One simple reason why I will vote for McCain

They were saying yesterday that because Pelosi never put impeachment on the damn table, the Democrats haven't been able to use all the shit Bush & the GOP congress did over the past 8 years during the campaign. Torture, spying on Americans, lying us into a war, leaking valerie plames name, deleting white house emails, forging names, obstructing justice. Forget all the things we THINK they did but can't prove, they did enough provable stuff we could use it against them.

Do you think the GOP wouldn't make all that corruption the main focus of the election if it was a Republican president in office?

A democrat wouldn't have a prayer if it were a Democrat president for the past 8 years. NO way.

All the shit the GOP did for the past 8 years and none of it is being mentioned in the campaigns. At least not yet.

I think Pelosi screwed up by not holding hearings and investigating GOP corruption.

So do I.

But I do not think that Obama should try, because the same Democratic insiders in congress who refused to do it before, will be in control of Congress when he's POTUS.

Understand that a LOT of Dems are just as dirty as the bush team was.

If these guys vote to go after the corruption of the Rs, the Rs will play out the same kind of corruption the Ds have enjoyed for decades, too.

They are ALL corrupt, dude. they wouldn't have had a snowballs chance of attaining high office had they not been.

Some are just more corrupt than others.
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They were saying yesterday that because Pelosi never put impeachment on the damn table, the Democrats haven't been able to use all the shit Bush & the GOP congress did over the past 8 years during the campaign. Torture, spying on Americans, lying us into a war, leaking valerie plames name, deleting white house emails, forging names, obstructing justice. Forget all the things we THINK they did but can't prove, they did enough provable stuff we could use it against them.

Do you think the GOP wouldn't make all that corruption the main focus of the election if it was a Republican president in office?

A democrat wouldn't have a prayer if it were a Democrat president for the past 8 years. NO way.

All the shit the GOP did for the past 8 years and none of it is being mentioned in the campaigns. At least not yet.

I think Pelosi screwed up by not holding hearings and investigating GOP corruption.
did you ever think that maybe, just MAYBE, there is nothing to file impeachment charges for, and that Pelosi KNOWS that and didn't want to look like a complete fucking moron by appeasing you idiots
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did you ever think that maybe, just MAYBE, there is nothing to file impeachment charges for, and that Pelosi KNOWS that and didn't want to look like a complete fucking moron by appeasing you idiots

I can't stand it when people like you are intellectually dishonest. Maybe she knows that she won't get enough Republicans to vote for impeachment is more like it. But that's the point. I say take a vote. If McCain doesn't vote for impeachment, then he is tied to defending what Bush did.

By the way, you are in a very very small minority if you really think that Bush didn't commit impeachable offenses:

70% Say Cheney Has Abused His Powers, 52% He's Committed Impeachable Offenses, 43% Remove Him From Office
Submitted by davidswanson on Tue, 2007-11-13 22:17. Impeachment

Here's a new poll from American Research Group

November 13, 2007 - Impeachment

A total of 64% of American voters say that President George W. Bush has abused his powers as president. Of the 64%, 14% (9% of all voters) say the abuses are not serious enough to warrant impeachment, 33% (21% of all voters) say the abuses rise to the level of impeachable offenses, but he should not be impeached, and 53% (34% of all voters) say the abuses rise to the level of impeachable offenses and Mr. Bush should be impeached and removed from office.


A total of 70% of American voters say that Vice President Dick Cheney has abused his powers as vice president. Of the 70%, 26% (18% of all voters) say the abuses are not serious enough to warrant impeachment, 13% (9% of all voters) say the abuses rise to the level of impeachable offenses, but he should not be impeached, and 61% (43% of all voters) say the abuses rise to the level of impeachable offenses and Mr. Cheney should be impeached and removed from office.


70% Say Cheney Has Abused His Powers, 52% He's Committed Impeachable Offenses, 43% Remove Him From Office |
did you ever think that maybe, just MAYBE, there is nothing to file impeachment charges for, and that Pelosi KNOWS that and didn't want to look like a complete fucking moron by appeasing you idiots

Correct me if I'm wrong but the GOP side of the House voted to BRING Rp Kiucinich's articles of imeachment to the floor but Pelosi et al scrambled to have it tabled.

Kinda like how they voted to bring Murtha's Iraq withdrawl bill to the floor so it could lose 304 to 4 with even Murtha himself voting against it.

Oh, and Rangel's reinstatement of the draft.

The fact it: liberals propose laws to create headlines and sucker in votes from their kook base but when made to vote on their bills they run away because they know they'll be disasters if enacted.
So do I.

But I do not think that Obama should try, because the same Democratic insiders in congress who refused to do it before, will be in control of Congress when he's POTUS.

Understand that a LOT of Dems are just as dirty as the bush team was.

If these guys vote to go after the corruption of the Rs, the Rs will play out the same kind of corruption the Ds have enjoyed for decades, too.

They are ALL corrupt, dude. they wouldn't have had a snowballs chance of attaining high office had they not been.

Some are just more corrupt than others.

That is why it is crucial that people not only vote for Obama, but that they also vote for congress people who're anti-lobby, no matter which side of the aisle they sit on. The younger the better. Term limits for congress is WAY overdue.

Ah yes:

But then the Republicans sensed an opportunity to irritate Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California who has said the Democrats have no interest in impeaching Mr. Cheney or President Bush. The Republicans began changing their votes and by the time the clock ran out, the tally was 251 to 162 against tabling with 165 Republicans voting no.
Kucinich Pushes Cheney Impeachment - The Caucus Blog -

Good times.
did you ever think that maybe, just MAYBE, there is nothing to file impeachment charges for, and that Pelosi KNOWS that and didn't want to look like a complete fucking moron by appeasing you idiots

There is even a company that came out with playing cards. Remember Bush put all of Saddam's generals on playing cards as "the most wanted"?

Well now there are playing cards listing all of GW's impeachable offenses.


You should buy them, and read them. You might learn something.

By the way, disprove any of those claims.

Kucinich and Wexler have introduced impeachment hearings.

And Kucinich Offers Impeachment Articles Against Bush, By John Bresnahan - CBS News

Join Wexler's Call for Cheney Hearings

They were talking about this on the radio. The American people, Press and politicians don't want to look into this shit because it would have a great impact on our reputation. That's also why they don't yell out that THE GOP STOLE THE LAST 2 ELECTIONS. We don't want the rest of the world to know that we are no better than them. And, the country doesn't need to be distracted. Unfortunately, the GOP didn't care about distracting us for a decade in the 90's. And despite all their crying, Clinton did a great fucking job.
Correct me if I'm wrong but the GOP side of the House voted to BRING Rp Kiucinich's articles of imeachment to the floor but Pelosi et al scrambled to have it tabled.

Kinda like how they voted to bring Murtha's Iraq withdrawl bill to the floor so it could lose 304 to 4 with even Murtha himself voting against it.

Oh, and Rangel's reinstatement of the draft.

The fact it: liberals propose laws to create headlines and sucker in votes from their kook base but when made to vote on their bills they run away because they know they'll be disasters if enacted.

Come on dude. The GOP asked for 100 billion dollars and said that if the dems didn't give it to them, they weren't supporting the troops. Turned out that 75 billion was going to Haloburton and only 25 went to the troops. We all know how the GOP fleeced America.

But yes, the dems knew impeachment would never fly, that's why we didn't waste the time. But unfortunately, many stupid Americans think that means Bush didn't do anything wrong.

And the draft vote was brilliant. Why do you think so many kids are going to vote this year. They don't want to bomb bomb Iran for the next 100 years.

PS. The GOP come out with bills like the Patriot Act. The act is anything but patriotic.

The dems came out with SCHIP. What the fuck is that? The dems got to stop playing checkers when the GOP is playing chess.

And the GOP gambled that a vote on impeachment would make the dems look bad. The Dems should have taken that god damn vote.

One thing I'll agree is that the dems are pussies when it comes to dirty politics. Fortunately they run the government better than they campaign. Unfortunately, the GOP are great at campaigning and HORRIBLE at governing.
Correct me if I'm wrong but the GOP side of the House voted to BRING Rp Kiucinich's articles of imeachment to the floor but Pelosi et al scrambled to have it tabled.

Kinda like how they voted to bring Murtha's Iraq withdrawl bill to the floor so it could lose 304 to 4 with even Murtha himself voting against it.

Oh, and Rangel's reinstatement of the draft.

The fact it: liberals propose laws to create headlines and sucker in votes from their kook base but when made to vote on their bills they run away because they know they'll be disasters if enacted.
yup, they did
almost all the dems voted no
and since they have the majority it would have passed if any had
bobo, keep posting this stupidity, it only shows more and more just how stupid the radical left(IE YOU) are
bobo, keep posting this stupidity, it only shows more and more just how stupid the radical left(IE YOU) are

oh, i got the two houses confused. Whatever dude. I love how dead wrong you are at the core yet I get one thing wrong and you think it proves everything.

You're gonna make $250K dude. Remember, to the rest of the people in this room, I'm right. We're in a different tax bracket than you, remember? :eusa_liar:
Come on dude. The GOP asked for 100 billion dollars and said that if the dems didn't give it to them, they weren't supporting the troops. Turned out that 75 billion was going to Haloburton and only 25 went to the troops. We all know how the GOP fleeced America.

But yes, the dems knew impeachment would never fly, that's why we didn't waste the time. But unfortunately, many stupid Americans think that means Bush didn't do anything wrong.

And the draft vote was brilliant. Why do you think so many kids are going to vote this year. They don't want to bomb bomb Iran for the next 100 years.

PS. The GOP come out with bills like the Patriot Act. The act is anything but patriotic.

The dems came out with SCHIP. What the fuck is that? The dems got to stop playing checkers when the GOP is playing chess.

And the GOP gambled that a vote on impeachment would make the dems look bad. The Dems should have taken that god damn vote.

One thing I'll agree is that the dems are pussies when it comes to dirty politics. Fortunately they run the government better than they campaign. Unfortunately, the GOP are great at campaigning and HORRIBLE at governing.
Halliburton is an oilfield services company. They get paid by oil companies to help wells produce higher yields.

What you're thinking of is KBR, a company once bought by Halliburton because so many jobs are out in the middle of no-where and KBR creates infrastructure, i.e. plumbing, electricity, facilities etc. Now granted KBR has charged some outrageous costs and many of the rank and file soldiers despise them for selling cases of coke for $50, etc


Halliburton no longer owns KBR and the KBR contracts in Iraq are EXTENSIONS of contracts written in the 90's when some other guy ran the Pentagon.

Additionally, I too am in favor of not allowing people to fleece the government. That is why I oppose bailouts, welfare, government healthcare etc. Every gov't program is destined to be over-charged.

Do you really believe that? They have a one person majority, right? And Lieberman is that one? Don't they need 60 votes?

I could be wrong, but think you are.

Lieberman is a senator. The episode we're referring to is the House.

Back on track you silly internet stalker you.
oh, i got the two houses confused. Whatever dude. I love how dead wrong you are at the core yet I get one thing wrong and you think it proves everything.

You're gonna make $250K dude. Remember, to the rest of the people in this room, I'm right. We're in a different tax bracket than you, remember? :eusa_liar:
no, i got EVERYTHING right
you are the confused one
Do you really believe that? They have a one person majority, right? And Lieberman is that one? Don't they need 60 votes?

I could be wrong, but think you are.
see, thats the difference here
i'm NOT wrong
and i KNOW you are
if the dems wanted to press impeachment charges, they could have done it when the republicans all voted to do so on Kucinich's bill
but that didnt happen
Pelosi ran on that for 2006, as did many of the other democrats you all voted for
get it through that massively thick head, THEY LIED TO YOU TO GET YOUR VOTE
see, thats the difference here
i'm NOT wrong
and i KNOW you are
if the dems wanted to press impeachment charges, they could have done it when the republicans all voted to do so on Kucinich's bill
but that didnt happen
Pelosi ran on that for 2006, as did many of the other democrats you all voted for
get it through that massively thick head, THEY LIED TO YOU TO GET YOUR VOTE

Yea, but your slant on it is wrong. Nancy made a decision not to try to impeach because it would rally the GOP base. Just like Obama made the decision to give the telecoms immunity.

Pick and choose your fights.

And Pelosi pissed a lot of people off by not cutting off war funds, but now it is the American voters decision. If they want to continue fighting NEO Wars, they can vote for McCain. If they want piece, they can vote for Obama.

If we cut funding off, McCain would be our next president.

Like I said, the American voters are dumb. Until that changes, the Dems have to be careful. The GOP have mastered dirty politics.

You are proof of that. Look how hard you swallow the GOP spooge.
Yea, but your slant on it is wrong. Nancy made a decision not to try to impeach because it would rally the GOP base. Just like Obama made the decision to give the telecoms immunity.

Pick and choose your fights.

And Pelosi pissed a lot of people off by not cutting off war funds, but now it is the American voters decision. If they want to continue fighting NEO Wars, they can vote for McCain. If they want piece, they can vote for Obama.

If we cut funding off, McCain would be our next president.

Like I said, the American voters are dumb. Until that changes, the Dems have to be careful. The GOP have mastered dirty politics.

You are proof of that. Look how hard you swallow the GOP spooge.
uh, you show stupidity on an hourly basis here
but don't stop
i find it very amusing
No I think Sealy basically got it right

Nancy made a decision not to try to impeach because it would rally the GOP base.

An impeachment hearing would have deadlocked the House. No R would have voted for impeachment

I don't think that was too high a price to pay, but Nancy did.

But after the House initiates the impeachment, it is decided in the Senate, and the Dems did not have the supser majority they'd have needed to find for impeachment.

It would have failed.

Given that, while I respectfully disagree, the Dems folded on impeachment.
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