One Country, Two Peoples - Two Morals?

She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. If there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one of which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today... Including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and a high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral a
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. But if there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one oа which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today, including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral accepted as the NORM by the vast majority of owners and managers of small, medium and large businesses. There were "rotten sheep", but a few and UNITED people FORCED them to comply. Everything changed after the infamous "confidential memorandum" of Lewis Powell, calling for a" boss revolt", as a result of which we lost OUR America and the country began to belong to 1 percent + 10 percent of the population ...

I am finishing an article on this subject, although, as I see it, you would be better if at first for you to read the book Who Stole the American Dream.

By the way, IF you are a believer, then you have to know that Jesus Christ was THE FIRST SOCIALIST.

And, please, do not repeat the profanities that we hear every day from corrupt politicians and journalists. Especially, when people are frightened and lose their ability to reason soberly!

View attachment 317769

The desire to kill one of your kind without an extraordinary reason is not a normal psychological attribute of Homo sapiens, as of a number of higher animals. As a rule, this is either an accident or extreme circumstances, such as the protection of oneself, one's family, one's female and young, and the social environment (country).

I would not want to speculate without absolutely reliable scientific data regarding the fact that a person is born with "the same amount of positive and negative." Moreover, I will say that genetic predisposition cannot be ignored.

And in society, a social predisposition is forming. Look at our story of the murder of one hundred million owners of this land - Native Indians - no one "suffers." No one repents. The result is a psychological "predisposition" to a tolerance to the murder of "OTHER" - Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria.

No less dangerous for society is a stable attitude that economic injustice is the norm. I know some of these one percent - they really think so, they hate political economists and sociologists because of the idea of equality and deceive the rest of the population, spreading slander about the most humanistic idea - the communist one - which threatens their elite state.
Acceptance of the idea that the "poor" and "rich" is NORMAL, and this is a question of psychological, at least inadequacy.

I'll read the text about socialism...I expect there, as a philosopher and political economist, many "surprises"
There’s tons of scientific data. Humans are hardwired at birth to be moral.

THAT is NOT a discussion. Make links and excerpts from texts, But not pastors at Lincoln’s latest model.

I think that you heard in the church in the sermons of pastors that a person is BORN GOOD. This is not true. He is born neither good nor evil. Although we can agree that since there is no natural anger in him, he is kind from birth.

No, and that is also not so. Psychologists who study child development note the tendency of children to torture animals. Adults punish them this or that way, explaining that animals experience pain. If a child is not a pathological moral monster, he understands what pain is, that he caused sufferings, that it is wrong, that inflicting pain is TABU.

Plato believed that a man could only become good by knowing the truth, and he could not know the truth without being good. This shows to be somewhat of a paradoxical argument.

Aristotle had a different theory regarding the goodness of man. Aristotle claimed that the good man was the norm and the measure of ethical truth.

But Aristotle concludes that there is no universal good. Aristotle must now fashion his own interpretation of what he calls the "highest" good. It is what people must reach. The highest good is ultimately the aim of all actions.

Aristotle tells us that our function is to live and to do what we do humanly. We have a reason, we act and we don't react. All fashions of human nature and actions have to be lived thoughtfully from within. One is accountable and must act for one's own reasons and not another's. In essence, the function of man is to live ethically.

All free males are born with the potential to become ethically virtuous and practically wise, but to achieve these goals they must go through two stages:
-during their childhood, they must develop the proper habits;
-and then, when their reason is fully PROPERLY developed, they must acquire practical wisdom (phronêsis).

Ethical virtue is fully developed only when it is combined with practical wisdom. A low-grade form of ethical virtue emerges in us during childhood as we are repeatedly placed in situations that call for appropriate actions and emotions; but as we rely less on others and become capable of doing more of our own thinking, we learn to develop a larger picture of human life, our deliberative skills improve, and our emotional responses are perfected. Like anyone who has developed a skill in performing a complex and difficult activity, the virtuous person takes pleasure in exercising his intellectual skills, in doing good. Furthermore, when he has decided what to do, he does not have to contend with internal pressures to act otherwise. He does not long to do something that he regards as shameful; and he is not greatly distressed at having to give up a pleasure that he realizes he should forego.

Are there people with deviations in man's morals and actions, deviations in understanding good and striving for good (it includes good for others. You cannot be good if achieving your good brings evil to others!)

Aristotel answers positively.

He places those who suffer from such internal disorders into one of three categories:
- (A) Some personalities, having reached a decision about what to do on a particular occasion, experience some counter-pressure brought on by an appetite for pleasure or anger, or some other emotion; and this countervailing influence is not completely under the control of reason.

(1) Within this category, some are typically better able to resist these counter-rational pressures than is the average person. Such people are not virtuous, although they generally do what a virtuous person does. Aristotle calls them “continent” (enkratês).

But (2) others are less successful than the average person in resisting these counter-pressures. They are “incontinent” (akratês).In addition,

-(B) there is a type of agent who refuses even to try to do what an ethically virtuous person would do, because he has become convinced that justice, temperance, generosity and the like are of little or no value. Such people Aristotle calls evil (kakos, phaulos).

He assumes that evil people are driven by desires for domination and luxury, and although they are single-minded in their pursuit of these goals, he portrays them as deeply divided, because their pleonexia—their desire for more and more—leaves them dissatisfied and full of self-hatred.

The evil person, teaches Aristotel, may wholeheartedly endorse some evil plan of action at a particular moment, but over the course of time, Aristotle supposes, he will regret his decision, because whatever he does will prove inadequate for the achievement of his goals .

I will add that this usually happens in prison, as happened to Weinstein, or those facing the death penalty. [/SIZE]

However, once they are free again, most often they will do the same again: the matrix of their virtue is incorrigibly corrupted.

View attachment 318388

View attachment 318390
It is a statement of fact. There is tons of scientific evidence showing that morality is hardwired into humans at birth.
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. If there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one of which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today... Including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and a high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral a
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. But if there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one oа which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today, including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral accepted as the NORM by the vast majority of owners and managers of small, medium and large businesses. There were "rotten sheep", but a few and UNITED people FORCED them to comply. Everything changed after the infamous "confidential memorandum" of Lewis Powell, calling for a" boss revolt", as a result of which we lost OUR America and the country began to belong to 1 percent + 10 percent of the population ...

I am finishing an article on this subject, although, as I see it, you would be better if at first for you to read the book Who Stole the American Dream.

By the way, IF you are a believer, then you have to know that Jesus Christ was THE FIRST SOCIALIST.

And, please, do not repeat the profanities that we hear every day from corrupt politicians and journalists. Especially, when people are frightened and lose their ability to reason soberly!

View attachment 317769

The desire to kill one of your kind without an extraordinary reason is not a normal psychological attribute of Homo sapiens, as of a number of higher animals. As a rule, this is either an accident or extreme circumstances, such as the protection of oneself, one's family, one's female and young, and the social environment (country).

I would not want to speculate without absolutely reliable scientific data regarding the fact that a person is born with "the same amount of positive and negative." Moreover, I will say that genetic predisposition cannot be ignored.

And in society, a social predisposition is forming. Look at our story of the murder of one hundred million owners of this land - Native Indians - no one "suffers." No one repents. The result is a psychological "predisposition" to a tolerance to the murder of "OTHER" - Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria.

No less dangerous for society is a stable attitude that economic injustice is the norm. I know some of these one percent - they really think so, they hate political economists and sociologists because of the idea of equality and deceive the rest of the population, spreading slander about the most humanistic idea - the communist one - which threatens their elite state.
Acceptance of the idea that the "poor" and "rich" is NORMAL, and this is a question of psychological, at least inadequacy.

I'll read the text about socialism...I expect there, as a philosopher and political economist, many "surprises"
There’s tons of scientific data. Humans are hardwired at birth to be moral.

THAT is NOT a discussion. Make links and excerpts from texts, But not pastors at Lincoln’s latest model.

I think that you heard in the church in the sermons of pastors that a person is BORN GOOD. This is not true. He is born neither good nor evil. Although we can agree that since there is no natural anger in him, he is kind from birth.

No, and that is also not so. Psychologists who study child development note the tendency of children to torture animals. Adults punish them this or that way, explaining that animals experience pain. If a child is not a pathological moral monster, he understands what pain is, that he caused sufferings, that it is wrong, that inflicting pain is TABU.

Plato believed that a man could only become good by knowing the truth, and he could not know the truth without being good. This shows to be somewhat of a paradoxical argument.

Aristotle had a different theory regarding the goodness of man. Aristotle claimed that the good man was the norm and the measure of ethical truth.

But Aristotle concludes that there is no universal good. Aristotle must now fashion his own interpretation of what he calls the "highest" good. It is what people must reach. The highest good is ultimately the aim of all actions.

Aristotle tells us that our function is to live and to do what we do humanly. We have a reason, we act and we don't react. All fashions of human nature and actions have to be lived thoughtfully from within. One is accountable and must act for one's own reasons and not another's. In essence, the function of man is to live ethically.

All free males are born with the potential to become ethically virtuous and practically wise, but to achieve these goals they must go through two stages:
-during their childhood, they must develop the proper habits;
-and then, when their reason is fully PROPERLY developed, they must acquire practical wisdom (phronêsis).

Ethical virtue is fully developed only when it is combined with practical wisdom. A low-grade form of ethical virtue emerges in us during childhood as we are repeatedly placed in situations that call for appropriate actions and emotions; but as we rely less on others and become capable of doing more of our own thinking, we learn to develop a larger picture of human life, our deliberative skills improve, and our emotional responses are perfected. Like anyone who has developed a skill in performing a complex and difficult activity, the virtuous person takes pleasure in exercising his intellectual skills, in doing good. Furthermore, when he has decided what to do, he does not have to contend with internal pressures to act otherwise. He does not long to do something that he regards as shameful; and he is not greatly distressed at having to give up a pleasure that he realizes he should forego.

Are there people with deviations in man's morals and actions, deviations in understanding good and striving for good (it includes good for others. You cannot be good if achieving your good brings evil to others!)

Aristotel answers positively.

He places those who suffer from such internal disorders into one of three categories:
- (A) Some personalities, having reached a decision about what to do on a particular occasion, experience some counter-pressure brought on by an appetite for pleasure or anger, or some other emotion; and this countervailing influence is not completely under the control of reason.

(1) Within this category, some are typically better able to resist these counter-rational pressures than is the average person. Such people are not virtuous, although they generally do what a virtuous person does. Aristotle calls them “continent” (enkratês).

But (2) others are less successful than the average person in resisting these counter-pressures. They are “incontinent” (akratês).In addition,

-(B) there is a type of agent who refuses even to try to do what an ethically virtuous person would do, because he has become convinced that justice, temperance, generosity and the like are of little or no value. Such people Aristotle calls evil (kakos, phaulos).

He assumes that evil people are driven by desires for domination and luxury, and although they are single-minded in their pursuit of these goals, he portrays them as deeply divided, because their pleonexia—their desire for more and more—leaves them dissatisfied and full of self-hatred.

The evil person, teaches Aristotel, may wholeheartedly endorse some evil plan of action at a particular moment, but over the course of time, Aristotle supposes, he will regret his decision, because whatever he does will prove inadequate for the achievement of his goals .

I will add that this usually happens in prison, as happened to Weinstein, or those facing the death penalty. [/SIZE]

However, once they are free again, most often they will do the same again: the matrix of their virtue is incorrigibly corrupted.

View attachment 318388

View attachment 318390
It is a statement of fact. There is tons of scientific evidence showing that morality is hardwired into humans at birth.

"Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man".

ARE you SURE you are talking about SOCIALISM???
I see almost ALL the features of OUR society.

And why do happy people living in FULL ACQUISITION should beg an unknown god for something? And what should they beg him for ??? To provide them with rubber gloves, masks, and disinfectant fluid ??? To get full access to free medicine ???
They have it ALL ...

Oh, maybe, to destroy the bank debt system? Inequality? Poverty?
Or ask God that the man whose heart stopped is taken not to the morgue, but to the intensive care unit ???
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. If there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one of which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today... Including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and a high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral a
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. But if there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one oа which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today, including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral accepted as the NORM by the vast majority of owners and managers of small, medium and large businesses. There were "rotten sheep", but a few and UNITED people FORCED them to comply. Everything changed after the infamous "confidential memorandum" of Lewis Powell, calling for a" boss revolt", as a result of which we lost OUR America and the country began to belong to 1 percent + 10 percent of the population ...

I am finishing an article on this subject, although, as I see it, you would be better if at first for you to read the book Who Stole the American Dream.

By the way, IF you are a believer, then you have to know that Jesus Christ was THE FIRST SOCIALIST.

And, please, do not repeat the profanities that we hear every day from corrupt politicians and journalists. Especially, when people are frightened and lose their ability to reason soberly!

View attachment 317769

The desire to kill one of your kind without an extraordinary reason is not a normal psychological attribute of Homo sapiens, as of a number of higher animals. As a rule, this is either an accident or extreme circumstances, such as the protection of oneself, one's family, one's female and young, and the social environment (country).

I would not want to speculate without absolutely reliable scientific data regarding the fact that a person is born with "the same amount of positive and negative." Moreover, I will say that genetic predisposition cannot be ignored.

And in society, a social predisposition is forming. Look at our story of the murder of one hundred million owners of this land - Native Indians - no one "suffers." No one repents. The result is a psychological "predisposition" to a tolerance to the murder of "OTHER" - Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria.

No less dangerous for society is a stable attitude that economic injustice is the norm. I know some of these one percent - they really think so, they hate political economists and sociologists because of the idea of equality and deceive the rest of the population, spreading slander about the most humanistic idea - the communist one - which threatens their elite state.
Acceptance of the idea that the "poor" and "rich" is NORMAL, and this is a question of psychological, at least inadequacy.

I'll read the text about socialism...I expect there, as a philosopher and political economist, many "surprises"
There’s tons of scientific data. Humans are hardwired at birth to be moral.

THAT is NOT a discussion. Make links and excerpts from texts, But not pastors at Lincoln’s latest model.

I think that you heard in the church in the sermons of pastors that a person is BORN GOOD. This is not true. He is born neither good nor evil. Although we can agree that since there is no natural anger in him, he is kind from birth.

No, and that is also not so. Psychologists who study child development note the tendency of children to torture animals. Adults punish them this or that way, explaining that animals experience pain. If a child is not a pathological moral monster, he understands what pain is, that he caused sufferings, that it is wrong, that inflicting pain is TABU.

Plato believed that a man could only become good by knowing the truth, and he could not know the truth without being good. This shows to be somewhat of a paradoxical argument.

Aristotle had a different theory regarding the goodness of man. Aristotle claimed that the good man was the norm and the measure of ethical truth.

But Aristotle concludes that there is no universal good. Aristotle must now fashion his own interpretation of what he calls the "highest" good. It is what people must reach. The highest good is ultimately the aim of all actions.

Aristotle tells us that our function is to live and to do what we do humanly. We have a reason, we act and we don't react. All fashions of human nature and actions have to be lived thoughtfully from within. One is accountable and must act for one's own reasons and not another's. In essence, the function of man is to live ethically.

All free males are born with the potential to become ethically virtuous and practically wise, but to achieve these goals they must go through two stages:
-during their childhood, they must develop the proper habits;
-and then, when their reason is fully PROPERLY developed, they must acquire practical wisdom (phronêsis).

Ethical virtue is fully developed only when it is combined with practical wisdom. A low-grade form of ethical virtue emerges in us during childhood as we are repeatedly placed in situations that call for appropriate actions and emotions; but as we rely less on others and become capable of doing more of our own thinking, we learn to develop a larger picture of human life, our deliberative skills improve, and our emotional responses are perfected. Like anyone who has developed a skill in performing a complex and difficult activity, the virtuous person takes pleasure in exercising his intellectual skills, in doing good. Furthermore, when he has decided what to do, he does not have to contend with internal pressures to act otherwise. He does not long to do something that he regards as shameful; and he is not greatly distressed at having to give up a pleasure that he realizes he should forego.

Are there people with deviations in man's morals and actions, deviations in understanding good and striving for good (it includes good for others. You cannot be good if achieving your good brings evil to others!)

Aristotel answers positively.

He places those who suffer from such internal disorders into one of three categories:
- (A) Some personalities, having reached a decision about what to do on a particular occasion, experience some counter-pressure brought on by an appetite for pleasure or anger, or some other emotion; and this countervailing influence is not completely under the control of reason.

(1) Within this category, some are typically better able to resist these counter-rational pressures than is the average person. Such people are not virtuous, although they generally do what a virtuous person does. Aristotle calls them “continent” (enkratês).

But (2) others are less successful than the average person in resisting these counter-pressures. They are “incontinent” (akratês).In addition,

-(B) there is a type of agent who refuses even to try to do what an ethically virtuous person would do, because he has become convinced that justice, temperance, generosity and the like are of little or no value. Such people Aristotle calls evil (kakos, phaulos).

He assumes that evil people are driven by desires for domination and luxury, and although they are single-minded in their pursuit of these goals, he portrays them as deeply divided, because their pleonexia—their desire for more and more—leaves them dissatisfied and full of self-hatred.

The evil person, teaches Aristotel, may wholeheartedly endorse some evil plan of action at a particular moment, but over the course of time, Aristotle supposes, he will regret his decision, because whatever he does will prove inadequate for the achievement of his goals .

I will add that this usually happens in prison, as happened to Weinstein, or those facing the death penalty. [/SIZE]

However, once they are free again, most often they will do the same again: the matrix of their virtue is incorrigibly corrupted.

View attachment 318388

View attachment 318390
It is a statement of fact. There is tons of scientific evidence showing that morality is hardwired into humans at birth.

"There is no formal defined dogma of socialism"


And WHAT is that???

“Communism is a classless social system with a single people's nationwide ownership of the means of production, full social equality of all members of society, where, together with the comprehensive development of people, productive forces based on constantly developing science and technology will grow, all sources of social wealth will flow in full flow and the great principle "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" will be realized. Communism is a highly organized society of free and conscious workers, in which social, self-government will be established, work for the benefit of society will be for everyone the first vital need, a conscious need, and the abilities of everyone will be used with the greatest benefit for the people. ”
I am afraid you will have to read Shafarevich’s Socialist Phenomenon to understand that statement. He is the only person to conduct an in depth analysis of the phenomenon of socialism. He conducted the definitive study and his work has yet to be refuted. Good luck.

Actually, I know this person PERSONALLY. Met at the Congress. I know his book too. SO WHAT? Let's point by point.

Actually, I don't like dissidents. They all belonged to the same circle, not distinguished by moral purity, and this circle did not shy from taking handouts from the American government.

You want to say that the Jew Shafarevich completely denied the Jew Karl Max and Engels? Did you PERSONALLY READ Marx ??? :)))

Or Shafarevich was enough for you??? :))) By the way, watching Sakharov, who I also personally knew and was the last journalist who interviewed him the evening before his death, I can say that there is a huge distance between the creation of nuclear weapons and philosophy ... It would be better if they both continued to develop physics and mathematics. ..

So, it turns out, there is a definition of socialism ???!

Last edited:
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. If there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one of which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today... Including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and a high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral a
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. But if there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one oа which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today, including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral accepted as the NORM by the vast majority of owners and managers of small, medium and large businesses. There were "rotten sheep", but a few and UNITED people FORCED them to comply. Everything changed after the infamous "confidential memorandum" of Lewis Powell, calling for a" boss revolt", as a result of which we lost OUR America and the country began to belong to 1 percent + 10 percent of the population ...

I am finishing an article on this subject, although, as I see it, you would be better if at first for you to read the book Who Stole the American Dream.

By the way, IF you are a believer, then you have to know that Jesus Christ was THE FIRST SOCIALIST.

And, please, do not repeat the profanities that we hear every day from corrupt politicians and journalists. Especially, when people are frightened and lose their ability to reason soberly!

View attachment 317769

The desire to kill one of your kind without an extraordinary reason is not a normal psychological attribute of Homo sapiens, as of a number of higher animals. As a rule, this is either an accident or extreme circumstances, such as the protection of oneself, one's family, one's female and young, and the social environment (country).

I would not want to speculate without absolutely reliable scientific data regarding the fact that a person is born with "the same amount of positive and negative." Moreover, I will say that genetic predisposition cannot be ignored.

And in society, a social predisposition is forming. Look at our story of the murder of one hundred million owners of this land - Native Indians - no one "suffers." No one repents. The result is a psychological "predisposition" to a tolerance to the murder of "OTHER" - Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria.

No less dangerous for society is a stable attitude that economic injustice is the norm. I know some of these one percent - they really think so, they hate political economists and sociologists because of the idea of equality and deceive the rest of the population, spreading slander about the most humanistic idea - the communist one - which threatens their elite state.
Acceptance of the idea that the "poor" and "rich" is NORMAL, and this is a question of psychological, at least inadequacy.

I'll read the text about socialism...I expect there, as a philosopher and political economist, many "surprises"
Killing one of you own 'kind' is immortal but killing outsiders has been generally accepted by societies throughout time.

I think the moral question about tuition is good one. This crisis will be a financial burden on everyone but to different degrees. Just as everyone's financial backups will vary greatly. My family is inconvienced but not burdened. If I we were in different fields or at different stages of life, the story would be very different. So the question really is, who should shoulder the burden? Those that get the biggest impact (usually those that can least afford it) or all of us equally? I'd say the latter.

Thanks. I hope the souls of Plato and Aristocrat also appreciated your comment regarding training.

Regarding the thesis that "all societies" recognized the killing. "

What kind of societies ???!
Since communism, all other societies have been based on inequality and violence, the threat of murder, or murder. This was and remains "moral" in relation to the "others" and our American civilization is a leader in the practice of mass killings and their justification.

But this is AMORAL from the point of view of universal morality that human life is a "spark of Cosmos", and when we kill it a particle of Cosmos, ourselves ... God, if you believe in him...

View attachment 318470

View attachment 318471
I would hope that they would have recognized that I was only discussing a narrow and specific point that was supported by science.

That is your science PROOF:


She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. If there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one of which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today... Including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and a high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral a
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. But if there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one oа which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today, including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral accepted as the NORM by the vast majority of owners and managers of small, medium and large businesses. There were "rotten sheep", but a few and UNITED people FORCED them to comply. Everything changed after the infamous "confidential memorandum" of Lewis Powell, calling for a" boss revolt", as a result of which we lost OUR America and the country began to belong to 1 percent + 10 percent of the population ...

I am finishing an article on this subject, although, as I see it, you would be better if at first for you to read the book Who Stole the American Dream.

By the way, IF you are a believer, then you have to know that Jesus Christ was THE FIRST SOCIALIST.

And, please, do not repeat the profanities that we hear every day from corrupt politicians and journalists. Especially, when people are frightened and lose their ability to reason soberly!

View attachment 317769

The desire to kill one of your kind without an extraordinary reason is not a normal psychological attribute of Homo sapiens, as of a number of higher animals. As a rule, this is either an accident or extreme circumstances, such as the protection of oneself, one's family, one's female and young, and the social environment (country).

I would not want to speculate without absolutely reliable scientific data regarding the fact that a person is born with "the same amount of positive and negative." Moreover, I will say that genetic predisposition cannot be ignored.

And in society, a social predisposition is forming. Look at our story of the murder of one hundred million owners of this land - Native Indians - no one "suffers." No one repents. The result is a psychological "predisposition" to a tolerance to the murder of "OTHER" - Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria.

No less dangerous for society is a stable attitude that economic injustice is the norm. I know some of these one percent - they really think so, they hate political economists and sociologists because of the idea of equality and deceive the rest of the population, spreading slander about the most humanistic idea - the communist one - which threatens their elite state.
Acceptance of the idea that the "poor" and "rich" is NORMAL, and this is a question of psychological, at least inadequacy.

I'll read the text about socialism...I expect there, as a philosopher and political economist, many "surprises"
There’s tons of scientific data. Humans are hardwired at birth to be moral.

THAT is NOT a discussion. Make links and excerpts from texts, But not pastors at Lincoln’s latest model.

I think that you heard in the church in the sermons of pastors that a person is BORN GOOD. This is not true. He is born neither good nor evil. Although we can agree that since there is no natural anger in him, he is kind from birth.

No, and that is also not so. Psychologists who study child development note the tendency of children to torture animals. Adults punish them this or that way, explaining that animals experience pain. If a child is not a pathological moral monster, he understands what pain is, that he caused sufferings, that it is wrong, that inflicting pain is TABU.

Plato believed that a man could only become good by knowing the truth, and he could not know the truth without being good. This shows to be somewhat of a paradoxical argument.

Aristotle had a different theory regarding the goodness of man. Aristotle claimed that the good man was the norm and the measure of ethical truth.

But Aristotle concludes that there is no universal good. Aristotle must now fashion his own interpretation of what he calls the "highest" good. It is what people must reach. The highest good is ultimately the aim of all actions.

Aristotle tells us that our function is to live and to do what we do humanly. We have a reason, we act and we don't react. All fashions of human nature and actions have to be lived thoughtfully from within. One is accountable and must act for one's own reasons and not another's. In essence, the function of man is to live ethically.

All free males are born with the potential to become ethically virtuous and practically wise, but to achieve these goals they must go through two stages:
-during their childhood, they must develop the proper habits;
-and then, when their reason is fully PROPERLY developed, they must acquire practical wisdom (phronêsis).

Ethical virtue is fully developed only when it is combined with practical wisdom. A low-grade form of ethical virtue emerges in us during childhood as we are repeatedly placed in situations that call for appropriate actions and emotions; but as we rely less on others and become capable of doing more of our own thinking, we learn to develop a larger picture of human life, our deliberative skills improve, and our emotional responses are perfected. Like anyone who has developed a skill in performing a complex and difficult activity, the virtuous person takes pleasure in exercising his intellectual skills, in doing good. Furthermore, when he has decided what to do, he does not have to contend with internal pressures to act otherwise. He does not long to do something that he regards as shameful; and he is not greatly distressed at having to give up a pleasure that he realizes he should forego.

Are there people with deviations in man's morals and actions, deviations in understanding good and striving for good (it includes good for others. You cannot be good if achieving your good brings evil to others!)

Aristotel answers positively.

He places those who suffer from such internal disorders into one of three categories:
- (A) Some personalities, having reached a decision about what to do on a particular occasion, experience some counter-pressure brought on by an appetite for pleasure or anger, or some other emotion; and this countervailing influence is not completely under the control of reason.

(1) Within this category, some are typically better able to resist these counter-rational pressures than is the average person. Such people are not virtuous, although they generally do what a virtuous person does. Aristotle calls them “continent” (enkratês).

But (2) others are less successful than the average person in resisting these counter-pressures. They are “incontinent” (akratês).In addition,

-(B) there is a type of agent who refuses even to try to do what an ethically virtuous person would do, because he has become convinced that justice, temperance, generosity and the like are of little or no value. Such people Aristotle calls evil (kakos, phaulos).

He assumes that evil people are driven by desires for domination and luxury, and although they are single-minded in their pursuit of these goals, he portrays them as deeply divided, because their pleonexia—their desire for more and more—leaves them dissatisfied and full of self-hatred.

The evil person, teaches Aristotel, may wholeheartedly endorse some evil plan of action at a particular moment, but over the course of time, Aristotle supposes, he will regret his decision, because whatever he does will prove inadequate for the achievement of his goals .

I will add that this usually happens in prison, as happened to Weinstein, or those facing the death penalty. [/SIZE]

However, once they are free again, most often they will do the same again: the matrix of their virtue is incorrigibly corrupted.

View attachment 318388

View attachment 318390
It is a statement of fact. There is tons of scientific evidence showing that morality is hardwired into humans at birth.
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. If there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one of which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today... Including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and a high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral a
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. But if there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one oа which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today, including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral accepted as the NORM by the vast majority of owners and managers of small, medium and large businesses. There were "rotten sheep", but a few and UNITED people FORCED them to comply. Everything changed after the infamous "confidential memorandum" of Lewis Powell, calling for a" boss revolt", as a result of which we lost OUR America and the country began to belong to 1 percent + 10 percent of the population ...

I am finishing an article on this subject, although, as I see it, you would be better if at first for you to read the book Who Stole the American Dream.

By the way, IF you are a believer, then you have to know that Jesus Christ was THE FIRST SOCIALIST.

And, please, do not repeat the profanities that we hear every day from corrupt politicians and journalists. Especially, when people are frightened and lose their ability to reason soberly!

View attachment 317769

The desire to kill one of your kind without an extraordinary reason is not a normal psychological attribute of Homo sapiens, as of a number of higher animals. As a rule, this is either an accident or extreme circumstances, such as the protection of oneself, one's family, one's female and young, and the social environment (country).

I would not want to speculate without absolutely reliable scientific data regarding the fact that a person is born with "the same amount of positive and negative." Moreover, I will say that genetic predisposition cannot be ignored.

And in society, a social predisposition is forming. Look at our story of the murder of one hundred million owners of this land - Native Indians - no one "suffers." No one repents. The result is a psychological "predisposition" to a tolerance to the murder of "OTHER" - Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria.

No less dangerous for society is a stable attitude that economic injustice is the norm. I know some of these one percent - they really think so, they hate political economists and sociologists because of the idea of equality and deceive the rest of the population, spreading slander about the most humanistic idea - the communist one - which threatens their elite state.
Acceptance of the idea that the "poor" and "rich" is NORMAL, and this is a question of psychological, at least inadequacy.

I'll read the text about socialism...I expect there, as a philosopher and political economist, many "surprises"
There’s tons of scientific data. Humans are hardwired at birth to be moral.

THAT is NOT a discussion. Make links and excerpts from texts, But not pastors at Lincoln’s latest model.

I think that you heard in the church in the sermons of pastors that a person is BORN GOOD. This is not true. He is born neither good nor evil. Although we can agree that since there is no natural anger in him, he is kind from birth.

No, and that is also not so. Psychologists who study child development note the tendency of children to torture animals. Adults punish them this or that way, explaining that animals experience pain. If a child is not a pathological moral monster, he understands what pain is, that he caused sufferings, that it is wrong, that inflicting pain is TABU.

Plato believed that a man could only become good by knowing the truth, and he could not know the truth without being good. This shows to be somewhat of a paradoxical argument.

Aristotle had a different theory regarding the goodness of man. Aristotle claimed that the good man was the norm and the measure of ethical truth.

But Aristotle concludes that there is no universal good. Aristotle must now fashion his own interpretation of what he calls the "highest" good. It is what people must reach. The highest good is ultimately the aim of all actions.

Aristotle tells us that our function is to live and to do what we do humanly. We have a reason, we act and we don't react. All fashions of human nature and actions have to be lived thoughtfully from within. One is accountable and must act for one's own reasons and not another's. In essence, the function of man is to live ethically.

All free males are born with the potential to become ethically virtuous and practically wise, but to achieve these goals they must go through two stages:
-during their childhood, they must develop the proper habits;
-and then, when their reason is fully PROPERLY developed, they must acquire practical wisdom (phronêsis).

Ethical virtue is fully developed only when it is combined with practical wisdom. A low-grade form of ethical virtue emerges in us during childhood as we are repeatedly placed in situations that call for appropriate actions and emotions; but as we rely less on others and become capable of doing more of our own thinking, we learn to develop a larger picture of human life, our deliberative skills improve, and our emotional responses are perfected. Like anyone who has developed a skill in performing a complex and difficult activity, the virtuous person takes pleasure in exercising his intellectual skills, in doing good. Furthermore, when he has decided what to do, he does not have to contend with internal pressures to act otherwise. He does not long to do something that he regards as shameful; and he is not greatly distressed at having to give up a pleasure that he realizes he should forego.

Are there people with deviations in man's morals and actions, deviations in understanding good and striving for good (it includes good for others. You cannot be good if achieving your good brings evil to others!)

Aristotel answers positively.

He places those who suffer from such internal disorders into one of three categories:
- (A) Some personalities, having reached a decision about what to do on a particular occasion, experience some counter-pressure brought on by an appetite for pleasure or anger, or some other emotion; and this countervailing influence is not completely under the control of reason.

(1) Within this category, some are typically better able to resist these counter-rational pressures than is the average person. Such people are not virtuous, although they generally do what a virtuous person does. Aristotle calls them “continent” (enkratês).

But (2) others are less successful than the average person in resisting these counter-pressures. They are “incontinent” (akratês).In addition,

-(B) there is a type of agent who refuses even to try to do what an ethically virtuous person would do, because he has become convinced that justice, temperance, generosity and the like are of little or no value. Such people Aristotle calls evil (kakos, phaulos).

He assumes that evil people are driven by desires for domination and luxury, and although they are single-minded in their pursuit of these goals, he portrays them as deeply divided, because their pleonexia—their desire for more and more—leaves them dissatisfied and full of self-hatred.

The evil person, teaches Aristotel, may wholeheartedly endorse some evil plan of action at a particular moment, but over the course of time, Aristotle supposes, he will regret his decision, because whatever he does will prove inadequate for the achievement of his goals .

I will add that this usually happens in prison, as happened to Weinstein, or those facing the death penalty. [/SIZE]

However, once they are free again, most often they will do the same again: the matrix of their virtue is incorrigibly corrupted.

View attachment 318388

View attachment 318390
It is a statement of fact. There is tons of scientific evidence showing that morality is hardwired into humans at birth.

"Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man".

ARE you SURE you are talking about SOCIALISM???
I see almost ALL the features of OUR society.

And why do happy people living in FULL ACQUISITION should beg an unknown god for something? And what should they beg him for ??? To provide them with rubber gloves, masks, and disinfectant fluid ??? To get full access to free medicine ???
They have it ALL ...

Oh, maybe, to destroy the bank debt system? Inequality? Poverty?
Or ask God that the man whose heart stopped is taken not to the morgue, but to the intensive care unit ???
Yes. Again, you’d have to read the book to understand.
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. If there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one of which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today... Including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and a high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral a
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. But if there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one oа which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today, including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral accepted as the NORM by the vast majority of owners and managers of small, medium and large businesses. There were "rotten sheep", but a few and UNITED people FORCED them to comply. Everything changed after the infamous "confidential memorandum" of Lewis Powell, calling for a" boss revolt", as a result of which we lost OUR America and the country began to belong to 1 percent + 10 percent of the population ...

I am finishing an article on this subject, although, as I see it, you would be better if at first for you to read the book Who Stole the American Dream.

By the way, IF you are a believer, then you have to know that Jesus Christ was THE FIRST SOCIALIST.

And, please, do not repeat the profanities that we hear every day from corrupt politicians and journalists. Especially, when people are frightened and lose their ability to reason soberly!

View attachment 317769

The desire to kill one of your kind without an extraordinary reason is not a normal psychological attribute of Homo sapiens, as of a number of higher animals. As a rule, this is either an accident or extreme circumstances, such as the protection of oneself, one's family, one's female and young, and the social environment (country).

I would not want to speculate without absolutely reliable scientific data regarding the fact that a person is born with "the same amount of positive and negative." Moreover, I will say that genetic predisposition cannot be ignored.

And in society, a social predisposition is forming. Look at our story of the murder of one hundred million owners of this land - Native Indians - no one "suffers." No one repents. The result is a psychological "predisposition" to a tolerance to the murder of "OTHER" - Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria.

No less dangerous for society is a stable attitude that economic injustice is the norm. I know some of these one percent - they really think so, they hate political economists and sociologists because of the idea of equality and deceive the rest of the population, spreading slander about the most humanistic idea - the communist one - which threatens their elite state.
Acceptance of the idea that the "poor" and "rich" is NORMAL, and this is a question of psychological, at least inadequacy.

I'll read the text about socialism...I expect there, as a philosopher and political economist, many "surprises"
Killing one of you own 'kind' is immortal but killing outsiders has been generally accepted by societies throughout time.

I think the moral question about tuition is good one. This crisis will be a financial burden on everyone but to different degrees. Just as everyone's financial backups will vary greatly. My family is inconvienced but not burdened. If I we were in different fields or at different stages of life, the story would be very different. So the question really is, who should shoulder the burden? Those that get the biggest impact (usually those that can least afford it) or all of us equally? I'd say the latter.

Thanks. I hope the souls of Plato and Aristocrat also appreciated your comment regarding training.

Regarding the thesis that "all societies" recognized the killing. "

What kind of societies ???!
Since communism, all other societies have been based on inequality and violence, the threat of murder, or murder. This was and remains "moral" in relation to the "others" and our American civilization is a leader in the practice of mass killings and their justification.

But this is AMORAL from the point of view of universal morality that human life is a "spark of Cosmos", and when we kill it a particle of Cosmos, ourselves ... God, if you believe in him...

View attachment 318470

View attachment 318471
I would hope that they would have recognized that I was only discussing a narrow and specific point that was supported by science.

That is your science PROOF:

View attachment 318491

If that’s how you want to see it.
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. If there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one of which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today... Including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and a high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral a
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. But if there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one oа which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today, including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral accepted as the NORM by the vast majority of owners and managers of small, medium and large businesses. There were "rotten sheep", but a few and UNITED people FORCED them to comply. Everything changed after the infamous "confidential memorandum" of Lewis Powell, calling for a" boss revolt", as a result of which we lost OUR America and the country began to belong to 1 percent + 10 percent of the population ...

I am finishing an article on this subject, although, as I see it, you would be better if at first for you to read the book Who Stole the American Dream.

By the way, IF you are a believer, then you have to know that Jesus Christ was THE FIRST SOCIALIST.

And, please, do not repeat the profanities that we hear every day from corrupt politicians and journalists. Especially, when people are frightened and lose their ability to reason soberly!

View attachment 317769

The desire to kill one of your kind without an extraordinary reason is not a normal psychological attribute of Homo sapiens, as of a number of higher animals. As a rule, this is either an accident or extreme circumstances, such as the protection of oneself, one's family, one's female and young, and the social environment (country).

I would not want to speculate without absolutely reliable scientific data regarding the fact that a person is born with "the same amount of positive and negative." Moreover, I will say that genetic predisposition cannot be ignored.

And in society, a social predisposition is forming. Look at our story of the murder of one hundred million owners of this land - Native Indians - no one "suffers." No one repents. The result is a psychological "predisposition" to a tolerance to the murder of "OTHER" - Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria.

No less dangerous for society is a stable attitude that economic injustice is the norm. I know some of these one percent - they really think so, they hate political economists and sociologists because of the idea of equality and deceive the rest of the population, spreading slander about the most humanistic idea - the communist one - which threatens their elite state.
Acceptance of the idea that the "poor" and "rich" is NORMAL, and this is a question of psychological, at least inadequacy.

I'll read the text about socialism...I expect there, as a philosopher and political economist, many "surprises"
There’s tons of scientific data. Humans are hardwired at birth to be moral.

THAT is NOT a discussion. Make links and excerpts from texts, But not pastors at Lincoln’s latest model.

I think that you heard in the church in the sermons of pastors that a person is BORN GOOD. This is not true. He is born neither good nor evil. Although we can agree that since there is no natural anger in him, he is kind from birth.

No, and that is also not so. Psychologists who study child development note the tendency of children to torture animals. Adults punish them this or that way, explaining that animals experience pain. If a child is not a pathological moral monster, he understands what pain is, that he caused sufferings, that it is wrong, that inflicting pain is TABU.

Plato believed that a man could only become good by knowing the truth, and he could not know the truth without being good. This shows to be somewhat of a paradoxical argument.

Aristotle had a different theory regarding the goodness of man. Aristotle claimed that the good man was the norm and the measure of ethical truth.

But Aristotle concludes that there is no universal good. Aristotle must now fashion his own interpretation of what he calls the "highest" good. It is what people must reach. The highest good is ultimately the aim of all actions.

Aristotle tells us that our function is to live and to do what we do humanly. We have a reason, we act and we don't react. All fashions of human nature and actions have to be lived thoughtfully from within. One is accountable and must act for one's own reasons and not another's. In essence, the function of man is to live ethically.

All free males are born with the potential to become ethically virtuous and practically wise, but to achieve these goals they must go through two stages:
-during their childhood, they must develop the proper habits;
-and then, when their reason is fully PROPERLY developed, they must acquire practical wisdom (phronêsis).

Ethical virtue is fully developed only when it is combined with practical wisdom. A low-grade form of ethical virtue emerges in us during childhood as we are repeatedly placed in situations that call for appropriate actions and emotions; but as we rely less on others and become capable of doing more of our own thinking, we learn to develop a larger picture of human life, our deliberative skills improve, and our emotional responses are perfected. Like anyone who has developed a skill in performing a complex and difficult activity, the virtuous person takes pleasure in exercising his intellectual skills, in doing good. Furthermore, when he has decided what to do, he does not have to contend with internal pressures to act otherwise. He does not long to do something that he regards as shameful; and he is not greatly distressed at having to give up a pleasure that he realizes he should forego.

Are there people with deviations in man's morals and actions, deviations in understanding good and striving for good (it includes good for others. You cannot be good if achieving your good brings evil to others!)

Aristotel answers positively.

He places those who suffer from such internal disorders into one of three categories:
- (A) Some personalities, having reached a decision about what to do on a particular occasion, experience some counter-pressure brought on by an appetite for pleasure or anger, or some other emotion; and this countervailing influence is not completely under the control of reason.

(1) Within this category, some are typically better able to resist these counter-rational pressures than is the average person. Such people are not virtuous, although they generally do what a virtuous person does. Aristotle calls them “continent” (enkratês).

But (2) others are less successful than the average person in resisting these counter-pressures. They are “incontinent” (akratês).In addition,

-(B) there is a type of agent who refuses even to try to do what an ethically virtuous person would do, because he has become convinced that justice, temperance, generosity and the like are of little or no value. Such people Aristotle calls evil (kakos, phaulos).

He assumes that evil people are driven by desires for domination and luxury, and although they are single-minded in their pursuit of these goals, he portrays them as deeply divided, because their pleonexia—their desire for more and more—leaves them dissatisfied and full of self-hatred.

The evil person, teaches Aristotel, may wholeheartedly endorse some evil plan of action at a particular moment, but over the course of time, Aristotle supposes, he will regret his decision, because whatever he does will prove inadequate for the achievement of his goals .

I will add that this usually happens in prison, as happened to Weinstein, or those facing the death penalty. [/SIZE]

However, once they are free again, most often they will do the same again: the matrix of their virtue is incorrigibly corrupted.

View attachment 318388

View attachment 318390
It is a statement of fact. There is tons of scientific evidence showing that morality is hardwired into humans at birth.

"There is no formal defined dogma of socialism"


And WHAT is that???

“Communism is a classless social system with a single people's nationwide ownership of the means of production, full social equality of all members of society, where, together with the comprehensive development of people, productive forces based on constantly developing science and technology will grow, all sources of social wealth will flow in full flow and the great principle "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" will be realized. Communism is a highly organized society of free and conscious workers, in which social, self-government will be established, work for the benefit of society will be for everyone the first vital need, a conscious need, and the abilities of everyone will be used with the greatest benefit for the people. ”
I am afraid you will have to read Shafarevich’s Socialist Phenomenon to understand that statement. He is the only person to conduct an in depth analysis of the phenomenon of socialism. He conducted the definitive study and his work has yet to be refuted. Good luck.

Actually, I know this person PERSONALLY. Met at the Congress. I know his book too. SO WHAT? Let's point by point.

Actually, I don't like dissidents. They all belonged to the same circle, not distinguished by moral purity, and this circle did not shy from taking handouts from the American government.

You want to say that the Jew Shafarevich completely denied the Jew Karl Max and Engels? Did you PERSONALLY READ Marx ??? :)))

Or Shafarevich was enough for you??? :))) By the way, watching Sakharov, who I also personally knew and was the last journalist who interviewed him the evening before his death, I can say that there is a huge distance between the creation of nuclear weapons and philosophy ... It would be better if they both continued to develop physics and mathematics. ..

So, it turns out, there is a definition of socialism ???!

View attachment 318488
I’ve read enough of Marx to know that It was for good reason he said communism is naturalized humanism.
Last edited:
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. If there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one of which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today... Including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and a high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral a
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. But if there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one oа which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today, including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral accepted as the NORM by the vast majority of owners and managers of small, medium and large businesses. There were "rotten sheep", but a few and UNITED people FORCED them to comply. Everything changed after the infamous "confidential memorandum" of Lewis Powell, calling for a" boss revolt", as a result of which we lost OUR America and the country began to belong to 1 percent + 10 percent of the population ...

I am finishing an article on this subject, although, as I see it, you would be better if at first for you to read the book Who Stole the American Dream.

By the way, IF you are a believer, then you have to know that Jesus Christ was THE FIRST SOCIALIST.

And, please, do not repeat the profanities that we hear every day from corrupt politicians and journalists. Especially, when people are frightened and lose their ability to reason soberly!

View attachment 317769

The desire to kill one of your kind without an extraordinary reason is not a normal psychological attribute of Homo sapiens, as of a number of higher animals. As a rule, this is either an accident or extreme circumstances, such as the protection of oneself, one's family, one's female and young, and the social environment (country).

I would not want to speculate without absolutely reliable scientific data regarding the fact that a person is born with "the same amount of positive and negative." Moreover, I will say that genetic predisposition cannot be ignored.

And in society, a social predisposition is forming. Look at our story of the murder of one hundred million owners of this land - Native Indians - no one "suffers." No one repents. The result is a psychological "predisposition" to a tolerance to the murder of "OTHER" - Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria.

No less dangerous for society is a stable attitude that economic injustice is the norm. I know some of these one percent - they really think so, they hate political economists and sociologists because of the idea of equality and deceive the rest of the population, spreading slander about the most humanistic idea - the communist one - which threatens their elite state.
Acceptance of the idea that the "poor" and "rich" is NORMAL, and this is a question of psychological, at least inadequacy.

I'll read the text about socialism...I expect there, as a philosopher and political economist, many "surprises"
There’s tons of scientific data. Humans are hardwired at birth to be moral.

THAT is NOT a discussion. Make links and excerpts from texts, But not pastors at Lincoln’s latest model.

I think that you heard in the church in the sermons of pastors that a person is BORN GOOD. This is not true. He is born neither good nor evil. Although we can agree that since there is no natural anger in him, he is kind from birth.

No, and that is also not so. Psychologists who study child development note the tendency of children to torture animals. Adults punish them this or that way, explaining that animals experience pain. If a child is not a pathological moral monster, he understands what pain is, that he caused sufferings, that it is wrong, that inflicting pain is TABU.

Plato believed that a man could only become good by knowing the truth, and he could not know the truth without being good. This shows to be somewhat of a paradoxical argument.

Aristotle had a different theory regarding the goodness of man. Aristotle claimed that the good man was the norm and the measure of ethical truth.

But Aristotle concludes that there is no universal good. Aristotle must now fashion his own interpretation of what he calls the "highest" good. It is what people must reach. The highest good is ultimately the aim of all actions.

Aristotle tells us that our function is to live and to do what we do humanly. We have a reason, we act and we don't react. All fashions of human nature and actions have to be lived thoughtfully from within. One is accountable and must act for one's own reasons and not another's. In essence, the function of man is to live ethically.

All free males are born with the potential to become ethically virtuous and practically wise, but to achieve these goals they must go through two stages:
-during their childhood, they must develop the proper habits;
-and then, when their reason is fully PROPERLY developed, they must acquire practical wisdom (phronêsis).

Ethical virtue is fully developed only when it is combined with practical wisdom. A low-grade form of ethical virtue emerges in us during childhood as we are repeatedly placed in situations that call for appropriate actions and emotions; but as we rely less on others and become capable of doing more of our own thinking, we learn to develop a larger picture of human life, our deliberative skills improve, and our emotional responses are perfected. Like anyone who has developed a skill in performing a complex and difficult activity, the virtuous person takes pleasure in exercising his intellectual skills, in doing good. Furthermore, when he has decided what to do, he does not have to contend with internal pressures to act otherwise. He does not long to do something that he regards as shameful; and he is not greatly distressed at having to give up a pleasure that he realizes he should forego.

Are there people with deviations in man's morals and actions, deviations in understanding good and striving for good (it includes good for others. You cannot be good if achieving your good brings evil to others!)

Aristotel answers positively.

He places those who suffer from such internal disorders into one of three categories:
- (A) Some personalities, having reached a decision about what to do on a particular occasion, experience some counter-pressure brought on by an appetite for pleasure or anger, or some other emotion; and this countervailing influence is not completely under the control of reason.

(1) Within this category, some are typically better able to resist these counter-rational pressures than is the average person. Such people are not virtuous, although they generally do what a virtuous person does. Aristotle calls them “continent” (enkratês).

But (2) others are less successful than the average person in resisting these counter-pressures. They are “incontinent” (akratês).In addition,

-(B) there is a type of agent who refuses even to try to do what an ethically virtuous person would do, because he has become convinced that justice, temperance, generosity and the like are of little or no value. Such people Aristotle calls evil (kakos, phaulos).

He assumes that evil people are driven by desires for domination and luxury, and although they are single-minded in their pursuit of these goals, he portrays them as deeply divided, because their pleonexia—their desire for more and more—leaves them dissatisfied and full of self-hatred.

The evil person, teaches Aristotel, may wholeheartedly endorse some evil plan of action at a particular moment, but over the course of time, Aristotle supposes, he will regret his decision, because whatever he does will prove inadequate for the achievement of his goals .

I will add that this usually happens in prison, as happened to Weinstein, or those facing the death penalty. [/SIZE]

However, once they are free again, most often they will do the same again: the matrix of their virtue is incorrigibly corrupted.

View attachment 318388

View attachment 318390
It is a statement of fact. There is tons of scientific evidence showing that morality is hardwired into humans at birth.
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. If there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one of which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today... Including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and a high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral a
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. But if there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one oа which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today, including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral accepted as the NORM by the vast majority of owners and managers of small, medium and large businesses. There were "rotten sheep", but a few and UNITED people FORCED them to comply. Everything changed after the infamous "confidential memorandum" of Lewis Powell, calling for a" boss revolt", as a result of which we lost OUR America and the country began to belong to 1 percent + 10 percent of the population ...

I am finishing an article on this subject, although, as I see it, you would be better if at first for you to read the book Who Stole the American Dream.

By the way, IF you are a believer, then you have to know that Jesus Christ was THE FIRST SOCIALIST.

And, please, do not repeat the profanities that we hear every day from corrupt politicians and journalists. Especially, when people are frightened and lose their ability to reason soberly!

View attachment 317769

The desire to kill one of your kind without an extraordinary reason is not a normal psychological attribute of Homo sapiens, as of a number of higher animals. As a rule, this is either an accident or extreme circumstances, such as the protection of oneself, one's family, one's female and young, and the social environment (country).

I would not want to speculate without absolutely reliable scientific data regarding the fact that a person is born with "the same amount of positive and negative." Moreover, I will say that genetic predisposition cannot be ignored.

And in society, a social predisposition is forming. Look at our story of the murder of one hundred million owners of this land - Native Indians - no one "suffers." No one repents. The result is a psychological "predisposition" to a tolerance to the murder of "OTHER" - Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria.

No less dangerous for society is a stable attitude that economic injustice is the norm. I know some of these one percent - they really think so, they hate political economists and sociologists because of the idea of equality and deceive the rest of the population, spreading slander about the most humanistic idea - the communist one - which threatens their elite state.
Acceptance of the idea that the "poor" and "rich" is NORMAL, and this is a question of psychological, at least inadequacy.

I'll read the text about socialism...I expect there, as a philosopher and political economist, many "surprises"
There’s tons of scientific data. Humans are hardwired at birth to be moral.

THAT is NOT a discussion. Make links and excerpts from texts, But not pastors at Lincoln’s latest model.

I think that you heard in the church in the sermons of pastors that a person is BORN GOOD. This is not true. He is born neither good nor evil. Although we can agree that since there is no natural anger in him, he is kind from birth.

No, and that is also not so. Psychologists who study child development note the tendency of children to torture animals. Adults punish them this or that way, explaining that animals experience pain. If a child is not a pathological moral monster, he understands what pain is, that he caused sufferings, that it is wrong, that inflicting pain is TABU.

Plato believed that a man could only become good by knowing the truth, and he could not know the truth without being good. This shows to be somewhat of a paradoxical argument.

Aristotle had a different theory regarding the goodness of man. Aristotle claimed that the good man was the norm and the measure of ethical truth.

But Aristotle concludes that there is no universal good. Aristotle must now fashion his own interpretation of what he calls the "highest" good. It is what people must reach. The highest good is ultimately the aim of all actions.

Aristotle tells us that our function is to live and to do what we do humanly. We have a reason, we act and we don't react. All fashions of human nature and actions have to be lived thoughtfully from within. One is accountable and must act for one's own reasons and not another's. In essence, the function of man is to live ethically.

All free males are born with the potential to become ethically virtuous and practically wise, but to achieve these goals they must go through two stages:
-during their childhood, they must develop the proper habits;
-and then, when their reason is fully PROPERLY developed, they must acquire practical wisdom (phronêsis).

Ethical virtue is fully developed only when it is combined with practical wisdom. A low-grade form of ethical virtue emerges in us during childhood as we are repeatedly placed in situations that call for appropriate actions and emotions; but as we rely less on others and become capable of doing more of our own thinking, we learn to develop a larger picture of human life, our deliberative skills improve, and our emotional responses are perfected. Like anyone who has developed a skill in performing a complex and difficult activity, the virtuous person takes pleasure in exercising his intellectual skills, in doing good. Furthermore, when he has decided what to do, he does not have to contend with internal pressures to act otherwise. He does not long to do something that he regards as shameful; and he is not greatly distressed at having to give up a pleasure that he realizes he should forego.

Are there people with deviations in man's morals and actions, deviations in understanding good and striving for good (it includes good for others. You cannot be good if achieving your good brings evil to others!)

Aristotel answers positively.

He places those who suffer from such internal disorders into one of three categories:
- (A) Some personalities, having reached a decision about what to do on a particular occasion, experience some counter-pressure brought on by an appetite for pleasure or anger, or some other emotion; and this countervailing influence is not completely under the control of reason.

(1) Within this category, some are typically better able to resist these counter-rational pressures than is the average person. Such people are not virtuous, although they generally do what a virtuous person does. Aristotle calls them “continent” (enkratês).

But (2) others are less successful than the average person in resisting these counter-pressures. They are “incontinent” (akratês).In addition,

-(B) there is a type of agent who refuses even to try to do what an ethically virtuous person would do, because he has become convinced that justice, temperance, generosity and the like are of little or no value. Such people Aristotle calls evil (kakos, phaulos).

He assumes that evil people are driven by desires for domination and luxury, and although they are single-minded in their pursuit of these goals, he portrays them as deeply divided, because their pleonexia—their desire for more and more—leaves them dissatisfied and full of self-hatred.

The evil person, teaches Aristotel, may wholeheartedly endorse some evil plan of action at a particular moment, but over the course of time, Aristotle supposes, he will regret his decision, because whatever he does will prove inadequate for the achievement of his goals .

I will add that this usually happens in prison, as happened to Weinstein, or those facing the death penalty. [/SIZE]

However, once they are free again, most often they will do the same again: the matrix of their virtue is incorrigibly corrupted.

View attachment 318388

View attachment 318390
It is a statement of fact. There is tons of scientific evidence showing that morality is hardwired into humans at birth.

"Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man".

ARE you SURE you are talking about SOCIALISM???
I see almost ALL the features of OUR society.

And why do happy people living in FULL ACQUISITION should beg an unknown god for something? And what should they beg him for ??? To provide them with rubber gloves, masks, and disinfectant fluid ??? To get full access to free medicine ???
They have it ALL ...

Oh, maybe, to destroy the bank debt system? Inequality? Poverty?
Or ask God that the man whose heart stopped is taken not to the morgue, but to the intensive care unit ???
Yes. Again, you’d have to read the book to understand.

I see no reason to continue this discussion. You intentionally shy away from defending the theses that you have put forward. You have not read the BASIS of theory but refer to one little book that criticizes the mutant social organism, which has never been a socialist society.

Justification of the exploitation of man by man is immoral. From here - a half step to the theory of ethnic superiority such as "chosen by God", and Nazism.

I do not have time for fruitless discussion. Take Marx and read. Six months later (if during this time you manage to read his work) we will discuss both Marx and Shafarevich, although this is ridiculous.

So far it looks like a “beating a baby”. Read, pump up "muscles" and gain weight
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. If there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one of which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today... Including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and a high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral a
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. But if there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one oа which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today, including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral accepted as the NORM by the vast majority of owners and managers of small, medium and large businesses. There were "rotten sheep", but a few and UNITED people FORCED them to comply. Everything changed after the infamous "confidential memorandum" of Lewis Powell, calling for a" boss revolt", as a result of which we lost OUR America and the country began to belong to 1 percent + 10 percent of the population ...

I am finishing an article on this subject, although, as I see it, you would be better if at first for you to read the book Who Stole the American Dream.

By the way, IF you are a believer, then you have to know that Jesus Christ was THE FIRST SOCIALIST.

And, please, do not repeat the profanities that we hear every day from corrupt politicians and journalists. Especially, when people are frightened and lose their ability to reason soberly!

View attachment 317769

The desire to kill one of your kind without an extraordinary reason is not a normal psychological attribute of Homo sapiens, as of a number of higher animals. As a rule, this is either an accident or extreme circumstances, such as the protection of oneself, one's family, one's female and young, and the social environment (country).

I would not want to speculate without absolutely reliable scientific data regarding the fact that a person is born with "the same amount of positive and negative." Moreover, I will say that genetic predisposition cannot be ignored.

And in society, a social predisposition is forming. Look at our story of the murder of one hundred million owners of this land - Native Indians - no one "suffers." No one repents. The result is a psychological "predisposition" to a tolerance to the murder of "OTHER" - Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria.

No less dangerous for society is a stable attitude that economic injustice is the norm. I know some of these one percent - they really think so, they hate political economists and sociologists because of the idea of equality and deceive the rest of the population, spreading slander about the most humanistic idea - the communist one - which threatens their elite state.
Acceptance of the idea that the "poor" and "rich" is NORMAL, and this is a question of psychological, at least inadequacy.

I'll read the text about socialism...I expect there, as a philosopher and political economist, many "surprises"
There’s tons of scientific data. Humans are hardwired at birth to be moral.

THAT is NOT a discussion. Make links and excerpts from texts, But not pastors at Lincoln’s latest model.

I think that you heard in the church in the sermons of pastors that a person is BORN GOOD. This is not true. He is born neither good nor evil. Although we can agree that since there is no natural anger in him, he is kind from birth.

No, and that is also not so. Psychologists who study child development note the tendency of children to torture animals. Adults punish them this or that way, explaining that animals experience pain. If a child is not a pathological moral monster, he understands what pain is, that he caused sufferings, that it is wrong, that inflicting pain is TABU.

Plato believed that a man could only become good by knowing the truth, and he could not know the truth without being good. This shows to be somewhat of a paradoxical argument.

Aristotle had a different theory regarding the goodness of man. Aristotle claimed that the good man was the norm and the measure of ethical truth.

But Aristotle concludes that there is no universal good. Aristotle must now fashion his own interpretation of what he calls the "highest" good. It is what people must reach. The highest good is ultimately the aim of all actions.

Aristotle tells us that our function is to live and to do what we do humanly. We have a reason, we act and we don't react. All fashions of human nature and actions have to be lived thoughtfully from within. One is accountable and must act for one's own reasons and not another's. In essence, the function of man is to live ethically.

All free males are born with the potential to become ethically virtuous and practically wise, but to achieve these goals they must go through two stages:
-during their childhood, they must develop the proper habits;
-and then, when their reason is fully PROPERLY developed, they must acquire practical wisdom (phronêsis).

Ethical virtue is fully developed only when it is combined with practical wisdom. A low-grade form of ethical virtue emerges in us during childhood as we are repeatedly placed in situations that call for appropriate actions and emotions; but as we rely less on others and become capable of doing more of our own thinking, we learn to develop a larger picture of human life, our deliberative skills improve, and our emotional responses are perfected. Like anyone who has developed a skill in performing a complex and difficult activity, the virtuous person takes pleasure in exercising his intellectual skills, in doing good. Furthermore, when he has decided what to do, he does not have to contend with internal pressures to act otherwise. He does not long to do something that he regards as shameful; and he is not greatly distressed at having to give up a pleasure that he realizes he should forego.

Are there people with deviations in man's morals and actions, deviations in understanding good and striving for good (it includes good for others. You cannot be good if achieving your good brings evil to others!)

Aristotel answers positively.

He places those who suffer from such internal disorders into one of three categories:
- (A) Some personalities, having reached a decision about what to do on a particular occasion, experience some counter-pressure brought on by an appetite for pleasure or anger, or some other emotion; and this countervailing influence is not completely under the control of reason.

(1) Within this category, some are typically better able to resist these counter-rational pressures than is the average person. Such people are not virtuous, although they generally do what a virtuous person does. Aristotle calls them “continent” (enkratês).

But (2) others are less successful than the average person in resisting these counter-pressures. They are “incontinent” (akratês).In addition,

-(B) there is a type of agent who refuses even to try to do what an ethically virtuous person would do, because he has become convinced that justice, temperance, generosity and the like are of little or no value. Such people Aristotle calls evil (kakos, phaulos).

He assumes that evil people are driven by desires for domination and luxury, and although they are single-minded in their pursuit of these goals, he portrays them as deeply divided, because their pleonexia—their desire for more and more—leaves them dissatisfied and full of self-hatred.

The evil person, teaches Aristotel, may wholeheartedly endorse some evil plan of action at a particular moment, but over the course of time, Aristotle supposes, he will regret his decision, because whatever he does will prove inadequate for the achievement of his goals .

I will add that this usually happens in prison, as happened to Weinstein, or those facing the death penalty. [/SIZE]

However, once they are free again, most often they will do the same again: the matrix of their virtue is incorrigibly corrupted.

View attachment 318388

View attachment 318390
It is a statement of fact. There is tons of scientific evidence showing that morality is hardwired into humans at birth.
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. If there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one of which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today... Including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and a high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral a
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. But if there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one oа which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today, including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral accepted as the NORM by the vast majority of owners and managers of small, medium and large businesses. There were "rotten sheep", but a few and UNITED people FORCED them to comply. Everything changed after the infamous "confidential memorandum" of Lewis Powell, calling for a" boss revolt", as a result of which we lost OUR America and the country began to belong to 1 percent + 10 percent of the population ...

I am finishing an article on this subject, although, as I see it, you would be better if at first for you to read the book Who Stole the American Dream.

By the way, IF you are a believer, then you have to know that Jesus Christ was THE FIRST SOCIALIST.

And, please, do not repeat the profanities that we hear every day from corrupt politicians and journalists. Especially, when people are frightened and lose their ability to reason soberly!

View attachment 317769

The desire to kill one of your kind without an extraordinary reason is not a normal psychological attribute of Homo sapiens, as of a number of higher animals. As a rule, this is either an accident or extreme circumstances, such as the protection of oneself, one's family, one's female and young, and the social environment (country).

I would not want to speculate without absolutely reliable scientific data regarding the fact that a person is born with "the same amount of positive and negative." Moreover, I will say that genetic predisposition cannot be ignored.

And in society, a social predisposition is forming. Look at our story of the murder of one hundred million owners of this land - Native Indians - no one "suffers." No one repents. The result is a psychological "predisposition" to a tolerance to the murder of "OTHER" - Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria.

No less dangerous for society is a stable attitude that economic injustice is the norm. I know some of these one percent - they really think so, they hate political economists and sociologists because of the idea of equality and deceive the rest of the population, spreading slander about the most humanistic idea - the communist one - which threatens their elite state.
Acceptance of the idea that the "poor" and "rich" is NORMAL, and this is a question of psychological, at least inadequacy.

I'll read the text about socialism...I expect there, as a philosopher and political economist, many "surprises"
There’s tons of scientific data. Humans are hardwired at birth to be moral.

THAT is NOT a discussion. Make links and excerpts from texts, But not pastors at Lincoln’s latest model.

I think that you heard in the church in the sermons of pastors that a person is BORN GOOD. This is not true. He is born neither good nor evil. Although we can agree that since there is no natural anger in him, he is kind from birth.

No, and that is also not so. Psychologists who study child development note the tendency of children to torture animals. Adults punish them this or that way, explaining that animals experience pain. If a child is not a pathological moral monster, he understands what pain is, that he caused sufferings, that it is wrong, that inflicting pain is TABU.

Plato believed that a man could only become good by knowing the truth, and he could not know the truth without being good. This shows to be somewhat of a paradoxical argument.

Aristotle had a different theory regarding the goodness of man. Aristotle claimed that the good man was the norm and the measure of ethical truth.

But Aristotle concludes that there is no universal good. Aristotle must now fashion his own interpretation of what he calls the "highest" good. It is what people must reach. The highest good is ultimately the aim of all actions.

Aristotle tells us that our function is to live and to do what we do humanly. We have a reason, we act and we don't react. All fashions of human nature and actions have to be lived thoughtfully from within. One is accountable and must act for one's own reasons and not another's. In essence, the function of man is to live ethically.

All free males are born with the potential to become ethically virtuous and practically wise, but to achieve these goals they must go through two stages:
-during their childhood, they must develop the proper habits;
-and then, when their reason is fully PROPERLY developed, they must acquire practical wisdom (phronêsis).

Ethical virtue is fully developed only when it is combined with practical wisdom. A low-grade form of ethical virtue emerges in us during childhood as we are repeatedly placed in situations that call for appropriate actions and emotions; but as we rely less on others and become capable of doing more of our own thinking, we learn to develop a larger picture of human life, our deliberative skills improve, and our emotional responses are perfected. Like anyone who has developed a skill in performing a complex and difficult activity, the virtuous person takes pleasure in exercising his intellectual skills, in doing good. Furthermore, when he has decided what to do, he does not have to contend with internal pressures to act otherwise. He does not long to do something that he regards as shameful; and he is not greatly distressed at having to give up a pleasure that he realizes he should forego.

Are there people with deviations in man's morals and actions, deviations in understanding good and striving for good (it includes good for others. You cannot be good if achieving your good brings evil to others!)

Aristotel answers positively.

He places those who suffer from such internal disorders into one of three categories:
- (A) Some personalities, having reached a decision about what to do on a particular occasion, experience some counter-pressure brought on by an appetite for pleasure or anger, or some other emotion; and this countervailing influence is not completely under the control of reason.

(1) Within this category, some are typically better able to resist these counter-rational pressures than is the average person. Such people are not virtuous, although they generally do what a virtuous person does. Aristotle calls them “continent” (enkratês).

But (2) others are less successful than the average person in resisting these counter-pressures. They are “incontinent” (akratês).In addition,

-(B) there is a type of agent who refuses even to try to do what an ethically virtuous person would do, because he has become convinced that justice, temperance, generosity and the like are of little or no value. Such people Aristotle calls evil (kakos, phaulos).

He assumes that evil people are driven by desires for domination and luxury, and although they are single-minded in their pursuit of these goals, he portrays them as deeply divided, because their pleonexia—their desire for more and more—leaves them dissatisfied and full of self-hatred.

The evil person, teaches Aristotel, may wholeheartedly endorse some evil plan of action at a particular moment, but over the course of time, Aristotle supposes, he will regret his decision, because whatever he does will prove inadequate for the achievement of his goals .

I will add that this usually happens in prison, as happened to Weinstein, or those facing the death penalty. [/SIZE]

However, once they are free again, most often they will do the same again: the matrix of their virtue is incorrigibly corrupted.

View attachment 318388

View attachment 318390
It is a statement of fact. There is tons of scientific evidence showing that morality is hardwired into humans at birth.

"Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man".

ARE you SURE you are talking about SOCIALISM???
I see almost ALL the features of OUR society.

And why do happy people living in FULL ACQUISITION should beg an unknown god for something? And what should they beg him for ??? To provide them with rubber gloves, masks, and disinfectant fluid ??? To get full access to free medicine ???
They have it ALL ...

Oh, maybe, to destroy the bank debt system? Inequality? Poverty?
Or ask God that the man whose heart stopped is taken not to the morgue, but to the intensive care unit ???
Yes. Again, you’d have to read the book to understand.

I see no reason to continue this discussion. You intentionally shy away from defending the theses that you have put forward. You have not read the BASIS of theory but refer to one little book that criticizes the mutant social organism, which has never been a socialist society.

Justification of the exploitation of man by man is immoral. From here - a half step to the theory of ethnic superiority such as "chosen by God", and Nazism.

I do not have time for fruitless discussion. Take Marx and read. Six months later (if during this time you manage to read his work) we will discuss both Marx and Shafarevich, although this is ridiculous.

So far it looks like a “beating a baby”. Read, pump up "muscles" and gain weight
That’s your call to make.
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. If there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one of which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today... Including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and a high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral a
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. But if there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one oа which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today, including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral accepted as the NORM by the vast majority of owners and managers of small, medium and large businesses. There were "rotten sheep", but a few and UNITED people FORCED them to comply. Everything changed after the infamous "confidential memorandum" of Lewis Powell, calling for a" boss revolt", as a result of which we lost OUR America and the country began to belong to 1 percent + 10 percent of the population ...

I am finishing an article on this subject, although, as I see it, you would be better if at first for you to read the book Who Stole the American Dream.

By the way, IF you are a believer, then you have to know that Jesus Christ was THE FIRST SOCIALIST.

And, please, do not repeat the profanities that we hear every day from corrupt politicians and journalists. Especially, when people are frightened and lose their ability to reason soberly!

View attachment 317769

The desire to kill one of your kind without an extraordinary reason is not a normal psychological attribute of Homo sapiens, as of a number of higher animals. As a rule, this is either an accident or extreme circumstances, such as the protection of oneself, one's family, one's female and young, and the social environment (country).

I would not want to speculate without absolutely reliable scientific data regarding the fact that a person is born with "the same amount of positive and negative." Moreover, I will say that genetic predisposition cannot be ignored.

And in society, a social predisposition is forming. Look at our story of the murder of one hundred million owners of this land - Native Indians - no one "suffers." No one repents. The result is a psychological "predisposition" to a tolerance to the murder of "OTHER" - Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria.

No less dangerous for society is a stable attitude that economic injustice is the norm. I know some of these one percent - they really think so, they hate political economists and sociologists because of the idea of equality and deceive the rest of the population, spreading slander about the most humanistic idea - the communist one - which threatens their elite state.
Acceptance of the idea that the "poor" and "rich" is NORMAL, and this is a question of psychological, at least inadequacy.

I'll read the text about socialism...I expect there, as a philosopher and political economist, many "surprises"
There’s tons of scientific data. Humans are hardwired at birth to be moral.

THAT is NOT a discussion. Make links and excerpts from texts, But not pastors at Lincoln’s latest model.

I think that you heard in the church in the sermons of pastors that a person is BORN GOOD. This is not true. He is born neither good nor evil. Although we can agree that since there is no natural anger in him, he is kind from birth.

No, and that is also not so. Psychologists who study child development note the tendency of children to torture animals. Adults punish them this or that way, explaining that animals experience pain. If a child is not a pathological moral monster, he understands what pain is, that he caused sufferings, that it is wrong, that inflicting pain is TABU.

Plato believed that a man could only become good by knowing the truth, and he could not know the truth without being good. This shows to be somewhat of a paradoxical argument.

Aristotle had a different theory regarding the goodness of man. Aristotle claimed that the good man was the norm and the measure of ethical truth.

But Aristotle concludes that there is no universal good. Aristotle must now fashion his own interpretation of what he calls the "highest" good. It is what people must reach. The highest good is ultimately the aim of all actions.

Aristotle tells us that our function is to live and to do what we do humanly. We have a reason, we act and we don't react. All fashions of human nature and actions have to be lived thoughtfully from within. One is accountable and must act for one's own reasons and not another's. In essence, the function of man is to live ethically.

All free males are born with the potential to become ethically virtuous and practically wise, but to achieve these goals they must go through two stages:
-during their childhood, they must develop the proper habits;
-and then, when their reason is fully PROPERLY developed, they must acquire practical wisdom (phronêsis).

Ethical virtue is fully developed only when it is combined with practical wisdom. A low-grade form of ethical virtue emerges in us during childhood as we are repeatedly placed in situations that call for appropriate actions and emotions; but as we rely less on others and become capable of doing more of our own thinking, we learn to develop a larger picture of human life, our deliberative skills improve, and our emotional responses are perfected. Like anyone who has developed a skill in performing a complex and difficult activity, the virtuous person takes pleasure in exercising his intellectual skills, in doing good. Furthermore, when he has decided what to do, he does not have to contend with internal pressures to act otherwise. He does not long to do something that he regards as shameful; and he is not greatly distressed at having to give up a pleasure that he realizes he should forego.

Are there people with deviations in man's morals and actions, deviations in understanding good and striving for good (it includes good for others. You cannot be good if achieving your good brings evil to others!)

Aristotel answers positively.

He places those who suffer from such internal disorders into one of three categories:
- (A) Some personalities, having reached a decision about what to do on a particular occasion, experience some counter-pressure brought on by an appetite for pleasure or anger, or some other emotion; and this countervailing influence is not completely under the control of reason.

(1) Within this category, some are typically better able to resist these counter-rational pressures than is the average person. Such people are not virtuous, although they generally do what a virtuous person does. Aristotle calls them “continent” (enkratês).

But (2) others are less successful than the average person in resisting these counter-pressures. They are “incontinent” (akratês).In addition,

-(B) there is a type of agent who refuses even to try to do what an ethically virtuous person would do, because he has become convinced that justice, temperance, generosity and the like are of little or no value. Such people Aristotle calls evil (kakos, phaulos).

He assumes that evil people are driven by desires for domination and luxury, and although they are single-minded in their pursuit of these goals, he portrays them as deeply divided, because their pleonexia—their desire for more and more—leaves them dissatisfied and full of self-hatred.

The evil person, teaches Aristotel, may wholeheartedly endorse some evil plan of action at a particular moment, but over the course of time, Aristotle supposes, he will regret his decision, because whatever he does will prove inadequate for the achievement of his goals .

I will add that this usually happens in prison, as happened to Weinstein, or those facing the death penalty. [/SIZE]

However, once they are free again, most often they will do the same again: the matrix of their virtue is incorrigibly corrupted.

View attachment 318388

View attachment 318390
It is a statement of fact. There is tons of scientific evidence showing that morality is hardwired into humans at birth.
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. If there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one of which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today... Including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and a high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral a
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. But if there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one oа which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today, including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral accepted as the NORM by the vast majority of owners and managers of small, medium and large businesses. There were "rotten sheep", but a few and UNITED people FORCED them to comply. Everything changed after the infamous "confidential memorandum" of Lewis Powell, calling for a" boss revolt", as a result of which we lost OUR America and the country began to belong to 1 percent + 10 percent of the population ...

I am finishing an article on this subject, although, as I see it, you would be better if at first for you to read the book Who Stole the American Dream.

By the way, IF you are a believer, then you have to know that Jesus Christ was THE FIRST SOCIALIST.

And, please, do not repeat the profanities that we hear every day from corrupt politicians and journalists. Especially, when people are frightened and lose their ability to reason soberly!

View attachment 317769

The desire to kill one of your kind without an extraordinary reason is not a normal psychological attribute of Homo sapiens, as of a number of higher animals. As a rule, this is either an accident or extreme circumstances, such as the protection of oneself, one's family, one's female and young, and the social environment (country).

I would not want to speculate without absolutely reliable scientific data regarding the fact that a person is born with "the same amount of positive and negative." Moreover, I will say that genetic predisposition cannot be ignored.

And in society, a social predisposition is forming. Look at our story of the murder of one hundred million owners of this land - Native Indians - no one "suffers." No one repents. The result is a psychological "predisposition" to a tolerance to the murder of "OTHER" - Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria.

No less dangerous for society is a stable attitude that economic injustice is the norm. I know some of these one percent - they really think so, they hate political economists and sociologists because of the idea of equality and deceive the rest of the population, spreading slander about the most humanistic idea - the communist one - which threatens their elite state.
Acceptance of the idea that the "poor" and "rich" is NORMAL, and this is a question of psychological, at least inadequacy.

I'll read the text about socialism...I expect there, as a philosopher and political economist, many "surprises"
There’s tons of scientific data. Humans are hardwired at birth to be moral.

THAT is NOT a discussion. Make links and excerpts from texts, But not pastors at Lincoln’s latest model.

I think that you heard in the church in the sermons of pastors that a person is BORN GOOD. This is not true. He is born neither good nor evil. Although we can agree that since there is no natural anger in him, he is kind from birth.

No, and that is also not so. Psychologists who study child development note the tendency of children to torture animals. Adults punish them this or that way, explaining that animals experience pain. If a child is not a pathological moral monster, he understands what pain is, that he caused sufferings, that it is wrong, that inflicting pain is TABU.

Plato believed that a man could only become good by knowing the truth, and he could not know the truth without being good. This shows to be somewhat of a paradoxical argument.

Aristotle had a different theory regarding the goodness of man. Aristotle claimed that the good man was the norm and the measure of ethical truth.

But Aristotle concludes that there is no universal good. Aristotle must now fashion his own interpretation of what he calls the "highest" good. It is what people must reach. The highest good is ultimately the aim of all actions.

Aristotle tells us that our function is to live and to do what we do humanly. We have a reason, we act and we don't react. All fashions of human nature and actions have to be lived thoughtfully from within. One is accountable and must act for one's own reasons and not another's. In essence, the function of man is to live ethically.

All free males are born with the potential to become ethically virtuous and practically wise, but to achieve these goals they must go through two stages:
-during their childhood, they must develop the proper habits;
-and then, when their reason is fully PROPERLY developed, they must acquire practical wisdom (phronêsis).

Ethical virtue is fully developed only when it is combined with practical wisdom. A low-grade form of ethical virtue emerges in us during childhood as we are repeatedly placed in situations that call for appropriate actions and emotions; but as we rely less on others and become capable of doing more of our own thinking, we learn to develop a larger picture of human life, our deliberative skills improve, and our emotional responses are perfected. Like anyone who has developed a skill in performing a complex and difficult activity, the virtuous person takes pleasure in exercising his intellectual skills, in doing good. Furthermore, when he has decided what to do, he does not have to contend with internal pressures to act otherwise. He does not long to do something that he regards as shameful; and he is not greatly distressed at having to give up a pleasure that he realizes he should forego.

Are there people with deviations in man's morals and actions, deviations in understanding good and striving for good (it includes good for others. You cannot be good if achieving your good brings evil to others!)

Aristotel answers positively.

He places those who suffer from such internal disorders into one of three categories:
- (A) Some personalities, having reached a decision about what to do on a particular occasion, experience some counter-pressure brought on by an appetite for pleasure or anger, or some other emotion; and this countervailing influence is not completely under the control of reason.

(1) Within this category, some are typically better able to resist these counter-rational pressures than is the average person. Such people are not virtuous, although they generally do what a virtuous person does. Aristotle calls them “continent” (enkratês).

But (2) others are less successful than the average person in resisting these counter-pressures. They are “incontinent” (akratês).In addition,

-(B) there is a type of agent who refuses even to try to do what an ethically virtuous person would do, because he has become convinced that justice, temperance, generosity and the like are of little or no value. Such people Aristotle calls evil (kakos, phaulos).

He assumes that evil people are driven by desires for domination and luxury, and although they are single-minded in their pursuit of these goals, he portrays them as deeply divided, because their pleonexia—their desire for more and more—leaves them dissatisfied and full of self-hatred.

The evil person, teaches Aristotel, may wholeheartedly endorse some evil plan of action at a particular moment, but over the course of time, Aristotle supposes, he will regret his decision, because whatever he does will prove inadequate for the achievement of his goals .

I will add that this usually happens in prison, as happened to Weinstein, or those facing the death penalty. [/SIZE]

However, once they are free again, most often they will do the same again: the matrix of their virtue is incorrigibly corrupted.

View attachment 318388

View attachment 318390
It is a statement of fact. There is tons of scientific evidence showing that morality is hardwired into humans at birth.

"Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man".

ARE you SURE you are talking about SOCIALISM???
I see almost ALL the features of OUR society.

And why do happy people living in FULL ACQUISITION should beg an unknown god for something? And what should they beg him for ??? To provide them with rubber gloves, masks, and disinfectant fluid ??? To get full access to free medicine ???
They have it ALL ...

Oh, maybe, to destroy the bank debt system? Inequality? Poverty?
Or ask God that the man whose heart stopped is taken not to the morgue, but to the intensive care unit ???
Yes. Again, you’d have to read the book to understand.

I see no reason to continue this discussion. You intentionally shy away from defending the theses that you have put forward. You have not read the BASIS of theory but refer to one little book that criticizes the mutant social organism, which has never been a socialist society.

Justification of the exploitation of man by man is immoral. From here - a half step to the theory of ethnic superiority such as "chosen by God", and Nazism.

I do not have time for fruitless discussion. Take Marx and read. Six months later (if during this time you manage to read his work) we will discuss both Marx and Shafarevich, although this is ridiculous.

So far it looks like a “beating a baby”. Read, pump up "muscles" and gain weight
That’s your call to make.

Actually, I wrote about financial crooks at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts. You have left this topic. Since you are copying and pasting false fabrications about socialism over and over again, your goal is not to find the Truth, but to defame the most humane concept that humanity has nurtured for millennia.

You are not politically educated to disgrace. You have not carried out any theoretical defense of any of the theses put forward by you.
Goodbye. Meet me in six months - Marx has four volumes of Capital...

She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. If there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one of which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today... Including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and a high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral a
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. But if there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one oа which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today, including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral accepted as the NORM by the vast majority of owners and managers of small, medium and large businesses. There were "rotten sheep", but a few and UNITED people FORCED them to comply. Everything changed after the infamous "confidential memorandum" of Lewis Powell, calling for a" boss revolt", as a result of which we lost OUR America and the country began to belong to 1 percent + 10 percent of the population ...

I am finishing an article on this subject, although, as I see it, you would be better if at first for you to read the book Who Stole the American Dream.

By the way, IF you are a believer, then you have to know that Jesus Christ was THE FIRST SOCIALIST.

And, please, do not repeat the profanities that we hear every day from corrupt politicians and journalists. Especially, when people are frightened and lose their ability to reason soberly!

View attachment 317769

The desire to kill one of your kind without an extraordinary reason is not a normal psychological attribute of Homo sapiens, as of a number of higher animals. As a rule, this is either an accident or extreme circumstances, such as the protection of oneself, one's family, one's female and young, and the social environment (country).

I would not want to speculate without absolutely reliable scientific data regarding the fact that a person is born with "the same amount of positive and negative." Moreover, I will say that genetic predisposition cannot be ignored.

And in society, a social predisposition is forming. Look at our story of the murder of one hundred million owners of this land - Native Indians - no one "suffers." No one repents. The result is a psychological "predisposition" to a tolerance to the murder of "OTHER" - Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria.

No less dangerous for society is a stable attitude that economic injustice is the norm. I know some of these one percent - they really think so, they hate political economists and sociologists because of the idea of equality and deceive the rest of the population, spreading slander about the most humanistic idea - the communist one - which threatens their elite state.
Acceptance of the idea that the "poor" and "rich" is NORMAL, and this is a question of psychological, at least inadequacy.

I'll read the text about socialism...I expect there, as a philosopher and political economist, many "surprises"
There’s tons of scientific data. Humans are hardwired at birth to be moral.

THAT is NOT a discussion. Make links and excerpts from texts, But not pastors at Lincoln’s latest model.

I think that you heard in the church in the sermons of pastors that a person is BORN GOOD. This is not true. He is born neither good nor evil. Although we can agree that since there is no natural anger in him, he is kind from birth.

No, and that is also not so. Psychologists who study child development note the tendency of children to torture animals. Adults punish them this or that way, explaining that animals experience pain. If a child is not a pathological moral monster, he understands what pain is, that he caused sufferings, that it is wrong, that inflicting pain is TABU.

Plato believed that a man could only become good by knowing the truth, and he could not know the truth without being good. This shows to be somewhat of a paradoxical argument.

Aristotle had a different theory regarding the goodness of man. Aristotle claimed that the good man was the norm and the measure of ethical truth.

But Aristotle concludes that there is no universal good. Aristotle must now fashion his own interpretation of what he calls the "highest" good. It is what people must reach. The highest good is ultimately the aim of all actions.

Aristotle tells us that our function is to live and to do what we do humanly. We have a reason, we act and we don't react. All fashions of human nature and actions have to be lived thoughtfully from within. One is accountable and must act for one's own reasons and not another's. In essence, the function of man is to live ethically.

All free males are born with the potential to become ethically virtuous and practically wise, but to achieve these goals they must go through two stages:
-during their childhood, they must develop the proper habits;
-and then, when their reason is fully PROPERLY developed, they must acquire practical wisdom (phronêsis).

Ethical virtue is fully developed only when it is combined with practical wisdom. A low-grade form of ethical virtue emerges in us during childhood as we are repeatedly placed in situations that call for appropriate actions and emotions; but as we rely less on others and become capable of doing more of our own thinking, we learn to develop a larger picture of human life, our deliberative skills improve, and our emotional responses are perfected. Like anyone who has developed a skill in performing a complex and difficult activity, the virtuous person takes pleasure in exercising his intellectual skills, in doing good. Furthermore, when he has decided what to do, he does not have to contend with internal pressures to act otherwise. He does not long to do something that he regards as shameful; and he is not greatly distressed at having to give up a pleasure that he realizes he should forego.

Are there people with deviations in man's morals and actions, deviations in understanding good and striving for good (it includes good for others. You cannot be good if achieving your good brings evil to others!)

Aristotel answers positively.

He places those who suffer from such internal disorders into one of three categories:
- (A) Some personalities, having reached a decision about what to do on a particular occasion, experience some counter-pressure brought on by an appetite for pleasure or anger, or some other emotion; and this countervailing influence is not completely under the control of reason.

(1) Within this category, some are typically better able to resist these counter-rational pressures than is the average person. Such people are not virtuous, although they generally do what a virtuous person does. Aristotle calls them “continent” (enkratês).

But (2) others are less successful than the average person in resisting these counter-pressures. They are “incontinent” (akratês).In addition,

-(B) there is a type of agent who refuses even to try to do what an ethically virtuous person would do, because he has become convinced that justice, temperance, generosity and the like are of little or no value. Such people Aristotle calls evil (kakos, phaulos).

He assumes that evil people are driven by desires for domination and luxury, and although they are single-minded in their pursuit of these goals, he portrays them as deeply divided, because their pleonexia—their desire for more and more—leaves them dissatisfied and full of self-hatred.

The evil person, teaches Aristotel, may wholeheartedly endorse some evil plan of action at a particular moment, but over the course of time, Aristotle supposes, he will regret his decision, because whatever he does will prove inadequate for the achievement of his goals .

I will add that this usually happens in prison, as happened to Weinstein, or those facing the death penalty. [/SIZE]

However, once they are free again, most often they will do the same again: the matrix of their virtue is incorrigibly corrupted.

View attachment 318388

View attachment 318390
It is a statement of fact. There is tons of scientific evidence showing that morality is hardwired into humans at birth.
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. If there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one of which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today... Including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and a high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral a
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.

You are mistaken because NOBODY, with the exception of freaks, is born with a "package of moral principles." They are formed in children, including the element of coercion. But if there is no one to form this “package”, because the father is at three jobs, and the mother is at two, one oа which is a "moon-light shift", and grandparents prefer to “love grandchildren” at a distance, then we have what we have today, including that that at age 12 it’s hard to meet a virgin, and high school is more like, sorry, a house.

The moral of the "circle of virtue" was the moral accepted as the NORM by the vast majority of owners and managers of small, medium and large businesses. There were "rotten sheep", but a few and UNITED people FORCED them to comply. Everything changed after the infamous "confidential memorandum" of Lewis Powell, calling for a" boss revolt", as a result of which we lost OUR America and the country began to belong to 1 percent + 10 percent of the population ...

I am finishing an article on this subject, although, as I see it, you would be better if at first for you to read the book Who Stole the American Dream.

By the way, IF you are a believer, then you have to know that Jesus Christ was THE FIRST SOCIALIST.

And, please, do not repeat the profanities that we hear every day from corrupt politicians and journalists. Especially, when people are frightened and lose their ability to reason soberly!

View attachment 317769

The desire to kill one of your kind without an extraordinary reason is not a normal psychological attribute of Homo sapiens, as of a number of higher animals. As a rule, this is either an accident or extreme circumstances, such as the protection of oneself, one's family, one's female and young, and the social environment (country).

I would not want to speculate without absolutely reliable scientific data regarding the fact that a person is born with "the same amount of positive and negative." Moreover, I will say that genetic predisposition cannot be ignored.

And in society, a social predisposition is forming. Look at our story of the murder of one hundred million owners of this land - Native Indians - no one "suffers." No one repents. The result is a psychological "predisposition" to a tolerance to the murder of "OTHER" - Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria.

No less dangerous for society is a stable attitude that economic injustice is the norm. I know some of these one percent - they really think so, they hate political economists and sociologists because of the idea of equality and deceive the rest of the population, spreading slander about the most humanistic idea - the communist one - which threatens their elite state.
Acceptance of the idea that the "poor" and "rich" is NORMAL, and this is a question of psychological, at least inadequacy.

I'll read the text about socialism...I expect there, as a philosopher and political economist, many "surprises"
There’s tons of scientific data. Humans are hardwired at birth to be moral.

THAT is NOT a discussion. Make links and excerpts from texts, But not pastors at Lincoln’s latest model.

I think that you heard in the church in the sermons of pastors that a person is BORN GOOD. This is not true. He is born neither good nor evil. Although we can agree that since there is no natural anger in him, he is kind from birth.

No, and that is also not so. Psychologists who study child development note the tendency of children to torture animals. Adults punish them this or that way, explaining that animals experience pain. If a child is not a pathological moral monster, he understands what pain is, that he caused sufferings, that it is wrong, that inflicting pain is TABU.

Plato believed that a man could only become good by knowing the truth, and he could not know the truth without being good. This shows to be somewhat of a paradoxical argument.

Aristotle had a different theory regarding the goodness of man. Aristotle claimed that the good man was the norm and the measure of ethical truth.

But Aristotle concludes that there is no universal good. Aristotle must now fashion his own interpretation of what he calls the "highest" good. It is what people must reach. The highest good is ultimately the aim of all actions.

Aristotle tells us that our function is to live and to do what we do humanly. We have a reason, we act and we don't react. All fashions of human nature and actions have to be lived thoughtfully from within. One is accountable and must act for one's own reasons and not another's. In essence, the function of man is to live ethically.

All free males are born with the potential to become ethically virtuous and practically wise, but to achieve these goals they must go through two stages:
-during their childhood, they must develop the proper habits;
-and then, when their reason is fully PROPERLY developed, they must acquire practical wisdom (phronêsis).

Ethical virtue is fully developed only when it is combined with practical wisdom. A low-grade form of ethical virtue emerges in us during childhood as we are repeatedly placed in situations that call for appropriate actions and emotions; but as we rely less on others and become capable of doing more of our own thinking, we learn to develop a larger picture of human life, our deliberative skills improve, and our emotional responses are perfected. Like anyone who has developed a skill in performing a complex and difficult activity, the virtuous person takes pleasure in exercising his intellectual skills, in doing good. Furthermore, when he has decided what to do, he does not have to contend with internal pressures to act otherwise. He does not long to do something that he regards as shameful; and he is not greatly distressed at having to give up a pleasure that he realizes he should forego.

Are there people with deviations in man's morals and actions, deviations in understanding good and striving for good (it includes good for others. You cannot be good if achieving your good brings evil to others!)

Aristotel answers positively.

He places those who suffer from such internal disorders into one of three categories:
- (A) Some personalities, having reached a decision about what to do on a particular occasion, experience some counter-pressure brought on by an appetite for pleasure or anger, or some other emotion; and this countervailing influence is not completely under the control of reason.

(1) Within this category, some are typically better able to resist these counter-rational pressures than is the average person. Such people are not virtuous, although they generally do what a virtuous person does. Aristotle calls them “continent” (enkratês).

But (2) others are less successful than the average person in resisting these counter-pressures. They are “incontinent” (akratês).In addition,

-(B) there is a type of agent who refuses even to try to do what an ethically virtuous person would do, because he has become convinced that justice, temperance, generosity and the like are of little or no value. Such people Aristotle calls evil (kakos, phaulos).

He assumes that evil people are driven by desires for domination and luxury, and although they are single-minded in their pursuit of these goals, he portrays them as deeply divided, because their pleonexia—their desire for more and more—leaves them dissatisfied and full of self-hatred.

The evil person, teaches Aristotel, may wholeheartedly endorse some evil plan of action at a particular moment, but over the course of time, Aristotle supposes, he will regret his decision, because whatever he does will prove inadequate for the achievement of his goals .

I will add that this usually happens in prison, as happened to Weinstein, or those facing the death penalty. [/SIZE]

However, once they are free again, most often they will do the same again: the matrix of their virtue is incorrigibly corrupted.

View attachment 318388

View attachment 318390
It is a statement of fact. There is tons of scientific evidence showing that morality is hardwired into humans at birth.

"Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man".

ARE you SURE you are talking about SOCIALISM???
I see almost ALL the features of OUR society.

And why do happy people living in FULL ACQUISITION should beg an unknown god for something? And what should they beg him for ??? To provide them with rubber gloves, masks, and disinfectant fluid ??? To get full access to free medicine ???
They have it ALL ...

Oh, maybe, to destroy the bank debt system? Inequality? Poverty?
Or ask God that the man whose heart stopped is taken not to the morgue, but to the intensive care unit ???
Yes. Again, you’d have to read the book to understand.

I see no reason to continue this discussion. You intentionally shy away from defending the theses that you have put forward. You have not read the BASIS of theory but refer to one little book that criticizes the mutant social organism, which has never been a socialist society.

Justification of the exploitation of man by man is immoral. From here - a half step to the theory of ethnic superiority such as "chosen by God", and Nazism.

I do not have time for fruitless discussion. Take Marx and read. Six months later (if during this time you manage to read his work) we will discuss both Marx and Shafarevich, although this is ridiculous.

So far it looks like a “beating a baby”. Read, pump up "muscles" and gain weight
That’s your call to make.

Actually, I wrote about financial crooks at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts. You have left this topic. Since you are copying and pasting false fabrications about socialism over and over again, your goal is not to find the Truth, but to defame the most humane concept that humanity has nurtured for millennia.

You are not politically educated to disgrace. You have not carried out any theoretical defense of any of the theses put forward by you.
Goodbye. Meet me in six months - Marx has four volumes of Capital...

View attachment 318500
Good for you.
Socialism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of socialism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. Socialism seeks equality through uniformity and communal ownership Socialism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. Socialists dismiss their defeats and ignore their incongruities. They desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies. Socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership. They practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe. They confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something they never do.
She does have a point. This is not the education that they are going into extreme debt for. Many other businesses are reimbursing members for time lost or services not rendered.
Just because they are idiots paying $100K for a fucking drama degree, it doesn't make their complaint any less valid.

Stop! Hold your horses back!

Еhe fact that PERSONALLY you consider ballet an idle thing and unworthy, and a woman’s body unworthy of public admiration does not mean that it is necessary to violate the existing "high moral" of the current American society, which corrupt journalists and other propagandists are talking so obsessively about?. Fortunately, things have not yet reached the insanity of creating a ballet of homosexuals!

I have three questions for you (as usual, I initially pose 3 questions to my opponents):

- Is it fair that the government "returns" the losses from the so-called "pandemic" to corporations, and the PROFITABLE private universities that cannot provide quality training refuse to do this to students?

- Do you know that EXCLUSIVELY talented children study at this faculty, as a rule, from poor families, and that after the performance the ballerinas squeeze the blood from the lining of the sheep’s wool?

- Do you know that on average, a graduate of a university in America needs 20 or more years to repay a loan + interest?

Please do not evade and directly answer the questions
Not a fan of privatized profits and socialized losses. So no.

It’s a crying shame the liberal elites are making ginormous sums of money off of knowledge which should be free given the internet. So yes.

And lastly, yes. It’s a crying shame.

Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

For the BEGINNING read THIS:

View attachment 317378
We got exactly what we deserved.

I agree: as long as we do not free ourselves from the captivity of the fear of unrighteous power instilled in us, 1 percent of the population will become more impudent

View attachment 317397
And how would you recommend doing that?

The essential question. I am a representative of the school of systems' analysis, and therefore I see everything as a problem of interacting systems and subsystems.

There are laws of interaction.

IF one system (or a subsystem - a common oppressed people, in our case) is opposed by another, hostile system of high organization, then you can defeat or at least neutralize its negative influence only by countering it with another one a similar OR higher degree of organization, including the “quality” of its constituent elements (in our case, people's minds);

The hostile system is controlled by well-educated, highly professional mercenaries working in the field of primary, secondary and higher education, in the field of mass media (newspapers, radio, TV, journalism, the Internet), in the field of power control and mass behavior management;

This system has branched subsystems of operational impact and control on individual and mass psychology and ideology. This dominance can be overcome only by deploying a “mirror”, albeit simpler subsystem;

All qualitative upheavals in History took place against the backdrop of a "revolutionary situation." So it was at the beginning of the Great Depression, when America almost “slipped” into the revolution;

The blind, not enlightened protest is vulnerable to "interception" by putting marionettes at the head.

America does not need (yet!) Socialism in the GENUINE, but not the distorted meaning of the concept. WHAT IS NEEDED - it is to return to the socio-economic conditions in which America was before the "Riot of Bosses", canceling its present-day exclusively "caste" nature; that is, CANCEL the decisions of the 95th Congress of 1978, which it stole America of "circle of virtue" from the thriving American people.

It is necessary to enlighten a poorly educated, "brainwashed", intimidated, “clogged”, constantly deceived population with the artificially created uncritical thinking. The Internet is not good here - "THEY" can turn it off any day ...

View attachment 317599
Cool story, bro.

What is going on and has always been going on is a conflict and confusion process. Diversity is key to the process. It is diversity which competes to create the next leap in the evolutionary process of consciousness. Error cannot stand. Eventually it fails. It’s all very Darwinian. Socialism or forced charity will always fail. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous.
Yeah cause ******* and 80 IQ wetbacks are propelling our country into the future...STFU dipshit.
External locus of control much?

The problem is that everyone wants to blame somebody else.

The OP wants a revolution. He is trying to convince others that their problems exist because of someone else.

What he really wants is to replace one set of leaders with another set of leaders. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

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