Kahn To GOP: Repudiate Trump Now

How is describing a Mooslim for what they are "low"? Do you think women should be abused and stripped of their rights? Do you subscribe and or support the "convert or die" ideology that is their modis operandi in their written law, The Koran? Are you a traitor?
Di I think women should be abused and stripped of their rights? No, I'm not a Republican.

Do I subscribe and or support the "convert or die" ? NO and neither do the Khans! It is fucking stupid to think that they do. Trump is going down big time on this one. He is the traitor and anyone who supports him is a fucking low life and moron.!
How is describing a Mooslim for what they are "low"? Do you think women should be abused and stripped of their rights? Do you subscribe and or support the "convert or die" ideology that is their modis operandi in their written law, The Koran? Are you a traitor?
Di I think women should be abused and stripped of their rights? No, I'm not a Republican.

Do I subscribe and or support the "convert or die" ? NO and neither do the Khans! It is fucking stupid to think that they do. Trump is going down big time on this one. He is the traitor and anyone who supports him is a fucking low life and moron.!


Someone on another thread said that anyone who supports Hillary is a low life and an idiot.

I guess this country really is as stupid as Gruber thinks it is.
I wish the GOP would just tell Mr. Kahn, "sorry about your loss, but go fuck yourself."
Who is Khizr Khan, the father of a fallen US soldier?
By Clarice Feldman

Khizr Khan is the father of a U.S. soldier who died in Iraq, who spoke poignantly of the loss of his son and then used that platform to attack Donald Trump. On Sunday he tweeted further disparaging remarks about Melania.

Google shows this for his law practice:
His NYC address is here (but the phone number is in D.C.)
Khan, Khizr M. CFC
Law Offices of KM Khan
415 Madison Avenue
15th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Phones: 202.279.0806
Fax: 646-673-8401
Contact Us: Contact Us

I was surprised that a N.Y. law office would list a D.C. telephone number, so I called it to check and was told by the man who answered that it was not Khizr Khan’s law office. The man who answered would not tell me who it was.

So I did more digging and learned that that is also the phone number of a group called American Muslims Vote, which says its mission is:

“To create an enlightened community by providing and developing Patriotic American Muslim leadership and Encouraging American Muslims to participate in the democratic process at local, state and national level and vote on the election day.”

I did some further research into who registered this domain name and when. Khizr Khan registered it on July 23, 2016.

He’s looking increasingly like a plant to me – a Muslim Cindy Sheehan playing on people’s sympathies to foster a Democratic Party political agenda. And of course, in that goal, he has the full-throated support of the American media.
ISIS lover!!!!....only edtheycynic didn't know we had bases in Saudia Arabia for like the past 50 years...

According to the government, Donald Rumsfeld was supposed to have closed the American base in Saudi Arabia right after 9/11. If what Trump is saying is not just another of his made up facts, that means that a secret military base is now public.
The Kahn family has more honor and American patriotism than all the NaziCon morons supporting Trump put together. Watch the video in the OP to see what a real American is like.

What sanctimonious bullshit.

I presume it is of no consequence that Khan's whole lifestyle depends on immigration from the Middle East .... he isn't a hurting father, he's a selfish SOB using his son's dead body to protect his business.
Remember folks, this is how it all started in places like France, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, and so on. It sounds like this man is being radicalized by extremist Leftists and Muslims. It's exactly what happened in those countries. And look at the horror they're experiencing now.

This man's words could be perceived as a threat to Trump and the country. I wouldn't just dismiss his words as mere partisan attacks. There's likely more to it. He may be a very dangerous person. Hopefully, Homeland Security is keeping tabs on him. This could be the beginning of awful things to come. So don't just dismiss this guy, and others like him. That's what those other countries did.
Trump radicalized him. Trump is the dangerous person. Trump could be the beginning of awful things to come. Don't just dismiss this guy. That is what Germany and Italy did in the 30's

This is how it started in those nations. Extremist Muslims and Leftists labeling anyone who disagrees with them as 'Racists', 'Xenophobes', and so on. That opened the flood gates for radicalization.

Too many Citizens of those nations were too tolerant of Extremist Muslim and Leftist rhetoric. Folks like Kahn are more dangerous than most think. They incite radicalization. I hope we've learned something from the disasters in those Western European nations. But i guess we'll see.
Fox News Didn’t Air That Amazing Speech By The Father Of A Fallen Muslim Soldier

The network — which usually jumps at the chance to extol the virtues of American patriotism and sacrifice —cut to commercials.

Fox News Didn’t Air Speech By Father Of Fallen Muslim Soldier

Fox News is pure fucking evil.
Khan is a fucking Clinton paid shill.
The law firm he worked for did the Clinton's taxes for years.
He's a proud member of the Muslim Brotherhood.
He gets paid to smuggle illegal muslims into the US.
He's in deep financial trouble. Guess the hundred K turning up in his offshore bank account deposited by a 'mystery benefactor' just before he spoke at the DNC convention will come in handy.
When the dust settles he and his zombie wife will have relocated to Egypt.
The Kahns are speaking live on Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC.
If you're watching that makes 14 viewers watching O'Donnell.
O'Donnell is such a bat-shit radical LIB nut-case MSNBC wouldn't even have him on the MSNBC convention coverage panels before one in the morning.

Father Of War Hero Near Tears As He Pleads With Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell To ‘Repudiate’ Trump

Khizr Khan, who denounced Trump at the Democratic Convention, said “an ethical, moral stand has to be taken, regardless of the political costs.”

WASHINGTON ― Khizr Khan on Friday delivered the second half of the speech he began a day earlier at the Democratic National Convention.

Khan, the father of Muslim-American war hero Army Capt. Humayun S.M. Khan, who was killed in action in Iraq, implored Republican leaders of the Senate and House to disown their presidential nominee, Donald Trump, once and for all.

Appearing in his living room with his wife on MSNBC, Khan stared unwaveringly into the camera with watery eyes and asked Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.): “Isn’t this time to repudiate Trump?”

“If your candidate wins and he governs the way he has campaigned, my country, this country, will have constitutional crises [like] never before in the history of this country, and my conscience compels me under these very difficult circumstances,” Khan said. “But there is so much at stake, and I appeal to both of these leaders, this is the time. There comes a time in the history of a nation where an ethical, moral stand has to be taken regardless of the political costs. The only reason they’re not repudiating his behavior, his threat to our democracy, our decency, our foundation, is just because of political consequences.”

Khan told Lawrence O’Donnell, host of MSNBC’s “The Last Word,” he will continue asking that question in the hopes that it gets a reply from the two leaders, who he called “patriot(s)” and “decent human being(s).”

Neither McConnell’s nor Ryan’s spokesmen responded immediately to requests for comment.

Watch the full MSNBC interview below:

Father Of War Hero Near Tears As He Pleads With Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell To 'Repudiate' Trump

A patriotic Pakistani-American is sending us a clear message about the dangers of a Trump presidency. Are we listening? I am...

Fuck Kahn! I repudiate his loathsome ass.

Father Of War Hero Near Tears As He Pleads With Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell To ‘Repudiate’ Trump

Khizr Khan, who denounced Trump at the Democratic Convention, said “an ethical, moral stand has to be taken, regardless of the political costs.”

WASHINGTON ― Khizr Khan on Friday delivered the second half of the speech he began a day earlier at the Democratic National Convention.

Khan, the father of Muslim-American war hero Army Capt. Humayun S.M. Khan, who was killed in action in Iraq, implored Republican leaders of the Senate and House to disown their presidential nominee, Donald Trump, once and for all.

Appearing in his living room with his wife on MSNBC, Khan stared unwaveringly into the camera with watery eyes and asked Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.): “Isn’t this time to repudiate Trump?”

“If your candidate wins and he governs the way he has campaigned, my country, this country, will have constitutional crises [like] never before in the history of this country, and my conscience compels me under these very difficult circumstances,” Khan said. “But there is so much at stake, and I appeal to both of these leaders, this is the time. There comes a time in the history of a nation where an ethical, moral stand has to be taken regardless of the political costs. The only reason they’re not repudiating his behavior, his threat to our democracy, our decency, our foundation, is just because of political consequences.”

Khan told Lawrence O’Donnell, host of MSNBC’s “The Last Word,” he will continue asking that question in the hopes that it gets a reply from the two leaders, who he called “patriot(s)” and “decent human being(s).”

Neither McConnell’s nor Ryan’s spokesmen responded immediately to requests for comment.

Watch the full MSNBC interview below:

Father Of War Hero Near Tears As He Pleads With Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell To 'Repudiate' Trump

A patriotic Pakistani-American is sending us a clear message about the dangers of a Trump presidency. Are we listening? I am...

Fuck Kahn! I repudiate his loathsome ass.
Khan has fucked himself in the ass.
Trump's legal team and his operatives are going to 'leak' all the dirt they can find on Khan.
By the time they are finished Khan will be living under a fucking rock in a dirt hut in some Pakistani village.
Remember folks, this is how it all started in places like France, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, and so on. It sounds like this man is being radicalized by extremist Leftists and Muslims. It's exactly what happened in those countries. And look at the horror they're experiencing now.

This man's words could be perceived as a threat to Trump and the country. I wouldn't just dismiss his words as mere partisan attacks. There's likely more to it. He may be a very dangerous person. Hopefully, Homeland Security is keeping tabs on him. This could be the beginning of awful things to come. So don't just dismiss this guy, and others like him. That's what those other countries did.
Trump radicalized him. Trump is the dangerous person. Trump could be the beginning of awful things to come. Don't just dismiss this guy. That is what Germany and Italy did in the 30's

How did Trump radicalize him? Where is personal responsibility? I find it amazing that Trump radicalized a guy in less than a year. Is the guy really weak minded?

I don't agree with Trump, but you are pushing a. Pretty cuckoo theory.
Remember folks, this is how it all started in places like France, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, and so on. It sounds like this man is being radicalized by extremist Leftists and Muslims. It's exactly what happened in those countries. And look at the horror they're experiencing now.

This man's words could be perceived as a threat to Trump and the country. I wouldn't just dismiss his words as mere partisan attacks. There's likely more to it. He may be a very dangerous person. Hopefully, Homeland Security is keeping tabs on him. This could be the beginning of awful things to come. So don't just dismiss this guy, and others like him. That's what those other countries did.
Trump radicalized him. Trump is the dangerous person. Trump could be the beginning of awful things to come. Don't just dismiss this guy. That is what Germany and Italy did in the 30's

This is how it started in those nations. Extremist Muslims and Leftists labeling anyone who disagrees with them as 'Racists', 'Xenophobes', and so on. That opened the flood gates for radicalization.

Too many Citizens of those nations were too tolerant of Extremist Muslim and Leftist rhetoric. Folks like Kahn are more dangerous than most think. They incite radicalization. I hope we've learned something from the disasters in those Western European nations. But i guess we'll see.
Bovine excrement. Show us the evidence that he is a radical Islamist or knock off your histrionics
Fox News Didn’t Air That Amazing Speech By The Father Of A Fallen Muslim Soldier

The network — which usually jumps at the chance to extol the virtues of American patriotism and sacrifice —cut to commercials.

Fox News Didn’t Air Speech By Father Of Fallen Muslim Soldier

Fox News is pure fucking evil.
Khan is a fucking Clinton paid shill.
The law firm he worked for did the Clinton's taxes for years.
He's a proud member of the Muslim Brotherhood.
He gets paid to smuggle illegal muslims into the US.
He's in deep financial trouble. Guess the hundred K turning up in his offshore bank account deposited by a 'mystery benefactor' just before he spoke at the DNC convention will come in handy.
When the dust settles he and his zombie wife will have relocated to Egypt.
Prove it boy? You can't can you?? That makes it slander .And an appeal to ignorance
Remember folks, this is how it all started in places like France, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, and so on. It sounds like this man is being radicalized by extremist Leftists and Muslims. It's exactly what happened in those countries. And look at the horror they're experiencing now.

This man's words could be perceived as a threat to Trump and the country. I wouldn't just dismiss his words as mere partisan attacks. There's likely more to it. He may be a very dangerous person. Hopefully, Homeland Security is keeping tabs on him. This could be the beginning of awful things to come. So don't just dismiss this guy, and others like him. That's what those other countries did.
Trump radicalized him. Trump is the dangerous person. Trump could be the beginning of awful things to come. Don't just dismiss this guy. That is what Germany and Italy did in the 30's

This is how it started in those nations. Extremist Muslims and Leftists labeling anyone who disagrees with them as 'Racists', 'Xenophobes', and so on. That opened the flood gates for radicalization.

Too many Citizens of those nations were too tolerant of Extremist Muslim and Leftist rhetoric. Folks like Kahn are more dangerous than most think. They incite radicalization. I hope we've learned something from the disasters in those Western European nations. But i guess we'll see.
Bovine excrement. Show us the evidence that he is a radical Islamist or knock off your histrionics

Just stating fact. It's how the radicalization process in many Western European nations began. It began with extremist Muslims and Leftists shouting folks down with constant rabid 'Racist', 'Xenophobia', 'Islamophobia' accusations. It incited the radicalization that followed.

Americans better be paying attention. They better not allow extremist Muslims and Leftists to shout them down. If they do, there will be a bloody price to pay. Several Western European nations have found that out.

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