Out-Sourcing American Jobs

. Secondly, back in the 50's and 60's when we had plants and factories on almost every street corner, the competition is what kept them in business, and consumer prices low.

dear, there is a huge huge differene between intranational competition and international competition. Remember the rule: the more with whom you trade the richer you get, the fewer the poorer.

Still over your head?
I have already been over that with you and you refused to answer the question that would have proved you wrong. Go back and read our discussion on that and see what both of us said. I have explained how false that is, and you have offered absolutely nothing to counter it with, nothing. If you're in doubt, go back and read our conversation from the last time you made that comment ( claim ). The why are we not richer? We trade now, so where is the wealth? Please show where our wealth is from all of the trade we do with other countries. Go back and read our conversation on this topic the last time you brought that up.
We trade now, so where is the wealth? .

to stupid by 10000% . if every person, city, state, and nation did not trade they would be far far poorer. A child would know this. Do you think Albany, NY for example would get richer making its own cars and growing its own bananas??

See why we have to be 1000% positve that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
, the competition is what kept them in business,

too stupid of course. Competition threatens a business which is why you object to competition. Think before you post.
FYI - ( econo 101 ) Fair competition for market share keeps prices low, encourages the quality of products, and promotes innovation in order to stay ahead of the game. Monopolies ensure high consumer prices, retards innovation, is not consumer friendly. It's the same when it comes to employees. Fair competition for good employees, raise wages, encourages employers to promote and keep employees. The back bone to any business is its employees. Employees can make or break a business. Fair competition ( business ) promotes business growth and expansion. It acts as a motivator to ensure a quality product or service, and creates a healthy market environment for the consumer ( econo 101 ).
We trade now, so where is the wealth? .

to stupid by 10000% . if every person, city, state, and nation did not trade they would be far far poorer. A child would know this. Do you think Albany, NY for example would get richer making its own cars and growing its own bananas??

See why we have to be 1000% positve that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
I have never ever said that we should not have trade. I am all for trade. Trade is vital and necessary, it's very important. where did you get that I am against trade? I have never ever even implied such nonsense. Now you're back to making up SH*T. And, once again, I am NOT a LIBERTARIAN, not in the least. Also, I am far from ignorant. Anyone that reads our entire conversation can see that.
FYI - ( econo 101 ) Fair competition for market share keeps prices low,
too stupid trying to change subject as if no one would notice. you said competition keeps them in business!! now you say competition keeps prices low!!
That is absolutely correct. Yes, I did say that, and I stand by it. Fair competition for market share keeps prices low, and is consumer friendly. ( econo 101 ) - What keeps them in business is keeping up with the competition. Competition pushes businesses to excel, produce a better product or service, and have outstanding customer service to back their product.
Competition pushes businesses to excel,.

and international competition even more!! Slow?? If our goods and services are not world class we don't survive as a nation!

Sinking is now, liberal????
As long as the foreign trade is equal, fair, and balanced. Otherwise, we end up with what we have now. And, what we have now is economically damaging and sending us straight to third world status. There is absolutely nothing wrong with fair, equal, and balanced foreign trade. But, when foreign trade becomes what we have now, unfair, unjust, and one-sided, our economy is evidence of the tremendous socioeconomic damage. FYI - your silly immature, childish "slow", liberal" BS is not impressing anyone. Please try to be adult and civil in these conversations. You'll get a lot more respect and folks will enjoy having conversations with you. Otherwise, it takes a lot of understand to do what I have been doing with you for several hours now. I'm use to it because I have been on forums like this one for years. Please be civil and adult. Please refrain from personal attacks and name calling. It really does make you look childish. Also, Try to remember that I'm not a Liberal, Conservative, Democrat, Republican, nor anything other than an American for America. I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

Far better to offshore entire companies than just jobs. Americans will have no choice to buy their goods as imports 'cause whatever they are they will NOT be being manufactured in The U.S.
We're import dependent now. We produce very little of what we use and consume. The "Made In U.S.A." label is hard to find, especially on retail store shelves. It would be better to severely penalize companies that off-shore out-source jobs.

When entire companies have moved offshore and have zero assets in The U.S. to tax or confiscate then how do you propose they be penalized? Maybe by banning the importation of everything they make? Or maybe levying huge import duties setting off a trade war?
If they move the entire business out of this country, why penalize them?
. And, what deficits are you referring to?

federal deficits allow the chinese for example to buy our Treasuries with their US dollars rather than our products.

That one will be way over your head.
Don't forget, you are liberal because you are slow.
How does that relate to job out-sourcing? I am NOT a Liberal. And, this subject is nowhere near being over my head, thank you.

dear, if we had no deficits the Chinese could not buy our Treasuries with their Wal Mart US dollars. Instead, they would have to buy our products thus stimulating jobs here.

Always remember, you are a liberal because you are slow.
I fail to see where a deficit encourages job out-sourcing. I am NOT a LIBERAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am NOT SLOW !!!!!!

Try to be civil and adult if you wish to have a conversation. I'm really not interested in having a conversation with someone that engages in personal attacks instead of sticking to subject matter. I'll discuss anything at anytime. But, I will not do so with those that name call and engages in personal attacks. It's too silly and childish to name call and attack the person that you're having a conversation with. Thanks.
You will never have a real discussion with those you've been trading messages with. People who hate government and then expect government to "save" them have several screws loose.
Maybe we should outsource politics. Indians in Bangalore can do what our politicians can do for a fraction of the cost. Why should taxpayers pay a tea bagger or republican a couple hundred thousand a year plus benefits to try to destroy Obama when an Indian would gladly do it for three or four hundred a month. Same goes for our overpaid military. Screw the pensions and bennies. One Sargent, two hundred and fifty a month.
But, most of what we use and consume is imported.
This is where I'm looking for clarification, are you just assuming this or do you have a source that attempts to break out consumables for the average American by their primary source of manufacturing? Do you also take into account how much of a product manufactured in China still creates jobs and profit along the food chain domestically? From the overpaid union fucks loading it off the ship, to the people moving it on a train, to a truck driver, to a store where stocker cashier etc. and all the centralized operations of those parts, something made in China is a lot more than just Xiao Wu toiling away in Shen Zhen.

If I take a quick look at my household budget things like clothes and tools aren't a significant monthly slice of the pie. A lot of what we consume are services... be it health insurance, car insurance, internet, electricity, Netflix, Amazon Prime, the Wall Street Journal, YMCA my wife does yoga with some really hot milfs, HOA fees, etc. For tangible products that come in the door very consistently it is mostly food and gas. Obviously some fruits/sugar/coffee is coming from overseas but I bet the overwhelming majority of food is domestically produced be it manufactured or grown. Entertainment budget is mostly going to restaurants/bars/movies and travel.

We own our home but I suspect for most people the #1 monthly expense is related to housing. Mortgage (mainly a service), rent, whatever.

I'd be interested to see the breakout of the average American's consumption and see how much is actually related to things produce domestically, as opposed to us in here just taking guesses based on our assumptions.

How do you know the union fucks are overpaid?
Should businesses be penalized for out-sourcing jobs to foreign countries? Should the millions of telemarking, medical billing, and customer service jobs be forced to return to this country? Should importing labor be penalized? Should employers that hire illegal immigrants be severely penalized?

Maybe, but neither party is going to do so.
How do you know the union fucks are overpaid?
I remember from when said fucks at port of Long Beach were striking, it was crazy how much those cats made for moving crates off a ship.

U.S. longshoremen earn three times average national wage

"The analyst firm has compared salary data from Pacific Maritime Association’s (PMA) homepage with the average salary in the U.S. According to the website, the longshoremen on the U.S. West Coast earn an average of 98,603 USD a year including two and a half weeks of vacation on average. The earnings are about six times as much as the minimum wage in California and more than double the 42,000 USD including bonuses, which is the average salary for all Americans, according to Silicon Valley Index.

A significant part of the longshoremen’s wages are the so-called royalties for each container handled, and these royalties constituted a crucial point in the negotiations six months ago when a strike nearly shut down 14 ports on the U.S. East Coast."
As long as the foreign trade is equal, fair, and balanced.

and who is to decide if it is fair, a liberal Nazi like you? By definition free trade is fair or people would not engage in it. You want a Nazi govt to decide what you can make and buy from whom and at what price? China has cheap labor and Central America has cheap bananas yet a liberal Nazi like you wants to prevent Americans from enriching themselves with these goods. If our goods are not world class our nation won't be either and will be defeated thanks to liberal goons like you.
But, most of what we use and consume is imported.
This is where I'm looking for clarification, are you just assuming this or do you have a source that attempts to break out consumables for the average American by their primary source of manufacturing? Do you also take into account how much of a product manufactured in China still creates jobs and profit along the food chain domestically? From the overpaid union fucks loading it off the ship, to the people moving it on a train, to a truck driver, to a store where stocker cashier etc. and all the centralized operations of those parts, something made in China is a lot more than just Xiao Wu toiling away in Shen Zhen.

If I take a quick look at my household budget things like clothes and tools aren't a significant monthly slice of the pie. A lot of what we consume are services... be it health insurance, car insurance, internet, electricity, Netflix, Amazon Prime, the Wall Street Journal, YMCA my wife does yoga with some really hot milfs, HOA fees, etc. For tangible products that come in the door very consistently it is mostly food and gas. Obviously some fruits/sugar/coffee is coming from overseas but I bet the overwhelming majority of food is domestically produced be it manufactured or grown. Entertainment budget is mostly going to restaurants/bars/movies and travel.

We own our home but I suspect for most people the #1 monthly expense is related to housing. Mortgage (mainly a service), rent, whatever.

I'd be interested to see the breakout of the average American's consumption and see how much is actually related to things produce domestically, as opposed to us in here just taking guesses based on our assumptions.

How do you know the union fucks are overpaid?

well they get to use violence to demand higher pay so I think that means they are over paid as comnpared to folks who don't get to use violence.

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