Pandemic ”side effects"?


Diamond Member
May 21, 2011
Like most people, I usually have two or three colds a year. But since the pandemic started, not one. I'm fact, I haven't been sick at all - except, ironically, with covid, which presented no symptoms.

Just wondering if others have had similar, or contradictory, experiences. I guess it makes sense. If we're all masked up and avoiding others, there will be less transmission of all communicable disease. But it's given me pause to reconsider my previous habits.
Like most people, I usually have two or three colds a year. But since the pandemic started, not one. I'm fact, I haven't been sick at all - except, ironically, with covid, which presented no symptoms.

Just wondering if others have had similar, or contradictory, experiences. I guess it makes sense. If we're all masked up and avoiding others, there will be less transmission of all communicable disease. But it's given me pause to reconsider my previous habits.
Not even A sniffle. I'm keeping my mask.
Like most people, I usually have two or three colds a year. But since the pandemic started, not one. I'm fact, I haven't been sick at all - except, ironically, with covid, which presented no symptoms.

Just wondering if others have had similar, or contradictory, experiences. I guess it makes sense. If we're all masked up and avoiding others, there will be less transmission of all communicable disease. But it's given me pause to reconsider my previous habits.
Not even A sniffle. I'm keeping my mask.
My allergies have even gone dormant. I can breath through my nose!

I don't want to make too much out of it. It's not like I plan to wear a mask after things calm down (though I certainly won't look down on those who do.) But I'll be a bit more selective with my "exposure".
Like most people, I usually have two or three colds a year. But since the pandemic started, not one. I'm fact, I haven't been sick at all - except, ironically, with covid, which presented no symptoms.

Just wondering if others have had similar, or contradictory, experiences. I guess it makes sense. If we're all masked up and avoiding others, there will be less transmission of all communicable disease. But it's given me pause to reconsider my previous habits.
Before I got Covid, the last time I was sick from a virus/bacteria was over a decade ago. I had walking pneumonia. Understand, that I have worked this whole time through the "pandemic"....

I'd bet dollars to peso's that once the mask mandate goes away, I might actually get sick a couple times with a cold or something BECAUSE my body isn't being exposed to the world. Your immune system is just like a muscle... If you don't exercise it then it gets weak.

You do what you feel is best for you... The moment the mandate goes away I'm no longer wearing the mask.
Like most people, I usually have two or three colds a year. But since the pandemic started, not one. I'm fact, I haven't been sick at all - except, ironically, with covid, which presented no symptoms.

Just wondering if others have had similar, or contradictory, experiences. I guess it makes sense. If we're all masked up and avoiding others, there will be less transmission of all communicable disease. But it's given me pause to reconsider my previous habits.
Not even A sniffle. I'm keeping my mask.
My allergies have even gone dormant. I can breath through my nose!

I don't want to make too much out of it. It's not like I plan to wear a mask after things calm down (though I certainly won't look down on those who do.) But I'll be a bit more selective with my "exposure".
I will wear a mask in crowded places.
Like most people, I usually have two or three colds a year. But since the pandemic started, not one. I'm fact, I haven't been sick at all - except, ironically, with covid, which presented no symptoms.

Just wondering if others have had similar, or contradictory, experiences. I guess it makes sense. If we're all masked up and avoiding others, there will be less transmission of all communicable disease. But it's given me pause to reconsider my previous habits.
Not even A sniffle. I'm keeping my mask.
My allergies have even gone dormant. I can breath through my nose!

I don't want to make too much out of it. It's not like I plan to wear a mask after things calm down (though I certainly won't look down on those who do.) But I'll be a bit more selective with my "exposure".
I will wear a mask in crowded places.
Five it six years ago, I went to China for the first time, for my son's wedding. I remember seeing people wearing masks. It wasn't required or anything, but a lot of people did it anyway. I remember thinking it was "germaphobic", and kind of ridiculous.

I don't think that way now. And that's not an endorsement of mask wearing. I truly don't know if they're effective or not. But I certainly won't look down on anyone who takes such a precaution.
Like most people, I usually have two or three colds a year. But since the pandemic started, not one. I'm fact, I haven't been sick at all - except, ironically, with covid, which presented no symptoms.

Just wondering if others have had similar, or contradictory, experiences. I guess it makes sense. If we're all masked up and avoiding others, there will be less transmission of all communicable disease. But it's given me pause to reconsider my previous habits.
Not even A sniffle. I'm keeping my mask.
My allergies have even gone dormant. I can breath through my nose!

I don't want to make too much out of it. It's not like I plan to wear a mask after things calm down (though I certainly won't look down on those who do.) But I'll be a bit more selective with my "exposure".
I will wear a mask in crowded places.
Five it six years ago, I went to China for the first time, for my son's wedding. I remember seeing people wearing masks. It wasn't required or anything, but a lot of people did it anyway. I remember thinking it was "germaphobic", and kind of ridiculous.

I don't think that way now. And that's not an endorsement of mask wearing. I truly don't know if they're effective or not. But I certainly won't look down on anyone who takes such a precaution.
I've seen the same thing (and reacted the same way) in thailand and singapore.
Like most people, I usually have two or three colds a year. But since the pandemic started, not one. I'm fact, I haven't been sick at all - except, ironically, with covid, which presented no symptoms.

Just wondering if others have had similar, or contradictory, experiences. I guess it makes sense. If we're all masked up and avoiding others, there will be less transmission of all communicable disease. But it's given me pause to reconsider my previous habits.

Same here. I have a lot of environmental allergies to dusts, molds. tree pollens, and other factors, and a weak immune system. I've had pneumonia on multiple occasions, and have at least 3 colds/flu/chest problems every winter. This past year - Zip, nada, not even a sniffle. In fact, because my immune system hasn't been stressed by all of the colds and flu.

Usually in spring, my first couple of rides on my bike leave me panting for air. This year I biked downtown at top speed and didn't even have to catch my breath, before going into the stores.

I have a group of friends - all single and all living alone, who are providing emotional support to one another through the lockdowns via the internet. We were discussing this topic last week, and we all reported this is our healthiest year ever.

I noticed a HUGE improvement in my overall health when I stopped riding transit to work in Toronto. I would be sick once a month riding TTC. In my discussions with my friends, one of the men who lives in midtown Toronto a 5 minute walk from the subway, said that he noticed being sick less now that he's not taking the subway to work, as well.
Like most people, I usually have two or three colds a year. But since the pandemic started, not one. I'm fact, I haven't been sick at all - except, ironically, with covid, which presented no symptoms.

Just wondering if others have had similar, or contradictory, experiences. I guess it makes sense. If we're all masked up and avoiding others, there will be less transmission of all communicable disease. But it's given me pause to reconsider my previous habits.
Not even A sniffle. I'm keeping my mask.
My allergies have even gone dormant. I can breath through my nose!

I don't want to make too much out of it. It's not like I plan to wear a mask after things calm down (though I certainly won't look down on those who do.) But I'll be a bit more selective with my "exposure".

As a figure skating fan, we noticed the Asian fans wearing masks, even to North American events, after SARS in 2002. We used to mock their mask wearing at public events. We stopped laughing last year. In fact, many of us are planning on keeping our masks, myself included.

Yes, we all do lip read to some degree, and we don't even know we're doing it. So yes, we "hear" better when we don't wear a mask.
Like most people, I usually have two or three colds a year. But since the pandemic started, not one. I'm fact, I haven't been sick at all - except, ironically, with covid, which presented no symptoms.

Just wondering if others have had similar, or contradictory, experiences. I guess it makes sense. If we're all masked up and avoiding others, there will be less transmission of all communicable disease. But it's given me pause to reconsider my previous habits.
Yes sir. Five of six members of my family had covid with no symptoms. One member, presented with breathing problems but after testing at the local hospital was sent home and told to use pedialyte and over the counter cold medications. She recovered nicely in a little over a week. The whole thing is a political hoax. I hope they discover the perpetrators and execute them post haste.
Like most people, I usually have two or three colds a year. But since the pandemic started, not one. I'm fact, I haven't been sick at all - except, ironically, with covid, which presented no symptoms.

Just wondering if others have had similar, or contradictory, experiences. I guess it makes sense. If we're all masked up and avoiding others, there will be less transmission of all communicable disease. But it's given me pause to reconsider my previous habits.
Not even A sniffle. I'm keeping my mask.
My allergies have even gone dormant. I can breath through my nose!

I don't want to make too much out of it. It's not like I plan to wear a mask after things calm down (though I certainly won't look down on those who do.) But I'll be a bit more selective with my "exposure".
I will wear a mask in crowded places.
Five it six years ago, I went to China for the first time, for my son's wedding. I remember seeing people wearing masks. It wasn't required or anything, but a lot of people did it anyway. I remember thinking it was "germaphobic", and kind of ridiculous.

I don't think that way now. And that's not an endorsement of mask wearing. I truly don't know if they're effective or not. But I certainly won't look down on anyone who takes such a precaution.
I was stationed in Japan in 1971 and many people wore masks when in public. I just figured it was their choice. I feel the same now. I don't wear them but I have no problem with others who choose to. I do have a problem with SJW's and virtue signalers trying to validate their choices by expecting me to wear them though.
Like most people, I usually have two or three colds a year. But since the pandemic started, not one. I'm fact, I haven't been sick at all - except, ironically, with covid, which presented no symptoms.

Just wondering if others have had similar, or contradictory, experiences. I guess it makes sense. If we're all masked up and avoiding others, there will be less transmission of all communicable disease. But it's given me pause to reconsider my previous habits.
Not even A sniffle. I'm keeping my mask.
My allergies have even gone dormant. I can breath through my nose!

I don't want to make too much out of it. It's not like I plan to wear a mask after things calm down (though I certainly won't look down on those who do.) But I'll be a bit more selective with my "exposure".
I will wear a mask in crowded places.
Five it six years ago, I went to China for the first time, for my son's wedding. I remember seeing people wearing masks. It wasn't required or anything, but a lot of people did it anyway. I remember thinking it was "germaphobic", and kind of ridiculous.

I don't think that way now. And that's not an endorsement of mask wearing. I truly don't know if they're effective or not. But I certainly won't look down on anyone who takes such a precaution.
I was stationed in Japan in 1971 and many people wore masks when in public. I just figured it was their choice. I feel the same now. I don't wear them but I have no problem with others who choose to. I do have a problem with SJW's and virtue signalers trying to validate their choices by expecting me to wear them though.
When the pandemic is over it will be your choice. Until then you are making the choice for all of your friends and family.

That's bad, in case you didn't know.
Like most people, I usually have two or three colds a year. But since the pandemic started, not one. I'm fact, I haven't been sick at all - except, ironically, with covid, which presented no symptoms.

Just wondering if others have had similar, or contradictory, experiences. I guess it makes sense. If we're all masked up and avoiding others, there will be less transmission of all communicable disease. But it's given me pause to reconsider my previous habits.
Not even A sniffle. I'm keeping my mask.
My allergies have even gone dormant. I can breath through my nose!

I don't want to make too much out of it. It's not like I plan to wear a mask after things calm down (though I certainly won't look down on those who do.) But I'll be a bit more selective with my "exposure".
I will wear a mask in crowded places.
Five it six years ago, I went to China for the first time, for my son's wedding. I remember seeing people wearing masks. It wasn't required or anything, but a lot of people did it anyway. I remember thinking it was "germaphobic", and kind of ridiculous.

I don't think that way now. And that's not an endorsement of mask wearing. I truly don't know if they're effective or not. But I certainly won't look down on anyone who takes such a precaution.
I was stationed in Japan in 1971 and many people wore masks when in public. I just figured it was their choice. I feel the same now. I don't wear them but I have no problem with others who choose to. I do have a problem with SJW's and virtue signalers trying to validate their choices by expecting me to wear them though.
When the pandemic is over it will be your choice. Until then you are making the choice for all of your friends and family.

That's bad, in case you didn't know.
Like most people, I usually have two or three colds a year. But since the pandemic started, not one. I'm fact, I haven't been sick at all - except, ironically, with covid, which presented no symptoms.

Just wondering if others have had similar, or contradictory, experiences. I guess it makes sense. If we're all masked up and avoiding others, there will be less transmission of all communicable disease. But it's given me pause to reconsider my previous habits.
Not even A sniffle. I'm keeping my mask.
My allergies have even gone dormant. I can breath through my nose!

I don't want to make too much out of it. It's not like I plan to wear a mask after things calm down (though I certainly won't look down on those who do.) But I'll be a bit more selective with my "exposure".
I will wear a mask in crowded places.
Five it six years ago, I went to China for the first time, for my son's wedding. I remember seeing people wearing masks. It wasn't required or anything, but a lot of people did it anyway. I remember thinking it was "germaphobic", and kind of ridiculous.

I don't think that way now. And that's not an endorsement of mask wearing. I truly don't know if they're effective or not. But I certainly won't look down on anyone who takes such a precaution.
I was stationed in Japan in 1971 and many people wore masks when in public. I just figured it was their choice. I feel the same now. I don't wear them but I have no problem with others who choose to. I do have a problem with SJW's and virtue signalers trying to validate their choices by expecting me to wear them though.
When the pandemic is over it will be your choice. Until then you are making the choice for all of your friends and family.

That's bad, in case you didn't know.
View attachment 481739
Don't be stupider than you have to be.
Like most people, I usually have two or three colds a year. But since the pandemic started, not one. I'm fact, I haven't been sick at all - except, ironically, with covid, which presented no symptoms.

Just wondering if others have had similar, or contradictory, experiences. I guess it makes sense. If we're all masked up and avoiding others, there will be less transmission of all communicable disease. But it's given me pause to reconsider my previous habits.
Not even A sniffle. I'm keeping my mask.
My allergies have even gone dormant. I can breath through my nose!

I don't want to make too much out of it. It's not like I plan to wear a mask after things calm down (though I certainly won't look down on those who do.) But I'll be a bit more selective with my "exposure".
I will wear a mask in crowded places.
Five it six years ago, I went to China for the first time, for my son's wedding. I remember seeing people wearing masks. It wasn't required or anything, but a lot of people did it anyway. I remember thinking it was "germaphobic", and kind of ridiculous.

I don't think that way now. And that's not an endorsement of mask wearing. I truly don't know if they're effective or not. But I certainly won't look down on anyone who takes such a precaution.
I was stationed in Japan in 1971 and many people wore masks when in public. I just figured it was their choice. I feel the same now. I don't wear them but I have no problem with others who choose to. I do have a problem with SJW's and virtue signalers trying to validate their choices by expecting me to wear them though.
When the pandemic is over it will be your choice. Until then you are making the choice for all of your friends and family.

That's bad, in case you didn't know.
View attachment 481739
Don't be stupider than you have to be.
I can’t help it.

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