Online Trending Fallout From 2nd Debate Bodes Ill For Democrats/Biden!


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2020
Hayward Wisconsin
According to data, by far the most online activity following Last Thursdays debate, centered around Biden corruption, the distant 2nd spot around the oil industry! This no doubt is an ominous indicator for "democratic national socialists" still stinging from Clinton's corruption plagued 2016 collapse, very ominous....:banana:

Most people thought Biden won the debate.


The fact that you cultists tweet and retweet the same nonsense means nothing.

derp derp derp
Most people thought Biden won the debate.

View attachment 406182

The fact that you cultists tweet and retweet the same nonsense means nothing.

derp derp derp
The bar for Biden is set so low, it's laying on the ground. He cleared that bar, but he was gashed badly on fracking and his obvious Pay For Play corruption.
Most people thought Biden won the debate.

View attachment 406182

The fact that you cultists tweet and retweet the same nonsense means nothing.

derp derp derp
The bar for Biden is set so low, it's laying on the ground. He cleared that bar, but he was gashed badly on fracking and his obvious Pay For Play corruption.

Hard to clear a bar from a basement!
Most people thought Biden won the debate.

View attachment 406182

The fact that you cultists tweet and retweet the same nonsense means nothing.

derp derp derp
The bar for Biden is set so low, it's laying on the ground. He cleared that bar, but he was gashed badly on fracking and his obvious Pay For Play corruption.

Well, the bar for Biden has been set so low because Orange Jesus and all his cult followers have been parroting the narrative that Biden has Alzheimer's.

So when it's clearly demonstrated that he doesn't have dementia, the public gets more comfortable with Biden being President.

You couldn't get more amateurish than Trump and his cult if you asked.
Most people thought Biden won the debate.

View attachment 406182

The fact that you cultists tweet and retweet the same nonsense means nothing.

derp derp derp
The bar for Biden is set so low, it's laying on the ground. He cleared that bar, but he was gashed badly on fracking and his obvious Pay For Play corruption.

Well, the bar for Biden has been set so low because Orange Jesus and all his cult followers have been parroting the narrative that Biden has Alzheimer's.

So when it's clearly demonstrated that he doesn't have dementia, the public gets more comfortable with Biden being President.

You couldn't get more amateurish than Trump and his cult if you asked.

Yep, we're still waiting for that clear demonstration.
Most people thought Biden won the debate.

View attachment 406182

The fact that you cultists tweet and retweet the same nonsense means nothing.

derp derp derp
Only 10% of the population has Twitter. Of that only 10% are active users. Of that 90% of tweets come from the left.

The oil industry comment was his "deplorables" for 2016. Obama already lost most of his Dem voters in the Rust Belt to Trump, a few may have come back on board, though still suspicious and uncertain of Biden, and most certainly not trusting Harris. Then he made that comment. We will see what impact is has in the election, but It must have resonated deep with them.

You know it was a serious moment when they desperately tried immediately to turn back the clock on the comment the same night and into the next morning. It's not just oil workers who get hurt, it's all the business cost increases, the steel businesses, manufacturing and the like. Homeowners will also see a massive increase, as we did in Ontario.

What a way to further handcuff your own industries, while the Communists celebrate. Destroy your position as finally an independent, global leader on energy.
--- started a thread today saying Trump was now ahead in Nevada by 4 points. I couldn't find the poll. He said, go to the odds makers, stupid. So I did. And Biden is favored to win. You gotta watch these guys every minute.
No scandal is going to change minds. It's gonna be razor close....thankfully
Good people who are smart enough to realize Biden has been stiffing the American taxpayer for years through extorting 30% of gifts to certain poor or beleaguered countries, and when they do the math, they're gonna be real mad.

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