Paper shortages will enter into a crises mode by end of the summer.

A lot of the issues can be found right dead center in Wall Street.

Some of the largest mutual funds and their managers. They are the ones responsible for a lot of this mess. They are the corporate manipulators....

Ever been to a quarterly earnings report?
Not exactly fun stuff for a lot of people....kinda low on the rotten tomatoes score.

But I've heard enough questions from the fund managers themselves (or their lackeys) to know that a lot of this stuff is purely their doings. Especially in the lumber/wood products industry.

SOME of these companies are very environmentally friendly and conscious. They make their living from the forest and its ongoing existence. They know too well what a brown site is and what size each plants footprint is all about...and can they do more in their footprint? Wall Street is still just giving lip service to those ideals. They really don't care. They want profits...regardless of long term health of anyone or anything...including the forests.

Boise Cascade, LP, Weyerhaeuser, IP, Stone, and I'm forgetting someone.....these are the major players. They have land (forests) all over the globe...because that's only prudent. Currently the USA has more trees than during the war for its independence.
They plant trees, harvest trees, and make a lot of various products out of lumber. From 2x4's to OSB to office copy paper. And usually paper mills stink for miles and miles. Getting permits to build one are impossible.
Kodak, when they made paper...was absolutely the worst polluter around. They were lambasted by everyone except by name in public. The other "big boys" decided that they had enough of them....Micron Technology developed the digital camera to the point it was feasible to sell and use by the general consumer....and that killed Kodak.
Kodak is still around, but they have been terrible for years and years. We still have one press left that uses their plates.
Many times we order plates and when they arrive, they are already expired. And the shelf life is 2 years!
As for paper - the industry has done a terrible job educating the public on how clean and sustainable paper is.
Virgin paper has less environmental impact than recycled. This has been true for years, but many companies (like Starbucks) looove to plaster their materials with recycled paper logos. Even though, that pollutes more than virgin.
It is well known China cheats the system in regards to using sustainable forest. Virtually all paper for printing is FSC certified. An independent body that certifies that the pulp used is from sustainable, managed trees. Chinese paper will have the logos, but the FSC relies on government supplied data to "say" it is from managed trees. And we all know how the Chinese government is not exactly trustworthy.
The paper industry is like all other industries. They are the victims of corporate globalization -shareholder managed decisions. Domtar you spoke of, is now Chinese owned. As is many other Canadian papers. The shareholders couldn't give a flying fuck who owns the company if it means more profits in their pockets.

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