One Great Thing About A Trump Landslide. Your Real Estate Value Should Increase Depending On Where You Live. Why?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
well lets just say that it's already started in Florida. and we all know whats going on with Real Estate in Florida. A Trump win will continue the mass evacuation of many northern states {well the ones that are going down the toilet}. So especially if any of you live in the southeast corner, {at least} your 200,000 home will/may eventually be worth 230? 240? Just depends on where you are.
Well, you have a point about real estate values. But the change won’t be great for everyone. And it won’t only be because of the Covid-19 pandemic and its economic effects, or local or state politicians’ actions.

If Trump wins as you assume he has already said he will “punish” those blue cities and states that have sanctuary or policing policies he opposes.

The next year will see many state and local funding shortfalls & bankruptcies caused by the economic contraction. Remember only the Federal government can via the Treasury and Federal Reserve create fiat money.

That means a big win for Trump will probably allow him to give free reign to his worst impulses, picking and choosing which states to punish and which to save. It may get very ugly indeed for city dwellers in blue states with a man like Trump in full command.
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On a personal level in the situation cited I could see it would be great news for those leaving the South and heading up North. You know: buy low, sell high. Or in this case: sell high, buy low.

Luckily our property taxes are rather reasonable in this state (Arizona) so we haven't been hit too hard by tax increases on the home we bought back when the market bottomed out in 2009. We already had 2 other properties at the time which we held on to until the real estate market recovered. Now with one home and without plans to relocate, any appreciation in property value we gain in selling would be negated by the cost of a new place.


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