One Welsh death from vax."More likely to be killed by an asteroid"

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Well there you have it. You are more likely to be killed by an asteroid than the vax. You are more likely to be killed by an alien on an e scooter thnn the vax.In the US you are more likely to be gunned down by a toddler than by the vax.

The evil fear mongers who sought to kill people by denying them life saving medecine should burn in hell for the pain they have caused.

For shame.

Well there you have it. You are more likely to be killed by an asteroid than the vax. You are more likely to be killed by an alien on an e scooter thnn the vax.In the US you are more likely to be gunned down by a toddler than by the vax.

The evil fear mongers who sought to kill people by denying them life saving medecine should burn in hell for the pain they have caused.

For shame.

They also told me that wolverines make great housepets!

Well there you have it. You are more likely to be killed by an asteroid than the vax. You are more likely to be killed by an alien on an e scooter thnn the vax.In the US you are more likely to be gunned down by a toddler than by the vax.

The evil fear mongers who sought to kill people by denying them life saving medecine should burn in hell for the pain they have caused.

For shame.
Yes, Commie, and all those jabbed moved to the fairy kingdom and lived happily everafter, The End.

Well there you have it. You are more likely to be killed by an asteroid than the vax. You are more likely to be killed by an alien on an e scooter thnn the vax.In the US you are more likely to be gunned down by a toddler than by the vax.

The evil fear mongers who sought to kill people by denying them life saving medecine should burn in hell for the pain they have caused.

For shame.
Brits here show us that as long as the origins of the virus remain unknown, the situation can be milked. They use this minority for yellow journalism though don't have the collective IQ to dig deeper into these deaths that hold secrets to the "vaccine" failure, answers that all non-Brits would want to know about before they are buried.

Where is this Brit names list of decedents and date of "vaccination" so that more intelligent people can study it?
Brits here show us that as long as the origins of the virus remain unknown, the situation can be milked. They use this minority for yellow journalism though don't have the collective IQ to dig deeper into these deaths that hold secrets to the "vaccine" failure, answers that all non-Brits would want to know about before they are buried.

Where is this Brit names list of decedents and date of "vaccination" so that more intelligent people can study it?
Death not deaths. Big difference.

Well there you have it. You are more likely to be killed by an asteroid than the vax. You are more likely to be killed by an alien on an e scooter thnn the vax.In the US you are more likely to be gunned down by a toddler than by the vax.

The evil fear mongers who sought to kill people by denying them life saving medecine should burn in hell for the pain they have caused.

For shame.
That death, even if its only one, is on your head

You forced everyone to take the jab
Well there you have it. You are more likely to be killed by an asteroid than the vax. You are more likely to be killed by an alien on an e scooter thnn [sic] the vax.In the US you are more likely to be gunned down by a toddler than by the vax.

I guess it would take someone as stupid as a Welshman to find a way to kill himself with an obsolete computer system.

I guess some of the earlier models from the 1970s might be big enough and heavy enough that if you could get one to fall on you, it might be fatal. [Confirmed, according to a quick bit of Googling, apparently an 11/780 weighs more than a ton.]

Well there you have it. You are more likely to be killed by an asteroid than the vax. You are more likely to be killed by an alien on an e scooter thnn the vax.In the US you are more likely to be gunned down by a toddler than by the vax.

The evil fear mongers who sought to kill people by denying them life saving medecine should burn in hell for the pain they have caused.

For shame.

You believe in hell?

Well there you have it. You are more likely to be killed by an asteroid than the vax.
So in other words, the vaccine DOES KILL, and taking it you risk your life.

The evil fear mongers who sought to kill people by denying them life saving medecine should burn in hell for the pain they have caused.
So you want the people who tried to deny life, choice, food, healthcare and jobs to those who opted out of the vaccine to burn in hell? I thought you were one of those! I don't suppose your study showed anything in COMMON with those who died from the vax? Like a common health condition, age or something that would actually give people a better idea of WHO WAS AT GREATEST RISK???
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The United Kingdom had best spend trillions of pounds or Euros investing in an asteroid defense system if the death toll from asteroid strikes is so high.


Nobody was forced. We queued up for it. Luckily we werent hit by asteroids.
You sre not being completely truthful

In the UK nurses were required to take the vaccine or lose their job

Around the world, massive pressure was placed on individuals by freaked out libs to get the jab or face severe consequences

As a globalist who pokes your nose into domestic issues in foreign countries, you are as much to blame for the deadly side affects of the vaccine as your brother and sister libs in those countries also

Well there you have it. You are more likely to be killed by an asteroid than the vax. You are more likely to be killed by an alien on an e scooter thnn the vax.In the US you are more likely to be gunned down by a toddler than by the vax.

The evil fear mongers who sought to kill people by denying them life saving medecine should burn in hell for the pain they have caused.

For shame.

You acknowledge one death in Wales from the VAX (again, only a Welshman would be stupid enough to get himself killed by an obsolete computer system).

How many people in Wales have died from asteroid impacts? How many were killed by aliens on scooters? More than have died from the VAX?

I guess aside from being stupid in general, the Welsh are also very bad at math. Even among the British, it seems that Welsh are the absolute bottom of the line.

And by the way…

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.

What do you do for a living, that makes you delusionally imagine that your profession is better than mine?
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So in other words, the vaccine DOES KILL, and taking it you risk your life.

So you want the people who tried to deny life, choice, food, healthcare and jobs to those who opted out of the vaccine to burn in hell? I thought you were one of those! I don't suppose your study showed anything in COMMON with those who died from the vax? Like a common health condition, age or something that would actually gove people a better idea of WHO WAS AT GREATEST RISK???
You misread the figures. It is more of a risk to NOT take the vax.
I would like to add that this is a conservative paper I am quoting..

I know it destroys the anti vax bollox but it must be a relief to find out it is safe ?
You sre not being completely truthful

In the UK nurses were required to take the vaccine or lose their job

Around the world, massive pressure was placed on individuals by freaked out libs to get the jab or face severe consequences

As a globalist who pokes your nose into domestic issues in foreign countries, you are as much to blame for the deadly side affects of the vaccine as your brother and sister libs in those countries also
You would expect healthcare professional to be vaxxed.
You don't seriously mean to suggest that the one-legged British faggot would ever be less than completely honest with us, do you?

I am shocked that you would suggest such a thing. SHOCKED, I say!
You have made several posts on this thread which have no relation to the OP. But they are all abusive towards me.
I would ask that you stop that as I feel as if I am being bullied and that is against the rules.
You have made several posts on this thread which have no relation to the OP. But they are all abusive towards me.
I would ask that you stop that as I feel as if I am being bullied and that is against the rules.

Just goes to show what a pathetic pussy you really are.

Sadly, newer generations, even here in America are achieving similar pussification, but you are I are of the same, much older generation, and here in America, to bully someone of our generation requires actual violence, or at least a credible threat thereof; not unkind words. We're of the generation that learned “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.”

It truly takes a pussy like you to be “bullied” by mere words.

Are all British worthless pussies, just like yourself, or is it only Welsh who are that way?

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Weird that when they analyze the corpses of the died suddenly crowd they are finding markers of heart damage associated withe the mrna vax.

We're at the point that you'd have to be incredibly thick headed, stupid AF or profiting from this to not be at least asking questions.

Great thread, as usual, Tommy.

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