Our President calls Parkland Deputy a coward

How dare you attack the police. No one knows how they will react. The old cop was at retirement age and his kids weren’t in that school. What’s he gonna do against an assault rifle? So he realized this and retired.

Trump doesn’t realize how tough that job is. He also said McCain wasn’t a hero because he got captured.

You realize stupid, that you just made teh argument why Americans MUST arm themselves and provide their own safety.
I was being ridiculous. The cop should be ashamed. He was a fraud his whole career and almost got by without incident.

Reminds me of when George kastanza knocked women and children over when he thought there was a fire.

Why don't you look up the oath that officer swore when he became a cop and post it for us. Did he swear to serve and PROTECT? fucking libtardos

Show me the oath where he is expected to charge into a reign of fire like Butch and Sundance without cover
Yes , I love all these John Waynes and Audy Murphys. I wish I could have coaxed idiots with 38's up a hall into my machine gun when I was in the military, I could have left body counts like they have in video games. Sorry that is not real world. The cop did not have the right tool for the job. When shit hits the fan I am typicaly the guy moving toward the issue but I sure as hell am not going to put a bulls eye on me! Your only hope in that situation is to lure that guy into a small space where your weapon has the advantage, otherwise "Fairwell and Adieu my fair spanish ladys." I love over confident people in a fire fight and a gambling table either way the predators feast!

Sad to see a veteran make excuses for cowards. Most veterans understand duty. And many understand that an AR-15 is not a machine gun or even an assault rifle. You were...what? Coast Guard reserve maybe?
We’ll surely find out more about Peterson soon, but his presence at the school during the shooting as a sanctioned “good guy with a gun” complicates the blissfully uncomplicated version of the “good guy with a gun” narrative on the right.

It also shows the flaw in reflexively strapping holsters onto math teachers or volleyball coaches in America’s schools, in effect deputizing more “good guys.”

How would 20 percent of America’s teachers, surely card-carrying good people by any definition, respond to similar pressures of the unthinkable?

These questions of human frailty and error are nowhere to be found in the NRA’s “good guy with a gun” mythology, where the hypothetical armed hero is always batting a thousand, and for good reason.

Once you allow for good people to be bad superheroes, to not save the day when everything was on the line, you start to look around for other solutions.

There Was a “Good Guy With a Gun” at the Parkland Shooting.
The more guns solution will only arm teachers no more willing to confront an AR 15 single handedly than those deputies
We’ll surely find out more about Peterson soon, but his presence at the school during the shooting as a sanctioned “good guy with a gun” complicates the blissfully uncomplicated version of the “good guy with a gun” narrative on the right.

It also shows the flaw in reflexively strapping holsters onto math teachers or volleyball coaches in America’s schools, in effect deputizing more “good guys.”

How would 20 percent of America’s teachers, surely card-carrying good people by any definition, respond to similar pressures of the unthinkable?

These questions of human frailty and error are nowhere to be found in the NRA’s “good guy with a gun” mythology, where the hypothetical armed hero is always batting a thousand, and for good reason.

Once you allow for good people to be bad superheroes, to not save the day when everything was on the line, you start to look around for other solutions.

There Was a “Good Guy With a Gun” at the Parkland Shooting.
The more guns solution will only arm teachers no more willing to confront an AR 15 single handedly than those deputies
The more guns ‘solution’ isn’t a solution.
We’ll surely find out more about Peterson soon, but his presence at the school during the shooting as a sanctioned “good guy with a gun” complicates the blissfully uncomplicated version of the “good guy with a gun” narrative on the right.

It also shows the flaw in reflexively strapping holsters onto math teachers or volleyball coaches in America’s schools, in effect deputizing more “good guys.”

How would 20 percent of America’s teachers, surely card-carrying good people by any definition, respond to similar pressures of the unthinkable?

These questions of human frailty and error are nowhere to be found in the NRA’s “good guy with a gun” mythology, where the hypothetical armed hero is always batting a thousand, and for good reason.

Once you allow for good people to be bad superheroes, to not save the day when everything was on the line, you start to look around for other solutions.

There Was a “Good Guy With a Gun” at the Parkland Shooting.
The more guns solution will only arm teachers no more willing to confront an AR 15 single handedly than those deputies
No one wants to confront a shooter but sometimes he confronts you. Wish you had a gun if he does

Why don't you look up the oath that officer swore when he became a cop and post it for us. Did he swear to serve and PROTECT? fucking libtardos

Show me the oath where he is expected to charge into a reign of fire like Butch and Sundance without cover
Yes , I love all these John Waynes and Audy Murphys. I wish I could have coaxed idiots with 38's up a hall into my machine gun when I was in the military, I could have left body counts like they have in video games. Sorry that is not real world. The cop did not have the right tool for the job. When shit hits the fan I am typicaly the guy moving toward the issue but I sure as hell am not going to put a bulls eye on me! Your only hope in that situation is to lure that guy into a small space where your weapon has the advantage, otherwise "Fairwell and Adieu my fair spanish ladys." I love over confident people in a fire fight and a gambling table either way the predators feast!

Sad to see a veteran make excuses for cowards. Most veterans understand duty. And many understand that an AR-15 is not a machine gun or even an assault rifle. You were...what? Coast Guard reserve maybe?
My job was simply to the create dissension and paranoia in the ranks of the enemy. I am not defending a coward. WHat he did may have been SOP for the situation for all I know. I was not trained to defend lives. I was trained to do the opposite. If the CO of this outift had given the proper tool for the job likely the deuty would have been less hesitant. Considering how many of these have already happened, I think it is a failure from higher ups. The police cheifs should be aware of the structure of the schools and the types of weapons effective at these ranges and should have had rifles in the cruisers for the deputies to go to. I would have went in so fuck you! Had I been in command my boys would have had what they needed.for the situation.
He's not a HUGE coward, but the responding Coward County sheriffs deputies who stood outside while kids were being slaughtered are the true cowards.

And I hope someone takes all 3 of them out, soon.

Why don't you look up the oath that officer swore when he became a cop and post it for us. Did he swear to serve and PROTECT? fucking libtardos

Show me the oath where he is expected to charge into a reign of fire like Butch and Sundance without cover
Yes , I love all these John Waynes and Audy Murphys. I wish I could have coaxed idiots with 38's up a hall into my machine gun when I was in the military, I could have left body counts like they have in video games. Sorry that is not real world. The cop did not have the right tool for the job. When shit hits the fan I am typicaly the guy moving toward the issue but I sure as hell am not going to put a bulls eye on me! Your only hope in that situation is to lure that guy into a small space where your weapon has the advantage, otherwise "Fairwell and Adieu my fair spanish ladys." I love over confident people in a fire fight and a gambling table either way the predators feast!

Sad to see a veteran make excuses for cowards. Most veterans understand duty. And many understand that an AR-15 is not a machine gun or even an assault rifle. You were...what? Coast Guard reserve maybe?
My job was simply to the create dissension and paranoia in the ranks of the enemy. I am not defending a coward. WHat he did may have been SOP for the situation for all I know. I was not trained to defend lives. I was trained to do the opposite. If the CO of this outift had given the proper tool for the job likely the deuty would have been less hesitant. Considering how many of these have already happened, I think it is a failure from higher ups. The police cheifs should be aware of the structure of the schools and the types of weapons effective at these ranges and should have had rifles in the cruisers for the deputies to go to. I would have went in so fuck you! Had I been in command my boys would have had what they needed.for the situation.

Bullshit. The man's job was the same no matter what. Wouldn't have mattered if he had been unarmed if he took the job of protecting children and made no attempt to do so, he is in fact guilty of criminal negligence and should expect to face wrongful death suits that impoverish him for the rest of his miserable life.
America wasn't built by people who quit just because they are out numbered or out gunned. And in point of fact a handgun can be about as effective as a simi-auto rifle at the close ranges encountered inside a building and is less likely to cause collateral damage passing through walls.
And (fuck you too) I have no interest in what you think you might do. If you can't walk the walk, don't talk the talk.
Three deputies from the Broward County Sheriff's Office remained outside the freshman building of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High in Parkland, Florida, during one of the nation's deadliest school shootings, two law enforcement sources confirmed to NBC News Saturday.

While the reason they remained outside is currently unclear, experts say it's highly unusual for a police officer to stay on the sidelines of an active shooting scene and not try to neutralize the threat.

David Hogg, a Stoneman Douglas senior and survivor of the shooting, said he's met Peterson and he thinks the fact that the officer didn't take action, even though he was armed, illustrates that simply having a gun won't stop a shooting.

"He, just like every other officer out there, at heart, is a good person," Hogg said. "Who wants to go down the barrel of an AR-15, even with a Glock? And I know that's what these police officers are supposed to do, but they're people too."

Douglas High teacher Felicia Burgin, who was inside the building while the shooting occurred, said she believes Peterson is being used as a "scapegoat."

"People are angry right now. They're angry, they're hurting and now all their hurt is being directed in, to me, the wrong direction," she said. "You want to be angry? Be angry at the gunman who killed all these people. Be angry at the gun laws that allow these guns to be purchased by 18 year olds."

Three Broward County deputies didn't enter Douglas High, sources say
Video delays misled cops at Stoneman Douglas shooting

“They are monitoring the subject right now. He went from the third floor to the second floor, the third to the second floor … They’re monitoring him on camera,” an officer said on radio transmissions recorded by Broadcastify, an audio streaming website, at 2:54 p.m. In fact, Cruz was already long gone — he had escaped the school’s freshman building 26 minutes earlier and was sitting at a McDonald’s a mile away, a timeline released by the Broward Sheriff’s Office shows.

The video images were “delayed 20 minutes and nobody told us that,” said Coral Springs Police Chief Tony Pustizzi.

Pustizzi said the video delay made a chaotic situation more confusing, but he does not believe it slowed efforts to rescue injured students. “We got in so fast, we’re pulling them out. It made it harder to identify where the guy was.”

Police radio transmissions reviewed by the Sun Sentinel reveal more details about the confusion at the scene as officers tried to determine what was happening and how best to respond to the worst school shooting since the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in 2012.

They show:

-- At the same time the shooter escaped, police were saying they were entering a building, though it’s unclear from radio transmissions whether it was the right building or a neighboring one.

-- Police initially could not get to the security cameras and couldn’t immediately find someone to help them.

-- Police communication was hampered by outmoded radios that left some transmissions inaudible.

The school is in Parkland, which is protected by the sheriff’s office. Also, an armed sheriff’s deputy — called a school resource officer — is assigned to the school.

At one point, police were looking for that officer, Scot Peterson, because he “would be the one to have access to where the cameras are,” according to the police radio broadcast.

Peterson was on the 45-acre campus during the attack but not in the targeted building, Schools Superintendent Robert Runcie previously told the Sun Sentinel.

“We need somebody with the camera systems ASAP,” an officer stated at 2:43 p.m., about 15 minutes after the shooting stopped, according to the sheriff’s timeline. “Where’s the principal? Who’s with the principal? And we need to start making a plan here.”

Video delays misled cops at Stoneman Douglas shooting
sheriff "israel". Need we say more?

Another White crowd assaulted by kikery.

no, you need not say more. :asshole:

Jewed Law?

Well , let's see ' a **** shoots up a school of kikes.

"Sheriff Israel" and his select group of flunkies do nothing ; the previously warned (((feds))) do nothing.

(((Dave Hog))) forms a jewish drama club to take guns from White People.

Again , with jews ; Whites lose.

The ancient Greeks dismissed kikery for the same reasons.

Go ahead semites ; censor THIS.
sheriff "israel". Need we say more?

Another White crowd assaulted by kikery.

no, you need not say more. :asshole:

Jewed Law?

Well , let's see ' a **** shoots up a school of kikes.

"Sheriff Israel" and his select group of flunkies do nothing ; the previously warned (((feds))) do nothing.

(((Dave Hog))) forms a jewish drama club to take guns from White People.

Again , with jews ; Whites lose.

The ancient Greeks dismissed kikery for the same reasons.

Go ahead semites ; censor THIS.

She is right...you are an asshole
sheriff "israel". Need we say more?

Another White crowd assaulted by kikery.

no, you need not say more. :asshole:

Jewed Law?

Well , let's see ' a **** shoots up a school of kikes.

"Sheriff Israel" and his select group of flunkies do nothing ; the previously warned (((feds))) do nothing.

(((Dave Hog))) forms a jewish drama club to take guns from White People.

Again , with jews ; Whites lose.

The ancient Greeks dismissed kikery for the same reasons.

Go ahead semites ; censor THIS.

She is right...you are an asshole

No , you're a cuckhold. The jew has pushed the envelope long enough. You're an enabler.
"I really believe I'd run in there even if I didn't have a weapon"

This is a residual effect left over from the Obama years. The police were demonized and many do not want that stigma put on them. This is another prime effect of far left policies that hurt the nation. This is a blue area controlled by the democrats.

Remember now the far left does not want guns in the school, they do not want guns for cops, they demonize them every chance they get. Yet they now want the cops to be in charge of such things.

Things will not change until people stop being afraid of being demonized by the far left and their media sources.

Also there is the question of jurisdiction during such events. In who has the command in such situations. This is complete break down of communication as well. It seems that there is still a disconnect with law enforcement in communications with each other, including the FBI.

On the flip side, the Obama era policies for the FBI seems to still be in place and both the FBI and local law enforcement dropped the ball on this kid, mainly to keep from racially profiling. Remember the far left motto is to react after the fact, not be pro active.

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