Paganism: No Calls Required

They deliberately mixed what they called polytheism with it.
Abrahamic Christianity itself comes from poganism. The ritual of the Christians almost exactly reproduces the ritual of the pagans, they even had a partition and an altar. The semantics are the same.

But this has nothing to do with the noble faiths of the Eastern polytheists.
You don't need an invitation to worship in a "paganistic" manner. The majority of humans are pagans when they reject the creator and worship the they make many things their god(s). Power, Money, Fame, Accolade...........

"Professing themselves to be wise.........they became fools". -- Romans 1:22 You don't have to be a rocket scientist to become a pagan.

"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or likeness of anything that is in heaven above (..i.e., astrology, zodic signs...etc., simply look to the far east with the people living their lives based upon the changing seasons, though the use of animals real and imagined, monkey's, dragon's, etc), or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water beneath (Greek mythology)." -- Ex. 20:4

But the most common paganistic practice is the worship of in itself is nothing but a tool but when its abused, just as any tool can be abused becomes the ROOT of ALL EVILS. Its the love of money that becomes the paganistic "graven image".

Take for example when the wealthy young man asked Jesus what he must do to find salvation and eternal life, and the Christ said, "Give to the poor......." He did not say GIVE ALL YOU HAVE but to simply share in the blessings that God has bestowed upon you. The wealthy ruler declared that he had kept all the commandments and Jesus answered, "If thou will be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, AND GIVE TO THE POOR (you don't have to give simply give with a willing heart). The young ruler had much and walked away, not wanting to share in that which God had bestowed upon him. -- Matt. 19:21-22

If 10% is good enough for God.......its good enough for all men. Another paganistic ritual is the supposed modern progressive tax system (the politicians abuse this system to purchase votes and power by targeting and taxing the most productive elements in our essence its nothing but a wealth redistribution scam that far exceeds the fair tax presented by God to Biblical Isarel ......10% tithe.

Ask yourself............who wants to tax everyone to hell and back, and you will find your pagans.

"For the love of money is the root of all evil......which some coveted after, they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." -- 1 Tim. 6:10
That doesn't change my point. God is. Despite our perceptions of what we want God to be.
I heard you the first time.

I was just pointing out it is as applicable to your version as well.
Christians take a double hypocritical position regarding the Dionysian semantics of the Eucharist. To the outside public they say that their cannibalism is bloodless and symbolic, but to their followers they say that they must believe that they are eating the real blood and flesh of the god.
They stole a lot from Mithraism too.
about Mithraism, the story is very confusing. What they pass off as Mithraism was hardly Mithraism. Mithra is an epithet of a bull, it is an ancient Aryan god, a symbol of the sun. In Mithraism, they mock the bull, which is the complete opposite. This symbolism is very similar to the Negral cult.

It's totally weird. There seems to be a plethora of people who are hell bent on gatekeeping. Everybody is busy being an expert.

Yeah, there were some ridiculous rules involved in paganism. I thought most of them faded.

I was a solitary practitioner for a number of years. I have always warned younger pagans to be careful of those groups who think you have to be "skyclad".


Scorpio dog and snake. Complete match
The Republicans learned well from them They call anything not fitting their mold Marxism, Socialism, unamerican and pedophilia

NO...they're calling it out where they see it. Now YOU can pretend that Blm/antifa is not fascist or that the democrat party is not acting in a fascistic manner...but we all see it.
bodecea Of course, I did not claim that Christianity directly comes from pagans. It is syncretic. The idea of a heavenly father comes from the east, the heavenly father is Dyaus, they changed the image. The devil was written off from him, because he was in the form of a bull. And the name Devil itself most likely came from Dyaus(there is same flective root "dev"). Literally in the Vedic it meant "heavenly" (hence the divine)
about Mithraism, the story is very confusing. What they pass off as Mithraism was hardly Mithraism. Mithra is an epithet of a bull, it is an ancient Aryan god, a symbol of the sun. In Mithraism, they mock the bull, which is the complete opposite. This symbolism is very similar to the Negral cult.
It was like a secret cult for the military.
bodecea Of course, I did not claim that Christianity directly comes from pagans. It is syncretic. The idea of a heavenly father comes from the east, the heavenly father is Dyaus, they changed the image. The devil was written off from him, because he was in the form of a bull. And the name Devil itself most likely came from Dyaus(there is same flective root "dev"). Literally in the Vedic it meant "heavenly" (hence the divine)
By the way, in Romanesque Christianity, this is how it was


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