Our awesome education system on full display. 1/3rd of millennials believe the Earth is flat.

When you failed your VH1 where are they now history class by not knowing who Joan Jett was, well I can believe 1/3 of millennials would believe the damn Earth is flat!

I mean Tide Pods and Condoms as idiotic things to eat and snort?

Yeah, society has finally hit the damn retardation level where I might consider to self abort myself!!!
Im not a millenial!

Close enough...
Idiots believe what they see in entertainment. Probably think we live in Thor's realm on Asgard.
Idiots still believe that cavemen lived with dinosaurs thanks to the damn Flintstones.
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In this episode Fred is operating heavy equipment with a hangover.


When you failed your VH1 where are they now history class by not knowing who Joan Jett was, well I can believe 1/3 of millennials would believe the damn Earth is flat!

Except as already pointed out, they never said that. OP got snookered by a fake headline he didn't bother to look into.

No wonder he ran away. If'n he keeps running he'll fall off the end of the earth.

When you failed your VH1 where are they now history class by not knowing who Joan Jett was, well I can believe 1/3 of millennials would believe the damn Earth is flat!

Except as already pointed out, they never said that. OP got snookered by a fake headline he didn't bother to look into.

No wonder he ran away. If'n he keeps running he'll fall off the end of the earth.

If the Earth is flat then Guam will tip over...:aug08_031:



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