Organizers planning Birth Certificate March on Washington to tell President to Quit.

You still don't get it. They lost the battle, AND the War. The Constitutional Law WAS enforced, in COURT, they were on the losing side of that.

Let us know how that works out for them in the future. They're not on the right side of anything, they're on the beating a dead horse side of it, and it's rather fucking embarrassing.

If Obama had indeed won the war for hearts and minds.... "Obama Birth Certificate" wouldn't be popping up number two at Google and hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of Americans wouldn't still believe he's ineligible.

Obama has only himself to blame for the fact that people don't trust him. He CHOSE to be secretive, and now he wants to cry foul when his credibility is shot. Winning a favorable verdict in court is just winning a "battle". The "war" is about whether or not you can win the trust of the people. And he blew that before he ever took office in his choice to evade disclosure of his personal information.

One of my friends, she's now an American, but she's from Kenya, even believes he's not eligible to serve. She voted for him anyway because her husband wanted her too, IMHO she's not American enough yet. :D

And your friend's expertise in this issue is........?
I'm not going to get into the specifics of Obama's case. Suffice to say that when you punch the word "Obama " into your google browser and the second offering that comes up is "Obama birth certificate"... there are still obviously questions. :eusa_whistle:

My larger point is that marginalizing these people isn't smart politics. Whether they're right or wrong in specifics, the overarching question they're asking is a substantive one.
Comparing these folks with "truthers" isn't a valid comparison. Birthers have the Constitution on their side. Truthers only have a wild conspiracy theory.

The number of hits on Google is evidence of what, exactly? How many silly blogs are out there, maybe? :eusa_eh:
Type "birthers are" in Google search box and see what comes up. :lol::lol:

Hey, I'm not the one claiming that because there are lots of Google hits on the topic means that there is validity to it. :cuckoo:
If Obama had indeed won the war for hearts and minds.... "Obama Birth Certificate" wouldn't be popping up number two at Google and hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of Americans wouldn't still believe he's ineligible.

Obama has only himself to blame for the fact that people don't trust him. He CHOSE to be secretive, and now he wants to cry foul when his credibility is shot. Winning a favorable verdict in court is just winning a "battle". The "war" is about whether or not you can win the trust of the people. And he blew that before he ever took office in his choice to evade disclosure of his personal information.

One of my friends, she's now an American, but she's from Kenya, even believes he's not eligible to serve. She voted for him anyway because her husband wanted her too, IMHO she's not American enough yet. :D

Why are you even mentioning this? It's make you look as nutty as your friend....LOL

I am mentioning this because a real American woman would vote her own way, not the way her husband told her to. If you think this make me nutty, that's your problem.
The supreme court has refused to hear it everytime the case has made it to them.

Because NONE of the cases are based in TRUTH OR LAW!

How do we know if they haven't been heard? Are you psychic?

I'll try and explain this. ONCE a state acknowledges that according to their records, a person was born in their state, that's enough for the courts. There is no reason to hear this in a court's opinion. Why? Because the deciding factor in determining wheter or not someone was born in a particular state is that state itself. So, as long as Hawaii says he was born there, no court is going to touch this. Anecdotal evidence notwithstanding, it's the birth certificate that is the deciding factor.
Like I said.... by all means, continue marginalizing these Americans who believe that eligibility should be proved. It suits me just fine. :lol:

At the bottom line, this guy has NOT proved his case. He's spent a ton of money keeping his information private, and in doing so has aroused deep suspicion. It doesn't matter at this point if he's a legal citizen or not. It's too late for that. As I said earlier... he can win the battle. But he WILL lose the war, because the only thing these people are insisting upon is that Constitutional Law be readily enforced.

THAT's the thing that's not being fully understood here.... that it's too late. The specifics don't matter anymore. The damage to Obama is done, and he's done it to himself by failing to be forthright and honest with the American people. In the end, the only significance of this whole debacle will be that future candidates are going to be forced to prove their eligibility. And in bringing forth new laws on the subject, "birthers" will have won the overall debate.

Republicans should tread lightly. And Democrats should keep doing what they're doing. :eusa_shhh:.....:lol:

You still don't get it. They lost the battle, AND the War. The Constitutional Law WAS enforced, in COURT, they were on the losing side of that.

Let us know how that works out for them in the future. They're not on the right side of anything, they're on the beating a dead horse side of it, and it's rather fucking embarrassing.

The supreme court has refused to hear it everytime the case has made it to them.
Maybe because they don't like wasting their time.
If Obama had indeed won the war for hearts and minds.... "Obama Birth Certificate" wouldn't be popping up number two at Google and hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of Americans wouldn't still believe he's ineligible.

Obama has only himself to blame for the fact that people don't trust him. He CHOSE to be secretive, and now he wants to cry foul when his credibility is shot. Winning a favorable verdict in court is just winning a "battle". The "war" is about whether or not you can win the trust of the people. And he blew that before he ever took office in his choice to evade disclosure of his personal information.

One of my friends, she's now an American, but she's from Kenya, even believes he's not eligible to serve. She voted for him anyway because her husband wanted her too, IMHO she's not American enough yet. :D

And your friend's expertise in this issue is........?

She watched the video on youtube where his grandmother says he was born in Kenya....and she speaks the same language and says that's exactly what she said even though everyone now is trying to twist it and claim it was a problem with the translation. Since she speaks the language, even was raised with the language, it's pretty hard to misinterpret it for her.
You still don't get it. They lost the battle, AND the War. The Constitutional Law WAS enforced, in COURT, they were on the losing side of that.

Let us know how that works out for them in the future. They're not on the right side of anything, they're on the beating a dead horse side of it, and it's rather fucking embarrassing.

The supreme court has refused to hear it everytime the case has made it to them.
Maybe because they don't like wasting their time.

Or maybe because they know what the result will be when they rule he isn't a natural born citizen....
You still don't get it. They lost the battle, AND the War. The Constitutional Law WAS enforced, in COURT, they were on the losing side of that.

Let us know how that works out for them in the future. They're not on the right side of anything, they're on the beating a dead horse side of it, and it's rather fucking embarrassing.

The supreme court has refused to hear it everytime the case has made it to them.
Maybe because they don't like wasting their time.

Oraly Tates will be LUCKY if she is not censored by the courts for her REPEATED attempts to get a case heard by the courts, they have BETTER THINGS to do than throw out CASE AFTER CASE that have ZERO chance of being heard.
Keep doing what you're doing then. Like I said... it suits me just fine. :lol:

But if you can't answer the question... "Why would a guy with nothing to hide spend a million dollars hiding it?".... it's not the birthers who are "nutjobs".

What does the President have to gain by answering bizarre birther alegations? He knows each response will only result in dozens of new accusations.

Better to leave the birthers out there and let the GOP take them seriously

All he has to do is show his original birth certificate, and they'd go away.

Then they would concentrate on the Indonesian passport issue.

:eek: LOL......and you come out with a new accusation!

I can't make this stuff up
One of my friends, she's now an American, but she's from Kenya, even believes he's not eligible to serve. She voted for him anyway because her husband wanted her too, IMHO she's not American enough yet. :D

And your friend's expertise in this issue is........?

She watched the video on youtube where his grandmother says he was born in Kenya....and she speaks the same language and says that's exactly what she said even though everyone now is trying to twist it and claim it was a problem with the translation. Since she speaks the language, even was raised with the language, it's pretty hard to misinterpret it for her.

So, your friend is the only person able to interpret Obama's grandmother's statement? Is that it? Should our government hire her services because she gains this tremendous insight because she speaks the language?
This bullshit is still going on? Holy cow how pathetic and petty the Obama bashers are.
Because NONE of the cases are based in TRUTH OR LAW!

How do we know if they haven't been heard? Are you psychic?

The COURT considered the EVIDENCE or lack there of and decided that the case(s) did NOT warrant further consideration.

The court never saw any evidence because no discovery had been granted because the cases were dismissed on jurisdiction issues, every one of them including Taitz. They never got that far because they didn't have standing to hold court in the particular jurisdiction. There are several cases in the right jurisdiction with one that is fixing to be in the spotlight called Kershner vs Obama. Read the latest. Obama and Congress is asking the courts to give him more time so he and his lawyers can come up with a letigitimate reason to file a brief to explain their opposition to Kershners Case. Obama defense team are having trouble resonding to Attorney Mario Appuzo's brief outlining their case. Why are they stalling over a $12 long form Birth Certificate? Appuzo is not Orly Taitz. He is a real Constitutional Lawyer who didn't get his degree online. Read it here and especially the comments.

Here is the Attorney Mario Appuzo's site.
A Place to Ask Questions To Get the Right Answers: Obama and Congress Request and Obtain Extension of Time to File Opposition Brief to Kerchner Appeal

Brief of Case Obama that Obama is asking for more time for his lawyers to answer it:
Take the time to read it. Its not long but it is to the point. You will get good knowledge of whats going on.
Kerchner v Obama Appeal - Appellant's Opening Brief - FILED 2010-01-19
This should have been done along time ago. If this doesn't get media attention then I don't know what will.

March on Washington to tell president to quit

Organizers of a new march on Washington are offering Americans the opportunity to show President Obama their birth certificates and declare that unless he produces documentation of his eligibility to occupy the Oval Office, he should quit.

The event is headed by Philip Berg, the first to bring court challenges to Obama's eligibility under the U.S. Constitution's requirement that presidents be a "natural born citizen."

While a number of cases, including several of his own, remain pending, Berg told WND today the issue needs to be pressed.

"Since the courts are taking their time to get to the point of allowing 'discovery,' it is time to motivate the citizens of the United States for a 'peaceful revolution' to expose the 'hoax' of Obama, the biggest 'hoax' in the history of our country, in over 230 years," he said.
More at link above:

What a great idea!! The more the better. That's sure to bump Obama's approval ratings higher. Even people who hate him as a president laugh at you illiterate conspiracy theorists.
No no see what you miss is, they were met. They theorists simply disagree that they were, despite evidence, court cases, etc. etc. It's now just flat out ridiculousness to still hold onto these theories.

I'm not going to get into the specifics of Obama's case. Suffice to say that when you punch the word "Obama " into your google browser and the second offering that comes up is "Obama birth certificate"... there are still obviously questions. :eusa_whistle:

My larger point is that marginalizing these people isn't smart politics. Whether they're right or wrong in specifics, the overarching question they're asking is a substantive one.
Comparing these folks with "truthers" isn't a valid comparison. Birthers have the Constitution on their side. Truthers only have a wild conspiracy theory.

Uh no they do not. They say Obama was not born in the US, the Constitution says nothing to support this. His birth in the US has been verified several times they just refuse to admit it, they are perfectly on par with the truthers.

Their demand to see the birth certificate is exactly on par with truthers demanding another independent 9/11 investigation in that no matter what the outcome they will still hold on to their conspiracy.

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