PA Sec of Sate Boockvar: "There are MILLIONS of votes yet to be counted."

In PA, they will know exactly the number of Trump votes made in person. The millions of mail-in votes are deliberately being held in reserve so that they can count what they need to give PA
to Biden.

It is precisely as we were saying weeks ago.
MILLIONS of votes? Oh well, it could be worse....

Ok Boockvar, it's 3,018,589 for Trump and 2,475,795 Biden with 78% reported as of 10:48 EST.

What a shocker.

Trucks full of mail in ballots still coming. Several counties in excess of 40% mail in ballots.

Except the 300,000 ballots the USPS has lost and can't locate. :smoke:
At least until they are all safely Biden votes.
Ok Boockvar, it's 3,018,589 for Trump and 2,475,795 Biden with 78% reported as of 10:48 EST.

What a shocker.

Trucks full of mail in ballots still coming. Several counties in excess of 40% mail in ballots.

Except the 300,000 ballots the USPS has lost and can't locate. :smoke:
At least until they are all safely Biden votes.
Over four years ago Trump started saying the election was rigged, that illegals were voting, Democrats were cheating. But HE WON DIDENT HE???? explain how he won if the election was rigged? He has made us all distrust the democratic process.
The dems are going to steal this election...Trump didn't beat them by enough to keep that from happening.....get ready for a new recession....and nation wide lockdowns.....
Republicans will never win another election. I hope the never Trumpers are content with that.

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