Palestine before and WITHOUT Zionism ...

Aenmity dear----how do you know who the people in the pictures are and
what is your point in showing a bunch of clay pots? How do you
know to whom those houses belonged? In the 1800s Palestine
was part of the OTTOMAN EMPIRE The Zionist project that led
to the establishment of present day Israel started in the EARLY
1800s The clay pots you have pictured were standards
for everyone over there----in fact, in the shariah cesspit
in which my hubby was born it was the jews who made them.

Long ago---when I read islamo Nazi propaganda-----there were
lots of PICTURES-----I was very young----One that I remembered
was of a bunch of tattered people in a BARBED WIRE enclosure---
the picture was done in the 1950s The place looked like a concentration
camp------it was GAZA " ISRAEL KEEPs US HERE" -----I was about nine or 10---
I said "Ma---they have concentration camps in Israel" she looked
at the picture and said "gaza is in Egypt" -----now try to focus---that
was before 1967 Gaza is not a hopeless place----in history it
was a THRIVING CENTER of cotton production ----life was good----
the economy was good-----agriculture was good----uhm---btw
GAUZE is named for gaza------but you know that -----anyone who hears
Hebrew spoken knows that---you heard it for YEARS

Egypt controlled Gaza in the 1950's not Israel. From 1948 and October 1956 and again from March 1957 to June 1967.

The English word “gauze” comes from French “gaze”, which in turn probably comes from Arabic qazz قز “raw silk”. It has nothing to do with the town of Gazza غزة. Wikipedia is full of nonsense.

qazz is from Persian kazh (or kaj), with k. The city of Gaza غزة has ghayn in Arabic, 'ayin in the Old Testament, gamma in Greek. It is absurd to derive the former from the latter. Moreover, there is actually no evidence for an early textile industry in Gaza. The connection of "gauze" with Gaza is at best a folk etymology, linking a product with oriental roots with a well-known place name in the East

oh----gee I BELIEVED A LEGEND-----but I am still not sure, peach Long ago---so
I do not remember where----I read a whole long discussion of agriculture
in Gaza ----in ancient times. Gaza was------I read---definitely a kind of MILITARY outpost
for Egypt in its incessant MILITARY adventures -----but also ----had fine agriculture<<<
ancient times-----like before the time yul Brenner and charlton heston were there

Also----there were other places in what seem very desolate now---
in Israel---and the Negev etc that also managed vibrant agriculture.

there is a whole long "thing" about which I have no expertise ----make that
I am totally ignorant-----about very marked climate shifts that shaped history
thruout the Levant and caused lots of demographic shift

be not pessimistic peach-----GAZA WILL BLOOM AGAIN------
cotton plantations-----scarlett o'hara----and rhett
Gaza was------I read---definitely a kind of MILITARY outpost
for Egypt in its incessant MILITARY adventures -----but also ----had fine agriculture<<<
ancient times-----like before the time yul Brenner and charlton heston were there

Also----there were other places in what seem very desolate now---
in Israel---and the Negev etc that also managed vibrant agriculture.

there is a whole long "thing" about which I have no expertise ----make that
I am totally ignorant-----about very marked climate shifts that shaped history
thruout the Levant and caused lots of demographic shift

be not pessimistic peach-----GAZA WILL BLOOM AGAIN------
cotton plantations-----scarlett o'hara----and rhett



Do you mean ... ???
Never mind.
Almost 70 years of technological advancement.

Almost 70 years of building underground tunnels in order to kill people.
Don't see many people in Gaza celebrating the death of kids anymore. Poetic justice in action.

an interesting aspect of Islamic culture---that I learned from muslims----music and dance is not
appropriate for religious occasions------it is never done in mosques or for "religious" events----
it is kinda more a prep for doing the "nasty" (for those who do not know universal lingo---"doing
the nasty" is kinda southern, or southern black lingo for screwing) It is also used in CELEBRATING -
killing. Thus the same kind of thing is done for "doing the nasty" and for the celebration of
Killing people more to the point----war dance and sex dance. Thus the ultimate in
SENSUALITY is-----the combination of killing and sex in the UMMAH-----all people NEED sensuality---
ask Freud------it is a whole massive part of the person's inborn personhood----the LIBIDO. By denying ummahniks the right to kill--------their entire libido part of the person is STARVED

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