Oregon divided

You don't think farmers and ranchers pay property tax? Or sales tax? Or state tax? Or business tax? Or gas tax?

Of course they do
But there are not sufficient numbers of them to pay for major public works projects

Suppose you live in Moosefuck Oregon, a community of 500 family farms. Moosefuck is on Upper Shitzcreek and relies on a bridge that was built during the Depression to access the nearest major city. When that bridge needs replacement at $3 million, those families cannot afford to pay for it themselves. That is where state funding of rural projects comes into play.
That bridge cannot be justified for just 500 families, but it is built because it is necessary for the communities survival
Alaska has a lot of isolated communities like that
the only reason any community outside the cities is dependent upon govt $$ is because they have been managed into dependence by statist pigs in the cities. Te rr
The Willamette River and Valley are only one of the most beautiful places in Oregon. Mt. Hood is beautiful but only saw it from an airplane. I drove to Crater Lake which is beautiful and Wizard Island in it is more than beautiful in the middle of Crater Lake. I went to Mt. St. Helens, Washington State after the eruption and the devastation was evident. I went to Mt. Rainer in Washington State and walked amongst a giant grove of Douglas Fir trees and been to Muir woods in California which had huge Redwood trees. I walked among Bristlecone Pine trees in Arizona which are the oldest trees on Earth but not tall and bristly. It is illegal to touch a Bristlecone Pine and taking a pinecone is punishable with a hefty fine and jail time.

Vermin and vegetation. Treehuggers indulge in the same pagan nature-worship as the dumb superstitious savages did. Though freeloading off wealth created by a nation that had a pioneering attitude about nature, they degenerated into selfish regressive mutants incapable of developing nature for the prosperity of all. Bitter at being non-productive misfits, they indulge in escapist fantasies, elevating themselves to cartoon heroes out to save Gaia from Prometheus.

And only a bully gets pleasure out of watching normal people punished for doing what is natural for non-superstitious humans to do. That's your real motivation for gloating over fines and jail time.

Damn...have you ever been guzzling the rural Kool-Aid

You think rural areas are not dependent on Government? Government has provided farmers with crop subsidies and low cost loans for generations. The Government subsidized electrification for rural areas.....you think the electric companies did it out of a search for profit? Rural infrastructure is not self sustaining. Due to limited traffic, it does not pay for itself
This looks great to me.

Look at that map

Who has a bigger tax base, the little sliver on the left or that huge yellow area?
Taxes are a curse and it sounds like those country folk are wanting to let the city folk drown in their "bigger tax base".
Taxes are the price we pay for civilization. Those who cheat and do not pay their fair share are parasites on the rest of us.
I'd be real careful with the words "subsidized" and and "provided" when talking about a government that /routinely/ inflicts dictates of standards on people and communities who do not wish it...

UPDATE: I keep hitting enter and it sends wtf...

I'm reminded of the folks in Florida who wanted to live green, collect rain water, and use solar, and have a garden in their yard - and the muni came in and told them no. Same shit, different scale.
Like the rest of the country, Oregon is sick of having policies determined by the cities.

"...big city lawmakers passing restrictive environmental and economic laws are hurting farmers, hunters and ranchers.

"Smith says to look at where the power lies.

"Keep in mind that 43 of the 60 legislators in this building come from Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas County," he said. "It makes it difficult for a small population of Oregonians to have influence on major policy."

""Our citizens are hurting," Smith said to KATU's Chris Liedle. "I think there are folks back home that have a level of frustration both with state government and with the federal government."

"To start the discussion, Parsons emailed every state legislator in all three states, contacted newspapers in the area and started a forum on Yahoo Groups titled "Oregon and Washington Joining Idaho" to discuss logistics like what would happen with assets like state prisons and universities in counties that voted to join Idaho.

"We want a voice," Parsons said. "Give us our voice and we'll take our lumps, if that is what it comes to."

Ideally, Parsons says it would be the county's decision to join Idaho or stay with its current state.

"If people in Malheur County say we want to be a part of Idaho, then I think the rest of Oregon should say, go for it," he exclaimed. "This could theoretically go all the way across the state."

He's reading Malheur County all wrong, though. That place has been taken over by communists and pigs. So let them stay with Bend and Eugene. They deserve each other.

Lawmaker to pitch idea to join eastern parts of Oregon, Washington with Idaho
So....majority rule via voting is a BAD thing now?
I thought you liked to 'stick it' to the majority from what you post. It appears that the minority in this case doesn't like the idea of being shot like dogs from your type of majority support.
Oh stop squealing like a pig. The urban areas of both Washington and Oregon support the rural areas.
This looks great to me.
And they can call it the state of Stupid. LOL Both Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington are funded by the western parts of the state. Idaho has no such money to invest in that area.

Why don't they give Idaho the option of whether they would rather merge with western Washington/Oregon or the eastern parts of those states?
Like the rest of the country, Oregon is sick of having policies determined by the cities.

"...big city lawmakers passing restrictive environmental and economic laws are hurting farmers, hunters and ranchers.

"Smith says to look at where the power lies.

"Keep in mind that 43 of the 60 legislators in this building come from Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas County," he said. "It makes it difficult for a small population of Oregonians to have influence on major policy."

""Our citizens are hurting," Smith said to KATU's Chris Liedle. "I think there are folks back home that have a level of frustration both with state government and with the federal government."

"To start the discussion, Parsons emailed every state legislator in all three states, contacted newspapers in the area and started a forum on Yahoo Groups titled "Oregon and Washington Joining Idaho" to discuss logistics like what would happen with assets like state prisons and universities in counties that voted to join Idaho.

"We want a voice," Parsons said. "Give us our voice and we'll take our lumps, if that is what it comes to."

Ideally, Parsons says it would be the county's decision to join Idaho or stay with its current state.

"If people in Malheur County say we want to be a part of Idaho, then I think the rest of Oregon should say, go for it," he exclaimed. "This could theoretically go all the way across the state."

He's reading Malheur County all wrong, though. That place has been taken over by communists and pigs. So let them stay with Bend and Eugene. They deserve each other.

Lawmaker to pitch idea to join eastern parts of Oregon, Washington with Idaho
So....majority rule via voting is a BAD thing now?
I thought you liked to 'stick it' to the majority from what you post. It appears that the minority in this case doesn't like the idea of being shot like dogs from your type of majority support.
Oh stop squealing like a pig. The urban areas of both Washington and Oregon support the rural areas.
Sounds like the rural areas would prefer to support themselves and the urbanites can do the same.
I'd be real careful with the words "subsidized" and and "provided" when talking about a government that /routinely/ inflicts dictates of standards on people and communities who do not wish it...

UPDATE: I keep hitting enter and it sends wtf...

I'm reminded of the folks in Florida who wanted to live green, collect rain water, and use solar, and have a garden in their yard - and the muni came in and told them no. Same shit, different scale.
Ah yes, those damned people in government, denying you the opportunity to dump the sewage from your town or house directly into the local river or stream. Dictating that you children achieve a certain level of education so that they are not parasites on the rest of us. LOL You want to go back to 1850, the rest of us are moving into the 21 Century.
This looks great to me.

Look at that map

Who has a bigger tax base, the little sliver on the left or that huge yellow area?
Taxes are a curse and it sounds like those country folk are wanting to let the city folk drown in their "bigger tax base".
Taxes are the price we pay for civilization. Those who cheat and do not pay their fair share are parasites on the rest of us.
Your probably a parasite then as you desire to tax the whole world for your so called man-made global warming. You already showed your true colors way too many times to twist that shit here.
Like the rest of the country, Oregon is sick of having policies determined by the cities.

"...big city lawmakers passing restrictive environmental and economic laws are hurting farmers, hunters and ranchers.

"Smith says to look at where the power lies.

"Keep in mind that 43 of the 60 legislators in this building come from Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas County," he said. "It makes it difficult for a small population of Oregonians to have influence on major policy."

""Our citizens are hurting," Smith said to KATU's Chris Liedle. "I think there are folks back home that have a level of frustration both with state government and with the federal government."

"To start the discussion, Parsons emailed every state legislator in all three states, contacted newspapers in the area and started a forum on Yahoo Groups titled "Oregon and Washington Joining Idaho" to discuss logistics like what would happen with assets like state prisons and universities in counties that voted to join Idaho.

"We want a voice," Parsons said. "Give us our voice and we'll take our lumps, if that is what it comes to."

Ideally, Parsons says it would be the county's decision to join Idaho or stay with its current state.

"If people in Malheur County say we want to be a part of Idaho, then I think the rest of Oregon should say, go for it," he exclaimed. "This could theoretically go all the way across the state."

He's reading Malheur County all wrong, though. That place has been taken over by communists and pigs. So let them stay with Bend and Eugene. They deserve each other.

Lawmaker to pitch idea to join eastern parts of Oregon, Washington with Idaho
So....majority rule via voting is a BAD thing now?
I thought you liked to 'stick it' to the majority from what you post. It appears that the minority in this case doesn't like the idea of being shot like dogs from your type of majority support.
Oh stop squealing like a pig. The urban areas of both Washington and Oregon support the rural areas.
Sounds like the rural areas would prefer to support themselves and the urbanites can do the same.
You really think that you represent the majority of people in Eastern Oregon? You don't, you are just a bunch of loud mouthed fools, and most there would vote to remain in Oregon. We saw that in Burns when the yahoos did not get the support of most of the people in that area.
This looks great to me.
And they can call it the state of Stupid. LOL Both Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington are funded by the western parts of the state. Idaho has no such money to invest in that area.

Why don't they give Idaho the option of whether they would rather merge with western Washington/Oregon or the eastern parts of those states?

This is the usual spew from liberals. Always believing they are superior to those living in rural areas.
Like the rest of the country, Oregon is sick of having policies determined by the cities.

"...big city lawmakers passing restrictive environmental and economic laws are hurting farmers, hunters and ranchers.

"Smith says to look at where the power lies.

"Keep in mind that 43 of the 60 legislators in this building come from Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas County," he said. "It makes it difficult for a small population of Oregonians to have influence on major policy."

""Our citizens are hurting," Smith said to KATU's Chris Liedle. "I think there are folks back home that have a level of frustration both with state government and with the federal government."

"To start the discussion, Parsons emailed every state legislator in all three states, contacted newspapers in the area and started a forum on Yahoo Groups titled "Oregon and Washington Joining Idaho" to discuss logistics like what would happen with assets like state prisons and universities in counties that voted to join Idaho.

"We want a voice," Parsons said. "Give us our voice and we'll take our lumps, if that is what it comes to."

Ideally, Parsons says it would be the county's decision to join Idaho or stay with its current state.

"If people in Malheur County say we want to be a part of Idaho, then I think the rest of Oregon should say, go for it," he exclaimed. "This could theoretically go all the way across the state."

He's reading Malheur County all wrong, though. That place has been taken over by communists and pigs. So let them stay with Bend and Eugene. They deserve each other.

Lawmaker to pitch idea to join eastern parts of Oregon, Washington with Idaho
So....majority rule via voting is a BAD thing now?
I thought you liked to 'stick it' to the majority from what you post. It appears that the minority in this case doesn't like the idea of being shot like dogs from your type of majority support.
Oh stop squealing like a pig. The urban areas of both Washington and Oregon support the rural areas.
Sounds like the rural areas would prefer to support themselves and the urbanites can do the same.
You really think that you represent the majority of people in Eastern Oregon? You don't, you are just a bunch of loud mouthed fools, and most there would vote to remain in Oregon. We saw that in Burns when the yahoos did not get the support of most of the people in that area.
Maybe y'all in those rural areas, if that is where you are at, should take a vote on it and see.
I'd be real careful with the words "subsidized" and and "provided" when talking about a government that /routinely/ inflicts dictates of standards on people and communities who do not wish it...

UPDATE: I keep hitting enter and it sends wtf...

I'm reminded of the folks in Florida who wanted to live green, collect rain water, and use solar, and have a garden in their yard - and the muni came in and told them no. Same shit, different scale.
Ah yes, those damned people in government, denying you the opportunity to dump the sewage from your town or house directly into the local river or stream. Dictating that you children achieve a certain level of education so that they are not parasites on the rest of us. LOL You want to go back to 1850, the rest of us are moving into the 21 Century.

More like dirty politicians making backdoor deals with energy/water/wastewater companies in order to force folks to use their services. It's like the ultimate monopoly ya know...
I'd be real careful with the words "subsidized" and and "provided" when talking about a government that /routinely/ inflicts dictates of standards on people and communities who do not wish it...

UPDATE: I keep hitting enter and it sends wtf...

I'm reminded of the folks in Florida who wanted to live green, collect rain water, and use solar, and have a garden in their yard - and the muni came in and told them no. Same shit, different scale.
Ah yes, those damned people in government, denying you the opportunity to dump the sewage from your town or house directly into the local river or stream. Dictating that you children achieve a certain level of education so that they are not parasites on the rest of us. LOL You want to go back to 1850, the rest of us are moving into the 21 Century.

More like dirty politicians making backdoor deals with energy/water/wastewater companies in order to force folks to use their services. It's like the ultimate monopoly ya know...
All energy is made in the city too don't ya' know. Those lines across private property going through the countryside and all don't really count.
Look at that map

Who has a bigger tax base, the little sliver on the left or that huge yellow area?
Taxes are a curse and it sounds like those country folk are wanting to let the city folk drown in their "bigger tax base".

What is the average income of those country folk?
Do they understand what the tax base is in a sparsely populated county with no real industry or sources of income?

Now, if you go off by yourself, who pays for schools, roads, hospitals, electrification?
It won't be those city folk
Not everyone requires huge administrative budgets like you have in the cities. People even had schools way back when in very sparsely populated areas of the country. Dang, I mean Idaho even has schools and a legislation, judges, roads and all that modern day type sh*t. Do you have any clue at all or are you always this simple minded?

Yes you do have those things....and you actually think you paid for them?

You think a road or major bridge in the middle of Moosefuck Oregon is paid for by the few hundred citizens who live there?
You think the power companies ran power lines in the middle of nowhere and they are paid for by the few citizens who use them?
You think a modern High School is paid for by the few hundred families that send their kids there?

No, the rest of the state subsidizes those things. These are the wealthy taxpayers who live and have businesses near cities that are picking up the slack. If local taxpayers in Moosefuck Oregon had to support themselves, they would still be using outhouses and one room school houses
I went to a one room schoolhouse, best part of education I had growing up. When we moved back to the city school area the teachers did not know what to do with me because I was years ahead of their other students. They would have me entertain myself with drawing paper because I would zip through the assignments. Outhouses, are you seriously that stupid. We country folk build our own sewage systems and they beat the heck outta your sewage facilities in the cities that dump their sh*t into the waterways. Electric, if you want it to cross through to the cities you have to put it through the country areas to get there. Again your too simple minded to think your way through it all. BTW, we can also generate our own electric too.
God, you are stupid. Yes, I went to a one room schoolhouse, Riverside, in Eastern Oregon. And, because of the teacher there, Mrs. Pruit, who put much of her own money into it, it was a fine education. But, a lessor teacher would have resulted in a lessor education. And when the county did not have electricity in from the outside, there was a paddle wheel generator up the river that supplied electricity only to the hospital. Most of the infrastructure in that area was paid for by Western Oregon or the Federal Government. Many of the highways there were forest service roads, paid for by the Federal government, before they were ceded to the county.

Yes, I know the area very well. Was raised mostly there. Remember the area when 26 was a gravel road. Still have relatives with ranches there. And spend much time exploring the back country there. Back country as areas where the roads are two ruts with 18" sage in between. The area cannot by itself support a decent infrastructure. And, were the money from the western counties cease to flow there, half the population would have to go where they could support their families on what they actually earn.
Taxes are a curse and it sounds like those country folk are wanting to let the city folk drown in their "bigger tax base".

What is the average income of those country folk?
Do they understand what the tax base is in a sparsely populated county with no real industry or sources of income?

Now, if you go off by yourself, who pays for schools, roads, hospitals, electrification?
It won't be those city folk
Not everyone requires huge administrative budgets like you have in the cities. People even had schools way back when in very sparsely populated areas of the country. Dang, I mean Idaho even has schools and a legislation, judges, roads and all that modern day type sh*t. Do you have any clue at all or are you always this simple minded?

Yes you do have those things....and you actually think you paid for them?

You think a road or major bridge in the middle of Moosefuck Oregon is paid for by the few hundred citizens who live there?
You think the power companies ran power lines in the middle of nowhere and they are paid for by the few citizens who use them?
You think a modern High School is paid for by the few hundred families that send their kids there?

No, the rest of the state subsidizes those things. These are the wealthy taxpayers who live and have businesses near cities that are picking up the slack. If local taxpayers in Moosefuck Oregon had to support themselves, they would still be using outhouses and one room school houses
I went to a one room schoolhouse, best part of education I had growing up. When we moved back to the city school area the teachers did not know what to do with me because I was years ahead of their other students. They would have me entertain myself with drawing paper because I would zip through the assignments. Outhouses, are you seriously that stupid. We country folk build our own sewage systems and they beat the heck outta your sewage facilities in the cities that dump their sh*t into the waterways. Electric, if you want it to cross through to the cities you have to put it through the country areas to get there. Again your too simple minded to think your way through it all. BTW, we can also generate our own electric too.
God, you are stupid. Yes, I went to a one room schoolhouse, Riverside, in Eastern Oregon. And, because of the teacher there, Mrs. Pruit, who put much of her own money into it, it was a fine education. But, a lessor teacher would have resulted in a lessor education. And when the county did not have electricity in from the outside, there was a paddle wheel generator up the river that supplied electricity only to the hospital. Most of the infrastructure in that area was paid for by Western Oregon or the Federal Government. Many of the highways there were forest service roads, paid for by the Federal government, before they were ceded to the county.

Yes, I know the area very well. Was raised mostly there. Remember the area when 26 was a gravel road. Still have relatives with ranches there. And spend much time exploring the back country there. Back country as areas where the roads are two ruts with 18" sage in between. The area cannot by itself support a decent infrastructure. And, were the money from the western counties cease to flow there, half the population would have to go where they could support their families on what they actually earn.
I'm stupid because your teacher paid herself, my, my, you are getting desperate aren't you?
I'd be real careful with the words "subsidized" and and "provided" when talking about a government that /routinely/ inflicts dictates of standards on people and communities who do not wish it...

UPDATE: I keep hitting enter and it sends wtf...

I'm reminded of the folks in Florida who wanted to live green, collect rain water, and use solar, and have a garden in their yard - and the muni came in and told them no. Same shit, different scale.
Ah yes, those damned people in government, denying you the opportunity to dump the sewage from your town or house directly into the local river or stream. Dictating that you children achieve a certain level of education so that they are not parasites on the rest of us. LOL You want to go back to 1850, the rest of us are moving into the 21 Century.

More like dirty politicians making backdoor deals with energy/water/wastewater companies in order to force folks to use their services. It's like the ultimate monopoly ya know...
All energy is made in the city too don't ya' know. Those lines across private property going through the countryside and all don't really count.
Sheesh. Most of the energy there is generated by the big dams on the Colombia, which were paid for by the Federal government. The primary energy being generated within the rural counties comes from windmills, which you 'Conservatives' oppose. And those windmills have proven to be a Godsend to many farmers and ranchers there, as the rent from them has freed them from the boom-bust cycle that is farming in dry country.
What is the average income of those country folk?
Do they understand what the tax base is in a sparsely populated county with no real industry or sources of income?

Now, if you go off by yourself, who pays for schools, roads, hospitals, electrification?
It won't be those city folk
Not everyone requires huge administrative budgets like you have in the cities. People even had schools way back when in very sparsely populated areas of the country. Dang, I mean Idaho even has schools and a legislation, judges, roads and all that modern day type sh*t. Do you have any clue at all or are you always this simple minded?

Yes you do have those things....and you actually think you paid for them?

You think a road or major bridge in the middle of Moosefuck Oregon is paid for by the few hundred citizens who live there?
You think the power companies ran power lines in the middle of nowhere and they are paid for by the few citizens who use them?
You think a modern High School is paid for by the few hundred families that send their kids there?

No, the rest of the state subsidizes those things. These are the wealthy taxpayers who live and have businesses near cities that are picking up the slack. If local taxpayers in Moosefuck Oregon had to support themselves, they would still be using outhouses and one room school houses
I went to a one room schoolhouse, best part of education I had growing up. When we moved back to the city school area the teachers did not know what to do with me because I was years ahead of their other students. They would have me entertain myself with drawing paper because I would zip through the assignments. Outhouses, are you seriously that stupid. We country folk build our own sewage systems and they beat the heck outta your sewage facilities in the cities that dump their sh*t into the waterways. Electric, if you want it to cross through to the cities you have to put it through the country areas to get there. Again your too simple minded to think your way through it all. BTW, we can also generate our own electric too.
God, you are stupid. Yes, I went to a one room schoolhouse, Riverside, in Eastern Oregon. And, because of the teacher there, Mrs. Pruit, who put much of her own money into it, it was a fine education. But, a lessor teacher would have resulted in a lessor education. And when the county did not have electricity in from the outside, there was a paddle wheel generator up the river that supplied electricity only to the hospital. Most of the infrastructure in that area was paid for by Western Oregon or the Federal Government. Many of the highways there were forest service roads, paid for by the Federal government, before they were ceded to the county.

Yes, I know the area very well. Was raised mostly there. Remember the area when 26 was a gravel road. Still have relatives with ranches there. And spend much time exploring the back country there. Back country as areas where the roads are two ruts with 18" sage in between. The area cannot by itself support a decent infrastructure. And, were the money from the western counties cease to flow there, half the population would have to go where they could support their families on what they actually earn.
I'm stupid because your teacher paid herself, my, my, you are getting desperate aren't you?
No, dumb ass. You are stupid because you assume that everyone that went to a one teacher school recieved a good education. But then, you silly ass 'Conservatives' repeatedly show your inability to read with comprehension.

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