Palestinian right of return

Of course, all of that is so.

The Arabs are weak physically, morally, and spiritually. And the Israelis will hold the nation states responsible that support the haters and will punish them for the the haters' actions.
Illegal migrant workers go to california to work. They run away out of fear of a crack down on illegals. Then they demand a right of return.
Legal? Logical?
Palestinians didn't have to run. Arabs told them to. Palestinians engage in more than 60 years of terrorism against Israel, and then think they should be allowed to return to homes or land they did not own? Those that had legal claims were free to go through the courts and get the land back or compensation if that was not possible. Technically they should owe back taxes on land claims.
Palestinians are still calling the annihilation of jews and Israel, these are people who Israel should allow back in? That would be like welcoming rat that carry the black death into your home.
Israel used to allow around two thousand a year to return till Oslo.
If there were to be some return it should be only for those born within what is now Israel but those born outside.
UN and the arab state should resettle the refugee in arab states, not Israel. They were created by them and should have done more to relocate them years ago.
Do you realize how big of a joke your argument is?

No one (and I mean no one), leaves a home they've been living in for generations, just because someone asks them to.
I don't need to post the land tax registries inspected by the surveyors, that was their job. The result was the Survey of Palestine. It is an official U.S. Government document within the U.S. Government archives and it was published by the United States Department of State, and not for resale.

Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry
Contents Next

Committee of inquiry

Report to the
United States Government
and His Majesty's Government
in the United Kingdom

Lausanne, Switzerland, April 20, 1946

Title Page
Committee of Inquiry

Avalon Project - Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry - Cover Page

You have not even done that, all you have done is posted the usual work of fiction from a committee of Jew haters. They did not even see the land register they just made it up as they went along
Until the Hostile Colonist Jews (HCJs) end their occupation and periodic killings of thousands Muslims and Christians at a time, what chance of a peaceful solution is there. Especially since the Israelis have stated that there is only a one-state solution?

The Israelis are much badder than the Boers, and the Arabs are much weaker morally and spiritually than the South African natives.

There are no "badder" people than the Boers. And, just saying that the "Arabs" are much weaker morally and spiritually than the South African "natives" doesn't make it so. The Boers succumbed to Western sanctions, militarily they were much stronger than the ANC and they had nuclear weapons.

Is that why under black rule S.A. has had more murders of Africans than under white rule.
No the reason we call you a Jew hater is because that's all you have got, it shines out in your every post
That's what you claim, but not what you've proven.

The only thing you've proven, is that your unable to say why I would hate Jews, which makes your claim, a bunch of bullshit.

Seems that you don't understand English, as only you can say why you hate Jews. I cant as I do not know your life, history or views. But I can say that you show the classic Jew Hatred much seen in 1930's Germany
formerly part of the British Mandate of the Britsh took it from the jews then gave it back to the jews ??

Eagerly stupid. No wonder you're an (Id)eots.
fuck_off_jack_nicholson (1).gif

Does not alter fact, that there is no legal right to right of return. It is fiction based on the muslims belief anything that the UN agrees in their favour automatically becomes international law.

Of course there is a legal right of return for the Palestinians. Why do you always post bullshit.

Right of return - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

By contrast the right of return has not passed into customary international law, although it remains an important aspirational human right. Instead, international law gives each country the right to decide for itself to whom it will give citizenship.[3]

Does not alter fact, that there is no legal right to right of return. It is fiction based on the muslims belief anything that the UN agrees in their favour automatically becomes international law.

Of course there is a legal right of return for the Palestinians. Why do you always post bullshit.

Right of return - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

By contrast the right of return has not passed into customary international law, although it remains an important aspirational human right. Instead, international law gives each country the right to decide for itself to whom it will give citizenship.[3]

That is true when it comes to immigration but people returning to their homes is not immigration.

Does not alter fact, that there is no legal right to right of return. It is fiction based on the muslims belief anything that the UN agrees in their favour automatically becomes international law.

Of course there is a legal right of return for the Palestinians. Why do you always post bullshit.

Right of return - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

By contrast the right of return has not passed into customary international law, although it remains an important aspirational human right. Instead, international law gives each country the right to decide for itself to whom it will give citizenship.[3]

That is true when it comes to immigration but people returning to their homes is not immigration.

Cant you read English it is up to the country on whether they allow the refugee to return to their home. In doing so they then become citizens of that country, and if the country does not want them then they cant return. There is no rioght of return in International law

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