One word for Sara Palin on "World News Tonight"

I'm confused..if it's called the "Bush" doctrine, why is it she's expected to stick to it with the "McCain" administration?
Irrelevent----show me where the Bush Doctrine is written down, set in stone and recognized to mean one thing that everyone agrees on !

I am happy to respond to your version of it as well. THe quote of mine you posted was in direct response to glockmail's version of it. Are you saying his version is irrelevant?

I haven't said anything about what I think the bush doctrine is. I just believe that no matter how you wrap it up it is a failed policy, itputs the US in a position of weakness, not strength, primarily because allies are not likely to line up when we use pre-emption.

Must dash.
Yes he was right, regardless of the WMD debate. He had ample justification without the Doctrine, simply because Saddam did not abide by the terms of his GW1 surrender. Secondly, with the Doctrine, he was justified since Saddam was assisting Al Queda.

What other countries do we have ample excuse for invading?

At what point in your view does the cost (lives money etc) become to great to justify an invasion?

Not only did she clearly show she knows nothing about foreign policy and was completely repeating the same crap told to her by McCain, but she also said absolutely nothing except, "Well, don't you know Alaska and Russia are real close so I've got plenty of experience with them." :clap2:

Fantastic, now lets all go out and get some mooseburgers

I don't know that I would use the word "awful".

I really was expecting better. She gave a good speech at the convention, but I guess reading the words somebody else wrote gets you only so far.

She ain't no Biden. But, I don't think the rightwing neccessarily wants smart, informed people leading them. I think if you get a couple of chimpanzees and train them to repeat some rightwing talking points, Cons are generally happy.

She'll get better. I'm sure they have more training sessions lined up for her.
What other countries do we have ample excuse for invading?

At what point in your view does the cost (lives money etc) become to great to justify an invasion?

I don't have a handy list for the first, but the second is a good question. Its not easy to weigh the cost of doing nothing and risk an attack with the cost of soldier's lives to initiate one. That's why the administration gets paid the big bucks.

Do you lefties actually believe the more you post this same old bullshit that it will somehow come true?

You hold Palin to a zero-defect standard; yet, let your own candidate slide for saying properly inflating your tires will offset offshore drilling.

All of this smear just adds up to fear and desperation. Get a clue.

actually Gunny, Obama isn't incorrect in saying that inflating tires to the proper pressure would reduce oil consumption RIGHT NOW which is when we actually NEED IT!

here is what Obama said on the matter:

[ame=]YouTube - Obama Insists Inflating Tires Better Than Oil Drilling[/ame]

and here are several supporting articles regarding this issue

FactCheck: Inflating Tires vs. Offshore Drilling | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 |

Tire pressure: Wasting 1.2 Billion Gallons
Let's start with tire pressure. Even McCain finally admitted Aug. 5 that keeping tires properly inflated is a good idea and can save fuel:{/quote]

It's kind of funny how McCain scoffs at something first and then realizes he made an ass out of himself and then backtracks and amends his answer..

The Tire-Gauge Solution: No Joke - TIME

But who's really out of touch? The Bush Administration estimates that expanded offshore drilling could increase oil production by 200,000 bbl. per day by 2030. We use about 20 million bbl. per day, so that would meet about 1% of our demand two decades from now. Meanwhile, efficiency experts say that keeping tires inflated can improve gas mileage 3%, and regular maintenance can add another 4%. Many drivers already follow their advice, but if everyone did, we could immediately reduce demand several percentage points. In other words: Obama is right.

I'm not sure why the Republicans feel the need to continuously distort or misrepresent the FACTS but seriously, c'mon don't you think it's time to knock it off?
Efficiency experts?

Is this the same scientificalism that can't decide if eggs are bad for us or not?
actually Gunny, Obama isn't incorrect in saying that inflating tires to the proper pressure would reduce oil consumption RIGHT NOW which is when we actually NEED IT!

here is what Obama said on the matter:

YouTube - Obama Insists Inflating Tires Better Than Oil Drilling

and here are several supporting articles regarding this issue

FactCheck: Inflating Tires vs. Offshore Drilling | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 |

Tire pressure: Wasting 1.2 Billion Gallons
Let's start with tire pressure. Even McCain finally admitted Aug. 5 that keeping tires properly inflated is a good idea and can save fuel:{/quote]

It's kind of funny how McCain scoffs at something first and then realizes he made an ass out of himself and then backtracks and amends his answer..

The Tire-Gauge Solution: No Joke - TIME

I'm not sure why the Republicans feel the need to continuously distort or misrepresent the FACTS but seriously, c'mon don't you think it's time to knock it off?

Claiming only republicans distort facts is idiotic.
actually Gunny, Obama isn't incorrect in saying that inflating tires to the proper pressure would reduce oil consumption RIGHT NOW which is when we actually NEED IT!

here is what Obama said on the matter:

YouTube - Obama Insists Inflating Tires Better Than Oil Drilling

and here are several supporting articles regarding this issue

FactCheck: Inflating Tires vs. Offshore Drilling | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 |

Claiming only republicans distort facts is idiotic.

I'm addressing this particular fact dillo...if you'd like to discusss others feel free to make a thread and I'll gladly join you in there....
actually Gunny, Obama isn't incorrect in saying that inflating tires to the proper pressure would reduce oil consumption RIGHT NOW which is when we actually NEED IT!

here is what Obama said on the matter:

YouTube - Obama Insists Inflating Tires Better Than Oil Drilling

and here are several supporting articles regarding this issue

FactCheck: Inflating Tires vs. Offshore Drilling | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 |

Tire pressure: Wasting 1.2 Billion Gallons
Let's start with tire pressure. Even McCain finally admitted Aug. 5 that keeping tires properly inflated is a good idea and can save fuel:{/quote]

It's kind of funny how McCain scoffs at something first and then realizes he made an ass out of himself and then backtracks and amends his answer..

The Tire-Gauge Solution: No Joke - TIME

I'm not sure why the Republicans feel the need to continuously distort or misrepresent the FACTS but seriously, c'mon don't you think it's time to knock it off?

IN THIS POST you claim that Republicans CONTINUOUSLY distort or misrepresent facts.
why do you only call attention to them? This forum is jam packed full of distortions and lies made by democrats
oh a link to the free republic! ....
Why am I not surprised that you'd attack the messenger when the message proves you and all the other liberals wrong about the Osama-Saddam connection? However the FR simply summarizes reporting by the FAS, so now you attack them as well.

The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) was founded in 1945 by scientists who had worked on the Manhattan Project to develop the first atomic bombs. These scientists recognized that science had become central to many key public policy questions. They believed that scientists had a unique responsibility to both warn the public and policy leaders of potential dangers from scientific and technical advances and to show how good policy could increase the benefits of new scientific knowledge.
Oh, the Manhattan Project. That brings back fond memories of my teen years. I spent two years in Los Alamos. What a great place.

People are kinda weird, though. All those flipping scientists.
What I thought she said was:

GIBSON: Do you agree with the Bush doctrine?

PALIN: In what respect, Charlie?

GIBSON: The Bush — well, what do you interpret it to be?

PALIN: Well Charlie, I prefer to leave it as god intended. Some of my friends like a Brazilian, but I’m a simple gal.

GIBSON: No, the Bush doctrine, announced September 2002, before the Iraq War.

PALIN: Hehe, oh Charlie. I don’t know much about foreign affairs or our defence policies but my son is going to eye-rack and I can wave to the Russians from home in Alaska.

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