun purchases. Apparently the guy who can't be trusted on a plane after he's gone through a thorough and invasive search is still totally free to buy a military grade rifle and shoot up a night club. You guys only get upset if he's a Muslim.

Want a be immigrants have no right to come here. We have the Right to invite or disinvite whomever we choose without explaining our reasons or lack there of to anyone.

Except your Boy Trumpenfuhrer wants to throw out people who were born here and are already citizens.

One of Bin Ladin's prime stated reasons for 9-11 was the presence of infidels on the Holy SOil of the Nation that contains the Holy Black Stone.

THose infidels were there to protect Bin Ladin's nation and family from invasion from their enemy Saddam.

That is not US being bad. That is them being bat shit crazy and bigoted.

I'm still not sure why we were on their land to start with? Oh, yeah... Jews and Oil. Our top national priorities.

Here's the thing. We could invest the money we spend playing Hall Monitor in the MIddle East, put it into a crash energy program of new nuclear reactors and alternative energy and conservation- and we'd be completely independent of their oil.

The War on Terror is the first war where the American consumer has funded BOTH sides.
Take over Zuccoti park. Kill every fucking last one of them. Occupy the Wisconsin state house, kill every last fucking one of them. University offices, kill everything that moves.

There is no reason to give them a 24 hour warning.
Why can't you be more like this leftist ?

Because you guys ARE supporting Hitler.


You're the ones that support Islamo-Nazis that want to kill all Jews, gays, and Christians. How is wanting to get rid of one brand of Nazis make one a Nazi?
You're the ones that support Islamo-Nazis that want to kill all Jews, gays, and Christians. How is wanting to get rid of one brand of Nazis make one a Nazi?

Uh, because those guys aren't Nazis and their civil wars have nothing to do with us. I don't think we need to get into a fight over who an Imaginary Fairy in the Sky gave a strip of sand to. It's really none of our business.
Benghazi was getting ready for some cultural event. Hilly ordered Stevens to go to assist with preparations. He wanted to delay his visit past September 11th but she insisted.

do you have a link to that, or are you just making shit up?

He was actually there to meet with a Turkish Diplomat...
My mistake. It wasn't a cultural event. It was only for hilly's vanity.

Testimony: Stevens Went to Benghazi Mission on 9/11/12 So Clinton Could Announce on Upcoming Libyan Visit It Had Become Permanent U.S. Post
Benghazi was getting ready for some cultural event. Hilly ordered Stevens to go to assist with preparations. He wanted to delay his visit past September 11th but she insisted.

do you have a link to that, or are you just making shit up?

He was actually there to meet with a Turkish Diplomat...
My mistake. It wasn't a cultural event. It was only for hilly's vanity.

Testimony: Stevens Went to Benghazi Mission on 9/11/12 So Clinton Could Announce on Upcoming Libyan Visit It Had Become Permanent U.S. Post
Does this testimony mean to imply that Stevens was reluctant to go to Benghazi to oversee setting up a permanent post there? Because I heard somewhere, and I don't remember where or by whom...some tv clip I suppose, but obviously not from CNS...anyway, I heard that Stevens was genuinely eager to be in Libya, that he loved the culture and the people and trusted them. And evidently some Libyans tried to save him. I heard that he went there without a full complement of embassy guards to an incomplete compound feeling safe. A miscalculation nobody knew in advance. First reports of disaster are always speculative guesses and I am amazed at how much mileage Republicans have gotten out of the video guess as earlier reported by Egypt. Of Course, any way you look at it, this was a diplomatic mess and a very tragic loss of life.
Nope. We are here. We do not have to make a choice over where we are here or not. Timmy McVeigh was born here. There was nothing to be done about that.

Well, sure, there's a lot of things that can be done like that.

First, we can stop molly-coddling all these Militia, Sovereign citizen and other assholes. When a bunch of guys take over a park building- you give them 24 hours to give up or we kill EVERY LAST FUCKING ONE OF THEM.

But shit, they are WHITE people. They have a god-given right to waive around guns.

In no way do we "gun nuts" claim we have to tolerate our criminal violence. I have often discussed ways that we could reduces that violence.

Um, yeah, guy, we can't even get the "No Fly" list extended to gun purchases. Apparently the guy who can't be trusted on a plane after he's gone through a thorough and invasive search is still totally free to buy a military grade rifle and shoot up a night club. You guys only get upset if he's a Muslim.

Want a be immigrants have no right to come here. We have the Right to invite or disinvite whomever we choose without explaining our reasons or lack there of to anyone.

Except your Boy Trumpenfuhrer wants to throw out people who were born here and are already citizens.

One of Bin Ladin's prime stated reasons for 9-11 was the presence of infidels on the Holy SOil of the Nation that contains the Holy Black Stone.

THose infidels were there to protect Bin Ladin's nation and family from invasion from their enemy Saddam.

That is not US being bad. That is them being bat shit crazy and bigoted.

I'm still not sure why we were on their land to start with? Oh, yeah... Jews and Oil. Our top national priorities.

Here's the thing. We could invest the money we spend playing Hall Monitor in the MIddle East, put it into a crash energy program of new nuclear reactors and alternative energy and conservation- and we'd be completely independent of their oil.

The War on Terror is the first war where the American consumer has funded BOTH sides.

"Jews and oil, our nations top national priorities"?

Your post is nothing but incoherent, bigoted and racist nonsense.

I've failed to make my "Suspend disbelief" roll that I have to make before I can pretend that you are rational enough and/or honest enough to make any attempt at communication NOT a complete waste of my time.

This is for you.

You're the ones that support Islamo-Nazis that want to kill all Jews, gays, and Christians. How is wanting to get rid of one brand of Nazis make one a Nazi?

Uh, because those guys aren't Nazis and their civil wars have nothing to do with us. I don't think we need to get into a fight over who an Imaginary Fairy in the Sky gave a strip of sand to. It's really none of our business.

It's your Dear Leader that is getting into the fight.

We should not be involved in the Muslim civil wars. Trump believes in isolating them and letting them be. Hillary and Obama think they can micromanage the ME.
  • Where Was Hillary Clinton When Captain Khan Gave His Life in Iraq?
    PJ Media ^ | July 31, 2016 | Claudia Rosett
    What to make of the furor touched off by the speech at the Democratic National Convention of Khizr Khan? Khan spoke about his son, an American war hero, Army Captain Humayun Khan, a Muslim, who gave his life 12 years ago in Iraq to save his soldiers from a suicide bomber.But Khan, the grieving father, did not stop there. In a windup to endorsing Hillary Clinton as "the healer," waving a copy of the American Constitution, Khan attacked Donald Trump, asking if he has even read the U.S. Constitution, and saying "You have sacrificed nothing and no one." Father of...
  • Have We Forgotten That Hillary Pretty Much Called A Gold Star Mother A /Liar?
    -8Townhall ^ | July 31, 2016 | Matt Vespa
    Earlier this week, Trump said something inappropriate about Gold Star mother Ghazala Khan. Her son, Army Captain Humayun Khan, was killed in Iraq back in 2004, but was silent when she and her husband, Khizr, briefly spoke at the Democratic National Convention. Khizr torched Trump in his address, which prompted the unseemly response from the Republican nominee. Khizr said that Trump knows nothing of sacrifice, lacks empathy, and is ignorant of the U.S. Constitution. Okay—so Trump’s remarks, which arguably were touching upon the whole Islamic submission of women angle, was terrible. Yet, let’s not forget that Hillary Clinton also criticized...
Parents of Capt. Khan should shut the fuck up and stop using their sons death for the sake of political expediency and hate.

I voted for Trump in my state's primary. Capt. Khan's parents want to take from me the very thing their son fought for.
Does this testimony mean to imply that Stevens was reluctant to go to Benghazi to oversee setting up a permanent post there? Because I heard somewhere, and I don't remember where or by whom...some tv clip I suppose, but obviously not from CNS...anyway, I heard that Stevens was genuinely eager to be in Libya, that he loved the culture and the people and trusted them. And evidently some Libyans tried to save him. I heard that he went there without a full complement of embassy guards to an incomplete compound feeling safe. A miscalculation nobody knew in advance. First reports of disaster are always speculative guesses and I am amazed at how much mileage Republicans have gotten out of the video guess as earlier reported by Egypt. Of Course, any way you look at it, this was a diplomatic mess and a very tragic loss of life.

Good point. And here's the point no one wants to address. Stevens was the guy who made the call to visit Benghazi. Not Hillary.

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