Our Anti-Colonial President

Exactly why we don't get to see anything about Mr.Marxist he was raised to be a fire starter- anti American, and these guys elected him. Its so sad

Let me second that....

“So who were Obama’s founding fathers?

In Hawaii, he came under the influence of the former Communist Frank Marshall Davis; at Columbia, he encountered the Palestinian radical Edward Said; at Harvard, Obama’s mentor was the Brazilian socialist Roberto Mangabeira Unger; in Chicago, Obama befriended the revolutionary preacher Jeremiah Wright and the former Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers….

Never before has America had a president tutored and mentored by a Communist and pat-time pornographer; a ‘professor of terror” who advocated armed resistance against America and her allies; by a socialist so radical that he was rejected by the foreign socialist government he served in; by an incendiary theologician whose philosophy can be summed up in the phrase “God damn America”; and by a former terrorist, who, like Osama Bin Laden, attempted to blow up th Pentagon and other symbols of American power.”
Dinesh D’Souza, “Obama’s America,” p. 69-70.
“ Having trouble understanding President Obama's "worldview"? Former speaker of the House of Representatives and possible Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich may be able to help! According to Newt, you can only understand Obama if you "understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior." Newt Gingrich: 'Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior' Is Model for Obama

Gawker??? Nick Denton??? Even Fox News does not like him. He is a liar and a low life. And the Gawker always has stories that are false.

How do you know what President Obama's, "worldview" is?? You don't. But read something that sounds negative and you support it. You always post stupid stories, but this one is one of the more ridiculous.

And since when is NG the last word??? :cuckoo:
“ Having trouble understanding President Obama's "worldview"? Former speaker of the House of Representatives and possible Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich may be able to help! According to Newt, you can only understand Obama if you "understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior." Newt Gingrich: 'Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior' Is Model for Obama

Gawker??? Nick Denton??? Even Fox News does not like him. He is a liar and a low life. And the Gawker always has stories that are false.

How do you know what President Obama's, "worldview" is?? You don't. But read something that sounds negative and you support it. You always post stupid stories, but this one is one of the more ridiculous.

And since when is NG the last word??? :cuckoo:

since the evidence is overwhelming

PS then you think the term anti-colonialist is negative?
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1. I have CDO…it’s like OCD, but all the letters are in alphabetical order, as they should be.

2. The only fools who still try the 'racism' gambit are the ones who have no ability to to argue or debate the facts.
Raise your paw.

3. "Why don't you just admit" you're a dunce.

1) In your world, point 1 is witty.


2) Of course, it's about racism. Just because you try to dress it up in a nice suit like "anti-Colonialism" (Whatever the fuck that means; haven't most sane people concluded colonialism was a horrible idea) doesn't take away from it.

3) Sister, you ain't fit to shine my shoes... Get back to me when you have some real life experience.
You buffoon....you've contribute nothing to the thread, debated no points nor countered any of mine.....

...not any!

Yet here you are trumpeting.....what???

"I already proved..."

You've proven only the depth to which the education system has sunk.
There is only one reason a fool like you would continue to post one empty post after another: You are so very desperate to be relevant

So pleased that you have identified yourself as a Liberal....

Time for you to go home and set up the “Slip and Slide” so it ends in the knife drawer.

It's cool, I understand you are mad.. :(

I would be too, if someone found out I copy/paste replies.

I have no need to contradict your "facts" they have been rendered useless by your poor choice of stealing another Necon's hard work. :lol:

So please, get more mad.. It only makes you look less and less like you have a grasp on the inflated sense of self that is your ego.. :lol::lol:

"I have no need to contradict your "facts" '

You inadvertently wrote 'need' when you meant 'abilitiy.'

Go ahead and cherry pick the quotes..

Oh yeah, and also give another attempt at trying to be witty, it is cute, after all. :lol:
1. “ Having trouble understanding President Obama's "worldview"? Former speaker of the House of Representatives and possible Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich may be able to help! According to Newt, you can only understand Obama if you "understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior." Newt Gingrich: 'Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior' Is Model for Obama

a. In short, the President is motivated by a Third World, anti-American ideology.

2. “Anti-colonialism” is one of the most powerful political forces in the non-Western world in the last 100 years, and is both a cornerstone of Western liberalism, and, tied to anti-American views, a major direction of teaching at most leading colleges and universities.

3. The major tenets of anti-colonialism include the following: “The wealth of the imperial countries is our wealth too,” writes Franz Fanon in “The Wretched of the Earth.” Fanon fought in the Algerian revolution against he French; Obama says that in college he relished reading and quoting Fanon. “or in a very concrete way Europe has stuffed herself inordinately with the gold and raw materials of the colonial countries….Europe is literally the creation of the Third world….wealth stolen from the underdeveloped peoples.”
Dinesh D’Souza, “Obama’s America,” p. 11.

a. Therefore, the core of anti-colonialism is theft: the looting of poorer countries.

4. A second tenet is that ‘exploitation’ continues even after the colonizing nations have left; it is referred to as ‘neocolonialism”….economic piracy even after the political piracy has been removed.

a. Distant banks, drug companies, oil companies, etc., continue the exploitation….so said Kwame Nkrumah, in “Neocolonialism: Neo-Colonialism, The Last Stage of Imperialism.”

b. “…believed capitalism had malignant effects that were going to stay with Africa for a long time. …, Nkrumah argued that socialism was the system that would best accommodate the changes that capitalism had brought,…” Kwame Nkrumah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c. In 1973, Jean Raspail published The Camp of the Saints, in which millions of immigrants traveled from the Ganges to France. An all-powerful, multiculturally correct intelligentsia that has taught Europe that it must atone for its racist, colonial guilt welcomes the invasion. European culture is destroyed. Prescient.

d. Anti-colonialists demand that ‘stolen’ wealth be redistributed from the people of the rich countries to those in the poor.

5. The corollary of colonialism was racism, as the British and French established colonies, they installed white people as rulers over black, yellow and brown folks.

a. African writer Chinweizu makes the point, though, that the British didn’t take over because of the color of people in Kenya or India, but because of economic benefits. Chinweizu, “The West and the Rest of Us,” p. 406.

6. Third, it is a core belief of anti-colonialists today that America has replace Europe as the main perpetrator of global theft and exploitation. Palestinian weriter Edwaerd Said, on of Obama’s teachers at Columbia, adds: “America began as an empire during the 19th century, but it was in the second half of the 20th, after the decolonization of the British and French empires that it directly followed its two great predecessors.”

a. America is “the machine for crushing, for grinding, for degrading peoples.”
Aime Cesaire, “Discourse on Colonialism.” http://www.bandung2.co.uk/books/Files/Politics/Poli2.htm

7. So, what to expect from this President?

a. Chinweizu: : “European rule was entrenched…by means of a western Christian culture, a western political power structure, and a colonial economy,” anti-colonialism “involves measures against all three.”

b. “Redistribution…make the fruits of the earth available to all right hear on earth.” Chinweizu, Op.Cit., p.137.

8. Need one look any further to understand our President? Redistribution….globally. This doesn’t mean just millionaires and billionaires….this means all Americans, requiring a diminution in the standard of living of every American. Further, power must be distributed, until America is no longer preeminent, and not any more than any other nation. Dinesh D’Souza, “Obama’s America,” p.12-13.

This is what a vote for Obama entails....hatred of Western civilization, Christianity, and exceptionalism.

1. I suspect your political beliefs have impacted your mental health to such a degree that paranoid schizophrenia needs to be ruled out.

2. Moral, amoral and immoral are terms which confused you in another thread. Since the proper application of those terms in this most recent of your rants is noticeably absent one must presume you are still confused.

condescending psychobabble
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“ Having trouble understanding President Obama's "worldview"? Former speaker of the House of Representatives and possible Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich may be able to help! According to Newt, you can only understand Obama if you "understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior." Newt Gingrich: 'Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior' Is Model for Obama

Gawker??? Nick Denton??? Even Fox News does not like him. He is a liar and a low life. And the Gawker always has stories that are false.

How do you know what President Obama's, "worldview" is?? You don't. But read something that sounds negative and you support it. You always post stupid stories, but this one is one of the more ridiculous.

And since when is NG the last word??? :cuckoo:

Now read the rest of the post.....

...go ahead...don't be afraid.
1. I have CDO…it’s like OCD, but all the letters are in alphabetical order, as they should be.

2. The only fools who still try the 'racism' gambit are the ones who have no ability to to argue or debate the facts.
Raise your paw.

3. "Why don't you just admit" you're a dunce.

1) In your world, point 1 is witty.


2) Of course, it's about racism. Just because you try to dress it up in a nice suit like "anti-Colonialism" (Whatever the fuck that means; haven't most sane people concluded colonialism was a horrible idea) doesn't take away from it.

3) Sister, you ain't fit to shine my shoes... Get back to me when you have some real life experience.


You started wearing shoes?????
It's cool, I understand you are mad.. :(

I would be too, if someone found out I copy/paste replies.

I have no need to contradict your "facts" they have been rendered useless by your poor choice of stealing another Necon's hard work. :lol:

So please, get more mad.. It only makes you look less and less like you have a grasp on the inflated sense of self that is your ego.. :lol::lol:

"I have no need to contradict your "facts" '

You inadvertently wrote 'need' when you meant 'abilitiy.'

Go ahead and cherry pick the quotes..

Oh yeah, and also give another attempt at trying to be witty, it is cute, after all. :lol:

I keep looking for the posts where you added to the discussion....

...how did I miss 'em?

Clue me in....which numbers are they again?

('Cause, you know....folks might consider you nothing more than the usual Liberal lurker....)
Obamination could be caught on video raping puppies and these scumbags would come here claiming it is fake video by FOXNews and all psycho-babble.

Obamination's friends and mentors would not allow him to get a security clearance as an average Govt worker.
Obamination could be caught on video raping puppies and these scumbags would come here claiming it is fake video by FOXNews and all psycho-babble.

Obamination's friends and mentors would not allow him to get a security clearance as an average Govt worker.

Then there is something wrong with the way we hand out security clearences, then.

Should point out, the big name spies we've caught in the last 30 years have not been mean old socialists who just wanted to working man to get a good break.

The big spies- Hansen, Ames, Walker- were guys who were offered a shitload of money by the Russians.

So maybe we need to be suspicious of greedy people.
Biden, I see they let you out of your romper room this morning.

Doesn't Obamination know you're on the internet? You did go away from this board when you told the blacks that the GOP wants to put them "back in chains." I don't recall the GOP and Romney putting blacks in chains for slavery.

Are those hairplugs eating into your little brain?

As for the spies, they were like Obamination...they shared his left-wing views of the world and were anti-US.

Oh, Obamination is a criminal and working against the US. Hopefully Romney has the balls to throw him and you in jail when he wins.

Obamination could be caught on video raping puppies and these scumbags would come here claiming it is fake video by FOXNews and all psycho-babble.

Obamination's friends and mentors would not allow him to get a security clearance as an average Govt worker.

Then there is something wrong with the way we hand out security clearences, then.

Should point out, the big name spies we've caught in the last 30 years have not been mean old socialists who just wanted to working man to get a good break.

The big spies- Hansen, Ames, Walker- were guys who were offered a shitload of money by the Russians.

So maybe we need to be suspicious of greedy people.
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Hansen was a registered Republican and a member of Opus Dei and active in the Catholic Church. He also had a porn fetish, apparently...

Obama is going to get a second term because Romney is such a creep.

Learn to deal.

Biden, I see they let you out of your romper room this morning.

Doesn't Obamination know you're on the internet? You did go away from this board when you told the blacks that the GOP wants to put them "back in chains." I don't recall the GOP and Romney putting blacks in chains for slavery.

Are those hairplugs eating into your little brain?

As for the spies, they were like Obamination...they shared his left-wing views of the world and were anti-US.

Oh, Obamination is a criminal and working against the US. Hopefully Romney has the balls to throw him and you in jail when he wins.

Obamination could be caught on video raping puppies and these scumbags would come here claiming it is fake video by FOXNews and all psycho-babble.

Obamination's friends and mentors would not allow him to get a security clearance as an average Govt worker.

Then there is something wrong with the way we hand out security clearences, then.

Should point out, the big name spies we've caught in the last 30 years have not been mean old socialists who just wanted to working man to get a good break.

The big spies- Hansen, Ames, Walker- were guys who were offered a shitload of money by the Russians.

So maybe we need to be suspicious of greedy people.
Imagine if Romney as a teen had a mentor that was a card carrying KKK member, then he followed a college professor that was also in the KKK, he joined white racist groups on campus even spoke out at a rally then in his adult years befriended an abortion clinic bomber. Nevermind his white racist preacher of 20 years that did his marriage ceremony in a Nazi like ceremony.

Then when running for POTUS the media ignored the stories and even covered them up....
Imagine if Romney as a teen had a mentor that was a card carrying KKK member, then he followed a college professor that was also in the KKK, he joined white racist groups on campus even spoke out at a rally then in his adult years befriended an abortion clinic bomber. Nevermind his white racist preacher of 20 years that did his marriage ceremony in a Nazi like ceremony.

Then when running for POTUS the media ignored the stories and even covered them up....

Not even comparable... but I know you need it to be.

The Weathermen were not the KKK. If the FBI spent the effort trying to rid the world of the KKK it spent trying to rid it of the Peace Movement, we'd have made a lot more progress.

One where a Presidential Candiate wouldn't tell a racial joke and say that was just fine.
Yeah, the KKK never attacked the Pentagon.

Obamination's past is damning but you're just a fucking idiot that is too stupid to see it or even believe it.

If Romney had "1" shred of connection to the KKK, neo-Nazis, etc....asswipes like you and the media would be all over it. Also, the GOP would be running Romney off the stage like Akin.

Imagine if Romney as a teen had a mentor that was a card carrying KKK member, then he followed a college professor that was also in the KKK, he joined white racist groups on campus even spoke out at a rally then in his adult years befriended an abortion clinic bomber. Nevermind his white racist preacher of 20 years that did his marriage ceremony in a Nazi like ceremony.

Then when running for POTUS the media ignored the stories and even covered them up....

Not even comparable... but I know you need it to be.

The Weathermen were not the KKK. If the FBI spent the effort trying to rid the world of the KKK it spent trying to rid it of the Peace Movement, we'd have made a lot more progress.

One where a Presidential Candiate wouldn't tell a racial joke and say that was just fine.


You started wearing shoes?????

You can't tell by the ass-kicking I give every time I encounter your OCD behind?

Yup...that'll happen.

See, Freud was correct: your dreams are your only wish fulfillment.

OK...let me borrow your fav phrase:

"Everyone knows"....you're a lying sack of offal.

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