

Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Is that good enough for an "opinion" - in Current Events because "opinions" are current.

It is my opinion, that BOTH sides are being played like a cheap fiddle, by, you guessed it, BOTH sides. They put you into a group; tool or enemy of the Party. The alleged left listens to the alleged leftist media and the alleged right listens to Fox News and talk radio. Neither are sources for Individual Liberty. This Country was established to secure Liberty- neither Democrats or Republicans embrace that- BOTH subscribe to borrow to spend, unjust wars (foreign and domestic) and unconstitutional actions. BOTH, at some point will say; the rule of law while embracing acting under the color of law which is the diametric opposite- and the talking head pseudo intellectuals will spin it to fit their narrative with pretentious agonizing or glorifying bunk.
30 second sound bite rhetoric changes nothing and I don't have to have a link to show we're living the results of pseudo intellectual bullshit being produced as important conversation- voters on BOTH sides are no different from each other in their ardor for the Party- it is The Party that is the driving force for the animosity- SMH-

Pseudo intellectuals are produced by the unconstitutional Dept of Education who has one agenda- control the minds of the young. One side wants strict compliance one side wants compliance to be strict. The key being compliance- and voters applaud the ignorance.

This, one Party or the other Party, is what got us to where we are. It's THE why DC is referred to as a Duopoly- think about that. Being an acolyte (yes that's what being a Party faithful is) plays into the hands of the Duopoly- it serves their agenda, which is controlling the power, so we believe.

Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results- complaining about History in the next breath is what?

I'm glad, yet sad, that I'm 72. Glad I won't be around to witness the demise in its entirety, but, sad that I don't have the energy to fight it- except for myself. I WILL NOT GO GENTLY INTO THE NIGHT if and/or when "they come for me" with their needles for their latest bullshit hysteria perpetrated by ignorant fucks that couldn't hold a real job if their life depended on it- media and political-

Those of you who continue to support Party over Individual Liberty/Rights will suffer just as much as those who oppose your Party. It doesn't matter which Party. Group think is group think. It is called indoctrination and the Party is the epitome of its effectiveness.
Is that good enough for an "opinion" - in Current Events because "opinions" are current.

It is my opinion, that BOTH sides are being played like a cheap fiddle, by, you guessed it, BOTH sides. They put you into a group; tool or enemy of the Party. The alleged left listens to the alleged leftist media and the alleged right listens to Fox News and talk radio. Neither are sources for Individual Liberty. This Country was established to secure Liberty- neither Democrats or Republicans embrace that- BOTH subscribe to borrow to spend, unjust wars (foreign and domestic) and unconstitutional actions. BOTH, at some point will say; the rule of law while embracing acting under the color of law which is the diametric opposite- and the talking head pseudo intellectuals will spin it to fit their narrative with pretentious agonizing or glorifying bunk.
30 second sound bite rhetoric changes nothing and I don't have to have a link to show we're living the results of pseudo intellectual bullshit being produced as important conversation- voters on BOTH sides are no different from each other in their ardor for the Party- it is The Party that is the driving force for the animosity- SMH-

Pseudo intellectuals are produced by the unconstitutional Dept of Education who has one agenda- control the minds of the young. One side wants strict compliance one side wants compliance to be strict. The key being compliance- and voters applaud the ignorance.

This, one Party or the other Party, is what got us to where we are. It's THE why DC is referred to as a Duopoly- think about that. Being an acolyte (yes that's what being a Party faithful is) plays into the hands of the Duopoly- it serves their agenda, which is controlling the power, so we believe.

Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results- complaining about History in the next breath is what?

I'm glad, yet sad, that I'm 72. Glad I won't be around to witness the demise in its entirety, but, sad that I don't have the energy to fight it- except for myself. I WILL NOT GO GENTLY INTO THE NIGHT if and/or when "they come for me" with their needles for their latest bullshit hysteria perpetrated by ignorant fucks that couldn't hold a real job if their life depended on it- media and political-

Those of you who continue to support Party over Individual Liberty/Rights will suffer just as much as those who oppose your Party. It doesn't matter which Party. Group think is group think. It is called indoctrination and the Party is the epitome of its effectiveness.
Which is why we should all be voting for Kayne West.

After all, how can everyone pass up a million dollars each and free pot like Kayne is offering us?

How can he lose?
Is that good enough for an "opinion" - in Current Events because "opinions" are current.

It is my opinion, that BOTH sides are being played like a cheap fiddle, by, you guessed it, BOTH sides. They put you into a group; tool or enemy of the Party. The alleged left listens to the alleged leftist media and the alleged right listens to Fox News and talk radio. Neither are sources for Individual Liberty. This Country was established to secure Liberty- neither Democrats or Republicans embrace that- BOTH subscribe to borrow to spend, unjust wars (foreign and domestic) and unconstitutional actions. BOTH, at some point will say; the rule of law while embracing acting under the color of law which is the diametric opposite- and the talking head pseudo intellectuals will spin it to fit their narrative with pretentious agonizing or glorifying bunk.
30 second sound bite rhetoric changes nothing and I don't have to have a link to show we're living the results of pseudo intellectual bullshit being produced as important conversation- voters on BOTH sides are no different from each other in their ardor for the Party- it is The Party that is the driving force for the animosity- SMH-

Pseudo intellectuals are produced by the unconstitutional Dept of Education who has one agenda- control the minds of the young. One side wants strict compliance one side wants compliance to be strict. The key being compliance- and voters applaud the ignorance.

This, one Party or the other Party, is what got us to where we are. It's THE why DC is referred to as a Duopoly- think about that. Being an acolyte (yes that's what being a Party faithful is) plays into the hands of the Duopoly- it serves their agenda, which is controlling the power, so we believe.

Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results- complaining about History in the next breath is what?

I'm glad, yet sad, that I'm 72. Glad I won't be around to witness the demise in its entirety, but, sad that I don't have the energy to fight it- except for myself. I WILL NOT GO GENTLY INTO THE NIGHT if and/or when "they come for me" with their needles for their latest bullshit hysteria perpetrated by ignorant fucks that couldn't hold a real job if their life depended on it- media and political-

Those of you who continue to support Party over Individual Liberty/Rights will suffer just as much as those who oppose your Party. It doesn't matter which Party. Group think is group think. It is called indoctrination and the Party is the epitome of its effectiveness.

group think is bad, so being a lone wolf is better?

what has sitting on the fence accomplished for the country?
It is my opinion, that BOTH sides are being played like a cheap fiddle, by, you guessed it, BOTH sides

Is that good enough for an "opinion" - in Current Events because "opinions" are current.

It is my opinion, that BOTH sides are being played like a cheap fiddle, by, you guessed it, BOTH sides. They put you into a group; tool or enemy of the Party. The alleged left listens to the alleged leftist media and the alleged right listens to Fox News and talk radio. Neither are sources for Individual Liberty. This Country was established to secure Liberty- neither Democrats or Republicans embrace that- BOTH subscribe to borrow to spend, unjust wars (foreign and domestic) and unconstitutional actions. BOTH, at some point will say; the rule of law while embracing acting under the color of law which is the diametric opposite- and the talking head pseudo intellectuals will spin it to fit their narrative with pretentious agonizing or glorifying bunk.
30 second sound bite rhetoric changes nothing and I don't have to have a link to show we're living the results of pseudo intellectual bullshit being produced as important conversation- voters on BOTH sides are no different from each other in their ardor for the Party- it is The Party that is the driving force for the animosity- SMH-

Pseudo intellectuals are produced by the unconstitutional Dept of Education who has one agenda- control the minds of the young. One side wants strict compliance one side wants compliance to be strict. The key being compliance- and voters applaud the ignorance.

This, one Party or the other Party, is what got us to where we are. It's THE why DC is referred to as a Duopoly- think about that. Being an acolyte (yes that's what being a Party faithful is) plays into the hands of the Duopoly- it serves their agenda, which is controlling the power, so we believe.

Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results- complaining about History in the next breath is what?

I'm glad, yet sad, that I'm 72. Glad I won't be around to witness the demise in its entirety, but, sad that I don't have the energy to fight it- except for myself. I WILL NOT GO GENTLY INTO THE NIGHT if and/or when "they come for me" with their needles for their latest bullshit hysteria perpetrated by ignorant fucks that couldn't hold a real job if their life depended on it- media and political-

Those of you who continue to support Party over Individual Liberty/Rights will suffer just as much as those who oppose your Party. It doesn't matter which Party. Group think is group think. It is called indoctrination and the Party is the epitome of its effectiveness.

group think is bad, so being a lone wolf is better?

what has sitting on the fence accomplished for the country?
thats not sitting on the fence,,thats called being a free man and saying fuck you to the two parties,,,
Is that good enough for an "opinion" - in Current Events because "opinions" are current.

It is my opinion, that BOTH sides are being played like a cheap fiddle, by, you guessed it, BOTH sides. They put you into a group; tool or enemy of the Party. The alleged left listens to the alleged leftist media and the alleged right listens to Fox News and talk radio. Neither are sources for Individual Liberty. This Country was established to secure Liberty- neither Democrats or Republicans embrace that- BOTH subscribe to borrow to spend, unjust wars (foreign and domestic) and unconstitutional actions. BOTH, at some point will say; the rule of law while embracing acting under the color of law which is the diametric opposite- and the talking head pseudo intellectuals will spin it to fit their narrative with pretentious agonizing or glorifying bunk.
30 second sound bite rhetoric changes nothing and I don't have to have a link to show we're living the results of pseudo intellectual bullshit being produced as important conversation- voters on BOTH sides are no different from each other in their ardor for the Party- it is The Party that is the driving force for the animosity- SMH-

Pseudo intellectuals are produced by the unconstitutional Dept of Education who has one agenda- control the minds of the young. One side wants strict compliance one side wants compliance to be strict. The key being compliance- and voters applaud the ignorance.

This, one Party or the other Party, is what got us to where we are. It's THE why DC is referred to as a Duopoly- think about that. Being an acolyte (yes that's what being a Party faithful is) plays into the hands of the Duopoly- it serves their agenda, which is controlling the power, so we believe.

Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results- complaining about History in the next breath is what?

I'm glad, yet sad, that I'm 72. Glad I won't be around to witness the demise in its entirety, but, sad that I don't have the energy to fight it- except for myself. I WILL NOT GO GENTLY INTO THE NIGHT if and/or when "they come for me" with their needles for their latest bullshit hysteria perpetrated by ignorant fucks that couldn't hold a real job if their life depended on it- media and political-

Those of you who continue to support Party over Individual Liberty/Rights will suffer just as much as those who oppose your Party. It doesn't matter which Party. Group think is group think. It is called indoctrination and the Party is the epitome of its effectiveness.
I couldn't disagree more... and if you can't distinguish the difference between the new ultra radical, America hating democrat party and the republicans, the conservative republicans that is, then there's something wrong with you.

They call us "conservatives" for a reason. We love America, and we want to "conserve" it, hence the name. We wave American flags, we stand when our national anthem is played and put America first, we're patriotic and nationalist and proud of it. We don't riot, loot, burn and commit violent acts. Compare that to the America hating agenda many bands of radical America hating rioters, communist supporters and anarchist that the democrat party is supporting, along with every illegal alien that manages to break our laws and sneak across our border, and if that doesn't tell you there's a major difference between the two, then I'm sorry, but you have to be deaf, dumb and blind.
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Is that good enough for an "opinion" - in Current Events because "opinions" are current.

It is my opinion, that BOTH sides are being played like a cheap fiddle, by, you guessed it, BOTH sides. They put you into a group; tool or enemy of the Party. The alleged left listens to the alleged leftist media and the alleged right listens to Fox News and talk radio. Neither are sources for Individual Liberty. This Country was established to secure Liberty- neither Democrats or Republicans embrace that- BOTH subscribe to borrow to spend, unjust wars (foreign and domestic) and unconstitutional actions. BOTH, at some point will say; the rule of law while embracing acting under the color of law which is the diametric opposite- and the talking head pseudo intellectuals will spin it to fit their narrative with pretentious agonizing or glorifying bunk.
30 second sound bite rhetoric changes nothing and I don't have to have a link to show we're living the results of pseudo intellectual bullshit being produced as important conversation- voters on BOTH sides are no different from each other in their ardor for the Party- it is The Party that is the driving force for the animosity- SMH-

Pseudo intellectuals are produced by the unconstitutional Dept of Education who has one agenda- control the minds of the young. One side wants strict compliance one side wants compliance to be strict. The key being compliance- and voters applaud the ignorance.

This, one Party or the other Party, is what got us to where we are. It's THE why DC is referred to as a Duopoly- think about that. Being an acolyte (yes that's what being a Party faithful is) plays into the hands of the Duopoly- it serves their agenda, which is controlling the power, so we believe.

Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results- complaining about History in the next breath is what?

I'm glad, yet sad, that I'm 72. Glad I won't be around to witness the demise in its entirety, but, sad that I don't have the energy to fight it- except for myself. I WILL NOT GO GENTLY INTO THE NIGHT if and/or when "they come for me" with their needles for their latest bullshit hysteria perpetrated by ignorant fucks that couldn't hold a real job if their life depended on it- media and political-

Those of you who continue to support Party over Individual Liberty/Rights will suffer just as much as those who oppose your Party. It doesn't matter which Party. Group think is group think. It is called indoctrination and the Party is the epitome of its effectiveness.
I couldn't disagree more... and if you can't distinguish the difference between the new ultra radical, America hating democrat party and the republicans, the conservative republicans that is, then there's something wrong with you.

They call us "conservatives" for a reason. We love America, and we want to "conserve" it, hence the name. We wave American flags, we stand for America first, we're patriotic and nationalist and proud of it. Compare that to the America hating agenda many bands of radical America hating rioters, communist supporters and anarchist that the democrat party is supporting, and if that doesn't tell you there's a major difference between, then I'm sorry, but you have to deaf, dumb and blind.
youre leaving out the fact the repubes have sat back for decades and left the democrat actions uncontested,,,and in most cases defended and funded them,,,
Is that good enough for an "opinion" - in Current Events because "opinions" are current.

It is my opinion, that BOTH sides are being played like a cheap fiddle, by, you guessed it, BOTH sides. They put you into a group; tool or enemy of the Party. The alleged left listens to the alleged leftist media and the alleged right listens to Fox News and talk radio. Neither are sources for Individual Liberty. This Country was established to secure Liberty- neither Democrats or Republicans embrace that- BOTH subscribe to borrow to spend, unjust wars (foreign and domestic) and unconstitutional actions. BOTH, at some point will say; the rule of law while embracing acting under the color of law which is the diametric opposite- and the talking head pseudo intellectuals will spin it to fit their narrative with pretentious agonizing or glorifying bunk.
30 second sound bite rhetoric changes nothing and I don't have to have a link to show we're living the results of pseudo intellectual bullshit being produced as important conversation- voters on BOTH sides are no different from each other in their ardor for the Party- it is The Party that is the driving force for the animosity- SMH-

Pseudo intellectuals are produced by the unconstitutional Dept of Education who has one agenda- control the minds of the young. One side wants strict compliance one side wants compliance to be strict. The key being compliance- and voters applaud the ignorance.

This, one Party or the other Party, is what got us to where we are. It's THE why DC is referred to as a Duopoly- think about that. Being an acolyte (yes that's what being a Party faithful is) plays into the hands of the Duopoly- it serves their agenda, which is controlling the power, so we believe.

Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results- complaining about History in the next breath is what?

I'm glad, yet sad, that I'm 72. Glad I won't be around to witness the demise in its entirety, but, sad that I don't have the energy to fight it- except for myself. I WILL NOT GO GENTLY INTO THE NIGHT if and/or when "they come for me" with their needles for their latest bullshit hysteria perpetrated by ignorant fucks that couldn't hold a real job if their life depended on it- media and political-

Those of you who continue to support Party over Individual Liberty/Rights will suffer just as much as those who oppose your Party. It doesn't matter which Party. Group think is group think. It is called indoctrination and the Party is the epitome of its effectiveness.

group think is bad, so being a lone wolf is better?

what has sitting on the fence accomplished for the country?
In the multitude of counselors there is wisdom

And it belongs in General Discussion, not Current Events
When people are at odds and forced or manipulated to take sides, there will always be trouble because everyone loses sight of what we have in common.

If & when the people step away from the foray to see the situation with objectivity, we have a much better chance of coming together as equal human beings in the quest for the same goals.........Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness
maybe to you it accomplishes nothing, but to me it saves my soul from being a vile authoritarian,,,
It does nothing to change the policies you disagree with
neither does voting for people that dont care what I think,,,

but if enough people wake up to what the D&R's are dong it could change that,,,
When people are at odds and forced or manipulated to take sides, there will always be trouble because everyone loses sight of what we have in common.

If & when the people step away from the foray to see the situation with objectivity, we have a much better chance of coming together as equal human beings in the quest for the same goals.........Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness
You are reciting boilerplate

holding out for the perfect or ideal world accomplishes nothing
When people are at odds and forced or manipulated to take sides, there will always be trouble because everyone loses sight of what we have in common.

If & when the people step away from the foray to see the situation with objectivity, we have a much better chance of coming together as equal human beings in the quest for the same goals.........Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness
You are reciting boilerplate

holding out for the perfect or ideal world accomplishes nothing

Didn't say anything about holding out for anything.
neither does voting for people that dont care what I think,,,
Actually they do care because they want your vote

its when you are unwilling to support them that swamp rates lose interest in you
of course they want my vote,,,
but that doesnt mean they will change their ways,,,and I got 35 yrs of watching them back stab their voters,,,
neither does voting for people that dont care what I think,,,
Actually they do care because they want your vote

its when you are unwilling to support them that swamp rates lose interest in you

There's a big difference between caring about YOU vs caring about your vote.

and they don't lose interest because you don't support them, it actually intensifies their attacks. The only time they lose interest in you is in NON election years

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