One Week After The 2020 Election – President Trump’s Approval Rating Takes A Turn To His Historic High


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
President Trump has always been a fighter, that’s why he refuses to concede even as the media piles on.

He is also one other thing: very polarizing. You either love the guy or hate him—there’s not much in between.

There is very little middle ground, even among “swing” voters. So, his approval rating will probably never get very far past 50%.

But if you thought Americans wanted him to stop fighting for a fair election, his current approval would be at rock bottom, right?

After all, that would mean Americans just want him gone.

But -

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 53% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-six percent (46%) disapprove.
The latest figures include 43% who Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing and 39% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of 4.
How odd. Even as the media declares Americans voted Trump out, his approval has reached the highest it’s ever been.

Why would Americans who “hate” Trump so much they’d vote for the other guy give him such high marks?
Does it have something to do with those “irregularities” we keep hearing about?
Democrats and the media have all written off the election and the president, despite ongoing battles in the courts and recounts.

BJ -

Everyday Americans Love and Adore this President.
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President Trump has always been a fighter, that’s why he refuses to concede even as the media piles on.

He is also one other thing: very polarizing. You either love the guy or hate him—there’s not much in between.

There is very little middle ground, even among “swing” voters. So, his approval rating will probably never get very far past 50%.

But if you thought Americans wanted him to stop fighting for a fair election, his current approval would be at rock bottom, right?

After all, that would mean Americans just want him gone.

But -

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 53% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-six percent (46%) disapprove.
The latest figures include 43% who Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing and 39% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of 4.
How odd. Even as the media declares Americans voted Trump out, his approval has reached the highest it’s ever been.

Why would Americans who “hate” Trump so much they’d vote for the other guy give him such high marks?
Does it have something to do with those “irregularities” we keep hearing about?
Democrats and the media have all written off the election and the president, despite ongoing battles in the courts and recounts.
BJ -

Everyday Americans Love and Adore this President.

Since he lost, who gives a shit what his popularity rate is?
The majority of Americans told him to take a hike..rather resoundingly.
5+ million more as a matter of fact.
President Trump has always been a fighter, that’s why he refuses to concede even as the media piles on.

He is also one other thing: very polarizing. You either love the guy or hate him—there’s not much in between.

There is very little middle ground, even among “swing” voters. So, his approval rating will probably never get very far past 50%.

But if you thought Americans wanted him to stop fighting for a fair election, his current approval would be at rock bottom, right?

After all, that would mean Americans just want him gone.

But -

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 53% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-six percent (46%) disapprove.
The latest figures include 43% who Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing and 39% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of 4.
How odd. Even as the media declares Americans voted Trump out, his approval has reached the highest it’s ever been.

Why would Americans who “hate” Trump so much they’d vote for the other guy give him such high marks?
Does it have something to do with those “irregularities” we keep hearing about?
Democrats and the media have all written off the election and the president, despite ongoing battles in the courts and recounts.

BJ -

Everyday Americans Love and Adore this President.

Since he lost, who gives a shit what his popularity rate is?
The majority of Americans told him to take a hike..rather resoundingly.
5+ million more as a matter of fact.

Doesn't work that way
Get Lost
Trump isn’t smart. He surrendered himself with people disloyal to him. He can’t see that the establishment has colluded to take him out.

This spells it rather well.

The media is constantly accusing Trump of “authoritarianism,” but for a notorious authoritarian, Trump sure does get pushed around and stabbed in the back a lot, even by his own hirelings.

Trump has been a decent counterpuncher, but he’s a poor conspirator. He’s seldom been cynical enough about how low his foes would go against him. He doesn’t have the attention span to obsess enough over what his enemies are planning to do to him in the future. So he’s not often paranoid enough ahead of time about what his foes are up to. He’s just not cynical enough, expecting people to like him rather than to try to do him down.

Unfortunately, in our new normal where the ends are felt to justify the means, the time for Trumpian optimism and naivete appears to be passing.
The New Normal: By Any Means Necessary - Taki's Magazine
Trump should NOT have to fight this all by himself.

Where is the Right?

Where is the outrage?

Don't they realize this is an end game play going on?

Yeah, the end game is that Trump has lost the election.

Trump won the election.....Marxist fascists are attempting a coup
Trump should NOT have to fight this all by himself.

Where is the Right?

Where is the outrage?

Don't they realize this is an end game play going on?

Yeah, the end game is that Trump has lost the election.

Trump won the election.....Marxist fascists are attempting a coup

It is just a continuation of 4 years of unsuccessful coup attempts.

The bottom line is that without resistance, tyrants can often win
Screen Shot 2020-11-12 at 10.27.08 AM.png

Trump isn’t smart. He surrendered himself with people disloyal to him. He can’t see that the establishment has colluded to take him out.

This spells it rather well.

The media is constantly accusing Trump of “authoritarianism,” but for a notorious authoritarian, Trump sure does get pushed around and stabbed in the back a lot, even by his own hirelings.

Trump has been a decent counterpuncher, but he’s a poor conspirator. He’s seldom been cynical enough about how low his foes would go against him. He doesn’t have the attention span to obsess enough over what his enemies are planning to do to him in the future. So he’s not often paranoid enough ahead of time about what his foes are up to. He’s just not cynical enough, expecting people to like him rather than to try to do him down.

Unfortunately, in our new normal where the ends are felt to justify the means, the time for Trumpian optimism and naivete appears to be passing.
The New Normal: By Any Means Necessary - Taki's Magazine
Trump surrounded himself with capable people who mistakenly thought they could help him get his shit together. But once they saw up close just how fucked up an out of control idiot he is, they bailed.

A significant proportion of the people around Trump were spineless sycophants who fellated him every day just the way he likes it.

"I hire only the very best people."
Trump won the election.....Marxist fascists are attempting a coup

You cultists sure are sore losers.

We should take your side as the example?

4 years of wonderful unity and working with our President. Peace and Harmony is what the left gave us for 4 years.....

So yeah, I can see how you might call us "cultists" and "sore losers"
Trump isn’t smart. He surrendered himself with people disloyal to him. He can’t see that the establishment has colluded to take him out.

This spells it rather well.

The media is constantly accusing Trump of “authoritarianism,” but for a notorious authoritarian, Trump sure does get pushed around and stabbed in the back a lot, even by his own hirelings.

Trump has been a decent counterpuncher, but he’s a poor conspirator. He’s seldom been cynical enough about how low his foes would go against him. He doesn’t have the attention span to obsess enough over what his enemies are planning to do to him in the future. So he’s not often paranoid enough ahead of time about what his foes are up to. He’s just not cynical enough, expecting people to like him rather than to try to do him down.

Unfortunately, in our new normal where the ends are felt to justify the means, the time for Trumpian optimism and naivete appears to be passing.
The New Normal: By Any Means Necessary - Taki's Magazine
Trump surrounded himself with capable people who mistakenly thought they could help him get his shit together. But once they saw up close just how fucked up an out of control idiot he is, they bailed.
Or he fired them when they told him he was making a mistake. But looking at it another way, what Trump wanted to do with the Office was NOT what people who we think were competent wanted him to do.

He appears to have been effective in stemming immigration. China has filled the trade vacuum we left in Asia, althought the trade deficit remains as both exports and imports are down for the year . The EU has lost it's second largest economy. We have partially withdrawn from the ME, and with Esper's firing Trump appears to be aiming for total before Biden's inaguration. We've cut aid to public education. Among other things.

But it's covid where the rubber met the road so to speak. On other issues, his supporters can say "he was right!!!! MAGA" and they may be right, or it may be that his policies havn't had time to create the damage they will.

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