One little mistake.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
One of the lessons delivered to the people is in this election is the stark difference between someone who was successful in private-sector America and career politicians that got rich from using powerful connections to corrupt the system for their own benefit. Joe Biden has been in politics for nearly fifty years and he has gotten rich through influence peddling using his family as surrogates. Biden is so egregiously crooked that he makes Rob Blagojevich look like a minor leaguer. His graft is do dangerous that his administration could easily be manipulated and blackmailed by state enemies.

When Biden starts carping about bringing character back to the white House Trump should say that when a person looks up corruption in the dictionary it looks like a Biden family album. Biden is showing the people what the world would be like if America’s Mafia families had gotten their hooks into Washington.

Washington is already fatally corrupt with other career politicians and permanent staters and Trump poses such a threat of eventual public exposure that intelligence agencies were actually brought on board to engage in a desperate coverup to protect political criminals. If today’s crooked political atmosphere had been this widespread in the 1930’s Al Capone would probably have been elected mayor of Chicago.

If it were not for one dirty little loose end (the former Vice president’s drug addled offspring, Hunter) the filth and slime of Biden would have remained under the boards of America’s kitchen floors like maggots and mold. Unlike Hillary Clinton, who was able to cover her wrongdoing using the FBI and the Department of Justice like the East German Stasi, Biden has no method of escape from the perverted lifestyle and loose cannon habits of his crack addicted son.

There is no defense for the indefensible, and Biden’s obvious attempts at the laughable subterfuge of Russian interference gives most American’s a sick feeling in the pits of their stomachs. Biden is going down on this one as Clinton should have gone down on her violations of national security. Biden could well lose this election. His son is on the way to the big house because he is not Prince Andrew and Joe Biden may join him, forever tainting the false greatness of the Obama administration.

Funny how one little mistake can take down the rich and powerful. Hopefully, Trump will prevail and clean up this mess.
Dems are no doubt holding their noses when they vote for the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr.

They know that he is a mediocrity and an example of White privilege. (Dang! Forty plus years in the Senate!)

But they are looking past him to the de facto and eventual de jure President, the Honorable Kamala D. Harris.
Excellent piece, as per the norm. Today's career politicians have a tendency to lie even knowing their lies are known or can be uncovered within minutes. Perhaps they just don't feel the need any longer to hide their lies before elections because they have already exerted total control over our lives. In Biden's case I believe he doesn't even know whether or not he's awake; alive or dead. The man is just gone down into permanent sleepy time. Donald Trump is a man of unusual rectitude despite being a very wealthy businessman most of his life. One can see and hear how intensely DJT loves our nation and cares about the American people. His faith in God and country and family are about all that's keeping many Americans upright at this point. He must win or our civilization is truly done for.
Yet the FBI (Why did they sit on the evidence for almost a year) and MSM seem to be giving Biden a pass. I've got to think that Biden will be bringing many powerful people down with him if he goes down, very similar to the Clintons.

Let the suicides begin!
One of the lessons delivered to the people is in this election is the stark difference between someone who was successful in private-sector America and career politicians that got rich from using powerful connections to corrupt the system for their own benefit.

Our politicians line their own pockets by looking the other way while foreign countries rob us blind, take our jobs, and destroy our businesses. That's why Trump a businessman who's watched this happen for decades ran for president.
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Yet the FBI (Why did they sit on the evidence for almost a year) and MSM seem to be giving Biden a pass. I've got to think that Biden will be bringing many powerful people down with him if he goes down, very similar to the Clintons.

Let the suicides begin!
Oddly, Russia is appropriate here. A lot of people put all their money down one one number in a game of Russian roulette. When another number comes up it is over.
One of the lessons delivered to the people is in this election is the stark difference between someone who was successful in private-sector America and career politicians that got rich from using powerful connections to corrupt the system for their own benefit. Joe Biden has been in politics for nearly fifty years and he has gotten rich through influence peddling using his family as surrogates. Biden is so egregiously crooked that he makes Rob Blagojevich look like a minor leaguer. His graft is do dangerous that his administration could easily be manipulated and blackmailed by state enemies.

When Biden starts carping about bringing character back to the white House Trump should say that when a person looks up corruption in the dictionary it looks like a Biden family album. Biden is showing the people what the world would be like if America’s Mafia families had gotten their hooks into Washington.

Washington is already fatally corrupt with other career politicians and permanent staters and Trump poses such a threat of eventual public exposure that intelligence agencies were actually brought on board to engage in a desperate coverup to protect political criminals. If today’s crooked political atmosphere had been this widespread in the 1930’s Al Capone would probably have been elected mayor of Chicago.

If it were not for one dirty little loose end (the former Vice president’s drug addled offspring, Hunter) the filth and slime of Biden would have remained under the boards of America’s kitchen floors like maggots and mold. Unlike Hillary Clinton, who was able to cover her wrongdoing using the FBI and the Department of Justice like the East German Stasi, Biden has no method of escape from the perverted lifestyle and loose cannon habits of his crack addicted son.

There is no defense for the indefensible, and Biden’s obvious attempts at the laughable subterfuge of Russian interference gives most American’s a sick feeling in the pits of their stomachs. Biden is going down on this one as Clinton should have gone down on her violations of national security. Biden could well lose this election. His son is on the way to the big house because he is not Prince Andrew and Joe Biden may join him, forever tainting the false greatness of the Obama administration.

Funny how one little mistake can take down the rich and powerful. Hopefully, Trump will prevail and clean up this mess.
How dare you explain logic and common sense.
Excellent post.
Sorry but I just don't see anything happening as way of justice served against the Biden's, even after TRUMP wins re-election. It's just not going to happen. The stuff being floated out about Hunter and minors isn't going to be released in any form. If Rudy has more he needs to release it now instead of waiting dragging things out allowing the MSM to run out the clock. Putting things out in small bits is only making it easer for social media to censor, drop it all at once and social media is flooded.
Ray, you remind me of a masculine Politicalchic- whom we all love and admire- intellectually dishonest, but, she doesn't sling hyperbole around like you have here-

For starters: The "mafia" had it's fingers in American politics- long before Biden - can you say "The Irishman"- read the story- it won't hurt, I promise- and look at the history of the Kennedy clans wealth, starting with Joseph the father- those two alone will offer information you might can use to keep from using hyperbole-
Secondly: How long has McConnell been in the Senate? How rich has he gotten? That seems to be a great "American tradition" and American congress critter "value"- unless of course you can point out one congress critter who isn't better off after their stint in the District of Criminals, which, that term, brings us full circle to the "mafia"- the main difference between congress critters and mafioso Don's is the legality behind the same fucking thing- legal does not make moral- extortion is extortion, theft is theft and killing to keep conrol is killing to keep control- can you say hegemony world wide?

Now, that's not saying Biden isn't a criminal- just saying your hyperbole and intellectual dishonesty doesn't do justice to your subjective rants- which, btw, I do enjoy reading because you are quite eloquent-
Sorry but I just don't see anything happening as way of justice served against the Biden's, even after TRUMP wins re-election. It's just not going to happen. The stuff being floated out about Hunter and minors isn't going to be released in any form. If Rudy has more he needs to release it now instead of waiting dragging things out allowing the MSM to run out the clock. Putting things out in small bits is only making it easer for social media to censor, drop it all at once and social media is flooded.
I understand your logic, but I think Trump, through the years, has learned the MSM, and Hollywood so well that he knows exactly how to play them, so that it will gain public sentiment, and throw mud in the face of the media, at the same time.
If all evidence is displayed at once, I dont think the damage will be as well lasting, due to the public's length of their attention span, combined with the MSM's ability to distract from it.
I say stretch it out, make it hurt, right up until election day.
I have full confidence in the man who is not a politician.
Sorry but I just don't see anything happening as way of justice served against the Biden's, even after TRUMP wins re-election. It's just not going to happen. The stuff being floated out about Hunter and minors isn't going to be released in any form. If Rudy has more he needs to release it now instead of waiting dragging things out allowing the MSM to run out the clock. Putting things out in small bits is only making it easer for social media to censor, drop it all at once and social media is flooded.
Giuliani may be playing a long game here. He could be handing big tech media a rope to hang themselves. Public opinion is powerful and if Trump wins all those big tech donations will pale as a wave of disapproval sweeps the nation.

Those loopholes that allow Facebook and Twitter to operate outside the regulations that control the press could disappear overnight.

I think more is coming out on this Biden business and it is going to be shocking.
By the way, if voters were still on the fence before the laptop revelations, that are not now. Trump already had the concocted Russian disinformation campaign and Covid-19 attack against him. Any undecideds are no longer undecided. Biden's crooked history is not just a tipping point, it is a dam break.
By the way, if voters were still on the fence
Voters fence side is chosen at birth, for most voters- there are no fence straddlers- just read the comments here for evidence- oh, btw, ignoring my post doesn't negate the truth of the matter-
One of the lessons delivered to the people is in this election is the stark difference between someone who was successful in private-sector America and career politicians that got rich from using powerful connections to corrupt the system for their own benefit. Joe Biden has been in politics for nearly fifty years and he has gotten rich through influence peddling using his family as surrogates. Biden is so egregiously crooked that he makes Rob Blagojevich look like a minor leaguer. His graft is do dangerous that his administration could easily be manipulated and blackmailed by state enemies.

When Biden starts carping about bringing character back to the white House Trump should say that when a person looks up corruption in the dictionary it looks like a Biden family album. Biden is showing the people what the world would be like if America’s Mafia families had gotten their hooks into Washington.

Washington is already fatally corrupt with other career politicians and permanent staters and Trump poses such a threat of eventual public exposure that intelligence agencies were actually brought on board to engage in a desperate coverup to protect political criminals. If today’s crooked political atmosphere had been this widespread in the 1930’s Al Capone would probably have been elected mayor of Chicago.

If it were not for one dirty little loose end (the former Vice president’s drug addled offspring, Hunter) the filth and slime of Biden would have remained under the boards of America’s kitchen floors like maggots and mold. Unlike Hillary Clinton, who was able to cover her wrongdoing using the FBI and the Department of Justice like the East German Stasi, Biden has no method of escape from the perverted lifestyle and loose cannon habits of his crack addicted son.

There is no defense for the indefensible, and Biden’s obvious attempts at the laughable subterfuge of Russian interference gives most American’s a sick feeling in the pits of their stomachs. Biden is going down on this one as Clinton should have gone down on her violations of national security. Biden could well lose this election. His son is on the way to the big house because he is not Prince Andrew and Joe Biden may join him, forever tainting the false greatness of the Obama administration.

Funny how one little mistake can take down the rich and powerful. Hopefully, Trump will prevail and clean up this mess.
Sorry but I just don't see anything happening as way of justice served against the Biden's, even after TRUMP wins re-election. It's just not going to happen. The stuff being floated out about Hunter and minors isn't going to be released in any form. If Rudy has more he needs to release it now instead of waiting dragging things out allowing the MSM to run out the clock. Putting things out in small bits is only making it easer for social media to censor, drop it all at once and social media is flooded.
I understand your logic, but I think Trump, through the years, has learned the MSM, and Hollywood so well that he knows exactly how to play them, so that it will gain public sentiment, and throw mud in the face of the media, at the same time.
If all evidence is displayed at once, I dont think the damage will be as well lasting, due to the public's length of their attention span, combined with the MSM's ability to distract from it.
I say stretch it out, make it hurt, right up until election day.
I have full confidence in the man who is not a politician.

The exposer of the Russia hoax is/has been successfully ignored.
Either way IMO TRUMP doesn't need the laptop stuff to win re-election.
The exposer of the Russia hoax is/has been successfully ignored.
Either way IMO TRUMP doesn't need the laptop stuff to win re-election.

Agreed, but Trump doesnt want to just win imo.
He wants to break any and all voting records if possible.
Excellent piece, as per the norm. Today's career politicians have a tendency to lie even knowing their lies are known or can be uncovered within minutes. Perhaps they just don't feel the need any longer to hide their lies before elections because they have already exerted total control over our lives. In Biden's case I believe he doesn't even know whether or not he's awake; alive or dead. The man is just gone down into permanent sleepy time. Donald Trump is a man of unusual rectitude despite being a very wealthy businessman most of his life. One can see and hear how intensely DJT loves our nation and cares about the American people. His faith in God and country and family are about all that's keeping many Americans upright at this point. He must win or our civilization is truly done for.

"Donald Trump is a man of unusual rectitude"


Yeah..I gotta say...Trump's idea of rectitude may well be the most unusual I've ever seen!



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Funny how things can turn on a dime. Hillary's emails and now Hunter Biden's laptop. The flagship of Joe Biden's honest character was just mooring itself in the harbor when a torpedo was launched from out of nowhere. It seems to have hit the deck where all the gunpower is kept because Tuesday night Tucker Carlson is dedicating the full hour of his show to Tony Bobulinski, the whistle blowing former business partner of Hunter Biden.

He has all kinds of incriminating evidence including tapes. Do not miss it.

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