Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us

Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us - American Thinker
14 Jan 2021 ~~ By Kenneth R. Timmerman

Millions of Republican activists in every state in the country are asking themselves, what can we do now?
All of our political lives we put our faith in our elections.
When we lost, we analyzed our mistakes and sought lessons for how next time to run a better campaign. When we won, we aspired to work with our former opponents for the betterment of the country. On both sides.
It’s what we’ve done in America for the past one hundred and sixty years.
Today it sounds quaint, but our differences ended at the nation’s shores. That quarantine around foreign policy and national security disputes dissolved during the Clinton years when deep divides over trade agreements and China split our country – not along party lines, but into globalists and what the global elites derisively termed the “nativists.”
Those “nativists” – the left-behinds of the Rust Belt, and those “old-fashioned” Americans derided by Obama for “clinging to their Bibles and their guns,” became the Deplorables that defeated Hillary Clinton and elected Donald Trump.
For four years, we watched with glowing expectation as our president actually fulfilled campaign promises. We watched as he stood up to Communist China, as he stripped away job-killing regulations, and as he faced down the global elites in the media and politics.
He spoke for us, not at us; and we were enthralled. We thought it could never end.
Justice, judges and their courts failed us after the elections on at least 62 occasions, never allowing a single evidentiary hearing with the cross-examination of witnesses who had provided sworn affidavits of election fraud they personally had observed in eight states.
Think of that. The media tells us there was “zero evidence” of election fraud, and now Nancy Pelosi and her Ministry of Truth wants to make acceptance of that lie a prerequisite to serving in Congress, while Big Tech is banning even ordinary citizens from their First Amendment rights for even questioning it.
We the People who pay taxes so others can cower in their basements in fear, We the Deplorables who still believe in truth, have stood back and observed as every institution of our democratic Republic has shriveled and apparently died.
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and the national media are trying to govern as a one-party state.
What fail-safes, if any, do we have left?
This is the anguished cry I hear from all across America. Are there enough Republican politicians with guts and imagination to keep us from tearing each other apart?

Only a non-politician could do for America what President Trump did.
It was a given, whenever he left office, the White House would again by occupied by some globalist pimp like Joey Xi or the corrupt negro or hitlery or ... whomever.
Trump is the last good leader for a dying and decadent country. Obama was the equivalent of King Manasseh- the evil king that broke God’s patience and condemned the country.
It became quite clear when so called Republocrats conspired to stall Trump's agenda four years, that we’d been betrayed. Republicans controlled the White House, Senate, and House for two years, yet still couldn’t overturn ObamaCare, expose and convict Hillary, Comey and the Obama cabal.
Just look at the extensive Durham investigation that has led nowhere...
'Conservative' members of Congress like Ryan, Flake, Murkowski, Romney and Sasse et al, have sold out America and should not be allowed to serve in the houses of Congress again.
Voting Americans must find a way to ensure free and fair elections in the coming years or continue to suffer the consequences of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats version of free and fair elections.
Stalin was correct.... "It not who votes, but who counts the votes."
Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us

Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us - American Thinker
14 Jan 2021 ~~ By Kenneth R. Timmerman

Millions of Republican activists in every state in the country are asking themselves, what can we do now?
All of our political lives we put our faith in our elections.
When we lost, we analyzed our mistakes and sought lessons for how next time to run a better campaign. When we won, we aspired to work with our former opponents for the betterment of the country. On both sides.
It’s what we’ve done in America for the past one hundred and sixty years.
Today it sounds quaint, but our differences ended at the nation’s shores. That quarantine around foreign policy and national security disputes dissolved during the Clinton years when deep divides over trade agreements and China split our country – not along party lines, but into globalists and what the global elites derisively termed the “nativists.”
Those “nativists” – the left-behinds of the Rust Belt, and those “old-fashioned” Americans derided by Obama for “clinging to their Bibles and their guns,” became the Deplorables that defeated Hillary Clinton and elected Donald Trump.
For four years, we watched with glowing expectation as our president actually fulfilled campaign promises. We watched as he stood up to Communist China, as he stripped away job-killing regulations, and as he faced down the global elites in the media and politics.
He spoke for us, not at us; and we were enthralled. We thought it could never end.
Justice, judges and their courts failed us after the elections on at least 62 occasions, never allowing a single evidentiary hearing with the cross-examination of witnesses who had provided sworn affidavits of election fraud they personally had observed in eight states.
Think of that. The media tells us there was “zero evidence” of election fraud, and now Nancy Pelosi and her Ministry of Truth wants to make acceptance of that lie a prerequisite to serving in Congress, while Big Tech is banning even ordinary citizens from their First Amendment rights for even questioning it.
We the People who pay taxes so others can cower in their basements in fear, We the Deplorables who still believe in truth, have stood back and observed as every institution of our democratic Republic has shriveled and apparently died.
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and the national media are trying to govern as a one-party state.
What fail-safes, if any, do we have left?
This is the anguished cry I hear from all across America. Are there enough Republican politicians with guts and imagination to keep us from tearing each other apart?

Only a non-politician could do for America what President Trump did.
It was a given, whenever he left office, the White House would again by occupied by some globalist pimp like Joey Xi or the corrupt negro or hitlery or ... whomever.
Trump is the last good leader for a dying and decadent country. Obama was the equivalent of King Manasseh- the evil king that broke God’s patience and condemned the country.
It became quite clear when so called Republocrats conspired to stall Trump's agenda four years, that we’d been betrayed. Republicans controlled the White House, Senate, and House for two years, yet still couldn’t overturn ObamaCare, expose and convict Hillary, Comey and the Obama cabal.
Just look at the extensive Durham investigation that has led nowhere...
'Conservative' members of Congress like Ryan, Flake, Murkowski, Romney and Sasse et al, have sold out America and should not be allowed to serve in the houses of Congress again.
Voting Americans must find a way to ensure free and fair elections in the coming years or continue to suffer the consequences of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats version of free and fair elections.
Stalin was correct.... "It not who votes, but who counts the votes."

What we need to remedy this national crisis is another George Washington, and another set of Founding Fathers. We need men and women so in love with the spirit of their nation they would do anything to save it. Problem is, no one seems quite sure what "saving" America means. Clearly the democrats and many republican traitors are anti-American, so that's not good for our country or Her people. Sounds cliché but what we need most in this hour are heroes. Do any heroes still exist? I have my doubts.
Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us

Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us - American Thinker
14 Jan 2021 ~~ By Kenneth R. Timmerman

Millions of Republican activists in every state in the country are asking themselves, what can we do now?
All of our political lives we put our faith in our elections.
When we lost, we analyzed our mistakes and sought lessons for how next time to run a better campaign. When we won, we aspired to work with our former opponents for the betterment of the country. On both sides.
It’s what we’ve done in America for the past one hundred and sixty years.
Today it sounds quaint, but our differences ended at the nation’s shores. That quarantine around foreign policy and national security disputes dissolved during the Clinton years when deep divides over trade agreements and China split our country – not along party lines, but into globalists and what the global elites derisively termed the “nativists.”
Those “nativists” – the left-behinds of the Rust Belt, and those “old-fashioned” Americans derided by Obama for “clinging to their Bibles and their guns,” became the Deplorables that defeated Hillary Clinton and elected Donald Trump.
For four years, we watched with glowing expectation as our president actually fulfilled campaign promises. We watched as he stood up to Communist China, as he stripped away job-killing regulations, and as he faced down the global elites in the media and politics.
He spoke for us, not at us; and we were enthralled. We thought it could never end.
Justice, judges and their courts failed us after the elections on at least 62 occasions, never allowing a single evidentiary hearing with the cross-examination of witnesses who had provided sworn affidavits of election fraud they personally had observed in eight states.
Think of that. The media tells us there was “zero evidence” of election fraud, and now Nancy Pelosi and her Ministry of Truth wants to make acceptance of that lie a prerequisite to serving in Congress, while Big Tech is banning even ordinary citizens from their First Amendment rights for even questioning it.
We the People who pay taxes so others can cower in their basements in fear, We the Deplorables who still believe in truth, have stood back and observed as every institution of our democratic Republic has shriveled and apparently died.
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and the national media are trying to govern as a one-party state.
What fail-safes, if any, do we have left?
This is the anguished cry I hear from all across America. Are there enough Republican politicians with guts and imagination to keep us from tearing each other apart?

Only a non-politician could do for America what President Trump did.
It was a given, whenever he left office, the White House would again by occupied by some globalist pimp like Joey Xi or the corrupt negro or hitlery or ... whomever.
Trump is the last good leader for a dying and decadent country. Obama was the equivalent of King Manasseh- the evil king that broke God’s patience and condemned the country.
It became quite clear when so called Republocrats conspired to stall Trump's agenda four years, that we’d been betrayed. Republicans controlled the White House, Senate, and House for two years, yet still couldn’t overturn ObamaCare, expose and convict Hillary, Comey and the Obama cabal.
Just look at the extensive Durham investigation that has led nowhere...
'Conservative' members of Congress like Ryan, Flake, Murkowski, Romney and Sasse et al, have sold out America and should not be allowed to serve in the houses of Congress again.
Voting Americans must find a way to ensure free and fair elections in the coming years or continue to suffer the consequences of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats version of free and fair elections.
Stalin was correct.... "It not who votes, but who counts the votes."
Unmitigated idiocy, nonsense, and lies.

GOP standard bearers will be

. &.

One is black; the other a mullato, sort of gun-metal gray.
Persons of color!
One is gay; the other is a tranny but you'll have to guess which.

Doesn't matter.

Skintones get check marks.
Confused genders get check marks.

Republicans will vote for them and grin.
Democrats will vote for them because if they don't they're racist genderphobes!
If you’re looking for a leader in a political animal perhaps you are looking in the wrong direction. Remember those representatives represent you, you should be on the phone or email if you’re not happy with their performance.
Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us

Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us - American Thinker
14 Jan 2021 ~~ By Kenneth R. Timmerman

Millions of Republican activists in every state in the country are asking themselves, what can we do now?
All of our political lives we put our faith in our elections.
When we lost, we analyzed our mistakes and sought lessons for how next time to run a better campaign. When we won, we aspired to work with our former opponents for the betterment of the country. On both sides.
It’s what we’ve done in America for the past one hundred and sixty years.
Today it sounds quaint, but our differences ended at the nation’s shores. That quarantine around foreign policy and national security disputes dissolved during the Clinton years when deep divides over trade agreements and China split our country – not along party lines, but into globalists and what the global elites derisively termed the “nativists.”
Those “nativists” – the left-behinds of the Rust Belt, and those “old-fashioned” Americans derided by Obama for “clinging to their Bibles and their guns,” became the Deplorables that defeated Hillary Clinton and elected Donald Trump.
For four years, we watched with glowing expectation as our president actually fulfilled campaign promises. We watched as he stood up to Communist China, as he stripped away job-killing regulations, and as he faced down the global elites in the media and politics.
He spoke for us, not at us; and we were enthralled. We thought it could never end.
Justice, judges and their courts failed us after the elections on at least 62 occasions, never allowing a single evidentiary hearing with the cross-examination of witnesses who had provided sworn affidavits of election fraud they personally had observed in eight states.
Think of that. The media tells us there was “zero evidence” of election fraud, and now Nancy Pelosi and her Ministry of Truth wants to make acceptance of that lie a prerequisite to serving in Congress, while Big Tech is banning even ordinary citizens from their First Amendment rights for even questioning it.
We the People who pay taxes so others can cower in their basements in fear, We the Deplorables who still believe in truth, have stood back and observed as every institution of our democratic Republic has shriveled and apparently died.
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and the national media are trying to govern as a one-party state.
What fail-safes, if any, do we have left?
This is the anguished cry I hear from all across America. Are there enough Republican politicians with guts and imagination to keep us from tearing each other apart?

Only a non-politician could do for America what President Trump did.
It was a given, whenever he left office, the White House would again by occupied by some globalist pimp like Joey Xi or the corrupt negro or hitlery or ... whomever.
Trump is the last good leader for a dying and decadent country. Obama was the equivalent of King Manasseh- the evil king that broke God’s patience and condemned the country.
It became quite clear when so called Republocrats conspired to stall Trump's agenda four years, that we’d been betrayed. Republicans controlled the White House, Senate, and House for two years, yet still couldn’t overturn ObamaCare, expose and convict Hillary, Comey and the Obama cabal.
Just look at the extensive Durham investigation that has led nowhere...
'Conservative' members of Congress like Ryan, Flake, Murkowski, Romney and Sasse et al, have sold out America and should not be allowed to serve in the houses of Congress again.
Voting Americans must find a way to ensure free and fair elections in the coming years or continue to suffer the consequences of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats version of free and fair elections.
Stalin was correct.... "It not who votes, but who counts the votes."
You people have flat out lost your fuckin' minds.
Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us

Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us - American Thinker
14 Jan 2021 ~~ By Kenneth R. Timmerman

Millions of Republican activists in every state in the country are asking themselves, what can we do now?
All of our political lives we put our faith in our elections.
When we lost, we analyzed our mistakes and sought lessons for how next time to run a better campaign. When we won, we aspired to work with our former opponents for the betterment of the country. On both sides.
It’s what we’ve done in America for the past one hundred and sixty years.
Today it sounds quaint, but our differences ended at the nation’s shores. That quarantine around foreign policy and national security disputes dissolved during the Clinton years when deep divides over trade agreements and China split our country – not along party lines, but into globalists and what the global elites derisively termed the “nativists.”
Those “nativists” – the left-behinds of the Rust Belt, and those “old-fashioned” Americans derided by Obama for “clinging to their Bibles and their guns,” became the Deplorables that defeated Hillary Clinton and elected Donald Trump.
For four years, we watched with glowing expectation as our president actually fulfilled campaign promises. We watched as he stood up to Communist China, as he stripped away job-killing regulations, and as he faced down the global elites in the media and politics.
He spoke for us, not at us; and we were enthralled. We thought it could never end.
Justice, judges and their courts failed us after the elections on at least 62 occasions, never allowing a single evidentiary hearing with the cross-examination of witnesses who had provided sworn affidavits of election fraud they personally had observed in eight states.
Think of that. The media tells us there was “zero evidence” of election fraud, and now Nancy Pelosi and her Ministry of Truth wants to make acceptance of that lie a prerequisite to serving in Congress, while Big Tech is banning even ordinary citizens from their First Amendment rights for even questioning it.
We the People who pay taxes so others can cower in their basements in fear, We the Deplorables who still believe in truth, have stood back and observed as every institution of our democratic Republic has shriveled and apparently died.
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and the national media are trying to govern as a one-party state.
What fail-safes, if any, do we have left?
This is the anguished cry I hear from all across America. Are there enough Republican politicians with guts and imagination to keep us from tearing each other apart?

Only a non-politician could do for America what President Trump did.
It was a given, whenever he left office, the White House would again by occupied by some globalist pimp like Joey Xi or the corrupt negro or hitlery or ... whomever.
Trump is the last good leader for a dying and decadent country. Obama was the equivalent of King Manasseh- the evil king that broke God’s patience and condemned the country.
It became quite clear when so called Republocrats conspired to stall Trump's agenda four years, that we’d been betrayed. Republicans controlled the White House, Senate, and House for two years, yet still couldn’t overturn ObamaCare, expose and convict Hillary, Comey and the Obama cabal.
Just look at the extensive Durham investigation that has led nowhere...
'Conservative' members of Congress like Ryan, Flake, Murkowski, Romney and Sasse et al, have sold out America and should not be allowed to serve in the houses of Congress again.
Voting Americans must find a way to ensure free and fair elections in the coming years or continue to suffer the consequences of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats version of free and fair elections.
Stalin was correct.... "It not who votes, but who counts the votes."
You people have flat out lost your fuckin' minds.

There are traitors in our midst who have sold out Americans to the highest foreign bidder. I think we all know who they are.
Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us

Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us - American Thinker
14 Jan 2021 ~~ By Kenneth R. Timmerman

Millions of Republican activists in every state in the country are asking themselves, what can we do now?
All of our political lives we put our faith in our elections.
When we lost, we analyzed our mistakes and sought lessons for how next time to run a better campaign. When we won, we aspired to work with our former opponents for the betterment of the country. On both sides.
It’s what we’ve done in America for the past one hundred and sixty years.
Today it sounds quaint, but our differences ended at the nation’s shores. That quarantine around foreign policy and national security disputes dissolved during the Clinton years when deep divides over trade agreements and China split our country – not along party lines, but into globalists and what the global elites derisively termed the “nativists.”
Those “nativists” – the left-behinds of the Rust Belt, and those “old-fashioned” Americans derided by Obama for “clinging to their Bibles and their guns,” became the Deplorables that defeated Hillary Clinton and elected Donald Trump.
For four years, we watched with glowing expectation as our president actually fulfilled campaign promises. We watched as he stood up to Communist China, as he stripped away job-killing regulations, and as he faced down the global elites in the media and politics.
He spoke for us, not at us; and we were enthralled. We thought it could never end.
Justice, judges and their courts failed us after the elections on at least 62 occasions, never allowing a single evidentiary hearing with the cross-examination of witnesses who had provided sworn affidavits of election fraud they personally had observed in eight states.
Think of that. The media tells us there was “zero evidence” of election fraud, and now Nancy Pelosi and her Ministry of Truth wants to make acceptance of that lie a prerequisite to serving in Congress, while Big Tech is banning even ordinary citizens from their First Amendment rights for even questioning it.
We the People who pay taxes so others can cower in their basements in fear, We the Deplorables who still believe in truth, have stood back and observed as every institution of our democratic Republic has shriveled and apparently died.
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and the national media are trying to govern as a one-party state.
What fail-safes, if any, do we have left?
This is the anguished cry I hear from all across America. Are there enough Republican politicians with guts and imagination to keep us from tearing each other apart?

Only a non-politician could do for America what President Trump did.
It was a given, whenever he left office, the White House would again by occupied by some globalist pimp like Joey Xi or the corrupt negro or hitlery or ... whomever.
Trump is the last good leader for a dying and decadent country. Obama was the equivalent of King Manasseh- the evil king that broke God’s patience and condemned the country.
It became quite clear when so called Republocrats conspired to stall Trump's agenda four years, that we’d been betrayed. Republicans controlled the White House, Senate, and House for two years, yet still couldn’t overturn ObamaCare, expose and convict Hillary, Comey and the Obama cabal.
Just look at the extensive Durham investigation that has led nowhere...
'Conservative' members of Congress like Ryan, Flake, Murkowski, Romney and Sasse et al, have sold out America and should not be allowed to serve in the houses of Congress again.
Voting Americans must find a way to ensure free and fair elections in the coming years or continue to suffer the consequences of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats version of free and fair elections.
Stalin was correct.... "It not who votes, but who counts the votes."
You people have flat out lost your fuckin' minds.
As have you
We have no leaders. America is dead.
We all have leaders stop being so melodramatic. If you’re not happy with our leadership get out there and join your local political party. Start at the bottom and show them what you want to happen. America only dies when the last man is slain.
Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us

Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us - American Thinker
14 Jan 2021 ~~ By Kenneth R. Timmerman

Millions of Republican activists in every state in the country are asking themselves, what can we do now?
All of our political lives we put our faith in our elections.
When we lost, we analyzed our mistakes and sought lessons for how next time to run a better campaign. When we won, we aspired to work with our former opponents for the betterment of the country. On both sides.
It’s what we’ve done in America for the past one hundred and sixty years.
Today it sounds quaint, but our differences ended at the nation’s shores. That quarantine around foreign policy and national security disputes dissolved during the Clinton years when deep divides over trade agreements and China split our country – not along party lines, but into globalists and what the global elites derisively termed the “nativists.”
Those “nativists” – the left-behinds of the Rust Belt, and those “old-fashioned” Americans derided by Obama for “clinging to their Bibles and their guns,” became the Deplorables that defeated Hillary Clinton and elected Donald Trump.
For four years, we watched with glowing expectation as our president actually fulfilled campaign promises. We watched as he stood up to Communist China, as he stripped away job-killing regulations, and as he faced down the global elites in the media and politics.
He spoke for us, not at us; and we were enthralled. We thought it could never end.
Justice, judges and their courts failed us after the elections on at least 62 occasions, never allowing a single evidentiary hearing with the cross-examination of witnesses who had provided sworn affidavits of election fraud they personally had observed in eight states.
Think of that. The media tells us there was “zero evidence” of election fraud, and now Nancy Pelosi and her Ministry of Truth wants to make acceptance of that lie a prerequisite to serving in Congress, while Big Tech is banning even ordinary citizens from their First Amendment rights for even questioning it.
We the People who pay taxes so others can cower in their basements in fear, We the Deplorables who still believe in truth, have stood back and observed as every institution of our democratic Republic has shriveled and apparently died.
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and the national media are trying to govern as a one-party state.
What fail-safes, if any, do we have left?
This is the anguished cry I hear from all across America. Are there enough Republican politicians with guts and imagination to keep us from tearing each other apart?

Only a non-politician could do for America what President Trump did.
It was a given, whenever he left office, the White House would again by occupied by some globalist pimp like Joey Xi or the corrupt negro or hitlery or ... whomever.
Trump is the last good leader for a dying and decadent country. Obama was the equivalent of King Manasseh- the evil king that broke God’s patience and condemned the country.
It became quite clear when so called Republocrats conspired to stall Trump's agenda four years, that we’d been betrayed. Republicans controlled the White House, Senate, and House for two years, yet still couldn’t overturn ObamaCare, expose and convict Hillary, Comey and the Obama cabal.
Just look at the extensive Durham investigation that has led nowhere...
'Conservative' members of Congress like Ryan, Flake, Murkowski, Romney and Sasse et al, have sold out America and should not be allowed to serve in the houses of Congress again.
Voting Americans must find a way to ensure free and fair elections in the coming years or continue to suffer the consequences of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats version of free and fair elections.
Stalin was correct.... "It not who votes, but who counts the votes."
You people have flat out lost your fuckin' minds.

There are traitors in our midst who have sold out Americans to the highest foreign bidder. I think we all know who they are.
You're all insane.
Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us

Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us - American Thinker
14 Jan 2021 ~~ By Kenneth R. Timmerman

Millions of Republican activists in every state in the country are asking themselves, what can we do now?
All of our political lives we put our faith in our elections.
When we lost, we analyzed our mistakes and sought lessons for how next time to run a better campaign. When we won, we aspired to work with our former opponents for the betterment of the country. On both sides.
It’s what we’ve done in America for the past one hundred and sixty years.
Today it sounds quaint, but our differences ended at the nation’s shores. That quarantine around foreign policy and national security disputes dissolved during the Clinton years when deep divides over trade agreements and China split our country – not along party lines, but into globalists and what the global elites derisively termed the “nativists.”
Those “nativists” – the left-behinds of the Rust Belt, and those “old-fashioned” Americans derided by Obama for “clinging to their Bibles and their guns,” became the Deplorables that defeated Hillary Clinton and elected Donald Trump.
For four years, we watched with glowing expectation as our president actually fulfilled campaign promises. We watched as he stood up to Communist China, as he stripped away job-killing regulations, and as he faced down the global elites in the media and politics.
He spoke for us, not at us; and we were enthralled. We thought it could never end.
Justice, judges and their courts failed us after the elections on at least 62 occasions, never allowing a single evidentiary hearing with the cross-examination of witnesses who had provided sworn affidavits of election fraud they personally had observed in eight states.
Think of that. The media tells us there was “zero evidence” of election fraud, and now Nancy Pelosi and her Ministry of Truth wants to make acceptance of that lie a prerequisite to serving in Congress, while Big Tech is banning even ordinary citizens from their First Amendment rights for even questioning it.
We the People who pay taxes so others can cower in their basements in fear, We the Deplorables who still believe in truth, have stood back and observed as every institution of our democratic Republic has shriveled and apparently died.
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and the national media are trying to govern as a one-party state.
What fail-safes, if any, do we have left?
This is the anguished cry I hear from all across America. Are there enough Republican politicians with guts and imagination to keep us from tearing each other apart?

Only a non-politician could do for America what President Trump did.
It was a given, whenever he left office, the White House would again by occupied by some globalist pimp like Joey Xi or the corrupt negro or hitlery or ... whomever.
Trump is the last good leader for a dying and decadent country. Obama was the equivalent of King Manasseh- the evil king that broke God’s patience and condemned the country.
It became quite clear when so called Republocrats conspired to stall Trump's agenda four years, that we’d been betrayed. Republicans controlled the White House, Senate, and House for two years, yet still couldn’t overturn ObamaCare, expose and convict Hillary, Comey and the Obama cabal.
Just look at the extensive Durham investigation that has led nowhere...
'Conservative' members of Congress like Ryan, Flake, Murkowski, Romney and Sasse et al, have sold out America and should not be allowed to serve in the houses of Congress again.
Voting Americans must find a way to ensure free and fair elections in the coming years or continue to suffer the consequences of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats version of free and fair elections.
Stalin was correct.... "It not who votes, but who counts the votes."
You people have flat out lost your fuckin' minds.
As have you

Sorry for your luck.
Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us

Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us - American Thinker
14 Jan 2021 ~~ By Kenneth R. Timmerman

Millions of Republican activists in every state in the country are asking themselves, what can we do now?
All of our political lives we put our faith in our elections.
When we lost, we analyzed our mistakes and sought lessons for how next time to run a better campaign. When we won, we aspired to work with our former opponents for the betterment of the country. On both sides.
It’s what we’ve done in America for the past one hundred and sixty years.
Today it sounds quaint, but our differences ended at the nation’s shores. That quarantine around foreign policy and national security disputes dissolved during the Clinton years when deep divides over trade agreements and China split our country – not along party lines, but into globalists and what the global elites derisively termed the “nativists.”
Those “nativists” – the left-behinds of the Rust Belt, and those “old-fashioned” Americans derided by Obama for “clinging to their Bibles and their guns,” became the Deplorables that defeated Hillary Clinton and elected Donald Trump.
For four years, we watched with glowing expectation as our president actually fulfilled campaign promises. We watched as he stood up to Communist China, as he stripped away job-killing regulations, and as he faced down the global elites in the media and politics.
He spoke for us, not at us; and we were enthralled. We thought it could never end.
Justice, judges and their courts failed us after the elections on at least 62 occasions, never allowing a single evidentiary hearing with the cross-examination of witnesses who had provided sworn affidavits of election fraud they personally had observed in eight states.
Think of that. The media tells us there was “zero evidence” of election fraud, and now Nancy Pelosi and her Ministry of Truth wants to make acceptance of that lie a prerequisite to serving in Congress, while Big Tech is banning even ordinary citizens from their First Amendment rights for even questioning it.
We the People who pay taxes so others can cower in their basements in fear, We the Deplorables who still believe in truth, have stood back and observed as every institution of our democratic Republic has shriveled and apparently died.
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and the national media are trying to govern as a one-party state.
What fail-safes, if any, do we have left?
This is the anguished cry I hear from all across America. Are there enough Republican politicians with guts and imagination to keep us from tearing each other apart?

Only a non-politician could do for America what President Trump did.
It was a given, whenever he left office, the White House would again by occupied by some globalist pimp like Joey Xi or the corrupt negro or hitlery or ... whomever.
Trump is the last good leader for a dying and decadent country. Obama was the equivalent of King Manasseh- the evil king that broke God’s patience and condemned the country.
It became quite clear when so called Republocrats conspired to stall Trump's agenda four years, that we’d been betrayed. Republicans controlled the White House, Senate, and House for two years, yet still couldn’t overturn ObamaCare, expose and convict Hillary, Comey and the Obama cabal.
Just look at the extensive Durham investigation that has led nowhere...
'Conservative' members of Congress like Ryan, Flake, Murkowski, Romney and Sasse et al, have sold out America and should not be allowed to serve in the houses of Congress again.
Voting Americans must find a way to ensure free and fair elections in the coming years or continue to suffer the consequences of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats version of free and fair elections.
Stalin was correct.... "It not who votes, but who counts the votes."
You people have flat out lost your fuckin' minds.
As have you

Sorry for your luck.
Again the stupid half answers it seems if you are so interested in communication you would practice your passion with whole sentences that actually added to the discussion.
Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us

Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us - American Thinker
14 Jan 2021 ~~ By Kenneth R. Timmerman

Millions of Republican activists in every state in the country are asking themselves, what can we do now?
All of our political lives we put our faith in our elections.
When we lost, we analyzed our mistakes and sought lessons for how next time to run a better campaign. When we won, we aspired to work with our former opponents for the betterment of the country. On both sides.
It’s what we’ve done in America for the past one hundred and sixty years.
Today it sounds quaint, but our differences ended at the nation’s shores. That quarantine around foreign policy and national security disputes dissolved during the Clinton years when deep divides over trade agreements and China split our country – not along party lines, but into globalists and what the global elites derisively termed the “nativists.”
Those “nativists” – the left-behinds of the Rust Belt, and those “old-fashioned” Americans derided by Obama for “clinging to their Bibles and their guns,” became the Deplorables that defeated Hillary Clinton and elected Donald Trump.
For four years, we watched with glowing expectation as our president actually fulfilled campaign promises. We watched as he stood up to Communist China, as he stripped away job-killing regulations, and as he faced down the global elites in the media and politics.
He spoke for us, not at us; and we were enthralled. We thought it could never end.
Justice, judges and their courts failed us after the elections on at least 62 occasions, never allowing a single evidentiary hearing with the cross-examination of witnesses who had provided sworn affidavits of election fraud they personally had observed in eight states.
Think of that. The media tells us there was “zero evidence” of election fraud, and now Nancy Pelosi and her Ministry of Truth wants to make acceptance of that lie a prerequisite to serving in Congress, while Big Tech is banning even ordinary citizens from their First Amendment rights for even questioning it.
We the People who pay taxes so others can cower in their basements in fear, We the Deplorables who still believe in truth, have stood back and observed as every institution of our democratic Republic has shriveled and apparently died.
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and the national media are trying to govern as a one-party state.
What fail-safes, if any, do we have left?
This is the anguished cry I hear from all across America. Are there enough Republican politicians with guts and imagination to keep us from tearing each other apart?

Only a non-politician could do for America what President Trump did.
It was a given, whenever he left office, the White House would again by occupied by some globalist pimp like Joey Xi or the corrupt negro or hitlery or ... whomever.
Trump is the last good leader for a dying and decadent country. Obama was the equivalent of King Manasseh- the evil king that broke God’s patience and condemned the country.
It became quite clear when so called Republocrats conspired to stall Trump's agenda four years, that we’d been betrayed. Republicans controlled the White House, Senate, and House for two years, yet still couldn’t overturn ObamaCare, expose and convict Hillary, Comey and the Obama cabal.
Just look at the extensive Durham investigation that has led nowhere...
'Conservative' members of Congress like Ryan, Flake, Murkowski, Romney and Sasse et al, have sold out America and should not be allowed to serve in the houses of Congress again.
Voting Americans must find a way to ensure free and fair elections in the coming years or continue to suffer the consequences of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats version of free and fair elections.
Stalin was correct.... "It not who votes, but who counts the votes."
You people have flat out lost your fuckin' minds.
As have you

Sorry for your luck.
Again the stupid half answers it seems if you are so interested in communication you would practice your passion with whole sentences that actually added to the discussion.
I'm a big proponent of economical communication practices.

Bloviation is for tRumplings.
Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us

Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us - American Thinker
14 Jan 2021 ~~ By Kenneth R. Timmerman

Millions of Republican activists in every state in the country are asking themselves, what can we do now?
All of our political lives we put our faith in our elections.
When we lost, we analyzed our mistakes and sought lessons for how next time to run a better campaign. When we won, we aspired to work with our former opponents for the betterment of the country. On both sides.
It’s what we’ve done in America for the past one hundred and sixty years.
Today it sounds quaint, but our differences ended at the nation’s shores. That quarantine around foreign policy and national security disputes dissolved during the Clinton years when deep divides over trade agreements and China split our country – not along party lines, but into globalists and what the global elites derisively termed the “nativists.”
Those “nativists” – the left-behinds of the Rust Belt, and those “old-fashioned” Americans derided by Obama for “clinging to their Bibles and their guns,” became the Deplorables that defeated Hillary Clinton and elected Donald Trump.
For four years, we watched with glowing expectation as our president actually fulfilled campaign promises. We watched as he stood up to Communist China, as he stripped away job-killing regulations, and as he faced down the global elites in the media and politics.
He spoke for us, not at us; and we were enthralled. We thought it could never end.
Justice, judges and their courts failed us after the elections on at least 62 occasions, never allowing a single evidentiary hearing with the cross-examination of witnesses who had provided sworn affidavits of election fraud they personally had observed in eight states.
Think of that. The media tells us there was “zero evidence” of election fraud, and now Nancy Pelosi and her Ministry of Truth wants to make acceptance of that lie a prerequisite to serving in Congress, while Big Tech is banning even ordinary citizens from their First Amendment rights for even questioning it.
We the People who pay taxes so others can cower in their basements in fear, We the Deplorables who still believe in truth, have stood back and observed as every institution of our democratic Republic has shriveled and apparently died.
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and the national media are trying to govern as a one-party state.
What fail-safes, if any, do we have left?
This is the anguished cry I hear from all across America. Are there enough Republican politicians with guts and imagination to keep us from tearing each other apart?

Only a non-politician could do for America what President Trump did.
It was a given, whenever he left office, the White House would again by occupied by some globalist pimp like Joey Xi or the corrupt negro or hitlery or ... whomever.
Trump is the last good leader for a dying and decadent country. Obama was the equivalent of King Manasseh- the evil king that broke God’s patience and condemned the country.
It became quite clear when so called Republocrats conspired to stall Trump's agenda four years, that we’d been betrayed. Republicans controlled the White House, Senate, and House for two years, yet still couldn’t overturn ObamaCare, expose and convict Hillary, Comey and the Obama cabal.
Just look at the extensive Durham investigation that has led nowhere...
'Conservative' members of Congress like Ryan, Flake, Murkowski, Romney and Sasse et al, have sold out America and should not be allowed to serve in the houses of Congress again.
Voting Americans must find a way to ensure free and fair elections in the coming years or continue to suffer the consequences of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats version of free and fair elections.
Stalin was correct.... "It not who votes, but who counts the votes."
You people have flat out lost your fuckin' minds.
As have you

Sorry for your luck.
Again the stupid half answers it seems if you are so interested in communication you would practice your passion with whole sentences that actually added to the discussion.
I'm a big proponent of economical communication practices.

Bloviation is for tRumplings.
Aw the old bovine excrement post.
Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us

Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us - American Thinker
14 Jan 2021 ~~ By Kenneth R. Timmerman

Millions of Republican activists in every state in the country are asking themselves, what can we do now?
All of our political lives we put our faith in our elections.
When we lost, we analyzed our mistakes and sought lessons for how next time to run a better campaign. When we won, we aspired to work with our former opponents for the betterment of the country. On both sides.
It’s what we’ve done in America for the past one hundred and sixty years.
Today it sounds quaint, but our differences ended at the nation’s shores. That quarantine around foreign policy and national security disputes dissolved during the Clinton years when deep divides over trade agreements and China split our country – not along party lines, but into globalists and what the global elites derisively termed the “nativists.”
Those “nativists” – the left-behinds of the Rust Belt, and those “old-fashioned” Americans derided by Obama for “clinging to their Bibles and their guns,” became the Deplorables that defeated Hillary Clinton and elected Donald Trump.
For four years, we watched with glowing expectation as our president actually fulfilled campaign promises. We watched as he stood up to Communist China, as he stripped away job-killing regulations, and as he faced down the global elites in the media and politics.
He spoke for us, not at us; and we were enthralled. We thought it could never end.
Justice, judges and their courts failed us after the elections on at least 62 occasions, never allowing a single evidentiary hearing with the cross-examination of witnesses who had provided sworn affidavits of election fraud they personally had observed in eight states.
Think of that. The media tells us there was “zero evidence” of election fraud, and now Nancy Pelosi and her Ministry of Truth wants to make acceptance of that lie a prerequisite to serving in Congress, while Big Tech is banning even ordinary citizens from their First Amendment rights for even questioning it.
We the People who pay taxes so others can cower in their basements in fear, We the Deplorables who still believe in truth, have stood back and observed as every institution of our democratic Republic has shriveled and apparently died.
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and the national media are trying to govern as a one-party state.
What fail-safes, if any, do we have left?
This is the anguished cry I hear from all across America. Are there enough Republican politicians with guts and imagination to keep us from tearing each other apart?

Only a non-politician could do for America what President Trump did.
It was a given, whenever he left office, the White House would again by occupied by some globalist pimp like Joey Xi or the corrupt negro or hitlery or ... whomever.
Trump is the last good leader for a dying and decadent country. Obama was the equivalent of King Manasseh- the evil king that broke God’s patience and condemned the country.
It became quite clear when so called Republocrats conspired to stall Trump's agenda four years, that we’d been betrayed. Republicans controlled the White House, Senate, and House for two years, yet still couldn’t overturn ObamaCare, expose and convict Hillary, Comey and the Obama cabal.
Just look at the extensive Durham investigation that has led nowhere...
'Conservative' members of Congress like Ryan, Flake, Murkowski, Romney and Sasse et al, have sold out America and should not be allowed to serve in the houses of Congress again.
Voting Americans must find a way to ensure free and fair elections in the coming years or continue to suffer the consequences of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats version of free and fair elections.
Stalin was correct.... "It not who votes, but who counts the votes."
You people have flat out lost your fuckin' minds.
As have you

Sorry for your luck.
Again the stupid half answers it seems if you are so interested in communication you would practice your passion with whole sentences that actually added to the discussion.
I'm a big proponent of economical communication practices.

Bloviation is for tRumplings.
Aw the old bovine excrement post.
Maybe you should brush your teeth.
Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us

Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us - American Thinker
14 Jan 2021 ~~ By Kenneth R. Timmerman

Millions of Republican activists in every state in the country are asking themselves, what can we do now?
All of our political lives we put our faith in our elections.
When we lost, we analyzed our mistakes and sought lessons for how next time to run a better campaign. When we won, we aspired to work with our former opponents for the betterment of the country. On both sides.
It’s what we’ve done in America for the past one hundred and sixty years.
Today it sounds quaint, but our differences ended at the nation’s shores. That quarantine around foreign policy and national security disputes dissolved during the Clinton years when deep divides over trade agreements and China split our country – not along party lines, but into globalists and what the global elites derisively termed the “nativists.”
Those “nativists” – the left-behinds of the Rust Belt, and those “old-fashioned” Americans derided by Obama for “clinging to their Bibles and their guns,” became the Deplorables that defeated Hillary Clinton and elected Donald Trump.
For four years, we watched with glowing expectation as our president actually fulfilled campaign promises. We watched as he stood up to Communist China, as he stripped away job-killing regulations, and as he faced down the global elites in the media and politics.
He spoke for us, not at us; and we were enthralled. We thought it could never end.
Justice, judges and their courts failed us after the elections on at least 62 occasions, never allowing a single evidentiary hearing with the cross-examination of witnesses who had provided sworn affidavits of election fraud they personally had observed in eight states.
Think of that. The media tells us there was “zero evidence” of election fraud, and now Nancy Pelosi and her Ministry of Truth wants to make acceptance of that lie a prerequisite to serving in Congress, while Big Tech is banning even ordinary citizens from their First Amendment rights for even questioning it.
We the People who pay taxes so others can cower in their basements in fear, We the Deplorables who still believe in truth, have stood back and observed as every institution of our democratic Republic has shriveled and apparently died.
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and the national media are trying to govern as a one-party state.
What fail-safes, if any, do we have left?
This is the anguished cry I hear from all across America. Are there enough Republican politicians with guts and imagination to keep us from tearing each other apart?

Only a non-politician could do for America what President Trump did.
It was a given, whenever he left office, the White House would again by occupied by some globalist pimp like Joey Xi or the corrupt negro or hitlery or ... whomever.
Trump is the last good leader for a dying and decadent country. Obama was the equivalent of King Manasseh- the evil king that broke God’s patience and condemned the country.
It became quite clear when so called Republocrats conspired to stall Trump's agenda four years, that we’d been betrayed. Republicans controlled the White House, Senate, and House for two years, yet still couldn’t overturn ObamaCare, expose and convict Hillary, Comey and the Obama cabal.
Just look at the extensive Durham investigation that has led nowhere...
'Conservative' members of Congress like Ryan, Flake, Murkowski, Romney and Sasse et al, have sold out America and should not be allowed to serve in the houses of Congress again.
Voting Americans must find a way to ensure free and fair elections in the coming years or continue to suffer the consequences of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats version of free and fair elections.
Stalin was correct.... "It not who votes, but who counts the votes."
You people have flat out lost your fuckin' minds.
As have you

Sorry for your luck.
Again the stupid half answers it seems if you are so interested in communication you would practice your passion with whole sentences that actually added to the discussion.
I'm a big proponent of economical communication practices.

Bloviation is for tRumplings.
Aw the old bovine excrement post.
Maybe you should brush your teeth.
Does anyone care what this person post or have you also realized he is just here to mock. Please take pity on him and throw him a like occasionally it feeds his enormous ego.

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