Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.

Rethinking Statehood in Palestine: Self-Determination and Decolonization Beyond Partition | SOAS​

RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: Bumperstickers for the last century of bungling by the incapable Arab Palestinians!
⁜→ et al,

◈ Settlements, Annexation & the 2-State Solution

✦ Annexation was not undertaken by the Israelis that had NOT already by the Ottoman Empire and one of the immediately adjacent Arab States.
✦ Settlements were not undertaken by the Israelis, that the Palestinians had not previously approved.
✦ The Two-State solution was never really given a chance to succeed.​

Palestine: Democracy Under Occupation?

✦ What manner of democracy did the Arab Palestinians have in the previous millennium? When, in the previous millennium, did the Arab Palestinians have control over any of the territories under discussion?

Socialism and the Struggle for Palestine

✦ Yes... When was that ever a real issue? When did the Arab Palestinians march against the Ottoman Empire demanding socialism? Who was the Arab Palestinian that campaigned against the sovereign power in the name of socialism?

How Zionists Came to Palestine Under British Protection

✦ So, what objection did the world's Allied Powers have to this effort the establishment of the Jewish National Home in Palestine. In 1920, when the Supreme Council of the Allied Powers made the determination that there was a historical tie between the Jewish People and the territory of Palestine, who (other than the Arab Palestinians who wanted everything for nothing) disagreed with that finding? Did the Arab Palestinians even fight on behalf of the Allied Powers against the Axis Powers? The Allied Powers agreed upon a Jewish National Home, but not an Arab National Home.

We Will Not Be Erased: Ongoing Nakba

✦ No one is asking to "erase" the culture of the former inhabitants overseen by the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (OETA). But the amount of trouble the Arab Palestinians represented in the First and Second World Wars, the Allied Powers could be said to have been quite accommodating.

Resisting Attacks on Palestinian Human Rights Activists

✦ Rarely, when an anti-government struggle for unearned benefits (in both cases, Arab Palestinians not fighting on the side of the Allied Powers) have rioters, confrontationists, activists, and the asymmetric opponents, not suffered casualties.

Right To Resist Imperial Violence Is Universal

✦ There is not been any Imperial violence in the Levant in the last century. In fact, there has been no law enforcement or security confrontation been any Imperial Forces in more than a half-century.

Palestinians Pay for Germany’s Crimes Against European Jews?

✦ While the WWII German Government was shown to be guilty of Customary and International Humanitarian Laws, the Arab Palestinians paid very little, if any at all, either for the association with the Axis Powers of WWI or WWII.
"The agreement was ratified and came into effect on March 21, 1953, after a delay caused
by the Arab states’ efforts to prevent ratification. Under the agreement, West Germany
undertook to pay a total of $845 million: $100 million earmarked for allocation by the
Claims Conference and the remainder to Israel."


I'm telling you, it is almost impossible to participate in any of these Arab-Palestinian Discussions without tripping over some whiny and good-for-nothing Arab Palestinians telling us how bad it is to receive counter-rocket and mortar fired from Israel. How bad it is for them, not to receive a compatible amount of US Donor Dollars. I can just hear the tears falling on the floor now --- condemning the US for not giving a country (if you can call it that) that has supported terrorist activities for so long, even more money to do less to further American interests. I'm telling you, it just breaks my heart.

Does anyone have some tissues?

Most Respectfully,
✦ Annexation was not undertaken by the Israelis that had NOT already by the Ottoman Empire and one of the immediately adjacent Arab States.
There were no adjacent states until after the Ottoman Empire fell.
I'm telling you, it is almost impossible to participate in any of these Arab-Palestinian Discussions without tripping over Israeli propaganda.

Bari Weiss | Full Episode 3.12.21 | Firing Line with Margaret Hoover | PBS​

RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: Bumperstickers for the last century of bungling by the incapable Arab Palestinians!
⁜→ et al,

◈ Settlements, Annexation & the 2-State Solution

✦ Annexation was not undertaken by the Israelis that had NOT already by the Ottoman Empire and one of the immediately adjacent Arab States.
✦ Settlements were not undertaken by the Israelis, that the Palestinians had not previously approved.
✦ The Two-State solution was never really given a chance to succeed.​

Palestine: Democracy Under Occupation?

✦ What manner of democracy did the Arab Palestinians have in the previous millennium? When, in the previous millennium, did the Arab Palestinians have control over any of the territories under discussion?

Socialism and the Struggle for Palestine

✦ Yes... When was that ever a real issue? When did the Arab Palestinians march against the Ottoman Empire demanding socialism? Who was the Arab Palestinian that campaigned against the sovereign power in the name of socialism?

How Zionists Came to Palestine Under British Protection

✦ So, what objection did the world's Allied Powers have to this effort the establishment of the Jewish National Home in Palestine. In 1920, when the Supreme Council of the Allied Powers made the determination that there was a historical tie between the Jewish People and the territory of Palestine, who (other than the Arab Palestinians who wanted everything for nothing) disagreed with that finding? Did the Arab Palestinians even fight on behalf of the Allied Powers against the Axis Powers? The Allied Powers agreed upon a Jewish National Home, but not an Arab National Home.

We Will Not Be Erased: Ongoing Nakba

✦ No one is asking to "erase" the culture of the former inhabitants overseen by the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (OETA). But the amount of trouble the Arab Palestinians represented in the First and Second World Wars, the Allied Powers could be said to have been quite accommodating.

Resisting Attacks on Palestinian Human Rights Activists

✦ Rarely, when an anti-government struggle for unearned benefits (in both cases, Arab Palestinians not fighting on the side of the Allied Powers) have rioters, confrontationists, activists, and the asymmetric opponents, not suffered casualties.

Right To Resist Imperial Violence Is Universal

✦ There is not been any Imperial violence in the Levant in the last century. In fact, there has been no law enforcement or security confrontation been any Imperial Forces in more than a half-century.

Palestinians Pay for Germany’s Crimes Against European Jews?

✦ While the WWII German Government was shown to be guilty of Customary and International Humanitarian Laws, the Arab Palestinians paid very little, if any at all, either for the association with the Axis Powers of WWI or WWII.
"The agreement was ratified and came into effect on March 21, 1953, after a delay caused
by the Arab states’ efforts to prevent ratification. Under the agreement, West Germany
undertook to pay a total of $845 million: $100 million earmarked for allocation by the
Claims Conference and the remainder to Israel."


I'm telling you, it is almost impossible to participate in any of these Arab-Palestinian Discussions without tripping over some whiny and good-for-nothing Arab Palestinians telling us how bad it is to receive counter-rocket and mortar fired from Israel. How bad it is for them, not to receive a compatible amount of US Donor Dollars. I can just hear the tears falling on the floor now --- condemning the US for not giving a country (if you can call it that) that has supported terrorist activities for so long, even more money to do less to further American interests. I'm telling you, it just breaks my heart.

Does anyone have some tissues?

Most Respectfully,
◈ Settlements, Annexation & the 2-State Solution
BTW, you have never showed any evidence that Israel had legally acquired any land.
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BTW, you have never showed any evidence that Israel had legally acquired any land.

◈ Sovereign Acquisition is NOT a Real Estate Transaction in most cases. While the Louisiana Purchase and the Purchase of Alaska were very similar to Real Estate deals, most of the remainder of the US was acquired under Self-Determination through the policy of Manifest Destiny.
◈. And again, most of the world, prior to the era of the Westphalen Agreement were undocumented acquisitions. Last March, Crimea was in the news. It was acquitted during the Acquisition of Catherine the Great. And there are several reasons why it should be so. But whether or not the exchange met the Tinmore Transition Test is entirely another matter. And it is rather obvious that the rest of the world is NOT going to mobilize to reset the sovereignty. When the remainder of the world takes no serious action to restore sovereignty, it is called "Tacit Approval." It is not worthy of further action. For over a century, the direction in which sovereign control has been established in the Middle East has NOT changed and has NOT been challenged.

At the end of The Great War (WWI), five Empires in the World collapsed (the Empires of Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman). The collapsed Empires were each handled differently. And the five Empires were dispatched simultaneously to the Mandates for Palestine being established over the Territory of Palestine. What should we do? Do the Imperialists have a legitimate claim against those territories? Of course not.

You want political evidence... Who has control?

Most Respectfully,


We Will Not Be Erased: Ongoing Nakba

✦ No one is asking to "erase" the culture of the former inhabitants
Are you kidding me? Israel has always denied the existence of Palestine and the Palestinians. They have always tried to remove the Palestinians off their land and out of history. The Palestinians who remained in Israel after the war were called Arabs not Palestinians. Israel stole Palestinian books during the war. When Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982, the PLO archives went missing. It is illegal to teach Palestinian history or wave a Palestinian flag. Most Palestinian organizations are illegal. Israel bombed a cultural center and libraries in Gaza. Israel ransacked a cultural center in the West Bank.

Any Palestinian event worldwide gets buried in antisemite and terrorist cards.
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,


◈ Sovereign Acquisition is NOT a Real Estate Transaction in most cases. While the Louisiana Purchase and the Purchase of Alaska were very similar to Real Estate deals, most of the remainder of the US was acquired under Self-Determination through the policy of Manifest Destiny.
◈. And again, most of the world, prior to the era of the Westphalen Agreement were undocumented acquisitions. Last March, Crimea was in the news. It was acquitted during the Acquisition of Catherine the Great. And there are several reasons why it should be so. But whether or not the exchange met the Tinmore Transition Test is entirely another matter. And it is rather obvious that the rest of the world is NOT going to mobilize to reset the sovereignty. When the remainder of the world takes no serious action to restore sovereignty, it is called "Tacit Approval." It is not worthy of further action. For over a century, the direction in which sovereign control has been established in the Middle East has NOT changed and has NOT been challenged.

At the end of The Great War (WWI), five Empires in the World collapsed (the Empires of Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman). The collapsed Empires were each handled differently. And the five Empires were dispatched simultaneously to the Mandates for Palestine being established over the Territory of Palestine. What should we do? Do the Imperialists have a legitimate claim against those territories? Of course not.

You want political evidence... Who has control?

Most Respectfully,
most of the remainder of the US was acquired under Self-Determination through the policy of Manifest Destiny.
Isn't Manifest Destiny a euphemism for land theft?
◈. And again, most of the world, prior to the era of the Westphalen Agreement were undocumented acquisitions.
Indeed, since the UN Charter and before, the acquisition of territory by force, i.e. conquest, is illegal. It is also illegal to annex occupied territory.

So, how did Israel legally acquire the territory it claims?
Isn't Manifest Destiny a euphemism for land theft?

Indeed, since the UN Charter and before, the acquisition of territory by force, i.e. conquest, is illegal. It is also illegal to annex occupied territory.

So, how did Israel legally acquire the territory it claims?
Indeed. Conquest describes the history of Islamism.
Are you kidding me? Israel has always denied the existence of Palestine and the Palestinians. They have always tried to remove the Palestinians off their land and out of history. The Palestinians who remained in Israel after the war were called Arabs not Palestinians. Israel stole Palestinian books during the war. When Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982, the PLO archives went missing. It is illegal to teach Palestinian history or wave a Palestinian flag. Most Palestinian organizations are illegal. Israel bombed a cultural center and libraries in Gaza. Israel ransacked a cultural center in the West Bank.

Any Palestinian event worldwide gets buried in antisemite and terrorist cards.
Israel robs the banks.

A History of Money in Palestine: The Case of the Frozen Bank Accounts of 1948​

Are you kidding me? Israel has always denied the existence of Palestine and the Palestinians. They have always tried to remove the Palestinians off their land and out of history. The Palestinians who remained in Israel after the war were called Arabs not Palestinians. Israel stole Palestinian books during the war. When Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982, the PLO archives went missing. It is illegal to teach Palestinian history or wave a Palestinian flag. Most Palestinian organizations are illegal. Israel bombed a cultural center and libraries in Gaza. Israel ransacked a cultural center in the West Bank.

Any Palestinian event worldwide gets buried in antisemite and terrorist cards.
No links.

No surprise.
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: Cultural Heritage
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Do you really think that the Arab Palestinians have a claim?

I really do not care what rabbit you pull from the hat.

Screen Shot 2022-07-02 at 2.00.36 PM.png

Are you kidding me? Israel has always denied the existence of Palestine and the Palestinians. They have always tried to remove the Palestinians off their land and out of history. The Palestinians who remained in Israel after the war were called Arabs not Palestinians. Israel stole Palestinian books during the war. When Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982, the PLO archives went missing. It is illegal to teach Palestinian history or wave a Palestinian flag. Most Palestinian organizations are illegal. Israel bombed a cultural center and libraries in Gaza. Israel ransacked a cultural center in the West Bank.

Any Palestinian event worldwide gets buried in antisemite and terrorist cards.

Realistically, The UN already told you that the Office of Legal Affairs: prior to the adoption of GA/A/67/19, Palestine was treated as an entity for UN purposes. Palestine was NOT identified as a state or country. And no authority could be identified as being a government.

Given that one of the "state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: (a) a permanent population; (b) a defined territory; (c) government; and (d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states."

Believe what you will. If the International system comes down on the side of the Hostile Arab Palestinians, overturn the 100-year decision by the Supreme Council of the Allied Powers. That will put at risk other decisions that will have an impact on other decisions made.

Most Respectfully,



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Believe what you will. If the International system comes down on the side of the Hostile Arab Palestinians, overturn the 100-year decision by the Supreme Council of the Allied Powers. That will put at risk other decisions that will have an impact on other decisions made.
Cool. :thup:

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