OPINION: Why mRNA Vaccines are failing.

What we need are Better Treatment options that don't cost an arm and a leg to get like other countries. Everything I've read says EARLY TREATMENT IS KEY to Covid. Countries like India did this and gave them out for free so they could take them right away without the BS And their deaths dropped dramatically.

Pfizer appears to have a good one but it is not approved yet. There are also several more in the pipeline.

There are several problems with antivirals. First, antivirals don’t eradicate the viruses directly. They just stop them from spreading for while and it's up to the immune system to finish the job and eradicate it from the body. This is why antivirals must be started very early otherwise they will not be very effective. Also, creating them is tricky and it takes a lot of research. So unless there is a large market, the cost will be very high. There is also another problem with covid. Since it spreads rapidly, the antiviral has to be administered when symptoms are mild which usually means before hospitalization, possibly at time of a positive test.
Pfizer appears to have a good one but it is not approved yet. There are also several more in the pipeline.

There are several problems with antivirals. First, antivirals don’t eradicate the viruses directly. They just stop them from spreading for while and it's up to the immune system to finish the job and eradicate it from the body. This is why antivirals must be started very early otherwise they will not be very effective. Also, creating them is tricky and it takes a lot of research. So unless there is a large market, the cost will be very high. There is also another problem with covid. Since it spreads rapidly, the antiviral has to be administered when symptoms are mild which usually means before hospitalization, possibly at time of a positive test.
"They are using cheap drugs and vitamins in other places. And the HORSE DEWORMER ........lol......that Ivermectin has been given to about 4 billion people. That with doxycycline and zinc is one such remedy. And in these places their deaths per million are small compared to us.
"They are using cheap drugs and vitamins in other places. And the HORSE DEWORMER ........lol......that Ivermectin has been given to about 4 billion people. That with doxycycline and zinc is one such remedy. And in these places their deaths per million are small compared to us.
Doxycycline is used to treat bacterial infections. It has no effect on viruses. However, it is used sometimes to prevent bacterial infections accompanying some viruses. There’s some evidence that zinc helps your body fight a cold, but there is no evidence that zinc will prevent or cure corvid. The only medication that has proven effective against viruses are anti-virals and most anti-virals only stop the virus from replicating. The immune system sill has eradicate the virus.
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"They are using cheap drugs and vitamins in other places. And the HORSE DEWORMER ........lol......that Ivermectin has been given to about 4 billion people. That with doxycycline and zinc is one such remedy. And in these places their deaths per million are small compared to us.
Ivermectin is used to treat parasites in both humans and animals. It is approved by the FDA for treatment of parasites' in the colon. The most common use is heartworms in cats and dogs.

If a hundred people with covid took Ivermectin, 85 would be cured. If hundred people with covid took nothing 85 would be cured. However those that took Ivermectin would get rid their Heartworms.

After a over a hundred years of modern medicine, people are still drinking horse liniment for arthritis, parasite medicines for viruses, tapeworms to lose weight, and radium water for general health.

Never met someone on the forum who is as wrong as you.

And you profess to be an expert. lol

This video had literally nothing to do with mRNA vaccines and did not address the concerns raised by the OP. You are seriously mentally challenged.
From the top, I am not "anti-vax". So please do not go there. I am posting this as a person with extensive knowledge in the medical field and simply posting empirical observations.

Modified RNA vaccines (mRNA) are designed to look for common parts of a virus. This makes creating a quick vaccine very easy but it also has negative problems that we are now having to deal with.

Modified RNA vaccines look for "parts" of the virus, not the virus itself. While they will lessen the severity if you do become infected, once the antibodies are gone its the same as never having seen the virus, as you body did not have to heal and create B and T cells in your bone marrow. The antibodies were triggered by a part of a virus and not the virus, in this case, the "spike proteins". You gain no long term protections.

This is also why you can become infectious to others. The virus grows unabated until there are sufficient "spike proteins" to trigger a response from your immune system. This is why people get ill, become infective, but have very mild cases. It is the lack of healing and the trigger by spike proteins which stops the body from creating long term immunities in B and T cells. Once your antibodies are gone from this mRNA vaccine your body has never seen or reacted to the actual virus, you are now a walking time bomb again to have a very sever case.

In summary;

* The "trigger" for your immune system is the spike proteins and not the virus. The human bodies immune system never trains itself to look for the virus. No long term immunity is formed.

* Once the active antibodies are gone from a mRNA virus you are again at risk to become ill. Without the formation of long term immunities in your bone marrow which look for the virus you do not gain these.

* Because the mRNA vaccine trains the body to look for the 'spike proteins', the virus will run rampant until it creates sufficient mass to trigger the antibody response from the spike proteins. This time period allows the viral load to amass and the person to become infective to others. The body never responds to the virus as a threat. The antibodies will attack anything that has the spike proteins present so it kills the infection.

* mRNA antibodies rapidly decrease at 3-4 months. By 5-9 months they are insufficient to foster further protections.

* mRNA vaccines cause swelling of cardiac tissues in persons under the age of 25 and blood clots in women.

The studies coming out about the efficacy of the mRNA vaccines is stunning. Problems, like viral transmission, were not foreseen by the creator of the method. While this method does make early vaccine intervention possible, it is not a long term solution to endemic viruses such as COVID-19. Using identifiable parts of a virus can give some protection to mutation outbreaks, if the right part is used, but it can also have unforeseen bad outcomes.

In My Opinion, the fact that mRNA vaccine are incapable of creating long term memory and immunities makes them a stop gap measure until a more suitable vaccine can be created which does. Now Europe is seeing its third wave because of waning vaccine antibodies. Something needs to change fast or this will cycle never stop. I am glad that I have had the virus and have acquired (non-vaccine) driven immunities. My body has long term memory cells so my problem is over as far as COVID 19 is concerned.


Which is why I am waiting for the traditional vaccines. A few are being made by some Indian companies, and are going through the process for FDA approval. The FDA is dragging it’s feet on them though, since the FDA is in bed with Pfizer and Moderna.
Which is why I am waiting for the traditional vaccines. A few are being made by some Indian companies, and are going through the process for FDA approval. The FDA is dragging it’s feet on them though, since the FDA is in bed with Pfizer and Moderna.
Americans should not wait for the unicorn. They should demand the actual entire virus, SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, not communist Chinese parts of the virus that seem to be ephemeral. They should boycott now.
When they boycott now, they show that the stick-and-carrot is not working to pacify them.
Ivermectin is used to treat parasites in both humans and animals. It is approved by the FDA for treatment of parasites' in the colon. The most common use is heartworms in cats and dogs.

If a hundred people with covid took Ivermectin, 85 would be cured. If hundred people with covid took nothing 85 would be cured. However those that took Ivermectin would get rid their Heartworms.

After a over a hundred years of modern medicine, people are still drinking horse liniment for arthritis, parasite medicines for viruses, tapeworms to lose weight, and radium water for general health.
Tell that ti india then.
Simple because the spike protein is a pathogen. It does not naturally occur within the body and thus the body reacts with a response. Part of that response is exosomes activating ACE2.

Exosomes are messengers.
They are how the body tells cells to change what they are doing.
Such as to halt activity if the body is starving, increase reproduction if the body has been injured, etc.
Exosomes are floating information carriers the body produces to tell other parts of the body what is going on.

The way exosomes work is by using the single spike protein on their head, to cause an ACE2 receptor on a cell, to let them in.
Once the exosome spike protein has found an ACE2 receptor and inserted itself, then the ACE2 receptor will surround and absorb the exosome.

So not only do spike proteins naturally occur in the body, they are essential to the immune system itself.
Thus it is impossible for the immune system to remember or later trigger on spike proteins.
If it did, then we would die from the autoimmune disease of our immune system attacking our own exosomes.

Why do covid viruses and exosomes have the same spike proteins?
Because they have the same use for them, which is to activate the ACE2 receptors.
How did covid viruses learn how to mimic exosome spike proteins?
Likely because covid viruses once were exosomes, and that is how they started out.

Here is an image of a generic cell, with both exosome spike protein receptors on the left, and exosome generators on the right.
Clearly you can see the body does and must generate its own spike proteins. The whole exosome messenger system depends on our own production of spike proteins.

A pandemic that has killed over 5 million people in over a 140 countries would be considered a fake only by a lunatic :cuckoo: I certainly hope you follow your own advice.

It is fake if it could easily have been ended long ago, and instead is being carefully kept viable by deliberately preventing herd immunity.
There are many different possible strategies that can end any epidemic very quickly.
One extreme is totally quarantine, the opposite extreme is deliberate variolation of enough for herd immunity.
But "flattening the curve" is neither.
It is some wishy washy mixture in the middle, that can not possibly work.
By not doing full quarantine with contact tracing, then "flattening the curve" still has a reproduction rate over 1.0.
So then time is bad.
The epidemic is still growing.
So it then constantly gets worse instead of better.
Whether there are waves, spikes, valleys, etc., is irrelevant.
The over all is you end up with more people infected over time, and you accomplish nothing but kill more people for no reason.

One of the more extreme strategies is infinitely better because they are quick and absolute.
They end any epidemic quickly, so then have much smaller death totals.
And exactly how do you know that vaccines have killed tens of thousands.

COVID-19 has killed nearly 770,00 people in the U.S., and more than 5 million worldwide. The vaccines authorized in the U.S. have been shown to significantly reduce the likelihood of severe illness, hospitalization and death from COVID-19.

And no no conclusive evidence has been found that a COVID-19 vaccine authorized in the U.S. caused any deaths, let alone tens of thousands. There have been about 5 deaths that have been linked to the Johnson & Johnson vaccine out of over 60 million doses given. These cases are still under study. There has been no linkage of deaths in the US to mRNA vaccines after over 460 million doses given.

All vaccines kill thousands.
If nothing else, anaphylaxis shock is common enough to be correlated.
And all reports tell us these mRNA vaccine are at least 10 times more deadly than any previous vaccine.
Gross death reports after mRNA vax in the US is over 20k.
At least half of which are likely real.

Vaccine deaths generally are worth it because the disease is much more dangerous.
But the reality is for people under 40, covid risk is insignificant, and on a similar par to the mRNA vaccines in risk.

Again, these mRNA vaccine do not appear to be showing any memory at all.
They are dropping in effectiveness about 30% per month, so it seems likely all they are doing is stimulating antibody production.
And when the antibodies die off, you are left with nothing.
You keep claiming spike proteins are always foreign pathogens, and you have to know that is wrong, because our own cells would not have ACE2 receptors to let in foreign pathogens.
Our own exosomes have to use the same spike proteins for ACE2 receptor access.
That is what ACE2 receptors are for, our own exosome spike proteins.

My own personal experience proves you are wrong.
After 12 hours, the 2nd Moderna vax caused such sever convulsive shivering, that I could not even stand, much less walk.
Throwing up ever 4 hours then for a day, is not at all normal.
The weakness, fever, headaches, fog, etc. lasted over 3 weeks.
It was the worst illness of my life.
I have never had anything nearly as bad as the 2nd Moderna booster.
That is not at all what a vaccine should be like, and it certainly was not safe or benign.
If I had not been in the peak of health, it could easily have killed me.
I'm reading published papers. How big do you think this conspiracy is?

No one is out to get you. Look, don't get the vaccine. Roll the dice. I couldn't be happier for you.

With profits of over $3 trillion from the covid vaccines and tests, how could the conspiracy NOT be huge?
If we did not already have a huge conspiracy to manipulate health care in the US, over huge profits, then there would be no for profit health insurance, and we would have public health care, like the rest of the world.
The fact we still have for profit health insurance, is totally insane, irrational, and clearly totally corrupt.
People should be handing from the lamp posts for such evil.
And exactly how do you know that vaccines have killed tens of thousands.

COVID-19 has killed nearly 770,00 people in the U.S., and more than 5 million worldwide. The vaccines authorized in the U.S. have been shown to significantly reduce the likelihood of severe illness, hospitalization and death from COVID-19.

And no no conclusive evidence has been found that a COVID-19 vaccine authorized in the U.S. caused any deaths, let alone tens of thousands. There have been about 5 deaths that have been linked to the Johnson & Johnson vaccine out of over 60 million doses given. These cases are still under study. There has been no linkage of deaths in the US to mRNA vaccines after over 460 million doses given.

The CDC clearly admits thousands of covid vax deaths in the US.
The VAERS death reports are "selected", meaning they HAVE been filtered to remove things like car accidents of other deaths for sure not related.
And actually, the real death rates from the vaccines likely are way UNDER reported, since it takes a family member to even know the person was even vaccinated and that they should bother reporting it to VAERS, if they even know how to.
The problem of VAERES reporting is that it is an unfiltered database. Anybody can enter an adverse reaction independent of an actual connection, but just falling within the same time frame.

No, VAERS is filtered, when you see the CDC saying they are posting "selected" results from VAERS.
All data is always filtered before publication.
Doxycycline is used to treat bacterial infections. It has no effect on viruses. However, it is used sometimes to prevent bacterial infections accompanying some viruses. There’s some evidence that zinc helps your body fight a cold, but there is no evidence that zinc will prevent or cure corvid. The only medication that has proven effective against viruses are anti-virals and most anti-virals only stop the virus from replicating. The immune system sill has eradicate the virus.

But you are forgetting that the problem with covid is not the virus, but only the immune system over reaction, the cytokine storm.
The goal of treatments like Fluvoxamine or Quinine, is not to kill the virus but to suppress the fatal autoimmune response.
With profits of over $3 trillion from the covid vaccines and tests, how could the conspiracy NOT be huge?
If we did not already have a huge conspiracy to manipulate health care in the US, over huge profits, then there would be no for profit health insurance, and we would have public health care, like the rest of the world.
The fact we still have for profit health insurance, is totally insane, irrational, and clearly totally corrupt.
People should be handing from the lamp posts for such evil.
3 trillion, huh. :rolleyes:

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