Palestine Today

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Liar, There was not a single Jew near Jerusalem in 633 AD. After the failed revolt of 160 AD, all Jews left, in order to repent so that the Messiah would come.

There was not a single Jew near Jerusalem in 633 AD.

So who did the Muslims steal it from?

That is the whole point.
They did not steal it from anyone.
The Palestinians are the original natives, who always lived there and never left.
They are the Canaanites, Chaldeans, Nabatians, Phoenicians, Philistines, Amorites, Urites, etc.
The fact they did not become Muslims until around 700 AD, is not relevant because that did not change their ownership of the land.

It was the Hebrew invaders around 1000 BC who tried to steal Palestine, and then the Zionists again in 1949.

That is the whole point.
They did not steal it from anyone.

Muslims invaded in 634 and didn't steal anything from anybody?

Muslims never invaded.
The indigenous Arab Palestinians simply adopted Islam.
There is more than sufficient proof the current Palestinians are the indigenous natives.
It clearly is there land, always ways, and they never took it from anyone.
They go back to before 7000 BC.


The Pan-Arab colors are black, white, green, and red. Individually, each of the four Pan-Arab colors were intended to represent a certain Arab dynasty, or era.[3] The black was the Abbasid dynastic color; white was the Umayyad dynastic color; green was the Fatimid dynastic color;[4] and red was the Hashemite dynastic color and also represented the Ottoman Empire.

Q.Which one of these Caliphate didn't invade?
Photos and stories of Palestinian grandmothers have been trending on Twitter Saturday in support of US lawmaker Rashida Tlaib.


Can anyone imagine Palestinian Grandmothers not believing Israel has the right to exist??? Why is this news?? :auiqs.jpg:

Why would anyone believe that a bunch of European immigrant Jews would have a right to take over almost all of Palestine?
Clearly they do not, and Israel has no right to exist.
Israel only exists by murder, extortion, and theft.
Even real Jews are against Zionists, because they know they are supposed to be in atonement instead.

Typical Pro Palestinian liar, Tell us what Jews are supposed to be in “ atonement “ for and the “ Real Jews” do believe Israel has the Right to exist

When the Romans beat the Jewish uprising of 160 AD and tore down the 2nd Temple of Solomon, Jewish leadership has to explain how they lost if they were the Chosen People and the Land of Canaan was the Promised Land.
What was decided is that they were being punished for the sins of arrogance and pride. In particular, the massacre of Canaanite women and children at Jericho, and rebelling against the Romans without enough planning, weapons, or strategy.

So no, if you believe Israel should exist before the coming of the Messiah, then you are not really Jewish.
Stealing Palestine from the Arab natives is just repeating the sins of arrogance and pride, preventing there from ever being Zion on earth.

Nice try; You bigot. The Jewish people have been facing persecution for over 2000 years; Nothing to do with 160 AD. For the majority of the Jewish people; waiting for the Messiah is unrealistic.
If anyone should be in atonement it should be the Christians and Arabs for their over 2019 years of hatred

Couldn't agree more,
though I wouldn't put it like that in reference to the Messiah, after all it a principle of faith.
It's just that many figured out great measure of basic Moshe Rabbenu's A"H activity was as a political figure in front of a the world's leading power, that ruled over many peoples and nations...just like the Christians have until recently, and Arabs still do today.
Stop buying into pathetic propaganda.

I moved there recently,
Hebron is actually one of the most luxurious cities in Judea,
in places even competing with Ramallah.

Israeli goontards. Lower than whale shit.

And yet.....leagues above the Palestinians.

It does not matter whether the Palestinians are good or bad.
They simply are the legal land owners of all of Palestine, which Zionists are stealing to call Israel.

It does not matter whether the Palestinians are good or bad.

I agree, they're more stupid than good or bad.

They simply are the legal land owners of all of Palestine,

Sorry, squatters didn't become owners when the Ottomans were defeated.

The Palestinians were the legal owners before and after the Ottoman invasion.


'Legal owners' who keep calling themselves invaders, not knowing what the word even means in the local language. Let alone correctly pronounce the name of the place?
Typical Pro Palestinian liar, Tell us what Jews are supposed to be in “ atonement “ for and the “ Real Jews” do believe Israel has the Right to exist

When the Romans beat the Jewish uprising of 160 AD and tore down the 2nd Temple of Solomon, Jewish leadership has to explain how they lost if they were the Chosen People and the Land of Canaan was the Promised Land.
What was decided is that they were being punished for the sins of arrogance and pride. In particular, the massacre of Canaanite women and children at Jericho, and rebelling against the Romans without enough planning, weapons, or strategy.

So no, if you believe Israel should exist before the coming of the Messiah, then you are not really Jewish.
Stealing Palestine from the Arab natives is just repeating the sins of arrogance and pride, preventing there from ever being Zion on earth.

Nice try; You bigot. The Jewish people have been facing persecution for over 2000 years; Nothing to do with 160 AD. For the majority of the Jewish people; waiting for the Messiah is unrealistic.
If anyone should be in atonement it should be the Christians and Arabs for their over 2019 years of hatred

The Jewish people originally earned hatred for their invasion of Palestine around 1000 BC, when they massacred Canaanite women and children at Jericho.
The date of 160 AD is when Jews decided to leave.
Waiting for the Messiah is only unrealistic if you do not believe you are the Chosen People.

There is lots of history of Christian hatred of Jews, but none of Arab hatred of Jews.
If there were, then Jews would not have asked the Arabs to let them back into Palestine, and the Arabs would not have agreed. It was only later that Zionists started massacring Arabs.

Scientists just disproved a historical event described in the Bible

Another Goyim Liar.
Don't like it because the Jewish People feel they have certain Rights to the land? Too bad,
Muslim Anti Semitism has been around for Centuries, Your denial doesn't change things

I said that the invading Hebrew massacred the Canaanite women and children in Jericho.
They never wiped out all the Canaanites because there were far too many.
They were the majority even when King David ruled.
And your own link proves not only that the Canaanites where there first, but that they are still there.

And you also failed to show any example of Muslims ever mistreating Jews.
It never happened.
Jews were welcomed to high administrative positions by Muslims, and viziers were usually Jewish.

And it would help if you understood English better. The word "Semitic" means belonging to an Arab language group.
It does not at all mean Jewish.
Hebrew belongs to an Arab language group, so is Semitic, but many Jews are Ashkenazi, so are not Semitic.
Their native language group is the Germanic Yiddish.

Liar. My link proves it. The Jewish people did not massacre anybody

Anti Semitic to most people means Anti Jewish. I didn’t post a link Re; Anti Semitism among Christians either; yet everyone knows it ‘s true . Don’t like it because Israel exists? Who cares?
Israeli goontards. Lower than whale shit.

And yet.....leagues above the Palestinians.

It does not matter whether the Palestinians are good or bad.
They simply are the legal land owners of all of Palestine, which Zionists are stealing to call Israel.

It does not matter whether the Palestinians are good or bad.

I agree, they're more stupid than good or bad.

They simply are the legal land owners of all of Palestine,

Sorry, squatters didn't become owners when the Ottomans were defeated.

The Palestinians were the legal owners before and after the Ottoman invasion.

Indeed, virtually all cities and villages predate the Ottoman period.



Indeed Arabs didn't build anything but a single city, Ramle, as the Caliphate's capital in the district, and merely renamed the Hebrew names of the villages and cities and their Greek translations to Arabic.

That single city Arabs built, was too built using Jewish force, and later populated with the local Jewish community to make the city strive economically.

Some years before the first Zionist immigration the Ottomans built a Railway through the region using local force, aside from that up until them all the roads were from Roman times and earlier.

The place was neglected.
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It does not matter whether the Palestinians are good or bad.
They simply are the legal land owners of all of Palestine, which Zionists are stealing to call Israel.

It does not matter whether the Palestinians are good or bad.

I agree, they're more stupid than good or bad.

They simply are the legal land owners of all of Palestine,

Sorry, squatters didn't become owners when the Ottomans were defeated.

The Palestinians were the legal owners before and after the Ottoman invasion.
Indeed, virtually all cities and villages predate the Ottoman period.

Indeed, virtually all cities and villages predate the Ottoman period.

Especially all the ones with Jewish names, eh?

There are NO cities or villages with Jewish names.
Jerusalem for example, predated the Hebrew invasion and is not a Jewish name.
It is the other way around, and the Jews got their name from the city.

Yep, that doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

Simply because the words 'Jew' and 'Jerusalem' sound alike only in English doesn't mean they even come from the same root word. In the local language the two words have only one common letter.
And yet, it just happens that even Arabs themselves call it 'The Jewish Desert'


Sahara Yahudin - The Jewish Desert

The Judaean Desert or Judean Desert (
Hebrew: Midbar Yehuda, both Desert of Judah or Judaean Desert; Arabic:‎ Sahara Yahudin) is a desert in Israel and the West Bank that lies east of Jerusalem and descends to the Dead Sea. It stretches from the northeastern Negev to the east of Beit El, and is marked by natural terraces with escarpments. It ends in a steep escarpment dropping to the Dead Sea and the Jordan Valley. The Judaean Desert is crossed by numerous wadis from northeast to southeast and has many ravines, most of them deep, from 1,200 feet in the west to 600 feet in the east. The Judaean Desert is an area with a special morphological structure along the east of the Judaean Mountains.

Judaean Desert - Wikipedia
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Stop buying into pathetic propaganda.

I moved there recently,
Hebron is actually one of the most luxurious cities in Judea,
in places even competing with Ramallah.

How is the area near the Tomb of the Patriarchs? I haven't been there in quite awhile.

Hebron is calm and quiet when not during holidays, magav guards calmly bored at the entrance.
Though I used to go pray there before dawn...

I've been sitting with Baruch Marzel and a bullet holed wall of his house behind me... calmly eating waffles. So maybe I'm not the best example, but the city and overall atmosphere is really quiet and calming mundane, nothing happens until someone comes to provoke the police in some valley for a scoop in the news.
People are wealthy, luxury and sports cars on the roads, more taxi cabs than in Tel-Aviv and modern stores, including American fast food brands.

Complete opposite of what they show You in the media.


You think you can bribe people to ignore those illegal forced from their homes, with minimum wage server jobs?

Did you read his post or did you just look at the picture? He wrote that the Palestinians in Hebron are WEALTHY, with villas and sports cars. The picture of a KFC store is there to show you that there are modern stores with American brands on every corner, with all the amenities that they might ever need. 80% of Hebron is under Palestinian control, in case you didn't know that.

There were wealthy Muslims in Hebron before the Zionist invasion.
You are trying to imply the Muslims should be grateful to the Zionists, and then show minimum wage jobs.
That is insulting, especially since the point is that Israel has illegally confiscated millions of homes from the rightful Muslim owners.



There were not "millions of Muslim homes" to begin with,
and most of what You call homes, were mostly mud huts, with rare exceptions of Ottoman feudal bourgeoisie living in all the property stolen by the Caliphate.

It was the most neglected and impoverished district when under the Muslim rule,
even the Muslim population was scarce, up until the local Jewish community with the help of diaspora started transforming the place and investing huge sums of money that resuscitated the economy of the entire region.

Can anyone imagine Palestinian Grandmothers not believing Israel has the right to exist??? Why is this news?? :auiqs.jpg:
Remembering the pre stolen days.

633 A.D.

Liar, There was not a single Jew near Jerusalem in 633 AD. After the failed revolt of 160 AD, all Jews left, in order to repent so that the Messiah would come.

You say so,
yet the Palestinian Talmud was written by local Jewish,
and not a single Arab word in there.

Obviously false.
There was no written Hebrew script until around 100 BC.
So it was either written in Aramaic, an Arab language, or was written much latter.

Does this nonsense have even anything to do with my post??

Obviously false what?
Aramaic is an "Arab language"? :eusa_doh:

You gotta make sense some time soon, I hope.
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Probably the most stupid thing I ever heard in my entire life. She made this statement after requesting a visit to her grandmother, and her request being granted. She then changed her mind and decided not to visit her grandmother, perhaps for the last time in their lives, after the Israelis called her bluff. Like an Israeli ambassador said, "Her hatred for Israel is stronger then her supposed love for her grandmother."
It does not matter whether the Palestinians are good or bad.
They simply are the legal land owners of all of Palestine, which Zionists are stealing to call Israel.

It does not matter whether the Palestinians are good or bad.

I agree, they're more stupid than good or bad.

They simply are the legal land owners of all of Palestine,

Sorry, squatters didn't become owners when the Ottomans were defeated.

The Palestinians were the legal owners before and after the Ottoman invasion.
Indeed, virtually all cities and villages predate the Ottoman period.

Indeed, virtually all cities and villages predate the Ottoman period.

Especially all the ones with Jewish names, eh?

There are NO cities or villages with Jewish names.
Jerusalem for example, predated the Hebrew invasion and is not a Jewish name.
It is the other way around, and the Jews got their name from the city.

Btw, most of these cities are in the West Bank, and not in what is called Israel proper, though some are there too.

Bethlehem=House of Bread
Beth El=House of Gd
Jerusalem=City of Peace
Beersheba=Seven Wells
Haifa=Seashore, etc.

All in the Hebrew language!
Liar, There was not a single Jew near Jerusalem in 633 AD. After the failed revolt of 160 AD, all Jews left, in order to repent so that the Messiah would come.

There was not a single Jew near Jerusalem in 633 AD.

So who did the Muslims steal it from?

That is the whole point.
They did not steal it from anyone.
The Palestinians are the original natives, who always lived there and never left.
They are the Canaanites, Chaldeans, Nabatians, Phoenicians, Philistines, Amorites, Urites, etc.
The fact they did not become Muslims until around 700 AD, is not relevant because that did not change their ownership of the land.

It was the Hebrew invaders around 1000 BC who tried to steal Palestine, and then the Zionists again in 1949.

That is the whole point.
They did not steal it from anyone.

Muslims invaded in 634 and didn't steal anything from anybody?

Muslims never invaded.
The indigenous Arab Palestinians simply adopted Islam.
There is more than sufficient proof the current Palestinians are the indigenous natives.
It clearly is there land, always ways, and they never took it from anyone.
They go back to before 7000 BC.


The Pan-Arab colors are black, white, green, and red. Individually, each of the four Pan-Arab colors were intended to represent a certain Arab dynasty, or era.[3] The black was the Abbasid dynastic color; white was the Umayyad dynastic color; green was the Fatimid dynastic color;[4] and red was the Hashemite dynastic color and also represented the Ottoman Empire.

Q.Which one of these Caliphate didn't invade?

Also, the Palestinian flag is practically identical with Jordan's flag, once again proving that they are not a distinct or unique people or entity.
19-year-old Babel Qudeih practices her hobby of repairing smartphones at her home in Khan Younis City, the southern Gaza Strip.


YAWN.., Do you know when Congress will contemplate telling Israelis their Religious Sites are off limits? When she shows her hair ,,:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

she's like sunniMON brainwashed against israel. as a practicing islam-light muslim.....maybe she should be focusing more on empowering her women brethern who walk around american soil practicing islam HARD... ...come into the ....10th or 13th century.
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