Our "Nice" Federal Government


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
From whence came the principle that our Federal Government ought to protect people from unpleasantness? Where is it written in the Constitution?

Consider the hurricane that devastated parts of (mainly) New Jersey last year. Sandy, was it? Mother nature comes along and destroys a lot of personal property, kills some people.

So what?

If I am considering the purchase of property or a residence along the shoreline, then hadn't I better consider the risk - even if it's a slight one - of there being a Big Wave at some time that will wipe out my stuff? And if I choose to buy that property, shouldn't I purchase insurance against the possibility that it will happen? What does this have to do with the federal Government?

So the storm and the wave come along, destroying my stuff. On what basis do I go to the Federal Taxpayers (everyone else) to indemnify ME, who chose to build on this site, and chose not to get (adequate) insurance. Fuck me!

Look back at the horrible events of September 11, 2001. Crazy Muslim extremists crash a couple planes into the world trade center towers; 3,000 people (more or less) are killed.

So what? People are killed in car accidents every day - sometimes through the fault of uninsured motorists. EVERYONE has an obligation to decide whether or not to buy life insurance, and if they don't then shame on them if they get killed. Period. Regardless of how it happens. Maybe, if they are lucky, they will get run over by a MICROSOFT delivery truck, so their heirs can sue Bill Gates, but maybe not. Not my problem.

It wasn't MY fault (I'm a U.S. taxpayer). Why should I have to pay these people millions of dollars each to assauge their pain? Fuck their pain! They all had - or should have had - life insurance, right? What makes this MY responsibility? Did the Government guarantee the safety of everyone flying around over U.S. soil? Where is that written?

Where in the Constitution does it say that if something bad happens to you, Congress is going to bail you out with other people's money? I missed that section in my reading of it.

The examples are endless. Hurrican Katrina. Jesus Fucking Christ, if you choose to live in New Orleans, you ASSUME THE RISK of getting flooded out! If you can't bear that risk, or can't afford flood insurance, LIVE SOMEPLACE ELSE! The flood insurance is subsidized in any event, and you aren't charged what you should be anyway.

But don't piss and moan when the Government doesn't cover your losses - be a fucking MAN for Chrissake!

And I have news for all you fukkers who are living on the San Andreas Fault. YOU ARE RUNNING THE RISK OF HAVING ALL OF YOUR SHIT DESTROYED BY AN EARTHQUAKE!

Don't come to the other taxpayers when it happens and demand to be made whole! WE didn't choose to live on a fault line! You did! Deal with it. If you can't bear that risk and can't afford insurance, live someplace else, and leave me out of it!

Again, where does Congress get the authority to take MY money and pay it out to people who failed to provide for the risks of their own lives?
From whence came the principle that our Federal Government ought to protect people from unpleasantness? Where is it written in the Constitution?

Consider the hurricane that devastated parts of (mainly) New Jersey last year. Sandy, was it? Mother nature comes along and destroys a lot of personal property, kills some people.

So what?

If I am considering the purchase of property or a residence along the shoreline, then hadn't I better consider the risk - even if it's a slight one - of there being a Big Wave at some time that will wipe out my stuff? And if I choose to buy that property, shouldn't I purchase insurance against the possibility that it will happen? What does this have to do with the federal Government?

So the storm and the wave come along, destroying my stuff. On what basis do I go to the Federal Taxpayers (everyone else) to indemnify ME, who chose to build on this site, and chose not to get (adequate) insurance. Fuck me!

Look back at the horrible events of September 11, 2001. Crazy Muslim extremists crash a couple planes into the world trade center towers; 3,000 people (more or less) are killed.

So what? People are killed in car accidents every day - sometimes through the fault of uninsured motorists. EVERYONE has an obligation to decide whether or not to buy life insurance, and if they don't then shame on them if they get killed. Period. Regardless of how it happens. Maybe, if they are lucky, they will get run over by a MICROSOFT delivery truck, so their heirs can sue Bill Gates, but maybe not. Not my problem.

It wasn't MY fault (I'm a U.S. taxpayer). Why should I have to pay these people millions of dollars each to assauge their pain? Fuck their pain! They all had - or should have had - life insurance, right? What makes this MY responsibility? Did the Government guarantee the safety of everyone flying around over U.S. soil? Where is that written?

Where in the Constitution does it say that if something bad happens to you, Congress is going to bail you out with other people's money? I missed that section in my reading of it.

The examples are endless. Hurrican Katrina. Jesus Fucking Christ, if you choose to live in New Orleans, you ASSUME THE RISK of getting flooded out! If you can't bear that risk, or can't afford flood insurance, LIVE SOMEPLACE ELSE! The flood insurance is subsidized in any event, and you aren't charged what you should be anyway.

But don't piss and moan when the Government doesn't cover your losses - be a fucking MAN for Chrissake!

And I have news for all you fukkers who are living on the San Andreas Fault. YOU ARE RUNNING THE RISK OF HAVING ALL OF YOUR SHIT DESTROYED BY AN EARTHQUAKE!

Don't come to the other taxpayers when it happens and demand to be made whole! WE didn't choose to live on a fault line! You did! Deal with it. If you can't bear that risk and can't afford insurance, live someplace else, and leave me out of it!

Again, where does Congress get the authority to take MY money and pay it out to people who failed to provide for the risks of their own lives?

Hmmm maybe if people who want property insurance should be REQUIRED to pay for insurance,

then the federal billions used to replace uninsured property damages could instead
be used to provide health care instead of charging taxpayers to buy insurance for that???
From whence came the principle that our Federal Government ought to protect people from unpleasantness? Where is it written in the Constitution?

Consider the hurricane that devastated parts of (mainly) New Jersey last year. Sandy, was it? Mother nature comes along and destroys a lot of personal property, kills some people.

So what?

If I am considering the purchase of property or a residence along the shoreline, then hadn't I better consider the risk - even if it's a slight one - of there being a Big Wave at some time that will wipe out my stuff? And if I choose to buy that property, shouldn't I purchase insurance against the possibility that it will happen? What does this have to do with the federal Government?

So the storm and the wave come along, destroying my stuff. On what basis do I go to the Federal Taxpayers (everyone else) to indemnify ME, who chose to build on this site, and chose not to get (adequate) insurance. Fuck me!

Look back at the horrible events of September 11, 2001. Crazy Muslim extremists crash a couple planes into the world trade center towers; 3,000 people (more or less) are killed.

So what? People are killed in car accidents every day - sometimes through the fault of uninsured motorists. EVERYONE has an obligation to decide whether or not to buy life insurance, and if they don't then shame on them if they get killed. Period. Regardless of how it happens. Maybe, if they are lucky, they will get run over by a MICROSOFT delivery truck, so their heirs can sue Bill Gates, but maybe not. Not my problem.

It wasn't MY fault (I'm a U.S. taxpayer). Why should I have to pay these people millions of dollars each to assauge their pain? Fuck their pain! They all had - or should have had - life insurance, right? What makes this MY responsibility? Did the Government guarantee the safety of everyone flying around over U.S. soil? Where is that written?

Where in the Constitution does it say that if something bad happens to you, Congress is going to bail you out with other people's money? I missed that section in my reading of it.

The examples are endless. Hurrican Katrina. Jesus Fucking Christ, if you choose to live in New Orleans, you ASSUME THE RISK of getting flooded out! If you can't bear that risk, or can't afford flood insurance, LIVE SOMEPLACE ELSE! The flood insurance is subsidized in any event, and you aren't charged what you should be anyway.

But don't piss and moan when the Government doesn't cover your losses - be a fucking MAN for Chrissake!

And I have news for all you fukkers who are living on the San Andreas Fault. YOU ARE RUNNING THE RISK OF HAVING ALL OF YOUR SHIT DESTROYED BY AN EARTHQUAKE!

Don't come to the other taxpayers when it happens and demand to be made whole! WE didn't choose to live on a fault line! You did! Deal with it. If you can't bear that risk and can't afford insurance, live someplace else, and leave me out of it!

Again, where does Congress get the authority to take MY money and pay it out to people who failed to provide for the risks of their own lives?

So if a foreign army lands tanks on our shores, and they roll into your town and you can't defend yourself the government should shrug and say "that's what you get for living so close to the shore."

As a citizen, we all contribute to the government so they can provide us with the necessities of life. Without each of us making such contribututions the lights wouldn't stay on, we wouldn't have drinkable water, no food, etc. except for whatever you were able to provide for yourself. Part of a contributory government is taxation where you taxes pay the bills for all the things you probably take for granted including helping out fellow citizens when unfortunate events befall them.
From whence came the principle that our Federal Government ought to protect people from unpleasantness? Where is it written in the Constitution?

Provide for the General Welfare
From whence came the principle that our Federal Government ought to protect people from unpleasantness? Where is it written in the Constitution?

Provide for the General Welfare

Good point,


We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Preamble | LII / Legal Information Institute
Anyone who got through High School civics knows that the words "general welfare" in the Preamble (and in Article 1 Section 8, which is actually a better argument, you idiots) do not give Congress carte blanche to spend money on anything it deems to be for the general welfare of the country. If it were so, why would you need anything else in the Constitution? Congress could just do what it wants.

Why do you think the Supreme Court had to tie itself up in knots to permit Obamacare to go through last year (calling the mandate a "tax")? If your reading were correct, there would have been no discussion. Obamacare promotes the general welfare, right?

You are stupid.
Anyone who got through High School civics knows that the words "general welfare" in the Preamble (and in Article 1 Section 8, which is actually a better argument, you idiots) do not give Congress carte blanche to spend money on anything it deems to be for the general welfare of the country. If it were so, why would you need anything else in the Constitution? Congress could just do what it wants.

Why do you think the Supreme Court had to tie itself up in knots to permit Obamacare to go through last year (calling the mandate a "tax")? If your reading were correct, there would have been no discussion. Obamacare promotes the general welfare, right?

You are stupid.

Article 1 Section 1 of the Constitution provides Congress the power to pass laws. Among the reasons to pass laws is promote the General Welfare....meaning the well being of the country

They have broad lattitude in that regard and are subject to checks and balances from the other branches
General welfare doesn't mean specific welfare. This is the problem we have today. LOLberals just make up their own definitons and then apply them to words in the constitution. The results are the molestation of the founding document to the point it is completely unrecognizable in case law.
gen·er·al adjective \ˈjen-rəl, ˈje-nə-\ : of, relating to, or affecting all the people or things in a group : involving or including many or most people

: relating to the main or major parts of something rather than the details : not specific

—used to indicate that a description relates to an entire person or thing rather than a particular part
CloseStyle: MLA APA ChicagoFull Definition of GENERAL
1: involving, applicable to, or affecting the whole
2: involving, relating to, or applicable to every member of a class, kind, or group <the general equation of a straight line>
3: not confined by specialization or careful limitation
4: belonging to the common nature of a group of like individuals : generic
5a : applicable to or characteristic of the majority of individuals involved : prevalent b : concerned or dealing with universal rather than particular aspects
6: relating to, determined by, or concerned with main elements rather than limited details <bearing a general resemblance to the original>
7: holding superior rank or taking precedence over others similarly titled <the general manager>
See general defined for English-language learners »
See general defined for kids »
See general defined by LOLberals
From whence came the principle that our Federal Government ought to protect people from unpleasantness? Where is it written in the Constitution?

Consider the hurricane that devastated parts of (mainly) New Jersey last year. Sandy, was it? Mother nature comes along and destroys a lot of personal property, kills some people.

So what?

If I am considering the purchase of property or a residence along the shoreline, then hadn't I better consider the risk - even if it's a slight one - of there being a Big Wave at some time that will wipe out my stuff? And if I choose to buy that property, shouldn't I purchase insurance against the possibility that it will happen? What does this have to do with the federal Government?

So the storm and the wave come along, destroying my stuff. On what basis do I go to the Federal Taxpayers (everyone else) to indemnify ME, who chose to build on this site, and chose not to get (adequate) insurance. Fuck me!

Look back at the horrible events of September 11, 2001. Crazy Muslim extremists crash a couple planes into the world trade center towers; 3,000 people (more or less) are killed.

So what? People are killed in car accidents every day - sometimes through the fault of uninsured motorists. EVERYONE has an obligation to decide whether or not to buy life insurance, and if they don't then shame on them if they get killed. Period. Regardless of how it happens. Maybe, if they are lucky, they will get run over by a MICROSOFT delivery truck, so their heirs can sue Bill Gates, but maybe not. Not my problem.

It wasn't MY fault (I'm a U.S. taxpayer). Why should I have to pay these people millions of dollars each to assauge their pain? Fuck their pain! They all had - or should have had - life insurance, right? What makes this MY responsibility? Did the Government guarantee the safety of everyone flying around over U.S. soil? Where is that written?

Where in the Constitution does it say that if something bad happens to you, Congress is going to bail you out with other people's money? I missed that section in my reading of it.

The examples are endless. Hurrican Katrina. Jesus Fucking Christ, if you choose to live in New Orleans, you ASSUME THE RISK of getting flooded out! If you can't bear that risk, or can't afford flood insurance, LIVE SOMEPLACE ELSE! The flood insurance is subsidized in any event, and you aren't charged what you should be anyway.

But don't piss and moan when the Government doesn't cover your losses - be a fucking MAN for Chrissake!

And I have news for all you fukkers who are living on the San Andreas Fault. YOU ARE RUNNING THE RISK OF HAVING ALL OF YOUR SHIT DESTROYED BY AN EARTHQUAKE!

Don't come to the other taxpayers when it happens and demand to be made whole! WE didn't choose to live on a fault line! You did! Deal with it. If you can't bear that risk and can't afford insurance, live someplace else, and leave me out of it!

Again, where does Congress get the authority to take MY money and pay it out to people who failed to provide for the risks of their own lives?

It's in the preamble and the first clause of section 8 under the powers of congress.

It's called "General Welfare".

Gosh you guys really should read the Constitution.
From whence came the principle that our Federal Government ought to protect people from unpleasantness? Where is it written in the Constitution?

Consider the hurricane that devastated parts of (mainly) New Jersey last year. Sandy, was it? Mother nature comes along and destroys a lot of personal property, kills some people.

So what?

If I am considering the purchase of property or a residence along the shoreline, then hadn't I better consider the risk - even if it's a slight one - of there being a Big Wave at some time that will wipe out my stuff? And if I choose to buy that property, shouldn't I purchase insurance against the possibility that it will happen? What does this have to do with the federal Government?

So the storm and the wave come along, destroying my stuff. On what basis do I go to the Federal Taxpayers (everyone else) to indemnify ME, who chose to build on this site, and chose not to get (adequate) insurance. Fuck me!

Look back at the horrible events of September 11, 2001. Crazy Muslim extremists crash a couple planes into the world trade center towers; 3,000 people (more or less) are killed.

So what? People are killed in car accidents every day - sometimes through the fault of uninsured motorists. EVERYONE has an obligation to decide whether or not to buy life insurance, and if they don't then shame on them if they get killed. Period. Regardless of how it happens. Maybe, if they are lucky, they will get run over by a MICROSOFT delivery truck, so their heirs can sue Bill Gates, but maybe not. Not my problem.

It wasn't MY fault (I'm a U.S. taxpayer). Why should I have to pay these people millions of dollars each to assauge their pain? Fuck their pain! They all had - or should have had - life insurance, right? What makes this MY responsibility? Did the Government guarantee the safety of everyone flying around over U.S. soil? Where is that written?

Where in the Constitution does it say that if something bad happens to you, Congress is going to bail you out with other people's money? I missed that section in my reading of it.

The examples are endless. Hurrican Katrina. Jesus Fucking Christ, if you choose to live in New Orleans, you ASSUME THE RISK of getting flooded out! If you can't bear that risk, or can't afford flood insurance, LIVE SOMEPLACE ELSE! The flood insurance is subsidized in any event, and you aren't charged what you should be anyway.

But don't piss and moan when the Government doesn't cover your losses - be a fucking MAN for Chrissake!

And I have news for all you fukkers who are living on the San Andreas Fault. YOU ARE RUNNING THE RISK OF HAVING ALL OF YOUR SHIT DESTROYED BY AN EARTHQUAKE!

Don't come to the other taxpayers when it happens and demand to be made whole! WE didn't choose to live on a fault line! You did! Deal with it. If you can't bear that risk and can't afford insurance, live someplace else, and leave me out of it!

Again, where does Congress get the authority to take MY money and pay it out to people who failed to provide for the risks of their own lives?

It's in the preamble and the first clause of section 8 under the powers of congress.

It's called "General Welfare".

Gosh you guys really should read the Constitution.

They only read the parts they like.
General welfare doesn't mean specific welfare. This is the problem we have today. LOLberals just make up their own definitons and then apply them to words in the constitution. The results are the molestation of the founding document to the point it is completely unrecognizable in case law.

Actually it's referring to one of our worst military leaders, General Vandam Von Welfare.

And man so needy..that he was included in the Constitution.
Anyone who got through High School civics knows that the words "general welfare" in the Preamble (and in Article 1 Section 8, which is actually a better argument, you idiots) do not give Congress carte blanche to spend money on anything it deems to be for the general welfare of the country. If it were so, why would you need anything else in the Constitution? Congress could just do what it wants.

Why do you think the Supreme Court had to tie itself up in knots to permit Obamacare to go through last year (calling the mandate a "tax")? If your reading were correct, there would have been no discussion. Obamacare promotes the general welfare, right?

You are stupid.

Sure it does.
From whence came the principle that our Federal Government ought to protect people from unpleasantness? Where is it written in the Constitution?

Consider the hurricane that devastated parts of (mainly) New Jersey last year. Sandy, was it? Mother nature comes along and destroys a lot of personal property, kills some people.

So what?

If I am considering the purchase of property or a residence along the shoreline, then hadn't I better consider the risk - even if it's a slight one - of there being a Big Wave at some time that will wipe out my stuff? And if I choose to buy that property, shouldn't I purchase insurance against the possibility that it will happen? What does this have to do with the federal Government?

So the storm and the wave come along, destroying my stuff. On what basis do I go to the Federal Taxpayers (everyone else) to indemnify ME, who chose to build on this site, and chose not to get (adequate) insurance. Fuck me!

Look back at the horrible events of September 11, 2001. Crazy Muslim extremists crash a couple planes into the world trade center towers; 3,000 people (more or less) are killed.

So what? People are killed in car accidents every day - sometimes through the fault of uninsured motorists. EVERYONE has an obligation to decide whether or not to buy life insurance, and if they don't then shame on them if they get killed. Period. Regardless of how it happens. Maybe, if they are lucky, they will get run over by a MICROSOFT delivery truck, so their heirs can sue Bill Gates, but maybe not. Not my problem.

It wasn't MY fault (I'm a U.S. taxpayer). Why should I have to pay these people millions of dollars each to assauge their pain? Fuck their pain! They all had - or should have had - life insurance, right? What makes this MY responsibility? Did the Government guarantee the safety of everyone flying around over U.S. soil? Where is that written?

Where in the Constitution does it say that if something bad happens to you, Congress is going to bail you out with other people's money? I missed that section in my reading of it.

The examples are endless. Hurrican Katrina. Jesus Fucking Christ, if you choose to live in New Orleans, you ASSUME THE RISK of getting flooded out! If you can't bear that risk, or can't afford flood insurance, LIVE SOMEPLACE ELSE! The flood insurance is subsidized in any event, and you aren't charged what you should be anyway.

But don't piss and moan when the Government doesn't cover your losses - be a fucking MAN for Chrissake!

And I have news for all you fukkers who are living on the San Andreas Fault. YOU ARE RUNNING THE RISK OF HAVING ALL OF YOUR SHIT DESTROYED BY AN EARTHQUAKE!

Don't come to the other taxpayers when it happens and demand to be made whole! WE didn't choose to live on a fault line! You did! Deal with it. If you can't bear that risk and can't afford insurance, live someplace else, and leave me out of it!

Again, where does Congress get the authority to take MY money and pay it out to people who failed to provide for the risks of their own lives?

So if a foreign army lands tanks on our shores, and they roll into your town and you can't defend yourself the government should shrug and say "that's what you get for living so close to the shore."

As a citizen, we all contribute to the government so they can provide us with the necessities of life. Without each of us making such contribututions the lights wouldn't stay on, we wouldn't have drinkable water, no food, etc. except for whatever you were able to provide for yourself. Part of a contributory government is taxation where you taxes pay the bills for all the things you probably take for granted including helping out fellow citizens when unfortunate events befall them.
So, you don't know the difference between an act of war and an act of Nature, nor the proper role of government it seems.

Handy information to have, since I can now discard you as a low-intelligence poster.

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