Pakistan blasphemy death sentence overturned.


unlicensed metaphysician
Jul 5, 2012
Some good news does happen. A woman in Pakistan, accused of blasphemy against Islam, had her death sentence overturned by the Supreme Court. Nice to see the right thing getting done.
Imagine, in the twenty-first century, laws that make blasphemy, whatever that could be, a capital crime.
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Yet the Saudis executed a Malaysian maid without notifying Malaysia...
Yes, it is inexcusable how our sisters around the world are treated. The fight to redeem them has yet to begin.
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Some truths are found to be self-evident.

I support EQUITY Laws and their adjudication must take into consideration EQUITY BETWEEN NATIONS. It is true that Pakistan has STRICT LAWS that can be used to persecute Christians who IMAGINE that they are legally "equal" to muslims. These laws lead to grossly unfair
judicial outcomes that horrify all decent people but SEEM ok to adherents
of islam. The obvious answer is that muslims living in civilized lands
must be judged in the SAME harsh manner with which "KAFFIRIN"
are judged in muslim countries. There is no criminal penalty in
"SHARIAH" law for a muslim to state and even teach children that the
New Testament is a "fraud" and a "lie" ---but there is a DEATH
penalty in Shariah law for a "Kaffir" to state that the Koran is a fraud
and a lie. The answer is the prosecution of all muslims who teach that
the New Testament is a "fraud and lie" -----as a capital crime in
civilized lands
Some truths are found to be self-evident.
Which so called "truths"? ... :dunno:

Self-evident to whom?? ... :cool:

I'm so not surprised you don't know or recognized the words from Thomas Jefferson he wrote in the Declaration of Independence.

Those truths are that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. Those being Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. I know those words by heart and never have to look them up. I had a proper education, I love our nation and the document that started the revolution that won our freedom from a monarch.

They are self evident to Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, Samual Adams, John Adams, and the 51 other patriots who put their lives on the line when they signed that declaration. Some are the founders of this nation. I'm sure you don't know every person who signed that document signed their death warrant. Those who were captured by the British were killed for signing that document.

I can believe you don't know those words that started a revolution and eventually the United States of America.

From what I've read of your posts you hate America.You hate what we stand for and you hate anyone who doesn't share your views.

You might want to check out the Declaration of Independence. It's easy to find. You just have to get off the porn sites and political boards.
Some truths are found to be self-evident.

so do you think if one could float up to the stratosphere, and lend an ear to all humanity , a cacaphony of relevant epiphanies would be heard?

what is it now? 20-30 million slaves on this rock? and women , basically chattel in the 3rd world?

C'mon 4eyeM, back me up w/some harmonies>

Some truths are found to be self-evident.

so do you think if one could float up to the stratosphere, and lend an ear to all humanity , a cacaphony of relevant epiphanies would be heard?

what is it now? 20-30 million slaves on this rock? and women , basically chattel in the 3rd world?

C'mon 4eyeM, back me up w/some harmonies>


Boop..shu op shu op..
Some truths are found to be self-evident.

so do you think if one could float up to the stratosphere, and lend an ear to all humanity , a cacaphony of relevant epiphanies would be heard?

what is it now? 20-30 million slaves on this rock? and women , basically chattel in the 3rd world?

C'mon 4eyeM, back me up w/some harmonies>


Guess it just seems obvious that the need is for a final struggle to free women.
Some good news does happen. A woman in Pakistan, accused of blasphemy against Islam, had her death sentence overturned by the Supreme Court. Nice to see the right thing getting done.
Imagine, in the twenty-first century, laws that make blasphemy, whatever that could be, a capital crime.
Don't worry some mob will stone her to death and get away with it.
Some good news does happen. A woman in Pakistan, accused of blasphemy against Islam, had her death sentence overturned by the Supreme Court. Nice to see the right thing getting done.
Imagine, in the twenty-first century, laws that make blasphemy, whatever that could be, a capital crime.
Don't worry some mob will stone her to death and get away with it.
Proper use of "mob".
Some good news does happen. A woman in Pakistan, accused of blasphemy against Islam, had her death sentence overturned by the Supreme Court. Nice to see the right thing getting done.
Imagine, in the twenty-first century, laws that make blasphemy, whatever that could be, a capital crime.
Don't worry some mob will stone her to death and get away with it.
Proper use of "mob".
  1. a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence.

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