Pacific Trade deal will stop many Generic drugs and give amnesty to illegal immigrants

Lana Cresto

Jan 24, 2015
Please Read: From the Hill News Paper On Obama executive amnesty and under TPP Congress can NO LONGER REGULATE IMMIGRATION:

Trade agreement is a Trojan horse for Obama s immigration agenda TheHill

Patrick Watson TPP Fast Track Authority Puts a Lot of Trust in Obama to Do the Right Thing

Dick Morris GOP Field Will Tighten Asia Trade Pact Big Worry

As well as take away Generic Drugs and raise prices on brand named drugs

Trans Pacific Partnership is bad deal for senior citizens TheHill

Don t forget consumers and patients in the Trans-Pacific Partnership TheHill

Will This Trade Deal Block Some Generic Drugs from the U.S. The Fiscal Times

Now there are meetings on how this Trade Deal will override are own US constitution especially on Congresses right to regulate immigration and Obama's executive order

Now again the Trans Pacific Partnership creates NEW OBAMA COURTS TO REGULATE THE INTERNET TPP Trade Deal Would Curb Freedom Of Speech Online Internet Activists Warn and other things I just mentioned and even Lou Dobbs & Mark Levin sees the problem OBAMATRADE

Why, Because again Obama WILL CREATE NEW COURTS The Trans-Pacific Partnership clause everyone should oppose - The Washington Post & Trans-Pacific Partnership Takes Legal Authority Away from Domestic Courts

Now the Republican Congress wants to surrender there right to negotiate trade and hand that power over to President Obama

THIS IS **REAL** Please call Congress at 202-224-3121 or click here >> Find Your Senators and Representatives - OpenCongress and tell your House and Senators NO TO THE TRANS PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP AND TRADE PROMOTION AUTHORITY.

What is Trade Promotion Authority or FAST TRACK - What is Fast Track in order to get Obama to have the Trans Pacific Partnership or Pacific Trade Deal well usually a treaty takes 67 votes to pass, however under Trade Promotion Authority or Fast Track if passed by the House and Senate once Obama completes this horrible treaty and the treaty hits the Senate floor which is expected THIS MONTH it will only take 51 votes in the Senate to pass The Trans Pacific Partnership and there can be NO AMENDMENT (CHANGES) and NO FILIBUSTER (STOPPING)

Please as well Sign this petition to stop Trade Promotion Authority Stop Fast Track

"Although it is called a 'free trade' agreement, the TPP is not mainly about trade. Of TPP's 29 draft chapters, only five deal with traditional trade issues.

"One chapter would provide incentives to offshore jobs to low-wage countries.

"Many would impose limits on government policies that we rely on in our daily lives for safe food, a clean environment, and more. Our domestic federal, state and local policies would be required to comply with TPP rules."

TPP has been called NAFTA on steroids by its critics, and it currently has most Republicans and many Democrats among its supporters; if it passes, it's effects will live on long after Obama pulls the cord on his golden parachute.

Trans-Pacific Partnership
America as we know it is ceasing to exist. 51 million illegals, and the only jobs this country has has been promised to them. We are sending planes, like they were taxis to bring them here. "Displaced" Sunnis are being welcomed into the Great Satan. We're to stupid to take a stand, but stupid enough to supply the planes...

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