Palin: GOP Leadership has deflated balls

Having been suckered into reading the link in the original post a Dr. Denton clad figure lies on the floor of a darkened basement room somewhere in Utah and kicks heels on the floor until the pain brings on tears.

It doesn't take long.
You wonder why she's going to be the next President? Here's why.
Jesus Christ dude this is right up there with your prediction of Ebola laying waste to the US within six weeks after it popped up in Texas.

Of all the repub candidates, including many with far more mass appeal and (more importantly) far more money, you are telling us why Sarah Palin will be the next POTUS?

Just fucking daft. Incredible.

You had Faith that Obama would defeat Ebola, I wasn't so sure
Not surprising, considering all the fear mongering Pubcrappe your brain is stuffed with...
You wonder why she's going to be the next President? Here's why.

Progressives (Neo-Marxists) will continue their Jihad against her, calling her stew-pit, not fit, not the right cheekbones, whatever. She laughs off their criticism, which drives the thin-skinned, hateful Progs just totally fucking batshit crazy and then comes out with a cruise missile strike on Obama's best friends, the GOP leadership

Sarah Palin rips GOP leadership for deflated balls - NY Daily News

Palin is relevant 7 years later.

Sarah Palin vs. Joe Biden.

The debate ticket sales alone would retire the national debt.

It would be awesome...


Wouldn't that be a rerun?

Joe was having so much fun trying not to :lol: at her ignorance and stupidity in the 2008 VP debate..
You wonder why she's going to be the next President? Here's why.

Progressives (Neo-Marxists) will continue their Jihad against her, calling her stew-pit, not fit, not the right cheekbones, whatever. She laughs off their criticism, which drives the thin-skinned, hateful Progs just totally fucking batshit crazy and then comes out with a cruise missile strike on Obama's best friends, the GOP leadership

Sarah Palin rips GOP leadership for deflated balls - NY Daily News

Somebody wanna save this quote from CrusaderFrank

"You wonder why she's going to be the next President?"

We really should start saving the most idiotic quotes posted by the ignorant RWs. Then, when we elect a Dem, we could gift them with their own ridiculous words.
That would require an entire separate message board.
Sarah is just pissed at the GOP Establishment, who recruited moderates to run in 2014, who beat Tea Party candidates in the primaries and were elected in the General Election.
The Establishment correctly projected a move to the center would be beneficial in increasing their numbers, this was the opposite direction Palin wanted to go. She's been pissed about this for quite a while.
So she thought she'd post anger on Facebook, put together one of her Mama Grizzly style statements, then leak it to the press. That way her followers would go to her Facebook page and read her profound statement, following that they'y clink on her prominently displayed link to SarahPac. Ching, ching, ching!

Tea Party backed the most winners in the mid terms despite all the bullshit from the left wing media.

It was a huge win right across the board baby. :lol: Deal with it. After the primaries the TP put their money behind almost every R candidate that was maybe not as far right as they wanted but conservative enough. Have to check my stack of stuff but I think it was a 74% win rate.

Why the hell do you think the R's won so big again? Tea Party oh and it did help that the IRS wasn't fucking with them.

Why the hell do you think the R's won so big again?

Because it was a midterm election with a record low voter turnout and the gerrymandered districts were all heavily favored to win as were the red state Senate races.

The reverse will happen in 2016 with a presidential election higher voter turnout and the blue states will be favored to win instead.

The math doesn't lie.

Do you realize that what you are calling gerrymandered districts will still be there in 2016 and will stay that way till 2020 and that there are only 17 Blue States?
Sarah is just pissed at the GOP Establishment, who recruited moderates to run in 2014, who beat Tea Party candidates in the primaries and were elected in the General Election.
The Establishment correctly projected a move to the center would be beneficial in increasing their numbers, this was the opposite direction Palin wanted to go. She's been pissed about this for quite a while.
So she thought she'd post anger on Facebook, put together one of her Mama Grizzly style statements, then leak it to the press. That way her followers would go to her Facebook page and read her profound statement, following that they'y clink on her prominently displayed link to SarahPac. Ching, ching, ching!

Tea Party backed the most winners in the mid terms despite all the bullshit from the left wing media.

It was a huge win right across the board baby. :lol: Deal with it. After the primaries the TP put their money behind almost every R candidate that was maybe not as far right as they wanted but conservative enough. Have to check my stack of stuff but I think it was a 74% win rate.

Why the hell do you think the R's won so big again? Tea Party oh and it did help that the IRS wasn't fucking with them.

Why the hell do you think the R's won so big again?

Because it was a midterm election with a record low voter turnout and the gerrymandered districts were all heavily favored to win as were the red state Senate races.

The reverse will happen in 2016 with a presidential election higher voter turnout and the blue states will be favored to win instead.

The math doesn't lie.

Do you realize that what you are calling gerrymandered districts will still be there in 2016 and will stay that way till 2020 and that there are only 17 Blue States?

Which is why I never referred to the gerrymandered districts for 2016, only the higher voter turnout and the blue states. There are 7 Senate seats that could all go to the Dems in 2016. They only need 5 to retake the Senate and they have the higher voter turnout in their favor.
Sarah is just pissed at the GOP Establishment, who recruited moderates to run in 2014, who beat Tea Party candidates in the primaries and were elected in the General Election.
The Establishment correctly projected a move to the center would be beneficial in increasing their numbers, this was the opposite direction Palin wanted to go. She's been pissed about this for quite a while.
So she thought she'd post anger on Facebook, put together one of her Mama Grizzly style statements, then leak it to the press. That way her followers would go to her Facebook page and read her profound statement, following that they'y clink on her prominently displayed link to SarahPac. Ching, ching, ching!

Tea Party backed the most winners in the mid terms despite all the bullshit from the left wing media.

It was a huge win right across the board baby. :lol: Deal with it. After the primaries the TP put their money behind almost every R candidate that was maybe not as far right as they wanted but conservative enough. Have to check my stack of stuff but I think it was a 74% win rate.

Why the hell do you think the R's won so big again? Tea Party oh and it did help that the IRS wasn't fucking with them.

Why the hell do you think the R's won so big again?

Because it was a midterm election with a record low voter turnout and the gerrymandered districts were all heavily favored to win as were the red state Senate races.

The reverse will happen in 2016 with a presidential election higher voter turnout and the blue states will be favored to win instead.

The math doesn't lie.

Do you realize that what you are calling gerrymandered districts will still be there in 2016 and will stay that way till 2020 and that there are only 17 Blue States?

Which is why I never referred to the gerrymandered districts for 2016, only the higher voter turnout and the blue states. There are 7 Senate seats that could all go to the Dems in 2016. They only need 5 to retake the Senate and they have the higher voter turnout in their favor.

Perhaps you are right but we shall see in Nov.of 2016 eh?

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