Orban Bashes Europeans mixing with non Europeans

Remember how Tucker said we were just woke loonies calling literally everything racist, that Orban isn't racist but a shining example of what USA should emulate? I like Orban in the sense that he's transparent about what virtually all Conservative American politicians and conservative voters believe; he says aloud what the white Conservative (and liberals btw) say in the comfort of their white communities behind closed doors. You as a non white are inferior in their eyes. White nationlism, white identity politics is at the heart of these culture wars maga is engaged in. The woke were right!

If I were you and I had the point to make that you do…I’d show everyone the data, the data that proves that dark people improve and enhance the nations they infiltrate…that should be a simple task for you…no?
If it’s not so simple for you, I‘d have to ask; why would you think anglo people would or should embrace the decline and degradation of their nations?
Maybe you should ask Mac1958 and Unkotare to help you out on this one….OH WAIT….I’ve asked them to show us how Mexicans have improved and enhanced America for Americans and after years they’re still working on that project….weird huh?
Also Belarus and the Ukraine had very big problems with autocrats and corruption. Everyone sees how Putin tries to destroy the freedom of an in the Ukraine - and what most people nearly forget is how the tyrant Lukashenko got saved his ass from Putin and sold "thankfully" his country to Russia - although Lukashenko not legally represents Belarus. A very big tragedy.


I do not understand what you like to say with this sentence.



I am not "modern".
I guess it is just eastern European, Slavic culture. We have a lot of poles in my city, and they have a certain air of culture. They like to get drunk and carry on like.tough guys, and have little respect for rules and decorum.
Damn, you caught me!

I mean I married a non-White even though if you met me you would think Casper had a tan compare to me but truthfully I deeply in my racist mind am married to a White Person trapped in a Filipina Body…

Oh, truthfully I have no issue with mix marriages, well unless it is Black and Whites because I know that is what you want me to say…
It's just "Americans."

For you - but not for me. I have reasons why I use the expression "US-American". One of the main reasons: it's wrong and respectless to call only the citizens of the USA Americans.

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Remember how Tucker said we were just woke loonies calling literally everything racist, that Orban isn't racist but a shining example of what USA should emulate? I like Orban in the sense that he's transparent about what virtually all Conservative American politicians and conservative voters believe; he says aloud what the white Conservative (and liberals btw) say in the comfort of their white communities behind closed doors. You as a non white are inferior in their eyes. White nationlism, white identity politics is at the heart of these culture wars maga is engaged in. The woke were right!

And conservatives are working to bring Orban's neo-fascist, illiberal, anti-democratic authoritarianism to the United States.
What do you call "Slawic culture"?

"They" are what? German teenager?
A disregard for law and democracy, machismo, vodka. Nie! Nie! lol The polish fellows on my block get drunk all the time and argue SOOOOOOO loud with each other......but they always make up. It's like a bonding thing, I guess. I had to slap one up side the head one day, coming at me reckless. "My friend! You have dolla?" hahaha A slav n sheit. Conversely, I used to date this Ukranian chick. She was coo, just very possessive and very racist against Russians.
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If I were you and I had the point to make that you do…I’d show everyone the data, the data that proves that dark people improve and enhance the nations they infiltrate…that should be a simple task for you…no?
If it’s not so simple for you, I‘d have to ask; why would you think anglo people would or should embrace the decline and degradation of their nations?
Maybe you should ask Mac1958 and Unkotare to help you out on this one….OH WAIT….I’ve asked them to show us how Mexicans have improved and enhanced America for Americans and after years they’re still working on that project….weird huh?
Notice how all the globalist FEELZ people here can’t persuade us with proof that dark infiltrators as a whole are good for America and anglo nations….WHY IS THAT…and why do these FEELZ people believe that anglos OWE dark people the opportunity to fuck up their nations?
Mr. Orban has a right to his opinion.

But he should not have criticized other European countries.

As I understand it, he simply said what Abraham Lincoln had said (before he was elected American President): Two ethnicities [no need to name them] would be happier if they lived separately from each other. (Mr. Lincoln suggested that one of them move to the islands in the Caribbean.)

So I think that Mr. Orban wants to say something like this: "We Hungarians respect the right of countries to be multicultural. And we ask that they respect our right to be
monocultural. We, for example, do not suffer from the horrible street crime found in London or Paris or New York City or Chicago. And we want to stay that way."

Orban lives in fear of life - that's all. There are two main reasons for xenophobia: One is a lack of foreigners in the own country (xenophobia on reason of the lazyness to hate what's unknown) and the other reason is too many foreigners live in the own country (xenophobia on reason to hate a loss of the own leading role, which perhaps anyway never existed). Unfortunatelly nearly never the discussions in this context are around the problem "best balance".

I will never forget what a German lady with Turkish roots said some years ago in TV in perfect German: "When I was three month here in Germany I knew everything about the Germans. But now I am 40 years here and know much less about Germany and how are Germans, because there are so many different regions and individual beings."

So what do we foreigners on Earth really speak about when we speak about foreigners in our countries?

A disregard for law and democracy, machismo, vodka. Nie! Nie! lol The polish fellows on my block get drunk all the time and argue SOOOOOOO loud with each other......

Polish? Strange. The Poles here I saw never drunk. But okay: it are only two people, father and son.

but they always make up. It's like a bonding thing, I guess. I had to slap one up side the head one day, coming at me reckless. "My friend! You have dolla?" hahaha A slav n sheit. Conversely, I used to date this Ukranian chick. She was coo, just very possessive and very racist against Russians.

Ukrainians and Russians are nearly the same people. 200 years ago in Vienna they had been called "Ruthenen" (~'Ruthens' in English). When Putin attacked the Ukraine he attacked also the roots of Russia because the Slawic language appeared the first time in history somewhere near Kiev about 1500-1600 years ago. Practically what Putin had done is like a kind of blasphemy against the own roots. And even when the Russians attacked the Ukraine many Ukrainians had not been able to believe this. "We always thought we are somehow allies because we always had been allies in history" they said. A similar problem have many Russians who hate wars - that's why this war has to be called in Russia "special operation". But the Ukrainians are now under an existential threat. They fight for their survival. They have not any other chance than to hate the Russians now - otherwise they could not kill them - and they have anyway not a big chance to win this war. I will never understand what had happened in Putins brain when he made this damn bullshit which makes not any sense for anyone in the whole world.

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Remember how Tucker said we were just woke loonies calling literally everything racist, that Orban isn't racist but a shining example of what USA should emulate? I like Orban in the sense that he's transparent about what virtually all Conservative American politicians and conservative voters believe; he says aloud what the white Conservative (and liberals btw) say in the comfort of their white communities behind closed doors. You as a non white are inferior in their eyes. White nationlism, white identity politics is at the heart of these culture wars maga is engaged in. The woke were right!

It's Hungary, not a US shithole.

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