Open letter to democrats:

So, you guys are OK with record inflation and ginormous rise in food/gas prices and abandoning Afghanistan?
Oh, you mean the same old shit we've been going through since 2020 when Trump signed a peace treaty with the Taliban.?
I have two letters for the DNC............

Oh, you mean the same old shit we've been going through since 2020 when Trump signed a peace treaty with the Taliban.?
Well damn, here we are scared of our own shadows wareing ineffective masks fighting exaggerated virus...Gas prices and food prices under Biden are TWICE what they were under Trump.
You putting record inflation etc. on one man? And thank the gods we left still want Americans bleeding and dying there, don't you?
Yes and no, Biden, the democrats are complete and utter incompetent imbeciles. Yes, they are wrecking our economy. As for the Afghanistan fiasco, Biden didn't show any leadership skills, he cut and run. This isn't a man or a party that knows what the hell they are doing.
The evil secure border, the evil of energy independence, and the evil of staying out of wars. You gotta feel like a real dumbass.
And then I am paying 4 $ a gallon for milk and 5 $ gallon for gas. Crime rates are up, Yeay for Biden!

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