Only 2 congressmen have read Mueller report...and they are Republicans.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
On the eve of Attorney General William Barr’s testimony on a redacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, only two lawmakers have set eyes on secret information that Barr withheld from public view.

Barr offered access to a less-redacted version of the report to just 12 members of Congress — six Democrats and six Republicans. But as of Tuesday afternoon, only Rep. Doug Collins, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, and Sen. Lindsey Graham, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, opted to view it. A third, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he planned to review the report later Tuesday.
Just 2 lawmakers have seen less-redacted Mueller report

So how do the Dems have any facts to stand on?
On the eve of Attorney General William Barr’s testimony on a redacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, only two lawmakers have set eyes on secret information that Barr withheld from public view.

Barr offered access to a less-redacted version of the report to just 12 members of Congress — six Democrats and six Republicans. But as of Tuesday afternoon, only Rep. Doug Collins, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, and Sen. Lindsey Graham, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, opted to view it. A third, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he planned to review the report later Tuesday.
Just 2 lawmakers have seen less-redacted Mueller report

So how do the Dems have any facts to stand on?

Good question.

Why have hearing to blast someone when you haven't even read the damned report.

What a bunch of useless grand standing idiots.
Barr hadn't read the report when he declared Trump absolved. How hypocritical can you get?
Barr hadn't read the report when he declared Trump absolved. How hypocritical can you get?

Democrats declared Trump is guilty many MONTHS before the Mueller report was published, which provided ZERO prosecution decisions. How stupid can Democrats be?

Barr hadn't read the report when he declared Trump absolved. How hypocritical can you get?
Fake news.

At the start of today’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Lindsey Graham made the surreal admission that he hadn’t even read the entire Mueller report, instead stating that he’d read “most” of it. This was terrible from an optics standpoint, considering he’s the chairman of today’s Mueller report hearing. But things took a stranger turn when Attorney General William Barr began telling us – not in exact words but nonetheless unmistakably – that he hasn’t read it either.

At one point Senator Ben Sasse launched into a monologue about Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. William Barr claimed he didn’t know who that was. That was a strange assertion, considering how heavily the Mueller probe focused on Paul Manafort’s relationship with Deripaska. Then at a later point another Senator brought up the assertion in the Mueller report that Manafort gave the Trump campaign’s internal data to alleged Russian spy Konstantin Kilimnik. Barr acted genuinely surprised, as if he had no idea what the story even was.

At another point Senator Kamala Harris managed to get Barr to directly admit that he hadn’t reviewed the underlying evidence in the Mueller probe before he made a decision that Trump didn’t commit obstruction of justice. But these other moments about Manafort and Deripaska aren’t in the underlying evidence; they’re in the report itself, and they’ve also been in dozens of un-missable headlines from various major news outlets over the past months.

There are only a very small number of possibilities here. One is that Barr is doing a really good job of playing dumb about what’s in the Mueller report. The other is that he hasn’t read it. If it’s the former, it means Barr is being misleading to the point of perjuring himself. If it’s the latter, it means Barr wrote his four page summary of the Mueller report without even bothering to read any of the Mueller report, and that he still hasn’t read it.
It’s not just that William Barr didn’t read the Mueller report’s underlying evidence. It’s worse.
Barr hadn't read the report when he declared Trump absolved. How hypocritical can you get?

Democrats declared Trump is guilty many MONTHS before the Mueller report was published, which provided ZERO prosecution decisions. How stupid can Democrats be?

Turns out Trump is guilty. Of about a dozen felony obstruction charges. Mueller said in his report that once Trump leaves office he’s open to indictment. Don’t believe me? In my signature line is a link to the Mueller report. Read it for yourself.
Barr hadn't read the report when he declared Trump absolved. How hypocritical can you get?

Democrats declared Trump is guilty many MONTHS before the Mueller report was published, which provided ZERO prosecution decisions. How stupid can Democrats be?


Are you going to try to pretend that un-involved observers commenting on what they believe is the same as the AG pronouncing the president absolved without even looking at the evidence? That's the dumbest thing I've heard today.
Barr hadn't read the report when he declared Trump absolved. How hypocritical can you get?

Democrats declared Trump is guilty many MONTHS before the Mueller report was published, which provided ZERO prosecution decisions. How stupid can Democrats be?

Turns out Trump is guilty. Of about a dozen felony obstruction charges. Mueller said in his report that once Trump leaves office he’s open to indictment. Don’t believe me? In my signature line is a link to the Mueller report. Read it for yourself.

No Mueller never made a PROSECUTION Decision, I have pointed this out repeatedly in the forum, the latest in another thread today:

"Now that is false since Mueller VIOLATED the Special Counsel requirement that he give either a PROSECUTION or DECLINATION to each charge in the FINAL report. Since Mueller didn't do either on the Obstruction charge, that forced Barr and others to make the determination BASED on what evidence Mueller provided in the report. That is the specific reason why AG.Barr made the decision at all, because Mueller failed to do his job in making that decision.

I have posted this about 7 times now, yet not one of you leftists acknowledge the obvious violation, which Barr himself noted, when asked why he made the decision that there was insufficient evidence of obstruction.

Here it is AGAIN!

28 CFR § 600.8 - Notification and reports by the Special Counsel.

"(c)Closing documentation. At the conclusion of the Special Counsel's work, he or she shall provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions reached by the Special Counsel."

bolding mine


I posted this one week ago, which was completely ignored:

From the Federalist,

Mueller Passed The Prosecutorial Buck, Preferring To Slime Trump On Obstruction Rather Than Indict

"After two years and spending an estimated $35 million, Robert Mueller issued a 448-page report that ignored the governing special counsel regulations. Those regulations required Mueller, at the conclusion of the special counsel’s work, to “provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions reached by the Special Counsel.”

Yet, instead of issuing the mandated closing documentation, Mueller explained that his team “determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment” of whether “to initiate or decline a prosecution.”

Attorney General William Barr spoke during today’s press conference of Mueller’s failure to perform this regulatorily required duty. When asked why he and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein felt it necessary “to take it to the next step to conclude there was no crime,” Barr retorted:"


Here is that reason why Barr stated in why he made the decision, that Mueller failed to make:

"Reporter: "Given that, why did you and Mr. Rosenstein feel the need you had to take it to the next step to conclude there was no crime, especially given DOJ policy?"

Barr: "The very prosecutorial function and all our powers as prosecutors, including the power to convene grand juries and compulsory process that's involved there, is for one purpose and one purpose only. It's to determine yes or no, was alleged conduct criminal or not criminal. That is our responsibility and that's why we have the tools we have. And we don't go through this process just to collect information and throw it out to the public. We collect this information. We use that compulsory process for the purpose of making that decision. And because the special counsel did not make that decision, we felt the department had to. That was a decision by me and the deputy attorney general. Yes."


red bolding mine

Its over, the decisions have been made, there are no prosecution charges to run with. Mueller didn't post any against Trump. Stop fighting reality! "


Stop ignoring the fact that NO charges have been made at all, the Mueller report doesn't provide any.

You like all the stupid leftists in the forum continually ignore the FACT, that Mueller NEVER posted a Prosecution charge. AG Barr and a few others made the decision that there insufficient evidence for the Obstruction charge.

Stop being a dolt!
Barr hadn't read the report when he declared Trump absolved. How hypocritical can you get?

Democrats declared Trump is guilty many MONTHS before the Mueller report was published, which provided ZERO prosecution decisions. How stupid can Democrats be?


Are you going to try to pretend that un-involved observers commenting on what they believe is the same as the AG pronouncing the president absolved without even looking at the evidence? That's the dumbest thing I've heard today.

Are you going to ignore this?

AG Bill Barr Opening Statement - May 1st - Written-Statement-For-The-Record


Obstruction of Justice

In Volume II of the report, the Special Counsel considered whether certain actions of the President could amount to obstruction of justice. The Special Counsel decided not to reach a conclusion, however, about whether the President committed an obstruction offense. Instead, the report recounts ten episodes and discusses potential legal theories for connecting the President’s actions to the elements of an obstruction offense. After carefully reviewing the facts and legal theories outlined in the report, and in consultation with the Office of Legal Counsel and other Department lawyers, the Deputy Attorney General and I concluded that, under the principles of federal prosecution, the evidence developed by the Special Counsel would not be sufficient to charge the President with an obstruction-of-justice offense. The Deputy Attorney General and I knew that we had to make this assessment because, as I previously explained, the prosecutorial judgment whether a crime has been established is an integral part of the Department’s criminal process. The Special Counsel regulations provide for the report to remain confidential. Given the extraordinary public interest in this investigation, however, I determined that it was necessary to make as much of it public as I could and committed the Department to being as transparent as possible. But it would not have been appropriate for me simply to release Volume II of the report without making a prosecutorial judgment. The Deputy Attorney General and I therefore conducted a careful review of the report, looking at the facts found and the legal theories set forth by the Special Counsel. Although we disagreed with some of the Special Counsel’s legal theories and felt that some of the episodes examined did not amount to obstruction as a matter of law, we accepted the Special Counsel’s legal framework for purposes of our analysis and evaluated the evidence as presented by the Special Counsel in reaching our conclusion. We concluded that the evidence developed during the Special Counsel’s investigation is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense."


bolding mine


He said similar TWO WEEKS AGO!

By the way it is true that many leftist clods did say he was guilty months ago.
Barr hadn't read the report when he declared Trump absolved. How hypocritical can you get?

Democrats declared Trump is guilty many MONTHS before the Mueller report was published, which provided ZERO prosecution decisions. How stupid can Democrats be?

Turns out Trump is guilty. Of about a dozen felony obstruction charges. Mueller said in his report that once Trump leaves office he’s open to indictment. Don’t believe me? In my signature line is a link to the Mueller report. Read it for yourself.

LMAO Tell me genius. How do you obstruct something that didn't happen??

You thick headed idiots sure are bound and determined to find something you can hang on Trump.

To bad for you there isn't anything.

You sure are funny though.
Barr hadn't read the report when he declared Trump absolved. How hypocritical can you get?

Democrats declared Trump is guilty many MONTHS before the Mueller report was published, which provided ZERO prosecution decisions. How stupid can Democrats be?

Turns out Trump is guilty. Of about a dozen felony obstruction charges. Mueller said in his report that once Trump leaves office he’s open to indictment. Don’t believe me? In my signature line is a link to the Mueller report. Read it for yourself.

LMAO Tell me genius. How do you obstruct something that didn't happen??

You thick headed idiots sure are bound and determined to find something you can hang on Trump.

To bad for you there isn't anything.

You sure are funny though.

Wait until you see the mountain of evidence they have against the officials in the Obama Administration-) You want to see people perp walked Leftists? You might just get your chance!
Well I always wondered why Mueller didn't investigate Barry and his intelligence and cyber people. They knew about the hack but did nothing.

Barry was POTUS not Trump. Trump was just running for POTUS at the time.
Barr hadn't read the report when he declared Trump absolved. How hypocritical can you get?

Democrats declared Trump is guilty many MONTHS before the Mueller report was published, which provided ZERO prosecution decisions. How stupid can Democrats be?


Are you going to try to pretend that un-involved observers commenting on what they believe is the same as the AG pronouncing the president absolved without even looking at the evidence? That's the dumbest thing I've heard today.
And yet that was one of the questions Kamala Harris asked William Barr.
Barr said he never looked at the evidence.
The other question was did someone from the White House tell the Attorney General to open investigations into people. And he couldn’t answer that question either.
Because that would be abuse of power.
That’s something they do in Third World countries.
But I don’t understand what the big deal is. Republicans have been investigating the Clintons for 30 years. And then there was the Benghazi thing and Hillary‘s server. Why can’t Trump stand up to the same scrutiny?
Is it because Republicans know he’s guilty?
On the eve of Attorney General William Barr’s testimony on a redacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, only two lawmakers have set eyes on secret information that Barr withheld from public view.

Barr offered access to a less-redacted version of the report to just 12 members of Congress — six Democrats and six Republicans. But as of Tuesday afternoon, only Rep. Doug Collins, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, and Sen. Lindsey Graham, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, opted to view it. A third, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he planned to review the report later Tuesday.
Just 2 lawmakers have seen less-redacted Mueller report

So how do the Dems have any facts to stand on?

Thats the entire point. How can anyone make a full judgement call until we're allowed to see the full report? Release the entire thing.
Barr hadn't read the report when he declared Trump absolved. How hypocritical can you get?

Democrats declared Trump is guilty many MONTHS before the Mueller report was published, which provided ZERO prosecution decisions. How stupid can Democrats be?

Turns out Trump is guilty. Of about a dozen felony obstruction charges. Mueller said in his report that once Trump leaves office he’s open to indictment. Don’t believe me? In my signature line is a link to the Mueller report. Read it for yourself.

LMAO Tell me genius. How do you obstruct something that didn't happen??

You thick headed idiots sure are bound and determined to find something you can hang on Trump.

To bad for you there isn't anything.

You sure are funny though.

The investigation DID happen. He obstructed the investigation.

It's not "Obstruction of a potential crime, it's Obstruction of the investigation of the potential crime."

Get it?

Of course you don't, you're Claudette.
Barr hadn't read the report when he declared Trump absolved. How hypocritical can you get?

Democrats declared Trump is guilty many MONTHS before the Mueller report was published, which provided ZERO prosecution decisions. How stupid can Democrats be?

Turns out Trump is guilty. Of about a dozen felony obstruction charges. Mueller said in his report that once Trump leaves office he’s open to indictment. Don’t believe me? In my signature line is a link to the Mueller report. Read it for yourself.

No Mueller never made a PROSECUTION Decision, I have pointed this out repeatedly in the forum, the latest in another thread today:

"Now that is false since Mueller VIOLATED the Special Counsel requirement that he give either a PROSECUTION or DECLINATION to each charge in the FINAL report. Since Mueller didn't do either on the Obstruction charge, that forced Barr and others to make the determination BASED on what evidence Mueller provided in the report. That is the specific reason why AG.Barr made the decision at all, because Mueller failed to do his job in making that decision.

I have posted this about 7 times now, yet not one of you leftists acknowledge the obvious violation, which Barr himself noted, when asked why he made the decision that there was insufficient evidence of obstruction.

Here it is AGAIN!

28 CFR § 600.8 - Notification and reports by the Special Counsel.

"(c)Closing documentation. At the conclusion of the Special Counsel's work, he or she shall provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions reached by the Special Counsel."

bolding mine


I posted this one week ago, which was completely ignored:

From the Federalist,

Mueller Passed The Prosecutorial Buck, Preferring To Slime Trump On Obstruction Rather Than Indict

"After two years and spending an estimated $35 million, Robert Mueller issued a 448-page report that ignored the governing special counsel regulations. Those regulations required Mueller, at the conclusion of the special counsel’s work, to “provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions reached by the Special Counsel.”

Yet, instead of issuing the mandated closing documentation, Mueller explained that his team “determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment” of whether “to initiate or decline a prosecution.”

Attorney General William Barr spoke during today’s press conference of Mueller’s failure to perform this regulatorily required duty. When asked why he and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein felt it necessary “to take it to the next step to conclude there was no crime,” Barr retorted:"


Here is that reason why Barr stated in why he made the decision, that Mueller failed to make:

"Reporter: "Given that, why did you and Mr. Rosenstein feel the need you had to take it to the next step to conclude there was no crime, especially given DOJ policy?"

Barr: "The very prosecutorial function and all our powers as prosecutors, including the power to convene grand juries and compulsory process that's involved there, is for one purpose and one purpose only. It's to determine yes or no, was alleged conduct criminal or not criminal. That is our responsibility and that's why we have the tools we have. And we don't go through this process just to collect information and throw it out to the public. We collect this information. We use that compulsory process for the purpose of making that decision. And because the special counsel did not make that decision, we felt the department had to. That was a decision by me and the deputy attorney general. Yes."


red bolding mine

Its over, the decisions have been made, there are no prosecution charges to run with. Mueller didn't post any against Trump. Stop fighting reality! "


Stop ignoring the fact that NO charges have been made at all, the Mueller report doesn't provide any.

You like all the stupid leftists in the forum continually ignore the FACT, that Mueller NEVER posted a Prosecution charge. AG Barr and a few others made the decision that there insufficient evidence for the Obstruction charge.

Stop being a dolt!
Mueller being a pussy and not doing his job is proof that he was just a political hack who failed at framing The President.
Best two years of my life ridiculing Pathological Liars and Russian Dupes on The Left. Keep it coming DemTard DemNazis

DemNazis same as Them Nazis!
Barr hadn't read the report when he declared Trump absolved. How hypocritical can you get?
Fake news.

Barr said it himself you inbred turnip.
Sure he did. Now true to form show us a
That has some unnamed source claiming he heard Barr.

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