Oroville dam experiencing overflow problems


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
The snow storms have been about the wettest I've ever seen out here.
My SIL's mother can't get to here house cause flooding just washed everything out.

The unpublished back story is that, during his first 8 year stint, Gov. Brown OPPOSED building the Auburn Dam which would have provided a significant increase in California's water storage capacity. Now the State operates on a knife edge between too much and too little water. Flood or drought, take your pick.
The unpublished back story is that, during his first 8 year stint, Gov. Brown OPPOSED building the Auburn Dam which would have provided a significant increase in California's water storage capacity. Now the State operates on a knife edge between too much and too little water. Flood or drought, take your pick.
That's always a battle. I know Ca has a lot of stupid dems.
But managing water flow and when to hold back and when not to is always tricky
The unpublished back story is that, during his first 8 year stint, Gov. Brown OPPOSED building the Auburn Dam which would have provided a significant increase in California's water storage capacity. Now the State operates on a knife edge between too much and too little water. Flood or drought, take your pick.

Worse than that, Gubner Moonbeam cancelled the state water project in the 1970s. Since that time, the population has more than doubled without any meaningful increase in water storage and distribution capacity. Now we have a bountifully wet winter, but not means to store extra for the next drought period.
No snow for us this year. Not even one snow storm. One good rain instead of the UUUge bigly rains the farmers need. Last year, we had one storm of less than 2". From our deck, you can see the lake is at an historic low.

Look for prices of both produce and meat to go up all across the country - especially if the farmers don't have cheap labor. Drumpf's plan is working and his capitalist cronies are thrilled.
The unpublished back story is that, during his first 8 year stint, Gov. Brown OPPOSED building the Auburn Dam which would have provided a significant increase in California's water storage capacity. Now the State operates on a knife edge between too much and too little water. Flood or drought, take your pick.

Worse than that, Gubner Moonbeam cancelled the state water project in the 1970s. Since that time, the population has more than doubled without any meaningful increase in water storage and distribution capacity. Now we have a bountifully wet winter, but not means to store extra for the next drought period.

Never heard Ronnie RayGun called that before.

IOW, educate yourself. Stop being so anxious to blame Dems that you ignore FACTS.
No snow for us this year. Not even one snow storm. One good rain instead of the UUUge bigly rains the farmers need. Last year, we had one storm of less than 2". From our deck, you can see the lake is at an historic low.

Look for prices of both produce and meat to go up all across the country - especially if the farmers don't have cheap labor. Drumpf's plan is working and his capitalist cronies are thrilled.
Groceries retailers are continually raising prices with whatever excuse they can use. In 2007 it was because of the oil prices but the groceries remained high even when the oil prices went down. That continual inflation without an increase for the average everyday person appears to be backfiring as large companies are going down.
No snow for us this year. Not even one snow storm. One good rain instead of the UUUge bigly rains the farmers need. Last year, we had one storm of less than 2". From our deck, you can see the lake is at an historic low.

Look for prices of both produce and meat to go up all across the country - especially if the farmers don't have cheap labor. Drumpf's plan is working and his capitalist cronies are thrilled.
Groceries retailers are continually raising prices with whatever excuse they can use. In 2007 it was because of the oil prices but the groceries remained high even when the oil prices went down. That continual inflation without an increase for the average everyday person appears to be backfiring as large companies are going down.

Ignorant as always. Ronald Reagan didn't stop the California Water Project. Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown did.
No snow for us this year. Not even one snow storm. One good rain instead of the UUUge bigly rains the farmers need. Last year, we had one storm of less than 2". From our deck, you can see the lake is at an historic low.

Look for prices of both produce and meat to go up all across the country - especially if the farmers don't have cheap labor. Drumpf's plan is working and his capitalist cronies are thrilled.
Groceries retailers are continually raising prices with whatever excuse they can use. In 2007 it was because of the oil prices but the groceries remained high even when the oil prices went down. That continual inflation without an increase for the average everyday person appears to be backfiring as large companies are going down.

Check out what happened in Alabama and multiply that times the entire country.

No snow for us this year. Not even one snow storm. One good rain instead of the UUUge bigly rains the farmers need. Last year, we had one storm of less than 2". From our deck, you can see the lake is at an historic low.

Look for prices of both produce and meat to go up all across the country - especially if the farmers don't have cheap labor. Drumpf's plan is working and his capitalist cronies are thrilled.
Groceries retailers are continually raising prices with whatever excuse they can use. In 2007 it was because of the oil prices but the groceries remained high even when the oil prices went down. That continual inflation without an increase for the average everyday person appears to be backfiring as large companies are going down.

Ignorant as always. Ronald Reagan didn't stop the California Water Project. Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown did.

Sounds like you're confusing several things, among them, the California State Water Project. Tunnels, dams - whatever.

If you ever get to Tucson, drive out west of the city and check out the enormous water table recharge ponds. That's right where I lived when I was helping undocumented farm workers get to their yearly jobs in places like Eloy. Tcsn Water would fill the ponds and then let then dry up and fill them again. (Ask yourself why and then ask if you really believe it was effective AND ask where that water came from ...) I used to watch the coyotes play in the rush of water when they turned it on. They would jump and bite at the water, goof with each other, get soaked and just generally have a terrific time. BTW, the ponds are all double fenced, like the govt likes to do, so the coyotes would dig under. The mule deer would just sail right over one fence and then the other. I came very close to hitting a buck one day when he ran along the fenced in corridor and then suddenly jumped the fence and crossed in front of me. And twice, for a red tail hawk and great horned owl, I had to wait for Tcsn Water guys to come open a gate. I'm not near as agile as coyotes, deer or raptors.

Anyway, after that, drive up to Glenwood Canyon in Colorado. Then, look at the green lawns in arid and semi-arid towns, cities and farms.

What I'm saying is that there is a lot more to this than just left and/or right and we would all do well to recognize that and work within those factors.

Flood or drought, take your pick.
I thought in California it was water for farms or cities, take your pick.

You're right. And the US gets most of their produce from CA and Mexico - both of whom the RWNJs despise. Yet another example of the right being more than willing to cut off their own noses ...

If every person stopped watering their dumb lawn, the difference, across the country, would be immense. Grow edibles. It could make all the difference. It could quite literally save us.
The snow storms have been about the wettest I've ever seen out here.
My SIL's mother can't get to here house cause flooding just washed everything out.

That kind of looks like either a design flaw or construction flaw or possibly a spring under the spillway?
ya, there's no way that spillway shoulda gouged out like that.
Now it's just blowing out chunks.
I don't think any of this is as bad as 84 yet.
No snow for us this year. Not even one snow storm. One good rain instead of the UUUge bigly rains the farmers need. Last year, we had one storm of less than 2". From our deck, you can see the lake is at an historic low.

Look for prices of both produce and meat to go up all across the country - especially if the farmers don't have cheap labor. Drumpf's plan is working and his capitalist cronies are thrilled.
Groceries retailers are continually raising prices with whatever excuse they can use. In 2007 it was because of the oil prices but the groceries remained high even when the oil prices went down. That continual inflation without an increase for the average everyday person appears to be backfiring as large companies are going down.
Live cattle have gone down close to 50 pct in the last year.
2 years ago cattle was king. Now it sucks.
Im laughing..........only in California could they build a dam that's not high enough!!
I'm laughing harder. Only skookerasbil could consider for a moment a dam higher than the surrounding country.

edit...Next he'll bloviate about climate change.
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Im laughing..........only in California could they build a dam that's not high enough!!
I'm laughing harder. Only skookerasbil could consider for a moment a dam higher than the surrounding country.

lol.....progressives never did have the ability to connect the dots on most anything! Ummm..........you build a damn to STOP the water!!:bye1:

God what would I do without this forum!!!:funnyface::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

you build a damn to STOP the water!!
I'm not surprised you didn't understand my point. I'll try to put it in simpler terms:
Building a dam higher won't stop the water spilling out over the surrounding lower country. If you don't understand that, look at the picture of the dam.

Then don't waste your genius on dam construction, tell us more about climate change, in times like this we can all use a laugh.
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