Pardons Reveal The Difference Between Pro-Justice/America Pres & Pro-Terrorist/Criminal Pres


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
There are several different areas that contrast the Presidencies of President Obama and President Trump, Presidential acts that demonstrate the difference between a President who embraced his father's belief that America needed to be eliminated as a world power and influence, who had zero respect for our Constitution and Rule of :Law, and a President who has embraced both, who loves this country, and who has made it his goal to Make America Great Again.

One of those areas is in their record of PARDONS:

President Obama 'commuted the sentence of Bradley Manning (you may also know him as Chelsea), who leaked hundreds of thousands of sensitive documents to WikiLeaks. A traitor in every sense, in 2013 Manning was convicted and sentenced to 35 years in prison. But, Bradley Manning became a hero of the political left for declaring himself to be transgender, and Obama made his controversial commutation days before leaving office.'

President Obama also pardoned the sentence of convicted TERRORIST Oscar Lopez Rivera, a a leader of the Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional Puertorriqueña (FALN), a Puerto Rican terrorist group responsible for 130 attacks in the United States, and at least six deaths.

-- Interestingly enough, both Barak Obama and the Clintons had 'soft spots' for the EXACT SAME TERRORIST ORGANIZATION - FALN! FALN, a terrorist group trying to push independence for Puerto Rico exploded a bomb at One Police Plaza in New York. Members of this bloody terrorist group were responsible for 146 bombings the most gruesome of which was the 1975 Fraunces Tavern bombing in Lower Manhattan. Timed to go off during lunch time, the explosion killed 4 and injured another 60. While Congress was in recess in 1999, Bill Clinton quietly commuted the sentence of 16 of these terrorists who were eventually brought to justice and were serving prison sentences to help Hillary win a seat in Congress.

*** When the Clintons Pardoned Terrorists For Votes - The Lid

"Obama also granted clemency to hundreds of drug offenders he claimed were non-violent offenders who deserved a second chance, because of racism or something. It later came out that many of the people he released were actually violent offenders guilty of gun crimes."

Obama Granted Clemency to Terrorists and Traitors, But We’re Supposed to Be Angry at Trump's Pardons
In stark contrast, President Trump "granted full pardons for Army First Lt. Clint Lorance and Army Maj. Mathew Golsteyn, who’d been accused of war crimes. Lorance had served six years of a 19-year sentence, and Golsteyn was facing trial for killing an alleged Taliban bombmaker. Navy SEAL Edward R. Gallagher, who was found not guilty of war crimes, but still had his rank reduced, was granted clemency and restoration of rank.

Lawmakers had been pushing for pardons for Lorance and Golsteyn because they’d taken actions to defend themselves on the battlefield and were charged with war crimes for it. Yet, when President Trump pardoned them, it immediately sparked controversy and outrage. Pete Buttigieg joined in the outrage chorus, claiming Trump “dishonored our armed services.

Buttigieg is an anti-American asshole cut from the same cloth as Obama and the standard 'Democrat' in the fact that he - like THEY - hates the military and attempts to demonize them.

American soldiers VOLUNTEER to step up, sign up, and defend this nation - going to some of the most god-forsaken hellholes on this planet to fight the 'demons' THERE so we don't have to fight them HERE. They choose a life of sacrifice and less-than-deserved pay rather than a life of personal fortune-seeking and self-gratification...and one of the only things they ask for is for their nation, their government, and their President to 'have their back'.

President Trump did just that. After pardoning these soldiers, the very politicians who were openly declaring these service members should be pardoned - during their continuous 4 years of attacking the President - suddenly reversed course and began to attack the President for pardoning them. It was not because they opposed the pardons - they already showed they were FOR pardoning them. IT WAS WHO PARDONED THEM!

Suddenly using 4 previously 'fellow soldiers', their lives, and their families' lives as political chess pieces in his and the Democrats' unending butt-hurt and political treason dishonored the military in which he 'served' and was an act of betrayal.

The Democrats remained silent while both Clintons pardoned traitors and terrorists FALN members, but raised hell and attacked the President for pardoning military members for whom they had already called fro pardons....just not from THIS President.

"While Obama may have granted clemency to plenty who deserved it, granting clemency to an unrepentant terrorist was nonsensical. Doing the same for a traitor responsible for the biggest national security breach in history sends the worst possible message. I think it’s clear that Trump has shown far better judgment so far than his predecessor."

Democrat Presidents used pardons as political statements rather than in the interests of justice. How charming.
I watched Lt Lorance on Fox&Friends this morning.

Pardoned War Criminal Tells Trump 'I Love You, Sir,' Demands President's Critics 'Go Home'

I share every word he said.
In stark contrast, President Trump "granted full pardons for Army First Lt. Clint Lorance and Army Maj. Mathew Golsteyn, who’d been accused of war crimes. Lorance had served six years of a 19-year sentence, and Golsteyn was facing trial for killing an alleged Taliban bombmaker. Navy SEAL Edward R. Gallagher, who was found not guilty of war crimes, but still had his rank reduced, was granted clemency and restoration of rank.

Lawmakers had been pushing for pardons for Lorance and Golsteyn because they’d taken actions to defend themselves on the battlefield and were charged with war crimes for it. Yet, when President Trump pardoned them, it immediately sparked controversy and outrage. Pete Buttigieg joined in the outrage chorus, claiming Trump “dishonored our armed services.

Buttigieg is an anti-American asshole cut from the same cloth as Obama and the standard 'Democrat' in the fact that he - like THEY - hates the military and attempts to demonize them.

American soldiers VOLUNTEER to step up, sign up, and defend this nation - going to some of the most god-forsaken hellholes on this planet to fight the 'demons' THERE so we don't have to fight them HERE. They choose a life of sacrifice and less-than-deserved pay rather than a life of personal fortune-seeking and self-gratification...and one of the only things they ask for is for their nation, their government, and their President to 'have their back'.

President Trump did just that. After pardoning these soldiers, the very politicians who were openly declaring these service members should be pardoned - during their continuous 4 years of attacking the President - suddenly reversed course and began to attack the President for pardoning them. It was not because they opposed the pardons - they already showed they were FOR pardoning them. IT WAS WHO PARDONED THEM!

Suddenly using 4 previously 'fellow soldiers', their lives, and their families' lives as political chess pieces in his and the Democrats' unending butt-hurt and political treason dishonored the military in which he 'served' and was an act of betrayal.

The Democrats remained silent while both Clintons pardoned traitors and terrorists FALN members, but raised hell and attacked the President for pardoning military members for whom they had already called fro pardons....just not from THIS President.

"While Obama may have granted clemency to plenty who deserved it, granting clemency to an unrepentant terrorist was nonsensical. Doing the same for a traitor responsible for the biggest national security breach in history sends the worst possible message. I think it’s clear that Trump has shown far better judgment so far than his predecessor."


Having their backs does not mean excusing war crimes such as shooting unarmed citizens. The difference between our soldiers and thugs such as the Gestapo and the SS is that we hold our soldiers accountable. Gallagher was reported by fellow soldiers. Members of Lorance's platoon testified against him. They did their duty. I have never championed the excusing of the crimes they committed. Trump is wrong as soldiers are not trained to be killing machines. I know this as I served in the Army. Fortunately I never had to shoot anyone however I would never contemplate what these thugs did. Of course the trouble is that you have bonespurs Trump whose understanding of the military comes from watching movies. Trump just slapped every soldier in face. The rules must not be too hard to follow as these 3 are the only ones who have been tried or accused.

Glenn Greenwald got it right.
"A President who reveres Mohammed bin Salman [crown prince of Saudi Arabia] is obviously going to act to protect his own monsters, murderers and psychopaths," Greenwald said on Twitter.

"The grand American tradition of immunizing its war criminals - while preaching morality to the world - continues with these vile pardons by Trump," he added.
I watched Lt Lorance on Fox&Friends this morning.

Pardoned War Criminal Tells Trump 'I Love You, Sir,' Demands President's Critics 'Go Home'

I share every word he said.

I don't listen to war criminals or murderers. I listen to the soldiers who testified against him. They did their duty, he did not.
In stark contrast, President Trump "granted full pardons for Army First Lt. Clint Lorance and Army Maj. Mathew Golsteyn, who’d been accused of war crimes. Lorance had served six years of a 19-year sentence, and Golsteyn was facing trial for killing an alleged Taliban bombmaker. Navy SEAL Edward R. Gallagher, who was found not guilty of war crimes, but still had his rank reduced, was granted clemency and restoration of rank.

Lawmakers had been pushing for pardons for Lorance and Golsteyn because they’d taken actions to defend themselves on the battlefield and were charged with war crimes for it. Yet, when President Trump pardoned them, it immediately sparked controversy and outrage. Pete Buttigieg joined in the outrage chorus, claiming Trump “dishonored our armed services.

Buttigieg is an anti-American asshole cut from the same cloth as Obama and the standard 'Democrat' in the fact that he - like THEY - hates the military and attempts to demonize them.

American soldiers VOLUNTEER to step up, sign up, and defend this nation - going to some of the most god-forsaken hellholes on this planet to fight the 'demons' THERE so we don't have to fight them HERE. They choose a life of sacrifice and less-than-deserved pay rather than a life of personal fortune-seeking and self-gratification...and one of the only things they ask for is for their nation, their government, and their President to 'have their back'.

President Trump did just that. After pardoning these soldiers, the very politicians who were openly declaring these service members should be pardoned - during their continuous 4 years of attacking the President - suddenly reversed course and began to attack the President for pardoning them. It was not because they opposed the pardons - they already showed they were FOR pardoning them. IT WAS WHO PARDONED THEM!

Suddenly using 4 previously 'fellow soldiers', their lives, and their families' lives as political chess pieces in his and the Democrats' unending butt-hurt and political treason dishonored the military in which he 'served' and was an act of betrayal.

The Democrats remained silent while both Clintons pardoned traitors and terrorists FALN members, but raised hell and attacked the President for pardoning military members for whom they had already called fro pardons....just not from THIS President.

"While Obama may have granted clemency to plenty who deserved it, granting clemency to an unrepentant terrorist was nonsensical. Doing the same for a traitor responsible for the biggest national security breach in history sends the worst possible message. I think it’s clear that Trump has shown far better judgment so far than his predecessor."


Having their backs does not mean excusing war crimes such as shooting unarmed citizens. The difference between our soldiers and thugs such as the Gestapo and the SS is that we hold our soldiers accountable. Gallagher was reported by fellow soldiers. Members of Lorance's platoon testified against him. They did their duty. I have never championed the excusing of the crimes they committed. Trump is wrong as soldiers are not trained to be killing machines. I know this as I served in the Army. Fortunately I never had to shoot anyone however I would never contemplate what these thugs did. Of course the trouble is that you have bonespurs Trump whose understanding of the military comes from watching movies. Trump just slapped every soldier in face. The rules must not be too hard to follow as these 3 are the only ones who have been tried or accused.

Glenn Greenwald got it right.
"A President who reveres Mohammed bin Salman [crown prince of Saudi Arabia] is obviously going to act to protect his own monsters, murderers and psychopaths," Greenwald said on Twitter.

"The grand American tradition of immunizing its war criminals - while preaching morality to the world - continues with these vile pardons by Trump," he added.
You're just towing the party line..... anything to try to make Donald Trump look bad..... if Obama had pardoned these two kids you'd be praising him.
Having their backs does not mean excusing war crimes such as shooting unarmed citizens. The difference between our soldiers and thugs such as the Gestapo and the SS is that we hold our soldiers accountable. Gallagher was reported by fellow soldiers. Members of Lorance's platoon testified against him. They did their duty. I have never championed the excusing of the crimes they committed. Trump is wrong as soldiers are not trained to be killing machines. I know this as I served in the Army. Fortunately I never had to shoot anyone however I would never contemplate what these thugs did. Of course the trouble is that you have bonespurs Trump whose understanding of the military comes from watching movies. Trump just slapped every soldier in face. The rules must not be too hard to follow as these 3 are the only ones who have been tried or accused.

Glenn Greenwald got it right.
"A President who reveres Mohammed bin Salman [crown prince of Saudi Arabia] is obviously going to act to protect his own monsters, murderers and psychopaths," Greenwald said on Twitter.

"The grand American tradition of immunizing its war criminals - while preaching morality to the world - continues with these vile pardons by Trump," he added.
You say you have never had to shoot anyone and would never contemplate what these 'thugs' did; yet, you also have no clue what they went through, what the actual circumstances were. You remind me of the delusional drugged out / ignorant protestors from the 60s who insulted and attacked / protested 18 - 19 year old kids fresh out of high school who were DRAFTED, forced to go 1/2 way around the world after a modest amount of training, and face an enemy so devoted to winning that they would use women and children strapped with bombs /carrying explosives rather than be intelligent enough to realize that the military was and is still used as political pawns, whether it was in Viet Nam or Barry invading Syria....yeah, I could see you screaming at some Viet Nam vet coming back home, calling them vile 'baby killer'.

I bet you believed John Kerry's bullshit when he came back home and testified to all kinds of atrocities HE NEVER WINESSED.

And as mentioned, President Obama pardoned traitors and terrorists, enemies of this nation who betrayed it by giving up secrets or engaged in terrorism, yet you have no condemnation or even criticism of the left's 'messiah'. Trump pardoned soldiers who fought against our nation's enemies...not our nation's enemies, as Barry did.
I watched Lt Lorance on Fox&Friends this morning.

Pardoned War Criminal Tells Trump 'I Love You, Sir,' Demands President's Critics 'Go Home'

I share every word he said.

I don't listen to war criminals or murderers. I listen to the soldiers who testified against him. They did their duty, he did not.

I for one would like for you to tell us the extent of your own military service before you start mouthing off about others who've served.
And there's a reason we have to kiss ass in Saudi Arabia......the almighty petrodollar. If the Saudi's walked away from us, it would probably crash the dollar.
You do realize that:

The United States has / produces more oil than Saudi now and we are capable of being completely energy independent now, right?

One of the main reasons the US protects Saudi and ensures the Straits remain open is because so much of the world depends on their oil and that by closing those straits Iran and terrorists can literally devastate the world economy / hold it hostage...and can you imagine what Iran and terrorists would do with all that oil and all of that oil revenue.

For example: Obama created the Rues of Engagement for the war against ISIS and dictated that the Coalition followed that ROE...which specifically stated the coalition could not target the ISIS Black Market Oil Production facilities.


ISIS' black market oil business funded 1/2 of ISIS' terrorist activities, to include the attack on Paris, the largest attack on France since WWII. Immediately after that attack, funded by their stolen black market business, Paris, Russia, and other coalition forces told Obama to 'shove it' & immediately launched strikes to shut down the ISIS Black market oil ops....which should have been a target - to either destroy, shut down, or take - on DAY 1 in the war against them....and the amount of oil they had was no where near what Saudi has.
And there's a reason we have to kiss ass in Saudi Arabia......the almighty petrodollar. If the Saudi's walked away from us, it would probably crash the dollar.
You do realize that:

The United States has / produces more oil than Saudi now and we are capable of being completely energy independent now, right?

One of the main reasons the US protects Saudi and ensures the Straits remain open is because so much of the world depends on their oil and that by closing those straits Iran and terrorists can literally devastate the world economy / hold it hostage...and can you imagine what Iran and terrorists would do with all that oil and all of that oil revenue.

For example: Obama created the Rues of Engagement for the war against ISIS and dictated that the Coalition followed that ROE...which specifically stated the coalition could not target the ISIS Black Market Oil Production facilities.


ISIS' black market oil business funded 1/2 of ISIS' terrorist activities, to include the attack on Paris, the largest attack on France since WWII. Immediately after that attack, funded by their stolen black market business, Paris, Russia, and other coalition forces told Obama to 'shove it' & immediately launched strikes to shut down the ISIS Black market oil ops....which should have been a target - to either destroy, shut down, or take - on DAY 1 in the war against them....and the amount of oil they had was no where near what Saudi has.
Except it's not just oil anymore .....Saudi Arabia, as well as China, Israel and others own huge chunks of our country, not to mention having enormous influence in Washington DC.
Saudi Arabia's Deep Influence In The U.S.
As someone pointed out about the way things were in Vietnam, we face the same today everywhere our troops are serving.

There are no "innocent civilians." Every single person in every single town and village is as likely to be an adversary. One never knows what they have under those robes. It could be an AK-47 or a bomb.

Our troops are faced with nearly impossible decisions all day every day and should never be judged by some pencil-pusher in the Five-Sided Puzzle Palace.

I loved what Lorance said. "Once they put on those stars, they are no longer warriors. They're politicians."

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