One Year After the Greatest Steal in History

Ah, yes. All those Republican legislatures (Michigan's comes to mind first); all those Republican DA's, prosecutors, and financial funders......just didn't want to find fraud?
Who knew?

The above is a comment about the 81 million votes cast for our current President.
The good poster 'SayWho'....suggests it wasn't Americans.
It was Chinese.

I love this bar.
We have winners.
We have _______.

Ooh Oooh - Pick me Mista Kotta! :eusa_dance:

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"Get a court to hear it."

Umm, poster Lastamender, that's on you and your kind.
It's you who has to present to a court your claims of a fraudulent election.

True, your arguments have been rejected or dismissed from, about65'sh, with maybe about 100 magistrates hearing your argument.

That it. That's all.
Only 65 courts. Only about 100 judges.
You have much much more of the mountain to climb, mein freund.
There are thousands of courts in the U.S.....thousands.
You've got about 1,800 judgeships just in the Federal system alone.
And thousands and thousands more in the State systems.
That's a crowd...a big crowd....of qualified folks you can present your case to.

But you quit at 65 courts, and 100 folks?
What's up with that?

Is there an argument to be made that you and your like-thinkers simply don't have the confidence in your own case to fight for it? You don't think it has 'legs'?

Surely, it is not a question of finances.
We've all read about the huge cash pile the GOP, and the Campaign, and the ex-guy himself, have hauled in to fight the 'fraud' case.

So, giddyup. You've got a lot of folks to talk to, and the money to get to them and make an argument. All across this broad land.

But you have quite at 65?

Gimme a break!
Go! poster Lastamender.
Lest you be called "Unbeliever".... "RINO"....."Slacker"
Umm, poster Lastamender, that's on you and your kind.
It's you who has to present to a court your claims of a fraudulent election.

True, your arguments have been rejected or dismissed from, about65'sh, with maybe about 100 magistrates hearing your argument.

That it. That's all.

Only 65 courts. Only about 100 judges.
You have much much more of the mountain to climb, mein freund.
There are thousands of courts in the U.S.....thousands.
You've got about 1,800 judgeships just in the Federal system alone.
And thousands and thousands more in the State systems.
That's a crowd...a big crowd....of qualified folks you can present your case to.

But you quit at 65 courts, and 100 folks?
What's up with that?

Is there an argument to be made that you and your like-thinkers simply don't have the confidence in your own case to fight for it? You don't think it has 'legs'?

Surely, it is not a question of finances.
We've all read about the huge cash pile the GOP, and the Campaign, and the ex-guy himself, have hauled in to fight the 'fraud' case.

So, giddyup. You've got a lot of folks to talk to, and the money to get to them and make an argument. All across this broad land.

But you have quite at 65?

Gimme a break!
Go! poster Lastamender.
Lest you be called "Unbeliever".... "RINO"....."Slacker"
Why do you keep repeating yourself when I have explained that those excuses and people behind those excuses are liars. If you are so sure there was no fraud I suggest you move on.
The 2021 Virginian Gubernatorial Election has some interesting parallels with 2020. The Republican candidate started out with a substantial lead, the counting ceased late at night, when most people were asleep, and when it resumed, the percentage of votes for the Democrat candidate were substantially higher than before the pause in counting.

Virginia law requires that mail-in votes must be counted PRIOR to the the close of polls on election day. So, we can't infer that the late night votes were last-minute postal additions as was suggested in the 2020 election.

I have no doubt they tried to steal this election, they just couldn't get away with it.
Well it did happen in New Jersey. At about 87% and the GOP candidate in the lead early evening, suddenly they stopped the count and mysteriously didn’t start counting for like 3 hours. I’m sure the entire country was wondering what the fuck was going on, and why the counting had stopped for so long, with plenty of time remaining.

Once the Democrat fraudsters had figured out how many fraudulent votes they need and where, the trucks filled with the ballots needing to be “curated” that were going to Virginia, made a U turn and headed for New Jersey. Apparently someone in the front office threw the towel in for Virginia and directed the Democratic election fraud machine to at least save New Jersey. Seems like they have a blueprint for committing election fraud in every election from now on, using the newly minted mail in ballots, which most of the civilized world has banned in elections, due to FRAUD.

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