Our immigration system is not broken


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Our government is and need fixing.

Just because 20 million people have entered and occupied this country illegally does not mean our immigration system is broken. Almost 250,000 immigrants are allowed in the country legally each year. Our immigration system works when we want it to work. And the left wing rhetoric that we need Comprehensive Immigration Reform is just an excuse to legalize the 20 million that are here, which amount to amnesty, and to allow millions of family members in by chain migration. Although they claim it is not amnesty because they have to pay a fine and get in the back of the line for citizenship. They do not want citizenship, they only want to work here legally indefinitely. There are some that have been here for 40 years and have not applied for citizenship. So that line could be 40 years long.

20 million illegal aliens mean our government is broken and needs fixing and not doing their job. Obama, congress, homeland security and the military could stop this invasion and occupation tomorrow if they wanted to. Obama don’t want to and half dozen administrations before him didn’t want to either. Right or left don’t want to control immigration for their own self centered reasons.

After Comprehensive Immigration Reform, then what? Open borders and no immigration laws at all? And complete emergence with Mexico and all it’s problem. Oh, yes, we are already immerged with Mexico and absorbing their problem. People and drugs. If you think 2012 is going to fix our immigration problem, think again.

The reason I keep repeating things over and over it because human have such short memories. 1986 amnesty did not fix illegal immigration and we learn nothing from that. People are afraid to speak our against illegal immigration for fear of being called a racist or bigot. And it works. What is racist about wanting laws that congress passed enforced? Then The Federal Immigration and Nationality Act is racist and we have to question the legality many of our other laws. Is the 14th Amendment legal?
The ONLY ones who consider our immigration system broken, are those who want cheap labor and those who want to enter the USA in any way posible and of course those who have no regard or respect for our laws.
The ONLY ones who consider our immigration system broken, are those who want cheap labor and those who want to enter the USA in any way posible and of course those who have no regard or respect for our laws.

Or the party that feels they need the Hispanic votes.
The Government is pitting the Conservatives against the Liberals, then sitting back and doing NOTHING! and who pays? WE DO!

Every single alien "BROKE THE LAW!" Our Government, has allowed the invasion of 30 million criminals in direct violation of Article IV, Section IV of our Constitution. they force American tax payers to pay Billions to provide Welfare, Prison cells, Educate the invaders children, free medical care,massive document fraud, & are destroying our schools, hospitals, communities, culture while Robbing, Raping, Killing & Assaulting American Citizens WAKE UP PEOPLE!
Every Non-representative including obama and holder need to be IMPEACHED! for not upholding the oath of office they swore to defend the Constitution! If these clowns were to do their job, this would all be a Moot point!
Anchor babies and their criminal parents go, period, and cut the phony tears, you knew you were breaking the law when you crossed the border.

Next shut down any business hiring illegal labor and confiscate all property belonging to the owner. Property will be sold at auction and the proceeds to pay for the massive deportation. Oh and owners go to jail.
Got a better idea? Lets hear it!
The ONLY ones who consider our immigration system broken, are those who want cheap labor and those who want to enter the USA in any way posible and of course those who have no regard or respect for our laws.

Or the party that feels they need the Hispanic votes.

The hispanics who vote are NOT in agreement with the illegal invasion. That is a given! It's the pro-illegal advocates who have brainwashed the politicians into thinking that the hispanics are pro-illegal. If this were true, the dems would not have been voted out. They should stop buying into the garbage that the pro-illegal advocates and orgs keep telling them. If they are going by surveys, I would first consider where those surveyed come from before buying into their crap.
The ONLY ones who consider our immigration system broken, are those who want cheap labor and those who want to enter the USA in any way posible and of course those who have no regard or respect for our laws.

Or the party that feels they need the Hispanic votes.

The hispanics who vote are NOT in agreement with the illegal invasion. That is a given! It's the pro-illegal advocates who have brainwashed the politicians into thinking that the hispanics are pro-illegal. If this were true, the dems would not have been voted out. They should stop buying into the garbage that the pro-illegal advocates and orgs keep telling them. If they are going by surveys, I would first consider where those surveyed come from before buying into their crap.

Many anchor babies have been voting and protesting for years and they are pro-amnesty because their parents are illegal. There is a small minority of Hispanics who are anti-amnesty.
Hi Lady:

Our government is and need fixing.

...20 million illegal aliens mean our government is broken and needs fixing and not doing their job. Obama, congress, homeland security and the military could stop this invasion and occupation tomorrow if they wanted to. Obama don’t want to and half dozen administrations before him didn’t want to either. Right or left don’t want to control immigration for their own self centered reasons.

Everyone in the Federal, State and Local Governments is corrupt to the core and serves the Open Border Lobby, so their fascist corporate elite pals can continue utilizing the 20-million-man illegal alien labor pool. They care nothing about the 20 million Americans that have no jobs and are on unemployment and depending on food stamps, nor the 25 Americans that are killed EVERY DAY by their illegal alien cohorts. The US Economy is imploding with the help of 20 million goddamned illegal aliens and your corrupt politicians could not care less and that goes for both sides of the corrupt politician isle ...

After Comprehensive Immigration Reform, then what? Open borders and no immigration laws at all?

Let me repeat myself again for all the stupid Americans without one clue: There is NOTHING that the Open Border Lobby idiots can give you in exchange for handing out Amnesty to 20 million illegal aliens that is not already part of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (wiki) that NOBODY is willing to enforce. We already have perfectly good immigration, employment and document fraud laws that make it illegal for ANYONE in the USA to hire, aid, abet or harbor illegal aliens. We also had the promise that we would NEVER go through this Amnesty crap again, but here we are with nobody 'enforcing' the rule of law and 3 million illegals turned into 20 million; which will turn into 100 million.

Stupid Americans sat back watching football, while the corrupt Congress and White House allowed Americans to hire illegal aliens and put U.S. Citizens out of work, which means Economic Chaos is exactly what you deserve. Yes! Give out amnesty to another 20 million illegals and then 100 million and then a billion, if that is what it takes to destroy America.

Guess what? The price of gas is about to rise to 4 and 5 bucks a gallon and the economy is going to implode even faster and guess who is going to go hungry and be at your door looking for food? Go ahead and buy all of that gold and silver and lock yourself up tight behind those doors, but the people coming to kill you will not be after gold and silver. They will be hungry and this is exactly what Americans deserve for being so stupid ...


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Fuck that. The feds have been fucking the states in the ass for almost thirty years now and it was only a matter of time before the states simply WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO AFFORD TO PAY THE BILLS these illegals were running up. And now that the states are at their breaking point, they WILL join Arizona. They WILL write their own laws IN SPITE of the feds' stance. Being sued by the feds might be costly, but in the end it's only a DROP in the bucket compared with what many states pay annually to provide for illegals and their children.
Our government is and need fixing.
Just because 20 million people have entered and occupied this country illegally does not mean our immigration system is broken. Almost 250,000 immigrants are allowed in the country legally each year. Our immigration system works when we want it to work. And the left wing rhetoric that we need Comprehensive Immigration Reform is just an excuse to legalize the 20 million that are here, which amount to amnesty, and to allow millions of family members in by chain migration. Although they claim it is not amnesty because they have to pay a fine and get in the back of the line for citizenship. They do not want citizenship, they only want to work here legally indefinitely. There are some that have been here for 40 years and have not applied for citizenship. So that line could be 40 years long.

20 million illegal aliens mean our government is broken and needs fixing and not doing their job. Obama, congress, homeland security and the military could stop this invasion and occupation tomorrow if they wanted to. Obama don’t want to and half dozen administrations before him didn’t want to either. Right or left don’t want to control immigration for their own self centered reasons.

After Comprehensive Immigration Reform, then what? Open borders and no immigration laws at all? And complete emergence with Mexico and all it’s problem. Oh, yes, we are already immerged with Mexico and absorbing their problem. People and drugs. If you think 2012 is going to fix our immigration problem, think again.

The reason I keep repeating things over and over it because human have such short memories. 1986 amnesty did not fix illegal immigration and we learn nothing from that. People are afraid to speak our against illegal immigration for fear of being called a racist or bigot. And it works. What is racist about wanting laws that congress passed enforced? Then The Federal Immigration and Nationality Act is racist and we have to question the legality many of our other laws. Is the 14th Amendment legal?

The "loyal" American organizations that back these invaders like churches and political parties are broken. Whoever advocates ignoring US laws should be jailed.
All the perfect laws in the world won't help if the cops are dishonest, folks.

Our nation is run dishonestly.

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