Palestine Accepted Into The EU?


Jun 29, 2011
While the European Union decides on Turkey's acceptance in the EU, Palestine actually is better qualified to be part of the European Union. You see, it was the European Romans from Italy who first renamed Judah, the historic land of the Jews, "Palaestina" in retribution for the Jewish uprisings against Roman oppression. The Romans coined the word "Palaestina" based on the Philistines, ancient enemies of the Jews who originated from Europe, in Greece. More recently, the European British called the British Mandate Palestine that, after all, was historic Israel, Palestine was borrowed from their European Roman brethren from Italy based on the Greek Philistines.

Thus, given its historic European roots, a persuasive case is made for Palestine's acceptance into the European Union. Palestinians are really British Italian Greeks in origin.
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No love for Palestine from the Eurotrash? Pity, you deserve each other so much :clap2:
No one wants to join the EU right now.

I wonder if Israel will accept admittance into NATO in exchange for a sovereign Palestinian state based on the lands west of the Jordan River controlled by Jordan between 1948 and 1967. It seems the "attack on one member = an attack on all the members" clause would address the "indefensible borders" concern.

There's no sound reasoning for it joining the EU since it's not culturally part of Europe (at least Turkey crosses two worlds).
No one wants to join the EU right now.

I wonder if Israel will accept admittance into NATO in exchange for a sovereign Palestinian state based on the lands west of the Jordan River controlled by Jordan between 1948 and 1967. It seems the "attack on one member = an attack on all the members" clause would address the "indefensible borders" concern.

There's no sound reasoning for it joining the EU since it's not culturally part of Europe (at least Turkey crosses two worlds).

Wait until Italy comes due next year. There's well over 600 billion Euro debt coming due. That's more than Greece, Spain, and Portugal.

I fear for Germany's solvency....

Well, there's always China. :eusa_shhh:
Top Economists Debate the Crisis
'Clinging to the Euro Will Only Prolong the Agony'

Homburg: Are you seriously suggesting that Germany should leap in to help if Italy stops servicing its debts?

Bofinger: Absolutely. If Italy falls, so do billions upon billions that German banks and insurance companies hold in the form of Italian bonds. The consequence would be a massive financial crash -- a risk that no government can take. That's why we have no choice; we have to stabilize the system.

Part 1: Clinging to the Euro Will Only Prolong the Agony

Part 2: 'We'll Wake Up One Morning to Hear We Have a New Currency'
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Should Palestine not be accepted into the EU, such as in Turkey's case, Palestine can alternatively be part of Saudi Arabia since in addition to being British Italian Greeks, Palestinians are also Arabs. :lol:

Oh, that's right, the wonderful Arabs hate the lovely Palestinians, so, maybe, not such a good idea, after all. Never mind.

Wall Street Journal: "The Arab World's Dirty Secret".
As Israelis and Palestinians prepare to visit Washington next week to begin direct peace talks, it's worth recalling what refugees the Palestinians are—in Arab countries.

Last week, Lebanon's parliament amended a clause in a 1946 law that had been used to bar the 400,000 Palestinians living in the country from taking any but the most menial jobs. "I was born in Lebanon and I have never known Palestine," the AP quoted one 45-year-old Palestinian who works as a cab driver. "We want to live like Lebanese. We are human beings and we need civil rights."

The dirty little secret of the Arab world is that it has consistently treated Palestinians living in its midst with contempt and often violence. In 1970, Jordan expelled thousands of Palestinian militants after Yasser Arafat attempted a coup against King Hussein. In 1991, Kuwait expelled some 400,000 Palestinians working in the country as punishment for Arafat's support for Saddam Hussein in the first Gulf War.

For six decades, Palestinians have been forced by Arab governments to live in often squalid conditions so that they could serve as propaganda tools against Israel, even as millions of refugees elsewhere have been repatriated and absorbed by their host countries. This month's vote still falls short of giving Palestinian Lebanese the rights they deserve, including citizenship. But it's a reminder of the cynicism of so much Arab pro-Palestinian propaganda, and the credulity of those who fall for it.


Wait until Italy comes due next year. There's well over 600 billion Euro debt coming due. That's more than Greece, Spain, and Portugal.

I fear for Germany's solvency....

Italy should be solvent (and would be if it weren't for what is essentially a bank panic). Anyway, there's a pretty broad agreement of what needs to be done to save the Euro, but no political will to do. I think it'll happen eventually.
Wait until Italy comes due next year. There's well over 600 billion Euro debt coming due. That's more than Greece, Spain, and Portugal.

I fear for Germany's solvency....

Italy should be solvent (and would be if it weren't for what is essentially a bank panic). Anyway, there's a pretty broad agreement of what needs to be done to save the Euro, but no political will to do. I think it'll happen eventually.

I agree, but I believe it will be restructured. It will not be the Union of today and there will be an even stronger 'central' authority. But I disagree with you on the view that this is a bank panic.

Just wait and see. We can revisit this in the next year. :)
Wait until Italy comes due next year. There's well over 600 billion Euro debt coming due. That's more than Greece, Spain, and Portugal.

I fear for Germany's solvency....

Italy should be solvent (and would be if it weren't for what is essentially a bank panic). Anyway, there's a pretty broad agreement of what needs to be done to save the Euro, but no political will to do. I think it'll happen eventually.

I agree, but I believe it will be restructured. It will not be the Union of today and there will be an even stronger 'central' authority. But I disagree with you on the view that this is a bank panic.

Just wait and see. We can revisit this in the next year. :)

The Roman Empire's decline began with the Jewish rebellions against their occupation and renaming Israel "Palestina" Maybe, the Romans can have a re-do and Israel can become part of Italy :lol:
^ Rome.

Wake up. :)

You are lost back there. Get back Jo Jo...

[ame=]The Beatles - YouTube[/ame]
A Palestinian girl says to her mommy, "After Abdul blows up, can I have his room?' :lol:
Why would Palestine board a sinking ship?

Since the British created "Palestine" just a few decades ago, maybe Palestine can become part of Great Britain. Hummus and bangers and mash sound delish.
While the European Union decides on Turkey's acceptance in the EU, Palestine actually is better qualified to be part of the European Union. You see, it was the European Romans from Italy who first renamed Judah, the historic land of the Jews, "Palaestina" in retribution for the Jewish uprisings against Roman oppression. The Romans coined the word "Palaestina" based on the Philistines, ancient enemies of the Jews who originated from Europe, in Greece. More recently, the European British called the British Mandate Palestine that, after all, was historic Israel, Palestine was borrowed from their European Roman brethren from Italy based on the Greek Philistines.

Thus, given its historic European roots, a persuasive case is made for Palestine's acceptance into the European Union. Palestinians are really British Italian Greeks in origin.

did Romans come froma any other place but Europe? And Jews are only Israeli?
While the European Union decides on Turkey's acceptance in the EU, Palestine actually is better qualified to be part of the European Union. You see, it was the European Romans from Italy who first renamed Judah, the historic land of the Jews, "Palaestina" in retribution for the Jewish uprisings against Roman oppression. The Romans coined the word "Palaestina" based on the Philistines, ancient enemies of the Jews who originated from Europe, in Greece. More recently, the European British called the British Mandate Palestine that, after all, was historic Israel, Palestine was borrowed from their European Roman brethren from Italy based on the Greek Philistines.

Thus, given its historic European roots, a persuasive case is made for Palestine's acceptance into the European Union. Palestinians are really British Italian Greeks in origin.

did Romans come froma any other place but Europe? And Jews are only Israeli?

Er, Romans would "come from" Rome, situated in Europe. You needed me to clarify this for you, dink? You need me to help you cross the street?

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