Operation American Spring: FAIL


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Operation American Spring falls flat: ‘This is very disappointing,’ Texan says

Operation American Spring warns of FEMA roundup, civil war, chemtrails

The Hundred-Nutball-March!

No verified photos or videos had been posted from the event, which organizers claim would draw between 10 million and 30 million people, by 10 a.m. EST.

Connors spoke with the organization’s leader, retired Col. Harry Riley, about 9:30 a.m. and asked about rumors that the Federal Emergency Management Administration rounding up participants.

“If FEMA does try to round you up, how will you defend yourself?” Connors asked. “With a piece of paper? With a flag?”

Riley said participants would not carry firearms to the event, but he said they were prepared to defend themselves.

A caller from North Carolina said he feared Obama would declare martial law and begin executing Christian citizens as a prelude to civil war.
The revolution was thwarted by rain?

George Washington would be proud of these brave patriots.

I can put up a million and their mother fails on the left too.

But what the hey; we have to be nice to you because you are getting your Dem asses kicked on Benghazi, IRS, the VA with your asshole in charge letting veterans die and actually the list is endless.

Today should be "feel sorry for the liberal loser day".
So some guy with a website and no advertising, is surprised when no one comes to the "event" he announced?

This is "news"?

Yeah apparently.

Here's a question. Is the guy really tea party? Because the only people who seem to know about him or his event are progressives.

I can put up a million and their mother fails on the left too.

But what the hey; we have to be nice to you because you are getting your Dem asses kicked on Benghazi, IRS, the VA with your asshole in charge letting veterans die and actually the list is endless.

Today should be "feel sorry for the liberal loser day".

Benghazi...no ass-kicking there...unless you're counting Republicans kicking their own asses with serious overreach. IRS...nobody cares about that either. The VA...well, that is not a good situation...but it's not like the VA suddenly became fucked up as soon as Obama took office. That has been an ongoing issue for generations. But if you really want to see an administration telling service members to go fuck themselves, look no further than Bush sending men and women to Iraq (a war of choice) with inadequate armor...then watch Rumsfeld brush off a service member's concerns over said lack of adequate armor.

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