Oprah wants respect for Obama

I'll take this Oprah Directive as seriously as as I have any others she's made: Not At All.

Respect is something that is earned. Obama hasn't earned it.

I do respect the Office of the Presidency, and hope someone more deserving holds it in 2013.
I didnt watch the interview.

I did read the stories about it and there was more that was not shown on air and was on the internet from what I read.

In that extended interview I read he continued to interupt him.

I very well have remember the number wrong.

I cant seem to find the story I read about it a couple of days ago.
Typical TMN.

Opines about something she didn't watch based upon talking points she read or heard. When questioned, she can't even do a simple search to find the source.

But the very worst aspect of her posts is the constant Apostrophe Abuse. It really is beyond the pale.
I didnt watch the interview.

I did read the stories about it and there was more that was not shown on air and was on the internet from what I read.

In that extended interview I read he continued to interupt him.

I very well have remember the number wrong.

I cant seem to find the story I read about it a couple of days ago.

30 / 78 = 0.38461538461538461538461538461538 * 60 = 23.076923076923076923076923076923

By your claim that Bill alloted ~ 23 seconds for him to ask a question and big 0 to answer.

comon sense would tell you that that doesn't make sense.
I guess the Right fears Oprah, starting posts about her when she's not even running. (using logic of Right on this one, folks)

The point is the hypocrisy of many on the left. The disrespect Bush received during his administration was just as bad, if not worse. But it was ok then?

I think many people may loose respect for Oprah for even saying this, (if they already haven't) as she's pointing a finger as if she's holier than thou.

Here's a great quote from a commentator about this...(Dave F)

Holds a sense of authority and governance over us all"...well that's just wrong. He's a public servant elected by the people. He works for the people, the people don't work for him. What she is describing is more like Egypt, Cuba or China.

The government needs to respect the people, not the otherway around."
At least she admitted that he's still learning. Problem is, Obama is incapable of learning because he already has an agenda.

It's never a good idea to use the job of POTUS as a trainee position.

And Oprah can kiss my ass. Respect is earned. It does not come with a job title. I respect the Office, not the incumbent.
When a president lies his country into a war and cheats in elections to win he deserves little respect.

When he is not of the same party as you its not enough reason to disrespect him.

Now tell me which interveiwer interupted bush 78 times in a half hour interview?

To be fair..President George W. Bush didn't do many interviews with the Press. And he didn't do ANY with people that hated him.

So there's nothing to compare this with.
"Hypocrite: the man who murdered both his parents......pleaded for mercy on the grounds that he was an orphan." - Abraham Lincoln

Hypocrisy, as an accusation, is waaay overrated these days.
I love reading the comments section.. here's one that hits the mark.

Feb. 11, 2011 - 8:27 AM EST
Sure, Oprah, no problem. We'll give your buddy the same respect liberals gave Bush.

I didn't hear you complaining about respect then.

I'll just add. cry us a fucking river oprahhaha.

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